Misfit Layered Compounds: Insights into Chemical, Kinetic, and Thermodynamic Stability of Nanophases(2024) Accounts of Chemical Research. 57, 22, p. 3243-3253 Abstract
Conspectus Compounds with layered structures (2D-materials), like transition metal-dichalcogenides (e.g., MoS2), attracted a great deal of interest in the scientific community in recent years. This interest can be attributed to their unique lamellar structure, which induces large anisotropy in their physicochemical properties. Furthermore, owing to the weak van der Waals interaction between the layers, they can be cleaved along the a-b plane, which allows fabricating single layers with physical properties entirely different from the bulk material. Moreover, stacking layers of different 2D-materials on top of each other has led to a wealth of new observations, for instance, by twisting two layers with respect to each other and producing Moiré lattice. Another outstanding property of inorganic layer compounds is their tendency to form nanotubes, reported first (for WS2) many years ago and subsequently from many other layered compounds. Among the 2D-materials, misfit layer compounds make a special class with an incommensurate and nonstoichiometric lattice made of an alternating layer with rocksalt structure, like LaS (O) and a layer with hexagonal structure, like TaS2 (T). The lack of lattice commensuration between the two slabs leads to a built-in strain, which can be relaxed via bending. Consequently, nanotubes have been produced from numerous MLC compounds over the past decade and their structure was elucidated. Owing to their large surface area, nanostructures are generally metastable and tend to recrystallize into microscopic crystallites via different mechanisms, like Ostwald ripening, or chemically decompose and then recrystallize. The stability of nanostructures at elevated temperatures has been investigated quite scarcely so far. In this perspective, electron microscopy as well as synchrotron-based X-ray absorption and reflection techniques were used to elucidate the chemical selectivity and decomposition routes of rare-earth based MLC nanotubes prepared at elevated temperatures (800-1200 °C). As for the chemical selectivity, entropic effects are expected to dictate the random distribution of the chalcogen atoms on the anion sites of the MLC nanotubes at elevated temperatures. Nonetheless, the sulfur atoms were found to bind exclusively to the rare-earth atom (Ln = La, Sm) of the rocksalt slab and the selenium to the tantalum of the hexagonal TX2 slab. This uncommon selectivity was not found in other kinds of nanotubes like WSe2xS2(1-x). In other series of experiments, the lack of utter symmetry in the multiwall nanotubes leads to exclusions of certain X-ray (0kl) reflections, which was used to distinguish them from the bulk crystallites. The transformation of Ln-based MLC nanotubes into microscopic flakes was followed as a function of the synthesis temperature (800-1200 °C) and the synthesis time (1-96 h). Furthermore, sequential high-temperature transformations of the (O-T) lattice into (O-T-T) and finally (O-T-T-T) phases via deintercalation of the LnS slab was observed. This autocatalytic process is reminiscent of the deintercalation of alkali atoms from different layered structure materials. Annealing at higher temperatures and for longer periods of time eventually leads to the decomposition of the ternary MLC into binary metal-sulfide phases, as well as partial oxidation of the product. This study sheds light on the complex mechanism of high-temperature chemical stability of the nanostructures.
(2024) Small. 2400503. Abstract
Inorganic layered compounds (2D-materials), particularly transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC), are the focus of intensive research in recent years. Shortly after the discovery of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in 1991, it was hypothesized that nanostructures of 2D-materials can also fold and seam forming, thereby nanotubes (NTs). Indeed, nanotubes (and fullerene-like nanoparticles) of WS2 and subsequently from MoS2 were reported shortly after CNT. However, TMDC nanotubes received much less attention than CNT until recently, likely because they cannot be easily produced as single wall nanotubes with well-defined chiral angles. Nonetheless, NTs from inorganic layered compounds have become a fertile field of research in recent years. Much progress has been achieved in the high-temperature synthesis of TMDC nanotubes of different kinds, as well as their characterization and the study of their properties and potential applications. Their multiwall structure is found to be a blessing rather than a curse, leading to intriguing observations. This concise minireview is dedicated to the recent progress in the research of TMDC nanotubes. After reviewing the progress in their synthesis and structural characterization, their contributions to the research fields of energy conversion and storage, polymer nanocomposites, andunique optoelectronic devices are being reviewed. These studies suggest numerous potential applications for TMDC nanotubes in various technologies, which are briefly discussed.
(2024) Israel Journal of Chemistry. e202300069. Abstract
The lifestyle of mankind has improved significantly since the start of the industrial revolution and the establishment of a science (engineering)-based society, some 250 years ago. Notwithstanding, the outcome of these advances, a major threat is looming on the future of humanity due to the greenhouse effect produced by fossil fuel effluents and the degradation of the environment on earth. Chemistry and chemical engineering are key players in confronting these challenges and establishing sustainable lifestyle on earth. In particular, the interplay between materials research; solid-state chemistry and nanoscience (nanotechnology) will be crucial for the future of sustainable life on earth. Education of the population-at-large to shift from a consumer-based society into sustainability-concerned lifestyle, is mandatory for realization of this paradigm shift. Harmonizing the interplay between entrepreneurs, financing bodies, public agencies, international organizations, legal bodies and research institutes should also play an integral part of this new equation.
(2024) Nanoscale. 16, 20, p. 9917-9934 Abstract
Nanocomposite materials, integrating nanoscale additives into a polymer matrix, hold immense promise for their exceptional property amalgamation. This study delves into the fabrication and characterization of polyetherimide (PEI) nanocomposite strings fortified with multiwall WS2 nanotubes. The manufacturing process capitalizes on the preferential alignment of WS2 nanotubes along the string axis, corroborated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Mechanical measurements unveil a remarkable acceleration of strain hardening in the nanocomposite strings, chiefly attributed to the WS2 nanotubes. Structural analyses via X-ray diffraction (XRD) and wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) reveal intriguing structural alterations during tensile deformation. Notably a semi-crystalline framework ∼100 nm in diameter surrounding the WS2 nanotubes emerges, which is stabilized by the π-π interactions between the PEI chains. The amorphous majority phase (97% by volume) undergoes also major structural changes upon strain becoming more compact and closing-up of the distance beweeetn the PEI chains. Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) demonstrates improved thermal stability of the evolved semi-crystalline π-π oriented PEI molecules, characterized by delayed thermal \u201cstructural melting\u201d, underscoring the pivotal role of the WS2 nanotubes in reinforcing the nanocomposite. The insight gained in this study of WS2 nanotube-reinforced PEI nanocomposite strings, could offer diverse applications for such tailor-made polymeric materials.
(2024) ACS Nano. 18, 19, p. 12284-12294 Abstract[All authors]
Multiwall WS2 nanotubes have been synthesized from W18O49 nanowhiskers in substantial amounts for more than a decade. The established growth model is based on the \u201csurface-inward\u201d mechanism, whereby the high-temperature reaction with H2S starts on the nanowhisker surface, and the oxide-to-sulfide conversion progresses inward until hollow-core multiwall WS2 nanotubes are obtained. In the present work, an upgraded in situ SEM μReactor with H2 and H2S sources has been conceived to study the growth mechanism in detail. A hitherto undescribed growth mechanism, named \u201creceding oxide core\u201d, which complements the \u201csurface-inward\u201d model, is observed and kinetically evaluated. Initially, the nanowhisker is passivated by several WS2 layers via the surface-inward reaction. At this point, the diffusion of H2S through the already existing outer layers becomes exceedingly sluggish, and the surface-inward reaction is slowed down appreciably. Subsequently, the tungsten suboxide core is anisotropically volatilized within the core close to its tips. The oxide vapors within the core lead to its partial out-diffusion, partially forming a cavity that expands with reaction time. Additionally, the oxide vapors react with the internalized H2S gas, forming fresh WS2 layers in the cavity of the nascent nanotube. The rate of the receding oxide core mode increases with temperatures above 900 °C. The growth of nanotubes in the atmospheric pressure flow reactor is carried out as well, showing that the proposed growth model (receding oxide core) is also relevant under regular reaction parameters. The current study comprehensively explains the WS2 nanotube growth mechanism, combining the known model with contemporary insight.
(2024) Small. 20, 14, 2307684. Abstract[All authors]
Uranium is a high-value energy element, yet also poses an appreciable environmental burden. The demand for a straightforward, low energy, and environmentally friendly method for encapsulating uranium species can be beneficial for long-term storage of spent uranium fuel and a host of other applications. Leveraging on the low melting point (60 °C) of uranyl nitrate hexahydrate and nanocapillary effect, a uranium compound is entrapped in the hollow core of WS2 nanotubes. Followingly, the product is reduced at elevated temperatures in a hydrogen atmosphere. Nanocrystalline UO2 nanoparticles anchor within the WS2 nanotube lumen are obtained through this procedure. Such methodology can find utilization in the processing of spent nuclear fuel or other highly active radionuclides as well as a fuel for deep space missions. Moreover, the low melting temperatures of different heavy metal-nitrate hydrates, pave the way for their encapsulation within the hollow core of the WS2 nanotubes, as demonstrated herein.
(2024) Chemistry of Materials. 36, 9, p. 4736-4749 Abstract
Gaining insights into the kinetics and the thermodynamic limits of nanostructures in high-temperature reactions is crucial for controlling their unique morphology, phase, and structure. Nanotubes from lanthanide-based misfit-layered compounds (MLCs) have been known for more than a decade and were successfully produced mostly via a chemical vapor transport protocol. The MLC nanotubes show diverse structural arrangements and lattice disorders, which could have a salient impact on their properties. Though their structure and charge transfer properties are reasonably well understood, a lack of information on their thermodynamic and kinetic stability limits their scalable synthesis and their applicability in modern technologies. In this study, the growth, thermodynamic stability, and decomposition kinetics of lanthanide-based misfit nanotubes of two model compounds, i.e., (LaS)1.14TaS2 and (SmS)1.19TaS2 are elucidated in detail. The nanotubes were carefully analyzed via atomic resolution electron microscopy imaging and synchrotron-based X-ray and electron diffraction techniques, and the information on their morphology, phase, and structures was deduced. The key insights gained would help to establish the parameters to explore their physio-chemical properties further. Furthermore, this study sheds light on the complex issue of the high-temperature stability of nanotubes and nanostructures in general.
