

Motility driven glassy dynamics in confluent epithelial monolayers

Sadhukhan S., Nandi M. K., Pandey S., Paoluzzi M., Dasgupta C., Gov N. S. & Nandi S. K. (2024) Soft Matter. 20, 31, p. 6160-6175

Numerical studies of triangulated vesicles with anisotropic membrane inclusions

Ravid Y., Penič S., Kralj-Iglič V., Gov N., Iglič A. & Drab M. (2024) Advances in Biomembranes and Lipid Self-Assembly . Iglič A., Rappolt M. & Losada-Pérez P.(eds.). p. 21-40

A minimal physical model for curvotaxis driven by curved protein complexes at the cell's leading edge

Sadhu R. K., Luciano M., Xi W., Martinez-Torres C., Schröder M., Blum C., Tarantola M., Villa S., Penič S., Iglič A., Beta C., Steinbock O., Bodenschatz E., Ladoux B., Gabriele S. & Gov N. S. (2024) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 121, 12, e230681812.

Geometrical Structure of Bifurcations during Spatial Decision-Making

Gorbonos D., Gov N. S. & Couzin I. D. (2024) PRX Life. 2, 1, 013008.

Emergent seesaw oscillations during cellular directional decision-making

Ron J. E., Crestani M., Kux J. M., Liu J., Al-Dam N., Monzo P., Gauthier N. C., Sáez P. J. & Gov N. S. (2024) Nature Physics. 20, 3, p. 501-511


Polarization and motility of one-dimensional multi-cellular trains

Ron J. E., d'Alessandro J., Cellerin V., Voituriez R., Ladoux B. & Gov N. S. (2023) Biophysical Journal. 122, 23, p. 4598-4613

Experimental and theoretical model for the origin of coiling of cellular protrusions around fibers

Sadhu R. K., Hernandez-Padilla C., Eisenbach Y. E., Penič S., Zhang L., Vishwasrao H. D., Behkam B., Konstantopoulos K., Shroff H., Iglič A., Peles E., Nain A. S. & Gov N. S. (2023) Nature Communications. 14, 1, 5612.

A minimal cell model for lamellipodia-based cellular dynamics and migration

Sadhu R. K., Iglič A. & Gov N. S. (2023) Journal of Cell Science. 136, 14, jcs260744.

From actin waves to mechanism and back: How theory aids biological understanding

Beta C., Edelstein-Keshet L., Gov N. & Yochelis A. (2023) eLife. 12, e87181.

A simple cognitive model explains movement decisions in zebrafish while following leaders

Oscar L., Li L., Gorbonos D., Couzin I. D. & Gov N. S. (2023) Physical Biology. 20, 4, 045002.

Theoretical model of membrane protrusions driven by curved active proteins

Ravid Y., Penič S., Mimori-Kiyosue Y., Suetsugu S., Iglič A. & Gov N. S. (2023) Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences. 10, 1153420.

Modelling how curved active proteins and shear flow pattern cellular shape and motility

Sadhukhan S., Penič S., Iglič A. & Gov N. S. (2023) Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 11, 1193793.

Modelling animal contests based on spatio-temporal dynamics

Haluts A., Jordan A. & Gov N. S. (2023) Journal of the Royal Society, Interface. 20, 202, p. 20220866 20220866.

Mitotic outcomes and errors in fibrous environments

Jana A., Sarkar A., Zhang H., Agashe A., Wang J., Paul R., Gov N. S., DeLuca J. G. & Nain A. S. (2023) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 120, 10, e212053612.

Actin Filaments Couple the Protrusive Tips to the Nucleus through the I-BAR Domain Protein IRSp53 during the Migration of Cells on 1D Fibers

Mukherjee A., Ron J. E., Hu H. T., Nishimura T., Hanawa-Suetsugu K., Behkam B., Mimori-Kiyosue Y., Gov N. S., Suetsugu S. & Nain A. S. (2023) Advanced Science. 10, 7, 2207368.

A simple cognitive model explains movement decisions during schooling in zebrafish

Oscar L., Li L., Gorbonos D., Couzin I. D. & Gov N. S. (2023) BioRxiv.

