Dr. Rotem Arnon-Friedman The Daniel E. Koshland Career Development Chair Principal Investigator rotem.arn@weizmann.ac.il Office: +972-8-934-4031 CV Edna and K.B. Weissman Building of Physical Sciences Room: 266
Dr. Efrat Gerchkovitz Postdoctoral fellow efrat.gerchkovitz@weizmann.ac.il Edna and K.B. Weissman Building of Physical Sciences Room: 323
Noam Avidan PhD student noam.cohen-avidan@weizmann.ac.il Edna and K.B. Weissman Building of Physical Sciences
Mr. Thomas Hahn PhD student thomas.hahn@weizmann.ac.il Edna and K.B. Weissman Building of Physical Sciences
Ilya Merkulov PhD student ilya.merkulov@weizmann.ac.il Edna and K.B. Weissman Building of Physical Sciences
Itammar Steinberg Msc student itammar.steinberg@weizmann.ac.il Edna and K.B. Weissman Building of Physical Sciences
Ester Yehuda Msc student ester.yehuda@weizmann.ac.il Edna and K.B. Weissman Building of Physical Sciences