(2023) Advanced Materials Interfaces. 11, 6, 2300501. Abstract
The inclusion of tungsten disulphide nanotubes (WS2 NTs) in chitosan, plasticized with glycerol, facilitates the formation of a polyelectrolyte complex. The glycerol interrupts the intramolecular hydrogen bonding between chitosan chains allowing positively charged protonated amines of chitosan to form a complex with negatively charged oxygen ions chemisorbed to the tungsten atoms in defects. These interactions, with the unique mechanical and chemical properties of WS2 NTs, result in a chitosan film with superior properties relative to unfilled chitosan. Even at low WS2 NT loadings (≤1 wt%), the Young's modulus (E) increases by 59%, tensile strength (σ) by 40% and tensile toughness by 74%, compared to neat chitosan, without sacrificing ductility. Addition of highly dispersed WS2 NTs significantly improves the gas barrier properties of chitosan, with a 50% reduction in oxygen permeability, while the addition of both glycerol and WS2 NTs to chitosan effectively reduces the carbon dioxide permeability by 80% and the water vapor transmission rate by 90%. The intrinsic antimicrobial efficacy of chitosan against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria is enhanced on inclusion of WS2 NTs. Polyelectrolyte complexation of WS2 NTs and glycerol-plasticized chitosan provides a cost-effective, sustainable route to biodegradable films with desirable mechanical, gas barrier properties, and antimicrobial efficacy suitable for food packaging applications.
(2023) Crystal Growth and Design. 24, 1, p. 378-390 Abstract[All authors]
Tungsten suboxide W18O49 nanowhiskers are a material of great interest due to their potential high-end applications in electronics, near-infrared light shielding, catalysis, and gas sensing. The present study introduces three main approaches for the fundamental understanding of W18O49 nanowhisker growth and structure. First, W18O49 nanowhiskers were grown from γ-WO3/a-SiO2 nanofibers in situ in a scanning electron microscope (SEM) utilizing a specially designed microreactor (μReactor). It was found that irradiation by the electron beam slows the growth kinetics of the W18O49 nanowhisker, markedly. Following this, an in situ TEM study led to some new fundamental understanding of the growth mode of the crystal shear planes in the W18O49 nanowhisker and the formation of a domain (bundle) structure. High-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy analysis of a cross-sectioned W18O49 nanowhisker revealed the well-documented pentagonal Magnéli columns and hexagonal channel characteristics for this phase. Furthermore, a highly crystalline and oriented domain structure and previously unreported mixed structural arrangement of tungsten oxide polyhedrons were analyzed. The tungsten oxide phases found in the cross section of the W18O49 nanowhisker were analyzed by nanodiffraction and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), which were discussed and compared in light of theoretical calculations based on the density functional theory method. Finally, the knowledge gained from the in situ SEM and TEM experiments was valorized in developing a multigram synthesis of W18O49/a-SiO2 urchin-like nanofibers in a flow reactor.
(2023) Nano Letters. 23, 22, p. 10259-10266 Abstract[All authors]
WS2 nanotubes present many new technologies under development, including reinforced biocompatible polymers, membranes, photovoltaic-based memories, ferroelectric devices, etc. These technologies depend on the aspect ratio (length/diameter) of the nanotubes, which was limited to 100 or so. A new synthetic technique is presented, resulting in WS2 nanotubes a few hundred micrometers long and diameters below 50 nm (aspect ratios of 2000-5000) in high yields. Preliminary investigation into the mechanistic aspects of the two-step synthesis reveals that W5O14 nanowhisker intermediates are formed in the first step of the reaction instead of the ubiquitous W18O49 nanowhiskers used in the previous syntheses. The electrical and photoluminescence properties of the long nanotubes were studied. WS2 nanotube-based paper-like material was prepared via a wet-laying process, which could not be realized with the 10 μm long WS2 nanotubes. Ultrafiltration of gold nanoparticles using the nanotube-paper membrane was demonstrated.
(2023) Inorganic Chemistry. 62, 44, p. 18267-18279 Abstract[All authors]
The synthesis of complex new nanostructures is challenging but also bears the potential for observing new physiochemical properties and offers unique applications in the long run. High-temperature synthesis of ternary WSe2xS2(1-x) (denoted as WSSe) nanotubes in a pure phase and in substantial quantities is particularly challenging, requiring a unique reactor design and control over several parameters, simultaneously. Here, the growth of WSSe nanotubes with the composition 0 ≤ x
(2023) Nature Communications. 14, 1, 5578. Abstract
The dimensional limit of ferroelectricity has been long explored. The critical contravention is that the downscaling of ferroelectricity leads to a loss of polarization. This work demonstrates a zero-dimensional ferroelectricity by the atomic sliding at the restrained van der Waals interface of crossed tungsten disufilde nanotubes. The developed zero-dimensional ferroelectric diode in this work presents not only non-volatile resistive memory, but also the programmable photovoltaic effect at the visible band. Benefiting from the intrinsic dimensional limitation, the zero-dimensional ferroelectric diode allows electrical operation at an ultra-low current. By breaking through the critical size of depolarization, this work demonstrates the ultimately downscaled interfacial ferroelectricity of zero-dimensional, and contributes to a branch of devices that integrates zero-dimensional ferroelectric memory, nano electro-mechanical system, and programmable photovoltaics in one.Down-scaled ferroelectricity normally diminishes due to the arising depolarization field. Here, the authors realize a 0D ferroelectric diode device taking advantage of the sliding at the van der Waals interface by the two crossed tungsten disulfide nanotubes.
(2023) Nano-Structures and Nano-Objects. 36, 101034. Abstract
Surface modification of tungsten disulfide (WS2) nanoparticles (NPs) by a photo-initiator (PI) for radical curing of acrylate nano-structured systems has been studied with the purpose of acquiring covalent bonding of the acrylate matrix to the NPs surface. This surface functionalization was expected to photosensitize both the PI and the NPs thereby enhance the photocuring of the acrylate as well as improving its mechanical properties. The studied PI was the commonly used Bis(acyl) phosphane oxides (BAPOs). For surface modification of the WS2 NPs, the BAPO was functionalized first with Tri(methoxy) silane (TMESI) to yield TMESI-BAPO moieties. Subsequently, the functionalized BAPO was chemisorbed to the WS2 NPs resulting in WS2 NPs surface modified by TMESI-BAPO pendant moieties. The functionalization and surface modification were confirmed using spectroscopic techniques as well as electron microscopy, and thermal measurements. Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) displayed 40 wt% weight loss for TMESI-BAPO modified WS2 upon heating to 400 °C. The modified WS2 NPs were incorporated into acrylate resin to study the curing kinetics and resulting mechanical properties compared to neat WS2. Nanostructured acrylate with TEMSI-BAPO modified WS2 NPs exhibited an increase of 83% in storage modulus and toughness compared to neat acrylate.
(2023) Polymers. 15, 14, 3061. Abstract
The effect of semiconducting tungsten disulfide (WS2) nanoparticles (NPs), functionalized by either methacryloxy, glycidyl, vinyl, or amino silanes, has been studied in photocuring of acrylate and epoxy resins (the latter photocured according to a cationic mechanism). The curing time, degree of curing (DC), thermal effects, and mechanical properties of the radiation-cured resins were investigated. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analyses confirmed that a silane coating was formed (14 nm) on the NPs surface having a thickness of 14 nm. Fourier transition infrared (FTIR) was used to determine the DC of the nanocomposite resin. The curing time of the epoxy resin, at 345385 nm wavelength, was 10 to 20 s, while for acrylate, the curing time was 7.5 min, reaching 92% DC in epoxy and 84% in acrylate. The glass transition temperature (Tg) of the photocured acrylates in the presence of WS2 NPs increased. In contrast to the acrylate, the epoxy displayed no significant variations of the Tg. It was found that the silane surface treatments enhanced the DC. Significant increases in impact resistance and enhancement in shear adhesion strength were observed when the NPs were treated with vinyl silane. A previous study has shown that the addition of WS2 NPs at a concentration of 0.5 wt.% is the optimal loading for improving the resins mechanical properties. This study supports these earlier findings not only for the unmodified NPs but also for those functionalized with silane moieties. This study opens new vistas for the photocuring of resins and polymers in general when incorporating WS2 NPs.
(2023) Nanoscale. 15, 16, p. 7577-7590 Abstract
Functionalisation of nanofillers is required for the promotion of strong interfacial interactions with polymers and is essential as a route for the preparation of (nano)composites with superior mechanical properties. Tungsten disulphide nanotubes (WS2 NTs) were functionalized using (3-aminopropyl) triethoxysilane (APTES) for preparation of composites with poly(lactic acid) (PLA). The WS2 NTs : APTES ratios used were 1 : 1, 1 : 2 and 1 : 4 WS2 NTs : APTES. The APTES formed siloxane networks bound to the NTs via surface oxygen and carbon moieties adsorbed on the WS2 NTs surface, detected by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) studies and chemical mapping using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy in the scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM-EDS). The successful silane modification of the WS2 NTs was clearly evident with both significant peak shifting by as much as 60 cm(-1) for Si-O-Si vibrations (FTIR) and peak broadening of the A(1g) band in the Raman spectra of the WS2 NTs. The evolution of new bands was also observed and are associated with Si-CH2-CH2 and, symmetric and assymetric -NH3+ deformation modes (FTIR). Further evidence for functionalization was obtained from zeta potential measurements as there was a change in surface charge from negative for pure WS2 NTs to positive for APTES modified WS2 NTs. Additionally, the thermal stability of APTES was shifted to much higher temperatures as it was bound to the WS2 NTs. The APTES modified WS2 NTs were organophilic and readily dispersed in PLA, while presence of the pendant amine and hydroxyl groups resulted in strong interfacial interactions with the polymer matrix. The inclusion of as little as 0.5 wt% WS2 NTs modified with 2.0 wt% APTES resulted in an increase of 600% in both the elongation at break (a measure of ductility) and the tensile toughness relative to neat PLA, without impacting the stiffness or strength of the polymer.