A theoretical model of efficient phagocytosis driven by curved membrane proteins and active cytoskeleton forces

Sadhu R. K., Barger S. R., Penič S., Iglič A., Krendel M., Gauthier N. C. & Gov N. S. (2023) Soft Matter. 19, 1, p. 31-43

Engulfment of particles by vesicles containing curved membrane proteins coupled with active cytoskeletal forces

Sadhu R. K., Barger S. R., Penič S., Iglič A., Krendel M., Gauthier N. C. & Gov N. S. (2023) Advances in Biomembranes and Lipid Self-Assembly . Iglič︎ A., Rappolt M. & Losada Perez P.(eds.). Vol. 37. p. 1-27

Physical principles of cellular membrane shapes

Gov N. S., Kralj-Iglič V., Sadhu R. K., Mesarec L. & Iglič A. (2023) Plasma Membrane Shaping . p. 393-413

Modeling cellular shape changes in the presence of curved membrane proteins and active cytoskeletal forces

Drab M., Sadhu R. K., Ravid Y., Iglič A., Kralj-Iglič V. & Gov N. S. (2023) Plasma Membrane Shaping . p. 415-429


Modeling animal contests based on spatio-temporal dynamics

Haluts A., Jordan A. & Gov N. S. (2022)

The random first-order transition theory of active glass in the high-activity regime

Mandal R., Nandi S. K., Dasgupta C., Sollich P. & Gov N. S. (2022) Journal of Physics Communications. 6, 11, 115001.

Cytoplasmic forces functionally reorganize nuclear condensates in oocytes

Al Jord A., Letort G., Chanet S., Tsai F. C., Antoniewski C., Eichmuller A., Da Silva C., Huynh J. R., Gov N. S., Voituriez R., Terret M. É. & Verlhac M. H. (2022) Nature Communications. 13, 1, 5070.

Actin filaments couple the protrusive tips to the nucleus through the I-BAR domain protein IRSp53 for migration of elongated cells on 1D fibers

Mukherjee A., Ron J. E., Hu H. T., Nishimura T., Hanawa-Suetsugu K., Behkam B., Gov N. S., Suetsugu S. & Nain A. S. (2022) BioRxiv.

Ants resort to majority concession to reach democratic consensus in the presence of a persistent minority

Rajendran H., Haluts A., Gov N. S. & Feinerman O. (2022) Current Biology. 32, 3, p. 645-653.e8


Spatiotemporal dynamics of animal contests arise from effective forces between contestants

Haluts A., Reyes S. F. G., Gorbonos D., Etheredge R. I., Jordan A. & Gov N. S. (2021) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118, 49, e210626911.

The geometry of decision-making in individuals and collectives

Sridhar V. H., Li L., Gorbonos D., Nagy M., Schell B. R., Sorochkin T., Gov N. S. & Couzin I. D. (2021) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 118, 50, e210215711.

20S proteasomes secreted by the malaria parasite promote its growth

Dekel E., Yaffe D., Rosenhek-Goldian I., Ben-Nissan G., Ofir-Birin Y., Morandi M. I., Ziv T., Sisquella X., Pimentel M. A., Nebl T., Kapp E., Ohana Daniel Y., Karam P. A., Alfandari D., Rotkopf R., Malihi S., Temin T. B., Mullick D., Revach O. Y., Rudik A., Gov N. S., Azuri I., Porat Z., Bergamaschi G., Sorkin R., Wuite G. J., Avinoam O., Carvalho T. G., Cohen S. R., Sharon M. & Regev-Rudzki N. (2021) Nature Communications. 12, 1, 1172.

Are cell jamming and unjamming essential in tissue development?

Atia L., Fredberg J. J., Gov N. S. & Pegoraro A. F. (2021) Cells & development. 168, 203727.

Local actin dynamics couple speed and persistence in a cellular Potts model of cell migration

Wortel I. M., Niculescu I., Kolijn P. M., Gov N. S., de Boer R. J. & Textor J. (2021) Biophysical Journal. 120, 13, p. 2609-2622

Sequential Decision-Making in Ants and Implications to the Evidence Accumulation Decision Model

Ayalon O., Sternklar Y., Fonio E., Korman A., Gov N. S. & Feinerman O. (2021) Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics. 7, 672773.

Modelling cellular spreading and emergence of motility in the presence of curved membrane proteins and active cytoskeleton forces

Sadhu R. K., Penič S., Iglič A. & Gov N. S. (2021) European Physical Journal Plus. 136, 5, p. - 495.

Chemokine-biased robust self-organizing polarization of migrating cells in vivo

Olguin-Olguin A., Aalto A., Maugis B., Boquet-Pujadas A., Hoffmann D., Ermlich L., Betz T., Gov N. S., Reichman-Fried M. & Raz E. (2021) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118, 7, e201848011.

Dynamics on the web: spiders use physical rules to solve complex tasks in mate search and competition

Haluts A., Garza Reyes S. F., Gorbonos D., Jordan A. & Gov N. S. (2021) BioRxiv.


Tissue topography steers migrating Drosophila border cells

Dai W., Guo X., Cao Y., Mondo J. A., Campanale J. P., Montell B. J., Burrous H., Streichan S., Gov N., Rappel W. J. & Montell D. J. (2020) Science (New York, N.Y.). 370, 6519, p. 987-990

Pair formation in insect swarms driven by adaptive long-range interactions

Gorbonos D., Puckett J. G., van der Vaart K., Sinhuber M., Ouellette N. T. & Gov N. S. (2020) Journal of the Royal Society, Interface. 17, 171, 20200367.

