Group Members

Prof. Steffen Jung

Prof. Steffen Jung

The Henry H. Drake Professorial Chair of Immunology
Principal Investigator
+972-8-934-2787 +972-8-934-4452
Wolfson Building for Biological Research

Anat Shemer, PhD

former PhD student

Currently a Senior Scientist and Lab Manager
Immunotherapy and Genetic Engineering Lab
Sheba Medical Center
Ramat Gan, Israel

Tel: +972-3-5307421


Dr. Katharina Knab

Former joint master's student from Germany, Kroenke lab,

University of Erlangen on the ERASMUS exchange program.

Currently a PhD student at the Department of Internal Medicine 3 - Rheumatology and Immunology, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg and Universitätsklinikum Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany.

Adrien Angel

visiting student

Liat Bar-On

former PhD student
Staff Scientist
Department of Biochemistry
The Israel Institute for Biological Research , Ness-Ziona, Israel

Neta Barashi, Ph.D

former post-doctoral fellow

Dr. Michal Breker

former Master's student,

Currently an Assistant professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Senior Lecturer

The Alexander Silberman Institute of Life Sciences

Faculty of Sciences

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Phone: +972-52-7044593


Anita Bringmann

former post-doctoral fellow, University of Bonn

Jida Choi

visiting student from the lab of Soohyun Kim, KonKuk University, Seoul, Korea

Elinor Elmaliah

visiting student from Amsterdam

Dr. Mor Gross

Currently: pharma analyst at Arkin Holdings, Herzliya, Israel

Hilit Gur

Ki-Wook Kim

former PhD student

Kiwook Kim, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Department of Pharmacology

Center for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine

College of Medicine,

University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)

Rita Krauthgamer

former lab technician
from the start til 2013

Limor Landsman, PhD

former PhD student
Group leader 
Dept. of Cell and Developmental Biology, Sackler Faculty of Medicine
Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978 Israel 

Yonit Lavin

visiting MD/PhD student from Merad lab, Mount Sinai Medical Center, NY

Yinon Levi

visiting scientist on sabbatical

Anita Sapoznikov, PhD

former PhD student
Staff Scientist, Department of Biochemistry
The Israel Institute for Biological Research , Ness-Ziona, Israel
Tel: 0523675983

Dalit Strauss-Ayali

Selen Uman

former visiting student from Yale University, currently MD/PhD student at UPenn

Alexandra Vallon-Eberhard

former post-doctoral fellow
Alexandra V. Eberhard
EVP Sciences - Executive Director Europe at Signals Intelligence Group

Chen Varol

former PhD student 
Current details: Director of the Research Center for Digestive Tract and Liver Diseases
Tel Aviv-Sourasky Medical Center Sackler Faculty of Medicine
Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Mobile - 972-52-7360325

Julia Weiss

past visiting student

from the Reth lab,

University of Freiburg, Germany
current address:
Institut COCHIN, A.Trautmann/G.Bismuth team
INSERM U1016/CNRS UMR 8104/Université Paris Descartes
22, rue Méchain 75014 Paris, FRANCE

Yochai Wolf, Ph.D

former PhD student

postdoctorate in Kuchroo's lab, Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston


Principal Investigator, R & D lab

Ella Lemelbaum Institute for Immuno-oncology

Sheba Medical Center, Israel

Phone: +972-3-5304591, +972-544-996025

Twitter: @yochai_wolf


Yuan Xia, PhD

former post-doctoral fellow 


Scientist at RootPath Genomics, 65 Grove Street, Suite 203, Watertown, MA 02472