(2023) ACS Applied Polymer Materials. 6, 6, p. 3303-3315 Abstract
Radiation curing (photocuring) of thermosetting polymers, such as acrylate resins, is a common technology with diverse applications, such as in adhesives, coatings, advanced manufacturing, medical-related technologies, and more. Photocuring of acrylate thermosets is initiated via a radical-induced cleavage of a photocuring agent, like bis(2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyl)-phenylphosphineoxide (BAPO), which activates the vinyl C═C double bond of the acrylate moiety. Here, we show that addition of semiconducting WS2 nanoparticles (NPs) accelerates the photocuring process. Using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) of ethanol-water solutions, the mechanism of the radical reactions of BAPO and WS2 NPs is investigated. It is found that the two photocuring agents operate according to entirely different mechanisms, which has been discussed in great detail. In contrast to BAPO, which is photocleaved during the curing process, the WS2 NPs remain unchanged, leading to major mechanical reinforcements of the cured acrylate film.
(2023) Journal of Materials Research. 38, p. 267-280 Abstract
The birth of nanoscience more than 50 years ago fueled the renaissance in layered materials research leading to many materials discoveries with unprecedented scientific and technological impacts. Following the early reports on carbon fullerenes and nanotubes, the discovery of inorganic one-dimensional (1D) nanotubes and zero-dimensional (0D) fullerenes created a major playground for new physicochemical observations. The meteoric rise of two-dimensional (2D) materials in concert set off outstanding advances in the synthesis and manipulation of layered materials with atomic precision. This review identifies new directions in materials science that emerge through integrating the two layered systems2D with inorganic 1D and 0D. Summarizing the key developments in the two distinct nanomaterials families, we highlight preliminary instances of integrating them into functional nanostructures. A few gedankenexperiments regarding prospective applications of the integrated system are then introduced to stimulate further experimental and theoretical investigations that can potentially result in unforeseen scientific observations. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]
(2023) 2023 IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference, NMDC 2023. p. 636-637 Abstract
Update on the synthesis and characterization of new inorganic nanotubes from 2D compounds, like W(S,Se)2 1 0≤ xS≤ 1) will be given. Fig. 1 shows scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) imaging of such nanotubes. The strong coupling between optical cavity modes confined in the nanotube and the exitonic transitions have been studied in some detail.12 An 'artificial recording eye' combining vison, storage and writing power has been established by a 4 × 4 array of WS2 nanotubes.3 Fruitful efforts to obtain WS2 nanotubes of large aspect ratio (> 2000) were reported.4 Fig. 2 shows scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of an assortment of such nanotubes. Recent progress in mechanically reinforcing different polymers, will be briefly discussed, mostly in relation to biomedical technologies and 3D printing.
(2023) Advanced Materials Interfaces. 10, 3, 2201930. Abstract[All authors]
The synthesis of fundamentally small MoS2 nanotubes and nanocones(horns) that have proven elusive in prior studies has been achieved via ablation of a precursor mixture of crystallites of MoS2 + MoO3 by highly concentrated solar radiation. The special far-from-equilibrium conditions achieved in the solar furnace prove conducive to the generation of these singular nanostructures. Extensive electron microscopy and characterization results (transmission electron microscopy (TEM), electron diffraction (ED), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning TEM (STEM), and high angle annular dark field (HAADF)) reveal a range of nanoparticle shapes and sizes based on which reaction mechanisms are proposed. Molecular dynamics simulations indicate that the sizable thermal fluctuations intrinsically produced in the high-temperature solar reactor soften the MoS2 nanostructures, yielding corrugated layers that favor nanostructures with only a few layers, in agreement with the experimental observations.
(2023) Journal of Composites Science. 7, 1, 42. Abstract
The radiation curing paradigm of opaque WS2 nanoparticle (NP)-based epoxy/acrylate nanocomposites was studied and found to exhibit both a reduction in viscosity and an enhanced degree of curing when incorporating WS2 NPs. The objective of this study was to investigate the mechanical, thermal, and physical properties of a radiation-induced and cured epoxy/acrylate blend containing 0.3 to 1.0 wt.% WS2 NPs. Experimental results indicate that the tensile toughness increased by 22% upon optimizing the NP content compared to that of WS2-free formulations. Tensile fractured surfaces with different WS2 NP contents were analyzed with a scanning electron microscope and an atomic force microscope and showed distinctive morphology depending on the WS2 NP content, supporting the results of the tensile test. The energy required to break shear adhesion specimens demonstrated an increase of up to 60% compared to that of the neat resin. The glass transition temperature determined by dynamic mechanical analysis presented similar or higher values upon WS2 NP incorporation. Furthermore, up to 80% improvement in impact strength was demonstrated when WS2 NPs were dispersed in the epoxy/acrylate blend. It was concluded that the surface chemistry and dispersion level of the WS2 NPs are the major variables affecting the macro properties of cationically radiation-cured resins and their adhesion properties. This study is the first to demonstrate the possibility for radiation-induced curing of opaque NPs based on WS2 that serve as both a reinforcement nanoparticle at low concentrations and an enhancement of the degree of curing.
(2023) Journal of Composites Science. 7, 1, 41. Abstract
Cationic photo-initiated and polymerized epoxies are characterized by good adhesion, high modulus, zero volatiles, low shrinkage and living polymerization characteristics. Radiationcured acrylate resins are characterized by rapid initial curing with increased initial strength. The combination of radiation-cured acrylates and epoxies may present advantageous attributes. Thus, the system investigated is a hybrid epoxy/methyl acrylate and three different initiators for cationic polymerization of epoxies, the radical reaction of acrylates and the thermal initiator. When incorporating additives like opaque WS2 nanoparticles (NPs), absorption of the photo radiation takes place, which may lead to low photo activity. Curing kinetics measurements revealed that the absorbing/masking effect of WS2 was insignificant, and surprisingly, the level of curing was enhanced when the WS2 NPs were incorporated. FTIR results demonstrated that covalent bonds were formed between the inorganic fullerenes (IF-WS2) and the crosslinked matrix. Viscosity measurements showed a surprising reduction of five to ten times in the low-shear viscosity upon NPs incorporation compared to neat resins. It was concluded that the decrease of viscosity by the inorganic NPs, in addition to the enhanced level of conversion, has profound advantages for structural adhesives and 3D printing resins. To the best of our knowledge, this investigation is the first to report on a radiation-induced curing system containing opaque WS2 NPs that leads to an enhanced degree of curing and reduced shear viscosity.
(2022) Nature Communications. 13, 1, 5391. Abstract[All authors]
Intelligent materials with adaptive response to external stimulation lay foundation to integrate functional systems at the material level. Here, with experimental observation and numerical simulation, we report a delicate nano-electro-mechanical-opto-system naturally embedded in individual multiwall tungsten disulfide nanotubes, which generates a distinct form of in-plane van der Waals sliding ferroelectricity from the unique combination of superlubricity and piezoelectricity. The sliding ferroelectricity enables programmable photovoltaic effect using the multiwall tungsten disulfide nanotube as photovoltaic random-access memory. A complete \u201cfour-in-one\u201d artificial vision system that synchronously achieves full functions of detecting, processing, memorizing, and powering is integrated into the nanotube devices. Both labeled supervised learning and unlabeled reinforcement learning algorithms are executable in the artificial vision system to achieve self-driven image recognition. This work provides a distinct strategy to create ferroelectricity in van der Waals materials, and demonstrates how intelligent materials can push electronic system integration at the material level.
(2022) ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 14, 41, p. 46386-46400 Abstract[All authors]
Even though WS2nanotubes (NTs-WS2) have great potential as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) and sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) thanks to their unusual layered structure, their conductivity and cycling stability are far from satisfactory. To tackle these issues, carbon-coated WS2(NTs-WS2@C) nanocomposites were prepared through a facile synthesis method that involved precipitating a carbon precursor (20% sucrose) on WS2nanotubes, followed by annealing treatment under an argon environment. Thanks to the presence of highly conductive and mechanically robust carbon on the outer surface, NTs-WS2@C nanocomposites show improved electrochemical performance compared with bare NTs-WS2. After 60 cycles at 80 mA g-1current density, the cells display high capacities of 305 mAh g-1in LIBs and 152 mAh g-1in SIBs, respectively. As the current density increases to 600 mA g-1, it provides specific capacities of 209 and 115 mAh g-1, correspondingly. The enhanced electrochemical performance in LIBs and SIBs is primarily attributed to the synergistic effects of the tubular architecture of WS2, carbon network and stable nanocomposite structure, which can effectively constrain volume variation during the metal ions intercalation/deintercalation processes.
(2022) Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie (1950). 648, 15, e202200128. Abstract
One-dimensional (1D) analogues of two-dimensional (2D) layered materials, especially nanotubes exhibit unique properties, which are distinct from the 2D flakes. The nanotubes and fullerene-like nanoparticles from layered transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are one of the prime foci of this field in the last 30 years. In this concise review, we present the advancement made in the TMDs nanotubes and fullerene-like nanoparticles over the last few years. The synthesis and structure of TMDs nanotubes such as WS2/MoS2 are briefly described. The mechanical properties of single WS2 nanotubes were examined by in-situ electron microscopy techniques and are briefly discussed. Their reinforcement effects in polymer composites are also presented, as well as their superior tribological behavior. The unique optoelectronic properties of WS2 (MoS2) nanotubes are presented. Thus, the bulk photovoltaic effect and superconductivity exhibited by WS2 nanotubes, which are a manifestation of their 1D structure and low symmetry, are revisited briefly. The strong light-matter interaction of nanotubes resulting in polariton quasiparticles and their evolution as a function of nanotube diameter are explained. Last but not least, a new family of misfit layered nanotubes and their exceptional physical properties are briefly touched upon.