One-dimensional cell motility patterns

Ron J. E., Monzo P., Gauthier N. C., Voituriez R. & Gov N. S. (2020) Physical Review Research. 2, 3, 033237.

Why a Large-Scale Mode Can Be Essential for Understanding Intracellular Actin Waves

Beta C., Gov N. S. & Yochelis A. (2020) Cells. 9, 6, p. 1-18 1533.

Active Trap Model

Woillez E., Kafri Y. & Gov N. S. (2020) Physical Review Letters. 124, 11, 118002.

Active diffusion in oocytes nonspecifically centers large objects during prophase I and meiosis I

Colin A., Letort G., Razin N., Almonacid M., Ahmed W., Betz T., Terret M., Gov N. S., Voituriez R., Gueroui Z. & Verlhac M. (2020) Journal of Cell Biology. 219, 3, e201908195.

Similarities between insect swarms and isothermal globular clusters

Gorbonos D., Vaart K., Sinhuber M., Puckett J. G., Reynolds A. M., Ouellette N. T. & Gov N. S. (2020) Physical Review Research. 2, 1, 013271.

Dynamics and escape of active particles in a harmonic trap

Wexler D., Gov N. S., Rasmussen K. Ø. & Bel G. (2020) Physical Review Research. 2, 1, 013003.


Cellular Blebs and Membrane Invaginations Are Coupled through Membrane Tension Buffering

Lavi I., Goudarzi M., Raz E., Gov N. S., Voituriez R. & Sens P. (2019) Biophysical Journal. 117, 8, p. 1485-1495

Cell confinement reveals a branched-actin independent circuit for neutrophil polarity

Graziano B. R., Town J. P., Sitarska E., Nagy T. L., Fosnaric M., Penic S., Iglic A., Kralj-Iglic V., Gov N. S., Diz-Munoz A. & Weiner O. D. (2019) PLoS Biology. 17, 10, e3000457.

Cell cluster migration: Connecting experiments with physical models

Gopinathan A. & Gov N. S. (2019) SEMINARS IN CELL & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY. 93, p. 77-86

Theoretical study of vesicle shapes driven by coupling curved proteins and active cytoskeletal forces

Fosnaric M., Penic S., Iglic A., Kralj-Iglic V., Drab M. & Gov N. S. (2019) Soft Matter. 15, 26, p. 5319-5330

Signatures of motor susceptibility to forces in the dynamics of a tracer particle in an active gel

Razin N., Voituriez R. & Gov N. S. (2019) Physical Review E. 99, 2, 022419.


Living Matter: Mesoscopic Active Materials

Bernheim-Groswasser A., Gov N. S., Safran S. A. & Tzlil S. (2018) Advanced Materials. 30, 41, 1707028.

Effective temperature of active fluids and sheared soft glassy materials

Nandi S. K. & Gov N. S. (2018) European Physical Journal E. 41, 10, 117.

Frustration-induced phases in migrating cell clusters

Copenhagen K., Malet-Engra G., Yu W., Scita G., Gov N. & Gopinathan A. (2018) Science advances. 4, 9, eaar8483.

Tuning of Differential Lipid Order between Submicrometric Domains and Surrounding Membrane Upon Erythrocyte Reshaping

Leonard C., Pollet H., Vermylen C., Gov N., Tyteca D. & Mingeot-Leclercq M. P. (2018) Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry. 48, 6, p. 2563-2582

A random first-order transition theory for an active glass

Nandi S. K., Mandal R., Bhuyan P. J., Dasgupta C., Rao M. & Gov N. S. (2018) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 115, 30, p. 7688-7693

The physics of cooperative transport in groups of ants

Feinerman O., Pinkoviezky I., Gelblum A., Fonio E. & Gov N. S. (2018) Nature Physics. 14, 7, p. 683-693

Guided by curvature: shaping cells by coupling curved membrane proteins and cytoskeletal forces

Gov N. S. (2018) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 373, 1747, 20170115.

Bi-stability in cooperative transport by ants in the presence of obstacles

Ron J. E., Pinkoviezky I., Fonio E., Feinerman O. & Gov N. S. (2018) PLoS Computational Biology. 14, 5, e1006068.

Active Mechanics Reveal Molecular-Scale Force Kinetics in Living Oocytes

Ahmed W. W., Fodor E., Almonacid M., Bussonnier M., Verlhac M., Gov N., Visco P., van Wijland F. & Betz T. (2018) Biophysical Journal. 114, 7, p. 1667-1679

Effective temperature of active fluids and sheared granular matter

Nandi S. K. & Gov N. S. (2018)

Collective conflict resolution in groups on the move

Pinkoviezky I., Couzin I. D. & Gov N. S. (2018) Physical Review E. 97, 3, 032304.

