Rosenblum Lab

Quantum Circuits

About Us

In the Quantum Circuits Group, we are developing the next generation of superconducting qubits for future quantum computers.

Our research focuses on reversing the effects of decoherence – a major challenge in quantum computing caused by information loss.

Research page

Selected Publications

Recovering Quantum Coherence of a Cavity Qubit Coupled to a Noisy Ancilla through Real-Time Feedback

Goldblatt U., Kahn N., Hazanov S., Milul O., Guttel B., Joshi L. M., Chausovsky D., Lafont F. & Rosenblum S. (2024) Physical Review X. 14, 4, 041056.

How Single-Photon Switching is Quenched with Multiple Λ -Level Atoms

Poddubny A. N., Rosenblum S. & Dayan B. (2024) Physical Review Letters. 133, 11, 113601.
All Publications