(2022) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 144, 23, p. 10530-10542 Abstract[All authors]
Nanotubes of transition metal dichalcogenides such as WS2 and MoS2 offer unique quasi-1D properties and numerous potential applications. Replacing sulfur by selenium would yield ternary WS2(1x)Se2x (0 ≤ x ≤ 1; WSSe) nanotubes, which are expected to reveal strong modulation in their absorption edge as a function of selenium content, x Se. Solid WO2.72 oxide nanowhiskers were employed as a sacrificial template to gain a high yield of the nanotubes with a rather uniform size distribution. Though sulfur and selenium belong to the same period, their chemical reactivity with oxide nanowhiskers differed appreciably. Here, the closed ampoule technique was utilized to achieve the completion of the solidvapor reaction in short time scales instead of the conventional flow reactor method. The structure and chemical composition of the nanotubes were analyzed in detail. X-ray and electron diffractions indicated a systematic modulation of the WSSe lattice upon increasing the selenium content. Detailed chemical mapping showed that the sulfur and selenium atoms are distributed in random positions on the anion lattice site of the nanotubes. The optical excitonic features and absorption edges of the WSSe nanotubes do not vary linearly with the composition x Se, which was further confirmed by density functional theory calculations. The WSSe nanotubes were shown to exhibit strong lightmatter interactions forming excitonpolariton quasiparticles, which was corroborated by finite-difference time-domain simulations. Transient absorption analysis permitted following the excited state dynamics and elucidating the mechanism of the strong coupling. Thus, nanotubes of the ternary WSSe alloys offer strong band gap tunability, which would be useful for multispectral vision devices and other optoelectronic applications.
(2022) ACS Applied Nano Materials. 5, 5, p. 6385-6397 Abstract
Multi-walled WS2nanotubes (NTs) with lengths ranging from 2 to 65 μm and widths from 50 to 110 nm were synthesized in a horizontal quartz-made reactor by a process yielding NTs with aspect ratios (ARs) between ∼40 and >1000. The NTs obtained were thermally stable in air up to 400 °C but were oxidized within the temperature range 400-550 °C to produce yellow WO3particles. Critically, 400 °C is well above the temperature used to mix additives with the majority of melt-processable polymers. The hydrophilic WS2NTs were easily dispersed in poly(lactic) acid (PLA) using a twin-screw extruder, but the shear stresses applied during melt mixing resulted in chopping of the NTs such that the AR decreased by >95% and the tensile mechanical properties of the PLA were unchanged. Although the as-extruded unfilled PLA was >99% amorphous, the much-shortened WS2NTs had a significant effect on the crystallization behavior of PLA, inducing heterogeneous nucleation, increasing the crystallization temperature (Tc) by ∼3 °C and the crystalline content by 15%, and significantly increasing the rate of PLA crystallization, producing smaller and more densely packed spherulites. The reduction in the AR and the nucleating effect of WS2NTs for PLA are critical considerations in the preparation, by melt mixing, of composites of rigid 1D NTs and polymers, irrespective of the target application, including bone tissue engineering and bioresorbable vascular scaffolds.
(2022) Materials. 15, 8, 2838. Abstract
Exploring the behavior of nanocrystals with varying shapes and sizes under high pressure is crucial to understanding the relationship between the morphology and properties of nanomaterials. In this study, we investigated the compression behaviors of WS2 nanotubes (NT−WS2) and fullerene-like nanoparticles (IF−WS2) by in situ high-pressure X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy. It was found that the bulk modulus of NT−WS2 is (81.7 GPa), which is approximately twice as large as that of IF-WS2 (46.3 GPa). This might be attributed to the fact that IF−WS2 with larger d-spacing along the c−axis and higher defect density are more compressible under isotropic pressure than NT−WS2. Thus, the slender NT−WS2 possess a more stable crystal structure than the IF-WS2. Our findings reveal that the effects of morphology and size play crucial roles in determining the high-pressure properties of WS2 nanoparticles, and provide significant insight into the relationship between structure and properties.
(2022) Crystals (Basel). 12, 3, 391. Abstract
Among the different methods for orienting liquid crystal (LC) molecules, adding nanoparticles into the matrix of the substrate material towards modifying its surface, is actively pursued. In this context, the influence of the nanoparticle content on the texture of the surface of polymer film used as the substrate for the LC orientation is of particular interest. Thus, in the current paper, WS2 nanotubes were used to dope the polyimide (PI) substrate-film in order to modify and control its surface morphology/roughness and properties. The modified organic surface structure is applied in order to achieve a new means for controlling the orientation of the LC molecules. This tool adds to the classical methods for controlling the orientation of the LC molecules, such as the display technique.
(2022) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 62, 3-4, e202100072. Abstract
Several nanotubular structures from chalcogenide-based misfit layer compounds (MLC) were reported in recent years. MLCs consist of a stacking of two alternating and dissimilar (2D) atomic layers, e. g. one with rocksalt structure (MX) and the other- TX2 with hexagonal layer structure. The layers are held together by weak van der Waals forces, i. e. they can be exfoliated with scotch-tape. Furthermore, in analogy to intercalation compounds, partial charge transfer between the layers with dissimilar work function results also in polar forces between the MX and TX2 layers. The mismatch between the alternating (asymmetric) layers and the seaming of the dangling bonds at the edges drives them to form tubular (and also scroll-like) structures. New structural characterization whereby the nanotubes were bisected into lamella via focused ion beam and examined by TEM, are reported.
(2022) Chemistry of Materials. 34, 4, p. 1838-1853 Abstract[All authors]
Misfit layered compounds (MLCs) MX-TX2, where M, T = metal atoms and X = S, Se, or Te, and their nanotubes are of significant interest due to their rich chemistry and unique quasi-1D structure. In particular, LnX-TX2 (Ln = rare-earth atom) constitute a relatively large family of MLCs, from which nanotubes have been synthesized. The properties of MLCs can be tuned by the chemical and structural interplay between LnX and TX2 sublayers and alloying of each of the Ln, T, and X elements. In order to engineer them to gain desirable performance, a detailed understanding of their complex structure is indispensable. MLC nanotubes are a relative newcomer and offer new opportunities. In particular, like WS2 nanotubes before, the confinement of the free carriers in these quasi-1D nanostructures and their chiral nature offer intriguing physical behavior. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy in conjunction with a focused ion beam are engaged to study SmS-TaS2 nanotubes and their cross-sections at the atomic scale. The atomic resolution images distinctly reveal that Ta is in trigonal prismatic coordination with S atoms in a hexagonal structure. Furthermore, the position of the sulfur atoms in both the SmS and the TaS2 sublattices is revealed. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, electron energy loss spectroscopy, and X-ray absorption spectroscopy are carried out. These analyses conclude that charge transfer from the Sm to the Ta atoms leads to filling of the Ta 5d z 2 level, which is confirmed by density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Transport measurements show that the nanotubes are semimetallic with resistivities in the range of 104 Ω·cm at room temperature, and magnetic susceptibility measurements show a superconducting transition at 4 K.
(2022) Handbook of Thermoset Plastics. p. 891-915 Abstract
Radiation curing (RC) thermosets offer a variety of advantages, such as curing on demand, low viscosity, good adhesion to many surfaces, high modulus, good appearance of final coating, zero volatile organic compounds, and more. Alongside the advantages, it has some drawbacks like high brittleness, limited curing of thick and opaque formulations. This review outlines the basic chemistries and developments that were carried out through the years related to radical RC of acrylates and cationic RC of epoxies and their nanocomposites. In addition, commercially available monomers, photoinitiators will be presented, in addition to the attributes of the curing processes and future developments.
(2022) 2022 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals Meeting Series, SUM 2022 - Proceedings. Abstract[All authors]
Inorganic nanotubes (NT), such as WS2NT, have unique properties making them promising candidates for op-toelectronic devices. Herein, we performed optical absorption, Raman, and time-domain terahertz spectroscopy of WS2NT in addition to the microscopy measurements to reveal their optoelectronic properties.
(2021) Polymers. 13, 21, 3851. Abstract
Poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) is a biocompatible, biodegradable, and semi-crystalline polymer with numerous applications including food packaging, medical implants, stents, tissue engineering scaffolds, etc. Hydroxyapatite (HA) is the major component of natural bone. Conceptually, combining PLLA and HA could produce a bioceramic suitable for implants and bone repair. However, this nanocomposite suffers from poor mechanical behavior under tensile strain. In this study, films of PLLA and HA were prepared with small amounts of nontoxic WS2 nanotubes (INT-WS2 ). The structural aspects of the films were investigated via electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, Raman microscopy, and infrared absorption spectroscopy. The mechanical properties were evaluated via tensile measurements, micro-hardness tests, and nanoindentation. The thermal properties were investigated via differential scanning calorimetry. The composite films exhibited improved mechanical and thermal properties compared to the films prepared from the PLLA and HA alone, which is advantageous for medical applications.
(2021) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118, 35, e210994511. Abstract
Asymmetric two-dimensional (2D) structures (often named Janus), like SeMoS and their nanotubes, have tremendous scope in material chemistry, nanophotonics, and nanoelectronics due to a lack of inversion symmetry and time-reversal symmetry. The synthesis of these structures is fundamentally difficult owing to the entropy-driven randomized distribution of chalcogens. Indeed, no Janus nanotubes were experimentally prepared, so far. Serendipitously, a family of asymmetric misfit layer superstructures (tubes and flakes), including LaX-TaX2 (where X = S/Se), were synthesized by high-temperature chemical vapor transport reaction in which the Se binds exclusively to the Ta atoms and La binds to S atoms rather than the anticipated random distribution.With increasing Se concentration, the LaS-TaX2 misfit structure gradually transformed into a new LaS-TaSe2-TaSe2 superstructure. No misfit structures were found for xSe = 1. These counterintuitive results shed light on the chemical selectivity and stability of misfit compounds and 2D alloys, in general. The lack of inversion symmetry in these asymmetric compounds induces very large local electrical dipoles. The loss of inversion and time-reversal symmetries in the chiral nanotubes offers intriguing physical observations and applications.
(2021) AIP Conference Proceedings. 1, Abstract
This conference contribution is focused on decoration of WS2 nanotubes (NT-WS2) with gold and silver nanoparticles via facile routes implying direct reaction of tungsten disulfide with water-soluble AuIII and AgI species at 100°C. The underlying mechanism of these interactions will be discussed in details based on extensive studies of reaction mixtures and resulting metalNT-WS2 nanocomposites, including thorough X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis. Surprising features in optical spectra of the designed nanocomposites would be reported, including suppression of plasmon resonance in tiny noble metal nanoparticles (
Probing the Chiral Domains and Excitonic States in Individual WS2Tubes by Second-Harmonic Generation(2021) Nano Letters. 21, 12, p. 4937-4943 Abstract[All authors]
Distinct from carbon nanotubes, transition-metal dichalcogenide (TMD) nanotubes are noncentrosymmetric and polar and can exhibit some intriguing phenomena such as nonreciprocal superconductivity, chiral shift current, bulk photovoltaic effect, and exciton-polaritons. However, basic characterizations of individual TMD nanotubes are still quite limited, and much remains unclear about their structural chirality and electronic properties. Here we report an optical second-harmonic generation (SHG) study on multiwalled WS2 nanotubes on a single-tube level. As it is highly sensitive to the crystallographic symmetry, SHG microscopy unveiled multiple structural domains within a single WS2 nanotube, which are otherwise hidden under conventional white-light optical microscopy. Moreover, the polarization-resolved SHG anisotropy patterns revealed that different domains on the same tube can be of different chirality. In addition, we observed the excitonic states of individual WS2 nanotubes via SHG excitation spectroscopy, which were otherwise difficult to acquire due to the indirect band gap of the material.