Spatial Fluctuations at Vertices of Epithelial Layers: Quantification of Regulation by Rho Pathway

Fodor E., Mehandia V., Comelles J., Thiagarajan R., Gov N. S., Visco P., van Wijland F. & Riveline D. (2018) Biophysical Journal. 114, 4, p. 939-946

Theory of Epithelial Cell Shape Transitions Induced by Mechanoactive Chemical Gradients

Dasbiswas K., Hannezo E. & Gov N. S. (2018) Biophysical Journal. 114, 4, p. 968-977


Nonequilibrium mode-coupling theory for dense active systems of self-propelled particles

Nandi S. K. & Gov N. S. (2017) Soft Matter. 13, 41, p. 7609-7616

Forces in inhomogeneous open active-particle systems

Razin N., Voituriez R., Elgeti J. & Gov N. S. (2017) Physical Review E. 96, 5, 052409.

Generalized Archimedes' principle in active fluids

Razin N., Voituriez R., Elgeti J. & Gov N. (2017) Physical Review E. 96, 3, 032606.

Fronts and waves of actin polymerization in a bistability-based mechanism of circular dorsal ruffles

Bernitt E., Doebereiner H., Gov N. & Yochelis A. (2017) Nature Communications. 8, 15863.

Modeling collective cell migration in geometric confinement

Tarle V., Gauquelin E., Vedula S. R. K., D'Alessandro J., Lim C. T., Ladoux B. & Gov N. (2017) Physical Biology. 14, 3, 035001.

Stable swarming using adaptive long-range interactions

Gorbonos D. & Gov N. (2017) Physical Review. E. 95, 4, 042405.

Geometrical determinants of neuronal actin waves

Tomba C., Braini C., Bugnicourt G., Cohen F., Friedrich B. M., Gov N. & Villard C. (2017) Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 11, 86.

Exclusion and Hierarchy of Time Scales Lead to Spatial Segregation of Molecular Motors in Cellular Protrusions

Pinkoviezky I. & Gov N. (2017) Physical Review Letters. 118, 1, 018102.


Emergent oscillations assist obstacle negotiation during ant cooperative transport

Gelblum A., Pinkoviezky I., Fonio E., Gov N. & Feinerman O. (2016) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 113, 51, p. 14615-14620

Deterministic patterns in cell motility

Lavi I., Piel M., Lennon-Dumenil A., Voituriez R. & Gov N. (2016) Nature Physics. 12, 12, p. 1146-1152

Nonequilibrium dissipation in living oocytes

Fodor E., Ahmed W. W., Almonacid M., Bussonnier M., Gov N., Verlhac M. -., Betz T., Visco P. & van Wijland F. (2016) EPL. 116, 3, 30008.

Long-range acoustic interactions in insect swarms: An adaptive gravity model

Gorbonos D., Ianconescu R., Puckett J. G., Ni R., Ouellette N. T. & Gov N. (2016) New Journal of Physics. 18, 7, 073042.

Equilibrium physics breakdown reveals the active nature of red blood cell flickering

Turlier H., Fedosov D. A., Audoly B., Auth T., Gov N. S., Sykes C., Joanny J. -., Gompper G. & Betz T. (2016) Nature Physics. 12, 5, p. 513-519

Repulsive cues combined with physical barriers and cell-cell adhesion determine progenitor cell positioning during organogenesis

Paksa A., Bandemer J., Hoeckendorf B., Razin N., Tarbashevich K., Minina S., Meyen D., Biundo A., Leidel S. A., Peyrieras N., Gov N. S., Keller P. J. & Raz E. (2016) Nat Commun. 7, 11288.

Modeling and analysis of collective cell migration in an in vivo three-dimensional environment

Cai D., Dai W., Prasad M., Luo J., Gov N. S. & Montell D. J. (2016) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 113, 15, p. E2134-E2141

Reaction-diffusion-advection approach to spatially localized treadmilling aggregates of molecular motors

Yochelis A., Bar -On T. & Gov N. (2016) Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena. 318-319, p. 84-90

F-actin mechanics control spindle centring in the mouse zygote

Chaigne A., Campillo C., Voituriez R., Gov N. S., Sykes C., Verlhac M. H. & Terret M. E. (2016) Nature Communications. 7, 10253.


