
A drawing of how a single spin nuclear magnetic resonance experiment would look like

Single-spin NMR

Traditional NMR uses high magnetic fields to thermally polarize a small fraction of nuclei, thereby gaining information on the surrounding electronic enviroment. Here we probe a handful of nuclei within a very small volume, attempting to gain insight on structural conformality.

A schematic portraying of a single-spin electron paramagnetic resonance experiment. Image courtesy of Philipp Scheiger, Masters thesis, University of Stuttgart, November 2017

Nanoscale MRI

With our single spin sensor, we have the possibility to sense proximal electron spins.

We are currently studying different spin-labels used chiefly in the bio-medicine industry, with the aim of reaching the single-spin limit.

A sketch of how a quantum controlled-NOT gate would assist the readout of the nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond

Quantum Information Processing & Sensing

Having a true spin-1/2 qubit as the sensor immediately calls for the application of novel quantum information processing, or quantum computing algorithms in order to both protect the qubit and increase its sensitivity. We employ several such schemes, which greatly improve our signal-to-noise ratio.

Measurement and numerical fit of how the magnetic fluctuations of a single magnetite nanoparticle can influence the relaxation and dephasing times of a single nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond when scanning the nanoparticle over it.


Probably the "simplest" detection scheme, relaxometry (T1) and dephasing (T2) are indirect sensing schemes, which probe the spectral density of the noise emanating from the sample. By comparing the relaxation time and coherence time of our bare sensor to those when in proximity to the sample, we can infer different properties of the matrial in question.