(2021) Journal of Materials Science. 56, 18, p. 10834-10846 Abstract
Abstract: Tungsten disulfide polycrystalline microfibers were successfully synthesized by a process involving electrospinning, calcination, and sulfidation steps. We used an aqueous solution of silicotungstic acid (H4SiW12O40) and polyvinyl alcohol as precursors for the synthesis of composite fibers by the needle-less electrospinning technique. The obtained green composite fibers (av. diam. 460 nm) were converted by calcination in air to tungsten oxide WO3 fibers with traces of SiO2 and a smaller diameter (av. diam. 335 nm). The heat treatment of the WO3 fibers under flowing H2/H2S/N2 stream led to conversion to tungsten disulfide WS2 with retention of the fibrous morphology (av. diam. 196 nm). Characterization of the intermediate and final fibers was performed by the XRD, SEM, TEM, HAADF STEM EDS, elemental analyses ICP-OES, and IR spectroscopy methods. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]
(2021) Nano Today. 37, 101060. Abstract
Analyzing naturally occurring layered alumo(magnesium)silicates (asbestos) minerals, Pauling proposed in 1930 that the strain in compounds with asymmetric structure, like kaolinite (hallyosite), lends itself for folding of the layers. Once transmission electron microscopy gained sufficient resolution in 1950, chrysotile and hallyosites nanotubes were discovered fully confirming this early hypothesis. Following the discovery of carbon fullerene (C60) by Kroto and Smalley and carbon nanotubes by Iijima, Tenne proposed a new mechanism for the formation of nanotubes from inorganic compounds with layered structure via seaming of their chemically reactive rims. Early on, nanotubes of WS2 and subsequently MoS2, GaSe and BN were found experimentally and in silico and many others followed over the years. Here, different mechanisms for the formation of nanotubes from inorganic compounds with layered structure are analyzed with a few examples. Few potential applications of such nanotubes are briefly discussed, as well. Finally, several frontiers and scientific challenges in this field in the years ahead are presented
(2021) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 125, 14, p. 8006-8013 Abstract
We present density functional theory calculations of the vibrational and electronic properties of the misfit-layer compound (MLC) LaS-CrS2 and its isolated sublayers to identify the vibrational modes of the compound. From the comparison of two model systems, (i) the fully relaxed misfit-layer compound supercell and (ii) its sublayers as isolated systems, we extract the charges, which are transferred between the two sublayers and the concomitant changes of the structural parameters upon formation of the supercell. The deformation within each sublayer indicates a strong influence of the charge transfer, confirming the important role of the interlayer interaction between the two sublayers. By comparing the vibrational properties of the two model systems, we assign several frequency regimes within the vibrations of the supercell to phonon branches of the sublayers. From polarized Raman spectra, we find that some of the Raman modes are directly inherited from the Δ-point phonons of the hypothetical isolated 1T-CrS2 layer; other Raman modes are backfolded from the A1g-associated phonon branch of the 1T-CrS2 onto the misfit-layer compound MLC Δ-point, which is a direct consequence of the supercell formation in LaS-CrS2.
(2021) The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 125, 11, p. 6324-6340 Abstract[All authors]
The synthesis of high-quality WS2 and more so of MoS2 (multiwall) nanotubes in substantial amounts from oxide precursors is a very challenging and important undertaking. While progress has been offered by a recent report, the present work presents another step forward in the synthesis of MoS2 nanotubes with a narrow size distribution and better crystallinity than before. WilliamsonHall analysis of the X-ray diffraction data is used to analyze the crystallinity and strain in the nanotubes. This analysis shows that the crystallinity and average diameter of the WS2 and MoS2 nanotubes reported here (type II) are better than those obtained according to the previous methods (type I). Size selection by centrifugation reported by others is used here to prepare several fractions of WS2 and MoS2 nanotubes according to their average diameter. The high refractive index of WS2 and more so MoS2 enables the nanotubes to trap light by total internal reflection, turning them into nanocylindrical resonators and thereby supporting cavity-mode resonances. The extinction, net absorption, and transient absorption of suspensions of MoS2 and WS2 nanotubes of different (average) diameters were investigated. A strong coupling effect between optical cavity modes and the A and B excitons was observed for the WS2 and MoS2 nanotubes with diameters above 80 and 60 nm, respectively. These conclusions are also supported by transient absorption measurements. Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) calculations support the experimental findings, confirming the strong coupling effect in the WS2 and MoS2 nanotubes. These results are important not only for their own sake but also because they may bear on the new photocatalytic applications of such nanotubes.
(2020) Physics Today. 73, 8, p. 42-48 Abstract
The two-dimensional materials form one- and zero-dimensional hollow structures with a host of promising mechanical, optical, and electrical properties.
(2020) Applied Materials Today. 19, 100581. Abstract
The non-stoichiometric misfit layered compounds (MLC) of the general formula ((MX)(1+y))(m)(TX2)(n) (abbreviated herein as MX-TX2) have been investigated quite extensively over the last 30 years. Here MX is a atomic slab of a material with distorted rocksalt structure and TX2 is a layered compound with hexagonal (octahedral) coordination between the metal T atom and the chalcogen X atom. Recognizing the mismatch between the two (MX and TX2) sublattices, nanotubes from the MLC of different compositions were described in the past. In particular, semimetallic nanotubes belonging to the family LnX-TaX2 with Ln = rare earth atom and X = S, Se, Te have been studied in the past. While some of them, like LaS-TaS2 were obtained with moderately high yields, others like YbS-TaS2 were scarce. In the present study, a new strategy for promoting the yield of such MLC nanotubes by alloying the LaS sublattice with another Ln atom is proposed. Detailed transmission electron microscopy investigation of the (mixed) Ln(x)La((1-x))S-TaS2 (Ln = Pr, Sm, Ho, Yb) nanotubes show clearly that the substituting Ln atom resides in the rocksalt LaS sublattice of the nanotubes. Raman measurements show distinct differences between mixed tubes with open-shell (Pr, Sm, Ho) and close-shell (La, Yb) rare-earth atoms. Density functional calculations show that the interplay between two important factors determine the enhanced stability of the mixed nanotubes- the size and electronic structure of the substituting rare-earth atom. The smaller is the substituting rare-earth atom (larger Z number), the more dissimilar it is to the original La atom. This dissimilarity enhances the incommensurability between the Ln(x)La((1-x))5 and the TS2 subunits, promoting thereby the stability of the mixed MLC. However, the electronic structure of the Ln atom was found to play a more significant role. The MLC lattice of the LaS-TaS2 is electron-rich and consequently the 4d(z)(2) level of Ta is full. The unoccupied 4f levels of the substituent open-shell atoms (Pr, Sm, Ho), which are positioned below the Fermi level, serve as electron acceptors. Consequently, the Ln substitution is found to enhance the stability of the mixed lattice and nanotubes thereof. This strategy can be employed for enhancing the yield of these and other misfit nanotubes using different substituents of the right size and energy profile.
(2020) Scientific Reports. 10, 1, 8892. Abstract
WS2 inorganic nanotubes (WS2-NT) have been incorporated into Polylactic Acid (PLA) by melt mixing to create a bio-degradable, mechanically reinforced nanocomposite filament. The filament was then processed by Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) 3D-printer, and the morphology and characteristics before and after printing were compared. We found that addition of WS2-NT to PLA by extrusion mixing increases the elastic modulus, yield strength and strain-at-failure by 20%, 23% and 35%, respectively. Moreover, we found that the printing process itself improves the dispersion of WS2-NT within the PLA filament, and does not require changing of the printing parameters compared to pure PLA. The results demonstrate the advantage of WS2-NT as reinforcement specifically in 3D-printable polymers, over more traditional nano-reinforcements such as graphene and carbon nanotubes. WS2-NT based 3D-printable nanocomposites can be used for variety of applications from custom-made biodegradable scaffold of soft implants such as cartilage-based organs and biodegradable soft stents to the more general easy-to-apply nano-reinforced polymers.
(2020) Crystals. 10, 6, 468. Abstract
Misfit layered compounds (MLCs) have been studied in the literature for the last 40 years. They are generally made of an alternating sequence of two monolayers, a distorted rocksalt structure, and a hexagonal layered compound. In a typical MLC, the c-axis is common to the two monolayers and so is one of the axes in the layer plan. However, the two compounds are non-commensurate along at least one axis, and the ratio between the two axes is an irrational number making the MLC a non-stoichiometric compound. The two main families of MLC are those based on metal dichalcogenides and CoO2 as the hexagonal layered compound. Traditionally, ternary MLCs were prepared and studied, but some quaternary and multinary MLC minerals have been known for many years. Over the last few years, interest in MLCs with four and even larger number of atoms has grown. Doping or alloying of a ternary MLC permits precise control of the charge carrier density and hence the electrical, thermoelectric, catalytic, and optical properties of such compounds. In this short review, some of these developments will be discussed with the main emphasis put on quaternary MLC nanotubes belonging to the chalcogenide series. The synthesis, structural characterization, and some of their properties are considered. Some recent developments in quaternary cobaltite MLCs and recent studies on exfoliated MLCs are discussed as well.