Physics of active jamming during collective cellular motion in a monolayer

Garcia S., Hannezo E., Elgeti J., Joanny J. F., Silberzan P. & Gov N. S. (2015) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112, 50, p. 15314-15319

Regulation of epithelial cell organization by tuning cell-substrate adhesion

Ravasio A., Phuong Le A., Thuan B. S., Tarle V., Ong H. T., Bertocchi C., Mege R., Lim C. T., Gov N. & Ladoux B. (2015) Integrative Biology (United Kingdom). 7, 10, p. 1228-1241

Modeling the finger instability in an expanding cell monolayer

Tarle V., Ravasio A., Hakim V. & Gov N. (2015) Integrative Biology. 7, 10, p. 1218-1227

Self-organization of waves and pulse trains by molecular motors in cellular protrusions

Yochelis A., Ebrahim S., Millis B., Cui R., Kachar B., Naoz M. & Gov N. (2015) Scientific Reports. 5, 13521.

Gap geometry dictates epithelial closure efficiency

Ravasio A., Cheddadi I., Chen T., Pereira T., Ong H. T., Bertocchi C., Brugues A., Jacinto A., Kabla A. J., Toyama Y., Trepat X., Gov N., de Almeida L. N. & Ladoux B. (2015) Nature Communications. 6, 7683.

Ant groups optimally amplify the effect of transiently informed individuals

Gelblum A., Pinkoviezky I., Fonio E., Ghosh A., Gov N. & Feinerman O. (2015) Nature Communications. 6, 7729.

A biophysical model for the staircase geometry of stereocilia

Orly G., Manor U. & Gov N. (2015) PLoS ONE. 10, 7, e0127926.

Three-ring circus without a ringmaster: Self-organization of supracellular actin ring patterns during epithelial morphogenesis

Gov N., McSharry S. S. & Beitel G. J. (2015) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112, 28, p. 8521-8522

Modeling the dynamics of a tracer particle in an elastic active gel

Ben-Isaac E., Fodor E., Visco P., van Wijland F. & Gov N. (2015) Physical Review E. 92, 1, 012716.

Direct Cytoskeleton Forces Cause Membrane Softening in Red Blood Cells

Rodriguez-Garcia R., Lopez-Montero I., Mell M., Egea G., Gov N. & Monroy F. (2015) Biophysical Journal. 108, 12, p. 2794-2806

Activity-driven fluctuations in living cells

Fodor E., Guo M., Gov N., Visco P., Weitz D. A. & van Wijland F. (2015) EPL. 110, 4, 48005.

Actin flows mediate a universal coupling between cell speed and cell persistence

Maiuri P., Rupprecht J., Wieser S., Ruprecht V., Benichou O., Carpi N., Coppey M., De Beco S., Gov N., Heisenberg C., Crespo C. L., Lautenschlaeger F., Le Berre M., Lennon-Dumenil A., Raab M., Thiam H., Piel M., Sixt M. & Voituriez R. (2015) Cell. 161, 2, p. 374-386

Active diffusion positions the nucleus in mouse oocytes

Almonacid M., Ahmed W. W., Bussonnier M., Mailly P., Betz T., Voituriez R., Gov N. & Verlhac M. (2015) Nature Cell Biology. 17, 4, p. 470-479

Dynamics of actin waves on patterned substrates: A quantitative analysis of circular dorsal ruffles

Bernitt E., Koh C. G., Gov N. & Doebereiner H. (2015) PLoS ONE. 10, 1, e0115857.

A narrow window of cortical tension guides asymmetric spindle positioning in the mouse oocyte

Chaigne A., Campillo C., Gov N., Voituriez R., Sykes C., Verlhac M. H. & Terret M. E. (2015) Nature Communications. 6, 6027.

Collective cell motility promotes chemotactic prowess and resistance to chemorepulsion

Malet-Engra G., Yu W., Oldani A., Rey-Barroso J., Gov N., Scita G. & Dupre L. (2015) Current Biology. 25, 2, p. 242-250


Collective cell migration

Gov N. S. (2014) Cell and Matrix Mechanics . Zemel A. & Kaunas R.(eds.). p. 219-238

Dynamics of active semiflexible polymers

Ghosh A. & Gov N. S. (2014) Biophysical Journal. 107, 5, p. 1065-1073

Physical model for the geometry of actin-based cellular protrusions

Orly G., Naoz M. & Gov N. (2014) Biophysical Journal. 107, 3, p. 576-587

Membrane-wrapping contributions to malaria parasite invasion of the human erythrocyte

Dasgupta S., Auth T., Gov N. S., Satchwell T. J., Hanssen E., Zuccala E. S., Riglar D. T., Toye A. M., Betz T., Baum J. & Gompper G. (2014) Biophysical Journal. 107, 1, p. 43-54

Propagating Waves of Directionality and Coordination Orchestrate Collective Cell Migration

Zaritsky A., Kaplan D., Hecht I., Natan S., Wolf L., Gov N. S., Ben-Jacob E. & Tsarfaty I. (2014) PLoS Computational Biology. 10, 7, e1003747.

