Quantum Materials

Topology protected electronic states of matter are currently generating enormous research interest. The concept of ‘topology’ first emerged in geometry. In condensed matter physics the discovery of the quantum Hall effect and its various avatars, topology has now found widespread application for describing condensed matter electronic systems. The recent oberservation of several new topological phases, including time-reversal and crystalline symmetry protected topological insulators in three-dimensions, and topological semimetals with Dirac and Weyl fermion type quasi-particle excitations, has moved topology center stage of contemporary condensed matter physics. Additional aspects such as superconductivity and magnetism add further complexity and present exciting opportunities to create new quantum states of matter.

Our focus is the growth of high quality single crystals of newly predicted topological materials and the in-depth characterization of their magnetic and electronic properties.

Our brand-new quantum materials laboratory capable of very high-quality bulk single crystal growth, and equipped with highly sophisticated electronic, thermal, and magnetic characterization facilities deals with the promising topological materials which has only been theoretically predicted, or on which fundamental Physics questions yet to be answered within our experimental feasibility.