(2020) Journal of Materials Science. 55, 18, p. 7612-7623 Abstract[All authors]
Due to their high porosity, aerogels can be efficiently used as host matrices for functional materials. The solid matrix is advantageous over liquid suspensions because it maintains the nanoparticles static and inhibits agglomeration and precipitation. The current paper reports on the controlled addition of less than 0.1 wt% of WS2 nanotubes (WS2 NTs) to aerogels, retaining the aerogel's mesoporous structure, and demonstrates how increasing nanotubes' concentration influences the optical properties of the composite aerogel. The absorption spectrum of WS2 NTs consists of two peaks, attributed to the direct gap transition and referred to as excitons A and B and is preserved in the aerogel. WS2 NTs' extinction spectrum, on the other hand, is dominated by exciton-polaritons and is modified in the aerogel, with respect to the NTs dispersed in liquid. This occurs due to scattering effects, resulting in broadening with increased NT content, washing out the excitonic transitions. Furthermore, femtosecond optical pump-probe measurements carried out on NTs dispersed in both ethanol and the silica aerogel suggest that the electronic processes underlying the overall optical behaviour of the nanotubes, and hence also their optoelectronic and photochemical properties are preserved in the aerogel matrix. These findings make the obtained nanocomposites interesting for use in modern optical and optoelectronic devices.
(2020) ACS Nano. 14, 5, p. 5445-5458 Abstract
We present the analysis of a family of nanotubes (NTs) based on the quaternary misfit layered compound (MLC) YxLa1-xS-TaS2. The NTs were successfully synthesized within the whole range of possible compositions via the chemical vapor transport technique. In-depth analysis of the NTs using electron microscopy and spectroscopy proves the in-phase (partial) substitution of La by Y in the (La,Y)S subsystem and reveals structural changes compared to the previously reported LaS-TaS2 MLC-NTs. The observed structure can be linked to the slightly different lattice parameters of LaS and YS. Raman spectroscopy and infrared transmission measurements reveal the tunability of the plasmonic and vibrational properties. Density-functional theory calculations showed that the YxLa1-xS-TaS2 MLCs are stable in all compositions. Moreover, the calculations indicated that substitution of La by Sc atoms is electronically not favorable, which explains our failed attempt to synthesize these MLC and NTs thereof.
(2020) ACS Applied Energy Materials. 3, 5, p. 4619-4628 Abstract[All authors]
Proton exchange membranes with high through-plane proton conductivity are a critical component of high-performance fuel cells, electrolyzers, and batteries. However, isotropically distributed proton-conducting channel structures of current membranes present a limitation. Herein, a proton exchange membrane with straight proton-conducting channels aligned in the thickness direction is fabricated, achieved by magnetic field-induced alignment of proton-conductive, paramagnetic, and one-dimensional (1D) tungsten disulfide nanotubes (pms-WS2) distributed in a perfluorinated sulfonic acid (Nafion) membrane. The pms-WS2 nanotubes feature straight WS2 nanotubes as a core, a polystyrenesulfonate (PSS) skin layer, and surface-decorated Fe3O4 nanoparticles. A molecular dynamics simulation suggests that straight proton-conducting channels are constructed at the interface of Nafion/pms-WS2 due to densely populated sulfonic acids. Spectroscopic investigation and magnetization measurements verify the through-plane alignment of pms-WS2 under a weak through-plane magnetic field (0.035 T) during the removal of solvent from the membrane cast. Compared with a recast Nafion membrane with the same thickness, the through-plane aligned composite membrane exhibits 69% higher proton conductivity and 51% higher power performance in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell, demonstrating its efficacy. The through-plane alignment of a proton-conductive inorganic 1D material promises improved power performance of advanced electrochemical devices.
(2020) ACS Energy Letters. 5, 5, p. 1498-1511 Abstract
The global impact of carbonaceous emissions from the internal combustion engine and coal-fired power plants has stimulated efforts to mitigate global warming and deterioration of the habitable biosphere. These efforts resulted in the maturation of new technologies to harvest and store the natural energies available-wind, waves, geothermal, sun and outer space radiation - for conservation and security. Inorganic layered compounds (2D materials), like MoS2, TiS2 and CoO2 played a major role in the upbringing of novel energy technologies, which can one day replace fossil fuel in the transport industry as well as in other energy-consuming sectors. In this perspective, the history of various concepts explored in energy-related research using bulk layered compounds (2D materials), is briefly reviewed, first. The recent addition of 2D nanostructures, in energy conversion and storage, has added significant momentum to this research field. Particularly, this perspective places a great emphasis on the study of inorganic fullerene-like nanoparticles and nanotubes from 2D materials, and to some extent also on the atomically thin single layer solids, that apparently surpasses the performance of other respective allotropes in the pursuit of their use in energy storage/conversion, catalysis, and sensing.
(2020) Zhidkie Kristally i Ikh Prakticheskoe Ispol'zovanie. 20, 1, p. 34-40 Abstract
Time parameters (reaction time and relaxation time of medium) of liquid crystal cell sensitized with WS2 nanoparticles and constructed taking into account the modification of the conductive ITO coating by carbon nanotubes are considered. Carbon nanotubes were vertically deposited on the surface of the conductive layer using the laser method and the orientation effect of an electric field with a strength of 600 V/cm. The use of two control functions, namely: the sensitization process of mesophase volume and nanostructuring of the solid - liquid crystal interface allowed increasing the mesophase switching performance and significantly reducing the resistance of the conductive layers acted as orientant and conductor.
(2020) Zhidkie Kristally i Ikh Prakticheskoe Ispol'zovanie. 20, 3, p. 41-48 Abstract
Based on the analysis of spectral parameters, orientation angle, and the time dependency of the reaction and relaxation of the media composed of the nematic liquid crystal mesophase and WS2 nanoparticles, the correlation associated with the formation of intermolecular interaction between CN-group of the liquid crystal and WS2 nanoparticle has been established. The correlation was supported by experiments and partially by quantumchemical modeling.
(2020) Small. 16, 4, 1904390. Abstract
Multiwall WS2 nanotubes (and fullerene-like nanoparticles thereof) are currently synthesized in large amounts, reproducibly. Other than showing interesting mechanical and tribological properties, which offer them a myriad of applications, they are recently shown to exhibit remarkable optical and electrical properties, including quasi-1D superconductivity, electroluminescence, and a strong bulk photovoltaic effect. Here, it is shown that, using a simple dispersion-fractionation technique, one can control the diameter of the nanotubes and move from pure excitonic to polaritonic features. While nanotubes of an average diameter >80 nm can support cavity modes and scatter light effectively via a strong coupling mechanism, the extinction of nanotubes with smaller diameter consists of pure absorption. The experimental work is complemented by finite-difference time-domain simulations, which shed new light on the cavity mode-exciton interaction in 2D materials. Furthermore, transient absorption experiments of the size-fractionated nanotubes fully confirm the steady-state observations. Moreover, it is shown that the tools developed here are useful for size control of the nanotubes, e.g., in manufacturing environment. The tunability of the light-matter interaction of such nanotubes offers them intriguing applications such as polaritonic devices, in photocatalysis, and for multispectral sensors.
(2019) Composites Part B: Engineering. 176, 107222. Abstract
Impact resistant nanocomposites are recognized as promising in saving lives in the car, skiing and bicycle accidents, preventing the failure of polymer-based prostheses and orthotic devices, as well as for various defense applications. This research reports improved impact and ballistic resistance of composite materials based on p-aramid fabric impregnated with phenolic resin and poly (vinyl butyral) (PVB), reinforced with small amounts of inorganic fullerene-like nanoparticles of tungsten disulfide (IF-WS2) and multiwall inorganic nanotubes (INT-WS2). The evaluation of the tensile testing resulted in significant improvements in the tensile strength (24.7%) and toughness (64.1%) for the composites with the addition of only 0.3 wt% INT-WS2 nanotubes. The impact toughness increased by 35.8%; the back-face deformation depths after shots were reduced by 12%; the absorbed energy of the knife stab 8.5% higher and the deformation depth 40.4% smaller than for the sample without the nanoreinforcement. The reaction of the composite material to shot impact was recorded by high-speed and infrared camera, to observe heating and cooling rates of the sample caused by dissipation of the kinetic energy of the shots.
(2019) Physical Review Research. 1, 3, 033046. Abstract
Strong coupling of electric transition dipoles with optical or plasmonic resonators modifies their light-matter interaction and, therefore, their optical spectra. Semiconducting WS2 nanotubes intrinsically provide the dipoles through their excitonic resonances, and the optical cavity via their cylindrical shape. We investigate the nonequilibrium light-matter interaction in WS2 nanotubes in the time domain using femtosecond transient extinction spectroscopy. We develop a phenomenological coupled oscillator model with time-dependent parameters to describe the transient extinction spectra, allowing us to extract the underlying nonequilibrium electron dynamics. We find that the exciton and trion resonances shift due to many-body effects of the photogenerated charge carriers and their population dynamics on the femto- A nd picosecond timescale. Our results show that the time-dependent phenomenological model quantitatively reproduces the nonequilibrium optical response of strongly coupled systems.
(2019) ACS Applied Energy Materials. 2, 8, p. 6043-6050 Abstract
Core-shell nanoparticles provide a unique morphology to exploit electronic interactions between dissimilar materials, conferring upon them new or improved functionalities. MoS2 is a layered transition-metal disulfide that has been studied extensively for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) but still suffers from low electrocatalytic activity due to its poor electronic conductivity. To understand the fundamental aspects of the MoS2-Au hybrids with regard to their electrocatalytic activity, a single to a few layers of MoS2 were deposited over Au nanoparticles via a versatile procedure that allows for complete encapsulation of Au nanoparticles of arbitrary geometries. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy of the Au@MoS2 nanoparticles provides direct evidence for the core-shell morphology and also reveals the presence of morphological defects and irregularities in the MoS2 shell that are known to be more active for HER than the pristine MoS2 basal plane. Electrochemical measurements show a significant improvement in the HER activity of AugMoS(2) nanoparticles relative to freestanding MoS2 or Au-decorated MoS2. The best electrochemical performance was demonstrated by the Au nanostars-the largest Au core employed here-encapsulated in a MoS2 shell. Density-functional theory calculations show that charge transfer occurs from the Au to the MoS2 layers, producing a more conductive catalyst layer and a better electrode for electrochemical HER The strategies to further improve the catalytic properties of such hybrid nanoparticles are discussed.