Traffic jams and shocks of molecular motors inside cellular protrusions

Pinkoviezky I. & Gov N. (2014) Physical Review E. 89, 5, 52703.

Tuning the adhesive geometry of neurons: Length and polarity control

Tomba C., Braini C., Wu B., Gov N. & Villard C. (2014) Soft Matter. 10, 14, p. 2381-2387

Cell migration: Electrifying movement

Gov N. (2014) Nature Materials. 13, 4, p. 331-332


Linking actin networks and cell membrane via a reaction-diffusion-elastic description of nonlinear filopodia initiation

Ben Isaac I. E., Manor U., Kachar B., Yochelis A. & Gov N. (2013) Physical Review E. 88, 2, 022718.

Transport dynamics of molecular motors that switch between an active and inactive state

Pinkoviezky I. & Gov N. (2013) Physical Review E. 88, 2, 022714.

A soft cortex is essential for asymmetric spindle positioning in mouse oocytes

Chaigne A., Campillo C., Gov N. S., Voituriez R., Azoury J., Umaña-Diaz C., Almonacid M., Queguiner I., Nassoy P., Sykes C., Verlhac M. H. & Terret M. E. (2013) Nature Cell Biology. 15, 8, p. 958-966

Guidance of collective cell migration by substrate geometry

Doxzen K., Vedula S. R. K., Leong M. C., Hirata H., Gov N. S., Kabla A. J., Ladoux B. & Lim C. T. (2013) Integrative Biology (United Kingdom). 5, 8, p. 1026-1035

Cellular shapes from protrusive and adhesive forces

Shlomovitz R., Schloen K., Stradal T. & Gov N. S. (2013) Trends in Biophysics : From Cell Dynamics Toward Multicellular Growth Phenomena . p. 157-192

Curved activators and cell-membrane waves

Peleg B., Disanza A., Scita G. & Gov N. (2013) Trends in Biophysics : From Cell Dynamics Toward Multicellular Growth Phenomena . p. 109-132

Patterning of Polar Active Filaments on a Tense Cylindrical Membrane

Srivastava P., Shlomovitz R., Gov N. & Rao M. (2013) Physical Review Letters. 110, 16,

Modelling interacting molecular motors with an internal degree of freedom

Pinkoviezky I. & Gov N. S. (2013) New Journal of Physics. 15, 025009.


West Bank: Keep politics out of academia in Israel

Gov N. (2012) Nature. 488, 7411, p. 281

Cylindrical cellular geometry ensures fidelity of division site placement in fission yeast

Mishra M., Huang Y., Srivastava P., Srinivasan R., Sevugan M., Shlomovitz R., Gov N., Rao M. & Balasubramanian M. (2012) Journal of Cell Science. 125, 16, p. 3850-3857

Sarcomeric pattern formation by actin cluster coalescence

Friedrich B. M., Fischer-Friedrich E., Gov N. & Safran S. (2012) PLoS Computational Biology. 8, 6, e1002544.

Lifetime of major histocompatibility complex class-I membrane clusters is controlled by the actin cytoskeleton

Lavi Y., Gov N., Edidin M. & Gheber L. A. (2012) Biophysical Journal. 102, 7, p. 1543-1550

FtsZ rings and helices: Physical mechanisms for the dynamic alignment of biopolymers in rod-shaped bacteria

Fischer-Friedrich E., Friedrich B. M. & Gov N. (2012) Physical Biology. 9, 1, 016009.

On the role of membrane anisotropy and BAR proteins in the stability of tubular membrane structures

Kabaso D., Bobrovska N., Gozdz W., Gov N., Kralj-Iglic V., Veranic P. & Iglic A. (2012) Journal of Biomechanics. 45, 2, p. 231-238


Cortactin releases the brakes in actin- based motility by enhancing WASP-VCA detachment from Arp2/3 branches

Siton O., Ideses Y., Albeck S., Unger T., Bershadsky A. D., Gov N. S. & Bernheim-Groswasser A. (2011) Current Biology. 21, 24, p. 2092-2097

Timing of Z-ring localization in Escherichia coli

Tsukanov R., Reshes G., Carmon G., Fischer-Friedrich E., Gov N., Fishov I. & Feingold M. (2011) Physical Biology. 8, 6, 066003.

Cooperative dynamics

Gov N. (2011) Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter. 23, 37, 370301.

The Eps8/IRSp53/VASP network differentially controls actin capping and bundling in filopodia formation

Vaggi F., Disanza A., Milanesi F., Di Fiore P. P., Menna E., Matteoli M., Gov N. S., Scita G. & Ciliberto A. (2011) PLoS Computational Biology. 7, 7, e1002088.

Cell mechanics: Moving under peer pressure

Gov N. (2011) Nature Materials. 10, 6, p. 412-414

Membrane-mediated interactions and the dynamics of dynamin oligomers on membrane tubes

Shlomovitz R., Gov N. S. & Roux A. (2011) New Journal of Physics. 13, 065008.

