

  1. Zapatero V., van Leent T., Arnon-Friedman R., Liu W. Z., Zhang Q., Weinfurter H. & Curty M. (2023) npj Quantum Information. 9, 1, 10.  Abstract
  2. Silberstein S. & Arnon-Friedman R. (2023) Physical Review Research. 5, 4, 043099.  Abstract
  3. Merkulov I. & Arnon-Friedman R. (2023)  Abstract


  1. Metger T., Dulek Y., Coladangelo A. & Arnon-Friedman R. (2021) New journal of physics..  Abstract

    Won the Best Student Paper Award, QCrypt 2021
    Related talks: QIP, QCrypt (given by Tony Metger)

  2. Arnon-Friedman R. & Leditzky F. (2021) IEEE transactions on information theory / Professional Technical Group on Information Theory.. 67, 10, p. 6606-6618  Abstract

    Related talks: Beyond IID 2020Beyond IID 2020 Open Questions  (given by Felix Leditzky)


  1. Arnon-Friedman R. (2020) Switzerland: .  Abstract
  2. Kessler M. & Arnon-Friedman R. (2020) IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory. 1, 2, p. 568-584 3012498.  Abstract


  1. Arnon-Friedman R. & Bancal J. (2019) New Journal of Physics. 21, 3, 033010.  Abstract
  2. Arnon-Friedman R., Renner R. & Vidick T. (2019) SIAM Journal on Computing. 48, 1, p. 181-225  Abstract


  1. Reductions to IID in Device-independent Quantum Information Processing
    Arnon-Friedman R. (2018) arXiv.  Abstract
  2. Arnon-Friedman R. & Yuen H. (2018) 45th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, ICALP 2018. Kaklamanis C., Marx D., Sannella D. & Chatzigiannakis I.(eds.).  Abstract
  3. Arnon-Friedman R., Dupuis F., Fawzi O., Renner R. & Vidick T. (2018) Nature Communications. 9, 459.  Abstract


  1. Arnon-Friedman R., Portmann C. & Scholz V. B. (2016) 11th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography, TQC 2016. Broadbent A.(eds.).  Abstract
  2. Arnon-Friedman R., Renner R. & Vidick T. (2016) IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 62, 3, p. 1440-1457 7377091.  Abstract


  1. Arnon-Friedman R. & Renner R. (2015) Journal of Mathematical Physics. 56, 5, 052203.  Abstract


  1. Arnon-Friedman R. & Ta-Shma A. (2012) Physical Review A. 86, 6, 062333.  Abstract
  2. Towards the Impossibility of Non-Signalling Privacy Amplification from Time-Like Ordering Constraints
    Arnon-Friedman R., Hänggi E. & Ta-Shma A. (2012) arXiv.  Abstract