[All authors] -
(2019) Nature. 570, 7761, p. 349-353 Abstract
The photovoltaic effect in traditional pn junctionswhere a p-type material (with an excess of holes) abuts an n-type material (with an excess of electrons)involves the light-induced creation of electronhole pairs and their subsequent separation, generating a current. This photovoltaic effect is particularly important for environmentally benign energy harvesting, and its efficiency has been increased dramatically, almost reaching the theoretical limit1. Further progress is anticipated by making use of the bulk photovoltaic effect (BPVE)2, which does not require a junction and occurs only in crystals with broken inversion symmetry3. However, the practical implementation of the BPVE is hampered by its low efficiency in existing materials410. Semiconductors with reduced dimensionality2 or a smaller bandgap4,5 have been suggested to be more efficient. Transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are exemplary small-bandgap, two-dimensional semiconductors11,12 in which various effects have been observed by breaking the inversion symmetry inherent in their bulk crystals1315, but the BPVE has not been investigated. Here we report the discovery of the BPVE in devices based on tungsten disulfide, a member of the TMD family. We find that systematically reducing the crystal symmetry beyond mere broken inversion symmetrymoving from a two-dimensional monolayer to a nanotube with polar propertiesgreatly enhances the BPVE. The photocurrent density thus generated is orders of magnitude larger than that of other BPVE materials. Our findings highlight not only the potential of TMD-based nanomaterials, but also more generally the importance of crystal symmetry reduction in enhancing the efficiency of converting solar to electric power.
(2019) Nanoscale. 11, 17, p. 8073-8090 Abstract
Advanced nanomaterials play a prominent role in nanoscience and nanotechnology developments, opening new frontiers in these areas. Among these nanomaterials, due to their unique characteristics and enhanced chemical and physical properties, inorganic nanotubes have been considered one of the most interesting nanostructures. In recent years, important progress has been achieved in the production and study of these nanomaterials, including boron nitride, transition metal dichalcogenide nanotubular structures, misfit-based nanotubes and other hybrid/doped nanotubular objects. This review is devoted to the in-depth analysis of recent studies on the synthesis, atomic structures, properties and applications of inorganic nanotubes and related nanostructures. Particular attention is paid to the growth mechanism of these nanomaterials. This is a crucial point for the challenges ahead related to the mass production of high-quality defect-free nanotubes for a variety of applications.
(2019) Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. 10, p. 1112-1124 Abstract
Misfit-layered compounds (MLCs) are formed by the combination of different lattices and exhibit intriguing structural and morphological characteristics. MLC SrxLa1-xS-TaS2 nanotubes with varying Sr composition (10, 20, 40, and 60 Sr atom %, corresponding to x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6, respectively) were prepared in the present study and systematically investigated using a combination of high-resolution electron microscopy and spectroscopy. These studies enable detailed insight into the structural aspects of these phases to be gained at the atomic scale. The addition of Sr had a significant impact on the formation of the nanotubes with higher Sr content, leading to a decrease in the yield of the nanotubes. This trend can be attributed to the reduced charge transfer between the rare earth/S unit (LaxSr1-xS) and the TaS2 layer in the MLC which destabilizes the MLC lattice. The influence of varying the Sr content in the nanotubes was systematically studied using Raman spectroscopy. Density functional theory calculations were carried out to support the experimental observations.
(2019) Lubricants. 7, 3, 28. Abstract[All authors]
Composites of poly(l-lactic acid) (PLLA) reinforced by adding inorganic nanotubes of tungsten disulfide (INT-WS2) were prepared by solvent casting. In addition to the pristine nanotubes, PLLA nanocomposites containing surface modified nanotubes were studied as well. Several surface-active agents, including polyethylene imine (PEI), were studied in this context. In addition, other biocompatible polymers, like poly d,l-lactic acid (PDLLA) and others were considered in combination with the INT-WS2. The nanotubes were added to the polymer in different proportions up to 3 wt %. The dispersion of the nanotubes in the nanocomposites were analyzed by several techniques, including X-ray tomography microscopy (Micro-XCT). Moreover, high-temperature rheological measurements of the molten polymer were conducted. In contrast to other nanoparticles, which lead to a considerable increase of the viscosity of the molten polymer, the WS2 nanotubes did not affect the viscosity significantly. They did not affect the complex viscosity of the molten PLLA phase, either. The mechanical and tribological properties of the nanocomposites were found to improve considerably by adding the nanotubes. A direct correlation was observed between the dispersion of the nanotubes in the polymer matrix and its mechanical properties.
(2019) Nanobiomaterials in Clinical Dentistry. Subramani K. & Ahmed W.(eds.). p. 309-331 Abstract
Orthodontic teeth movement that is performed by a sliding archwire-bracket system is always affected by an inevitable friction (FR) force created at the wire-bracket interface. Overcoming the frictional impediment requires application of increased orthodontic load. Excessive force can cause undesirable teeth movement, increase root resorption depending on individual response, as well as inefficient treatment. To date, attempts have mostly been directed at reducing FR by altering the bracket design. These attempts have been successful to some extent, although no satisfactory solution for FR reduction of both stainless steel and nickel titanium wires was achieved. Therefore, the development of wires with low FR coefficients is of great importance. This has been successfully achieved by coating the orthodontic wires with inorganic fullerene-like tungsten disulfide nanoparticles (IF-WS2 NP). The IF-WS2 NP was first described by Prof. Reshef Tenne in 1992. It was shown that under certain reducing and sulfidizing conditions at elevated temperatures, tungsten oxide (WO3) nanoparticles could form nested IF-WS2 nanostructures creating layers that resemble an onion or a nanotube. The layers are weakly connected through van der Waals forces only. The IF-WS2 NPs provide excellent lubricity and allow remarkable improvement of FR and wear properties under different contact conditions. Coating the wires by using an adhesion matrix (nickel or cobalt) into which IF-WS2 NP were impregnated, brought about a significant reduction of the orthodontic force required to move the coated wire along the bracket. The toxicity of the IF-WS2 NP was tested at various modes of exposure in animals and in vitro in human cell cultures. The results obtained showed no toxic effect of IF-WS2 NP in all the performed tests. Obviously, biocompatibility approval from the relevant regulatory agencies is mandatory for future clinical use of IF-WS2 NP-coated orthodontic appliances.
(2019) International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics. p. 1123-1124 Abstract
Transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are exemplary low-dimensional semiconductors. By breaking the inversion symmetry inherent in their bulk crystals, various exotic physical phenomena have been realized. We studied electrical responses under light illumination in such noncentrosymmetric TMDs belonging to a few different point groups, and observed a large photovoltaic effect induced by the reduction of the crystal symmetry.
(2018) Chemistry of Materials. 30, 24, p. 8829-8842 Abstract
Misfit layered compounds (MLC) with the composition (LaS)(1.15)TaS2 (for simplicity denoted as LaS-TaS2) and LaS-NbS2 were prepared and studied in the past. Nanotubes of LaS-TaS2 could be easily synthesized, while tubular structure of the LaS-NbS2 were found to be rather rare in the product. To understand this riddle, quaternary alloys of LaS-NbxTa(1-x)S2 with ascending Nb concentration were prepared herein in the form of nanotubes (and platelets). Not surprisingly, the concentration of these quaternary nanotubes shrank (and the relative density of platelets increased) with increasing Nb content in the precursor. The structure and chemical composition of such nanotubes was elucidated by electron microscopy. Conceivably, the TaS2 in the MLC compounds LnS-TaS2 (Ln = lanthanide atom) crystallizes in the 2H polytype. High resolution transmission electron microscopy showed however that, invariably, MLC nanotubes prepared from 80 at% Nb content in the precursor belonged to the 1T polytype. Raman spectroscopy of individual tubes revealed that up to 60 at% Nb, they obey the standard model of MLC, while higher Nb lead to large deviations, which are discussed in brief. The analysis indicated also that such nanotubes do not exhibit the pattern assigned to charge density wave transition so typical for binary 1T-TaS2. The prospect for revealing interesting quasi-1D behavior of such quaternary nanotubes is also briefly discussed.
[All authors] -
(2018) Nano Letters. 18, 11, p. 6789-6794 Abstract[All authors]
Transition metal dichalcogenide nanotubes are fascinating platforms for the research of superconductivity due to their unique dimensionalities and geometries. Here we report the diameter dependence of superconductivity in individual WS2 nanotubes. The superconductivity is realized by electrochemical doping via the ionic gating technique in which the diameter of the nanotube is estimated from the periodic oscillating magnetoresistance, known as the LittleParks effect. The critical temperature of superconductivity displays an unexpected linear behavior as a function of the inverse diameter, that is, the curvature of the nanotube. The present results are an important step in understanding the microscopic mechanism of superconductivity in a nanotube, opening up a new way of superconductivity in crystalline nanostructures.
(2018) Surface & Coatings Technology. 353, p. 116-125 Abstract
Self-lubricating films are of immense importance in various tribological applications. Nanoparticles are often used as the lubricating component in such films. Inorganic fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles of WS2 have been used in the past for variety of tribological applications including for self-lubricating polymer and metallic films. IF nanoparticles from MoS2 with superior tribological behavior were reported in the past. However, such nanoparticles, which are available in minute amounts, were not applied for self-lubricating coatings in the past. In the current work, inorganic fullerene-like nanoparticles of MoS2 (IF-MoS2) were co-evaporated with titanium (cobalt) on metal substrates. The films were characterized by different techniques and were shown to have good adhesion to the underlying substrate. Furthermore, tribological tests indicated that such coatings exhibit improved friction coefficient (roughly 0.1) and very small wear under relatively high load.
[All authors] -
(2018) Advanced Materials. 30, 41, 1800444. Abstract
Herein, the use of highly concentrated sunlight for materials science research is reviewed. Specific research directions include: (1) the generation of inorganic nanostructures, some of which had eluded experimental realization with conventional synthetic processes, and (2) elucidating the processes governing the degradation of organic and perovskite-based photovoltaic materials and devices, along with accelerated assessment of their stability. Both approaches employ solar concentrators capable of producing flux densities exceeding those of terrestrial solar radiation by up to three orders of magnitude, and are geared toward either creating extensive ultrahot reactor conditions conducive to the rapid, safe synthesis of unusual nanomaterials or judiciously interrogating photovoltaic devices.