Effective Temperature of Red-Blood-Cell Membrane Fluctuations

Ben-Isaac E., Park Y., Popescu G., Brown F. L. H., Gov N. & Shokef Y. (2011) Physical Review Letters. 106, 23, 238103.

Theoretical Model for Cellular Shapes Driven by Protrusive and Adhesive Forces

Kabaso D., Shlomovitz R., Schloen K., Stradal T. & Gov N. (2011) PLoS Computational Biology. 7, 5, e1001127.

Metabolic remodeling of the human red blood cell membrane measured by quantitative phase microscopy

Park Y., Best C., Auth T., Gov N. S., Safran S. & Popescu G. (2011) IMAGING, MANIPULATION, AND ANALYSIS OF BIOMOLECULES, CELLS, AND TISSUES IX . Farkas DL., Nicolau DV. & Leif RC.(eds.). Vol. 7902. (trueProceedings of SPIE).


Kabaso D., Shlomovitz R., Auth T., Lew V. L. & Gov N. (2011) Advances In Planar Lipid Bilayers And Liposomes, Vol 13 . p. 73-102 (trueAdvances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes).

Propagating cell-membrane waves driven by curved activators of actin polymerization

Peleg B., Disanza A., Scita G. & Gov N. (2011) PLoS ONE. 6, 4, e18635.


Curling and local shape changes of red blood cell membranes driven by cytoskeletal reorganization

Kabaso D., Shlomovitz R., Auth T., Lew V. L. & Gov N. (2010) Biophysical Journal. 99, 3, p. 808-816

Variation of the lateral mobility of transmembrane peptides with hydrophobic mismatch

Gambin Y., Reffay M., Sierecki E., Homblé F., Hodges R. S., Gov N. S., Taulier N. & Urbach W. (2010) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 114, 10, p. 3559-3566

Physical model of the dynamic instability in an expanding cell culture

Mark S., Shlomovitz R., Gov N. S., Poujade M., Grasland-Mongrain E. & Silberzan P. (2010) Biophysical Journal. 98, 3, p. 361-370

Metabolic remodeling of the human red blood cell membrane

Park Y. K., Best C. A., Auth T., Gov N. S., Safran S. A., Popescu G., Suresh S. & Feld M. S. (2010) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107, 4, p. 1289-1294


Retroviral assembly and budding occur through an actin-driven mechanism

Gladnikoff M., Shimoni E., Gov N. & Rousso I. (2009) Biophysical Journal. 97, 9, p. 2419-2428

Calcium-actin waves and oscillations of cellular membranes

Veksler A. & Gov N. S. (2009) Biophysical Journal. 97, 6, p. 1558-1568

Traction forces during collective cell motion

Gov N. S. (2009) HFSP Journal. 3, 4, p. 223-227

Physical model for the width distribution of axons

Gov N. S. (2009) European Physical Journal E. 29, 3, p. 337-344

Diffusion in a fluid membrane with a flexible cortical cytoskeleton

Auth T. & Gov N. S. (2009) Biophysical Journal. 96, 3, p. 818-830


Gov N., Cluitmans J., Sens P. & Bosman G. J. C. G. M. (2009) Advances In Planar Lipid Bilayers And Liposomes, Vol 10 . p. 95-119 (trueAdvances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes).

Membrane-mediated interactions drive the condensation and coalescence of FtsZ rings

Shlomovitz R. & Gov N. S. (2009) Physical Biology. 6, 4, 046017.

Phases of membrane tubules pulled by molecular motors

Gov N. S. (2009) Soft Matter. 5, 12, p. 2431-2437


Protein localization by actin treadmilling and molecular motors regulates stereocilia shape and treadmilling rate

Naoz M., Manor U., Sakaguchi H., Kachar B. & Gov N. S. (2008) Biophysical Journal. 95, 12, p. 5706-5718

Curved inclusions surf membrane waves

Shlomovitz R. & Gov N. (2008) EPL. 84, 5,

Exciting cytoskeleton-membrane waves

Shlomovitz R. & Gov N. S. (2008) Physical Review E. 78, 4, 041911.

Effect of short-range forces on the length distribution of fibrous cytoskeletal proteins

Popp D., Gov N. S., Iwasa M. & Maéda Y. (2008) Biopolymers. 89, 9, p. 711-721

Packing defects and the width of biopolymer bundles

Gov N. S. (2008) Physical Review E. 78, 1, 011916.

Dynamic compartmentalization of protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor Q at the proximal end of stereocilia: Implication of myosin Vi-based transport

Sakaguchi H., Tokita J., Naoz M., Bowen-Pope D., Gov N. S. & Kachar B. (2008) Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton. 65, 7, p. 528-538

Thickness distribution of actin bundles in vitro

Haviv L., Gov N., Ideses Y. & Bernheim-Groswasser A. (2008) European Biophysics Journal With Biophysics Letters. 37, 4, p. 447-454

Physical model of contractile ring initiation in dividing cells

Shlomovitz R. & Gov N. S. (2008) Biophysical Journal. 94, 4, p. 1155-1168


Phase transitions of the coupled membrane-cytoskeleton modify cellular shape

Veksler A. & Gov N. S. (2007) Biophysical Journal. 93, 11, p. 3798-3810

Less is more: Removing membrane attachments stiffens the RBC cytoskeleton

Gov N. S. (2007) New Journal of Physics. 9, 429.

Fluctuations of coupled fluid and solid membranes with application to red blood cells

Auth T., Safran S. A. & Gov N. S. (2007) Physical Review E. 76, 5, 051910.

Filament networks attached to membranes: cytoskeletal pressure and local bilayer deformation

Auth T., Safran S. & Gov N. (2007) New Journal of Physics. 9,

Collective cell migration patterns: Follow the leader

Gov N. S. (2007) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 104, 41, p. 15970-15971

Membrane waves driven by actin and myosin

Shlomovitz R. & Gov N. S. (2007) Physical review letters. 98, 16, 168103.

Active elastic network: Cytoskeleton of the red blood cell

Gov N. S. (2007) Physical Review E. 75, 1, 011921.

Force balance and membrane shedding at the red-blood-cell surface

Sens P. & Gov N. (2007) Physical review letters. 98, 1, 018102.


Modeling the size distribution of focal adhesions

Gov N. S. (2006) Biophysical Journal. 91, 8, p. 2844-2847

Lateral mobility of proteins in liquid membranes revisited

Gambin Y., Lopez-Esparza R., Reffay M., Sierecki E., Gov N., Genest M., Hodges R. & Urbach W. (2006) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103, 7, p. 2098-2102

Morphological transitions during the formation of templated mesoporous materials: Theoretical modeling

Gov N., Borukhov I. & Goldfarb D. (2006) Langmuir. 22, 2, p. 605-614

Dynamics of membranes driven by actin polymerization

Gov N. & Gopinathan A. (2006) Biophysical Journal. 90, 2, p. 454-469

Dynamics and morphology of microvilli driven by actin polymerization

Gov N. S. (2006) Physical review letters. 97, 1, 018101.

Diffusion in curved fluid membranes

Gov N. S. (2006) Physical Review E. 73, 4, 041918.

Nonequilibrium membrane fluctuations driven by active proteins

Lin L., Gov N. & Brown F. (2006) Journal of Chemical Physics. 124, 7, 074903.


Physics of cell elasticity, shape and adhesion

Safran S., Gov N., Nicolas A., Schwarz U. & Tlusty T. (2005) Physica A-Statistical Mechanics And Its Applications. 352, 1, p. 171-201

Red blood cell membrane fluctuations and shape controlled by ATP-induced cytoskeletal defects

Gov N. S. & Safran S. A. (2005) Biophysical Journal. 88, 3, p. 1859-1874


Membrane undulations driven by force fluctuations of active proteins

Gov N. (2004) Physical review letters. 93, 26 I, 268104.

Hydrodynamics of confined membranes

Gov N., Zilman A. & Safran S. (2004) Physical Review E. 70, 1,

Pinning of fluid membranes by periodic harmonic potentials

Gov N. & Safran S. A. (2004) Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 69, 1, p. 10 011101.


Inside a quantum solid

Polturak E. & Gov N. (2003) Contemporary Physics. 44, 2, p. 145-151

Velocity-dependent interactions and sum rule in bcc He

Gov N. (2003) Physical Review B. 67, 5,

Rychtmyer-Meshkov instability and solid $^4$He melting driven by acoustic pulse

Gov N. (2003)

Cytoskeleton Confinement and Tension of Red Blood Cell Membranes

Gov N., Zilman A. G. & Safran S. (2003) Physical review letters. 90, 22, p. 4


Non-adiabatic dissociation of molecules and BEC loss due to shock-waves

Gov N. (2002)

Dipolar corrections to the static magnetic susceptibility of condensed 3He

Gov N. (2002)

Vortex-loops and solid nucleation in superfluid 4He and 3He

Gov N. (2002) Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 129, 1-2, p. 25-42

Coherent dipolar correlations in the low-temperature phase of geometrically frustrated SrCr8-xGa4+xO19

Gov N. (2002) Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter. 14, 28, p. 6931-6940 304.


Coherent dipolar correlations in the ground-state of Kagome frustrated antiferromagnets

Gov N. (2000)


A strong-coupling theory of superfluid 4He

Gov N. & Akkermans E. (1999)