Synthesis and Characterization of Nanotubes from Misfit (LnS)(1+y)TaS2 (Ln=Pr, Sm, Gd, Yb) Compounds(2018) Chemistry-A European Journal. 24, 44, p. 11354-11363 Abstract
The synthesis and characterization of nanotubes from misfit layered compounds (MLCs) of the type (LnS)(1+y)TaS2 (denoted here as LnS-TaS2; Ln=Pr, Sm, Gd, and Yb), not reported before, are described (the bulk compound YbS-LaS2 was not previously documented). Transmission electron microscopy and selected area electron diffraction showed that the interlayer spacing along the c axis decreased with an increase in the atomic number of the lanthanide atom, which suggested tighter interaction between the LnS layer and TaS2 for the late lanthanides. The Raman spectra of the tubules were studied and compared to those of the bulk MLC compounds. Similar to the bulk MLCs, the Raman spectra could be divided into the low-frequency modes (110-150cm(-1)) of the LnS lattice and the high-frequency modes (250-400cm(-1)) of the TaS2 lattice. The Raman spectra indicated that the vibrational lattice modes of the strained layers in the tubes were stiffer than those in the bulk compounds. Furthermore, the modes of the late lanthanides were higher in energy than those of the earlier lanthanides, which suggested larger charge transfer between the LnS and TaS2 layers for the late lanthanides. Polarized Raman measurements showed the expected binodal intensity profile (antenna effect). The intensity ratio of the Raman signal showed that the E-2g mode of TaS2 was more sensitive to the light-polarization effect than its A(1g) mode. These nanotubes are expected to reveal interesting low-temperature quasi-1D transport behavior.
(2018) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 20, 32, p. 20812-20820 Abstract[All authors]
Transition metal dichalcogenide materials have recently been shown to exhibit a variety of intriguing optical and electronic phenomena. Focusing on the optical properties of semiconducting WS2 nanotubes, we show here that these nanostructures exhibit strong light-matter interaction and form exciton-polaritons. Namely, these nanotubes act as quasi 1-D polaritonic nano-systems and sustain both excitonic features and cavity modes in the visible-near infrared range. This ability to confine light to subwavelength dimensions under ambient conditions is induced by the high refractive index of tungsten disulfide. Using "finite-difference time-domain'' (FDTD) simulations we investigate the interactions between the excitons and the cavity mode and their effect on the extinction spectrum of these nanostructures. The results of FDTD simulations agree well with the experimental findings as well as with a phenomenological coupled oscillator model which suggests a high Rabi splitting of similar to 280 meV. These findings open up possibilities for developing new concepts in nanotube-based photonic devices.
(2018) Journal of Coordination Chemistry. 71, 11-13, p. 1669-1678 Abstract
First, the mechanisms leading to the formation of nanotubes from layered (2-D) materials are briefly discussed. Two main mechanisms are evoked: (1) The asymmetry of the layer along the c-axis, which leads to spontaneous folding, as revealed first by Pauling in 1930; (2) The seaming of the layer due to the abundance of dangling bonds in the rim atoms of the 2-D nanoclusters. This mechanism was discussed first in connection with carbon fullerenes and carbon nanotubes, some 30 years ago and was further extended to inorganic 2-D materials in 1992. In the second part of this work, the formation mechanism of nanotubes from misfit layered compounds (MLC) is deliberated. Here, the two forces are shown to work in synergy leading to facile formation of nanotubes from ternary misfit compounds. This synergy is demonstrated through the versatile chemistry, which has been employed to synthesize MLC nanotubes. Furthering in complexity, few recent examples of nanotubes from quaternary chalcogenide-based MLC are briefly discussed.
(2018) ACS Omega. 3, 6, p. 6533-6539 Abstract
In this paper, we demonstrate the formation of hybrid nanostructures consisting of two distinctive components mainly in a one-to-one ratio. Thermolysis of inorganic nanotubes (INT) and closed-cage, inorganic fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles decorated with a dense coating of metallic nanoparticles (M = Au, Ag, Pd) results in migration of relatively small NPs or surface-enhanced diffusion of atoms or clusters, generating larger particles (ripening). AuNP growth on the surface of INTs has been captured in real time using in situ electron microscopy measurements. Reaction of the AuNP-decorated INTs with an alkylthiol results in a chemically induced NP fusion process at room temperature. The NPs do not dissociate from the surfaces of the INTs and IFs, but for proximate IFs we observed fusion between AuNPs originating from different IFs.
(2018) 2D Materials. 5, 3, 035002. Abstract
Due to their favourable and rich electronic and optical properties, group-VI-B transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have attracted considerable interest. They have earned their position in the materials portfolio of the spintronics and valleytronics communities. The electrical performance of TMDs is enhanced by rolling up the two-dimensional (2D) sheets to form quasi-one-dimensional (1D) tubular structures. The fabrication of p-n junctions out of these tubular TMDs would boost their potential for optoelectronic devices as such junctions represent a fundamental building block. Here, we report the realization of a p-n junction out of a single, isolated WS2-nanotube (WS2-NT). Light-emitting diode operation and photovoltaic behaviour were observed based on such p-n junctions. The emitted light as well as the photovoltaic effect exhibit strong linear polarization characteristics due to the quasi-1D nature. The external quantum efficiency for the photovoltaic effect reaches a value as high as 4.8%, exceeding by far that of 2D TMDs and even approaching the internal quantum efficiency of the 2D TMDs. This efficiency improvement indicates that TMD nanotubes are superior candidates over 2D TMDs for optoelectronic applications.
(2018) Carbon. 129, p. 688-694 Abstract
Screening effect in finite-length carbon nanotubes (CNT) and their agglomerates hinders significantly the electromagnetic interaction in composite materials. Screening effect is strong in the microwave range, and it decreases with increasing frequency resulting in a strong frequency dependence of the effective conductivity of the composite. Since screening effect is rather small in the terahertz range, the effective conductivity in this range is determined directly by the intrinsic conductivity of the inclusions. The ratio of the microwave to terahertz effective conductivities was proposed as a parameter to estimate how effectively carbon nanotube inclusions contribute to the electromagnetic performance of composite materials in the microwave range. CNT film was considered as a material where maximal possible interaction of the CNTs with EM field occurs. Single-walled CNT films and CNT-based composite materials, as well as hybrid film comprising mixtures of WS
2 nanotubes and CNTs were fabricated and measured in the microwave and terahertz ranges. The electromagnetic field interaction with the inclusions has been estimated for all the samples fabricated. -
(2018) Particle and Particle Systems Characterization. 35, 3, 1700165. Abstract
Inorganic fullerene-like closed-cage nanoparticles of MoS2 and WS2 (IF-MoS2; IF-WS2), are synthesized in substantial amounts and their properties are widely studied. Their superior tribological properties led to large scale commercial applications as solid lubricants in numerous products and technologies. Doping of these nanoparticles can be used to tune their physical properties. In the current work, niobium (Nb) doping of the nanoparticles is accomplished to an unprecedented low level (
[All authors] -
(2018) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 122, 12, p. 6748-6759 Abstract
We report here a unique and efficient methodology for the surface functionalization of closed-cage inorganic fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles and inorganic nanotubes (INTs) composed of two-dimensional nanomaterials of transition-metal chalcogenides (MS
2; M = W or Mo). The first step is the physical coverage of these robust inorganic materials with monodispersed and dense monolayers of gold, silver, and palladium nanoparticles. The structural continuity at the interface between the IF/INT and the metallic nanoparticles is investigated. Lattice matching between these nanocrystalline materials and strong chemical affinity lead to efficient binding of the metallic nanoparticles onto the outer sulfide layer of the MS
2-based structures. It is shown that this functionalization results in narrowing of the IF/INT optical band gap, increased work function, and improved surface-enhanced Raman scattering. In the second step, functionalization of the surface-bound nanoparticles is carried out by a ligand-exchange reaction. This ligand exchange involving the tetraoctylammonium bromide capping layer and an alkyl thiol enhances the solubility (∼10×) of the otherwise nearly insoluble materials in organic solvents. The scope of this method is further demonstrated by introducing a ruthenium(II) polypyridyl complex on the surface of the surface-bound AuNPs to generate fluorescent multicomponent materials.[All authors] -
(2018) International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 19, 3, 657. Abstract
Films combining hydroxyapatite (HA) with minute amounts (ca. 1 weight %) of (rhenium doped) fullerene-like MoS2 (IF) nanoparticles were deposited onto porous titanium substrate through electrophoretic process (EPD). The films were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. The SEM analysis showed relatively uniform coatings of the HA + IF on the titanium substrate. Chemical composition analysis using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) of the coatings revealed the presence of calcium phosphate minerals like hydroxyapatite, as a majority phase. Tribological tests were undertaken showing that the IF nanoparticles endow the HA film very low friction and wear characteristics. Such films could be of interest for various medical technologies. Means for improving the adhesion of the film to the underlying substrate and its fracture toughness, without compromising its biocompatibility are discussed at the end.
(2018) Langmuir. 34, 7, p. 2464-2470 Abstract
We report here a new methodology for the formation of freestanding nanotubes composed of individual gold nanoparticles (NPs) cross-linked by coordination complexes or porphyrin molecules using WS
2 nanotubes (INT-WS
2) as a template. Our method consists of three steps: (i) coverage of these robust inorganic materials with monodispersed and dense monolayers of gold NPs, (ii) formation of a molecular AuNP network by exposing these decorated tubes to solutions containing a ruthenium polypyridyl complex or meso-tetra(4-pyridyl)porphyrin, and (iii) removal of the INT-WS
2 template with a hydrogen peroxide solution. Nanoindentation of the template-free AuNP tubes with atomic force microscopy indicates a radial elastic modulus of 4 GPa. The template-free molecular AuNP tubes are characterized using scanning and transmission electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and micro-Raman spectroscopy. The methodology provides a convenient and scalable strategy for the realization of molecular AuNP tubes with a defined length and diameter, depending on the dimensions of the template. -
(2018) Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 10, 2, Abstract
This study conducted tensile and hardness tests to compare the mechanical properties of Mg alloys and metal matrix composites with and without WS2 or multi-walled carbon nanotubes. We also examined the microscopic structures to investigate their failure characteristics. Our results indicate that AZ61 presented the best mechanical properties following the addition of WS2 and solution heat treatment, and increasing the content of WS2 improved the mechanical properties. This performance of this combination even outperformed that of metal matrix composites containing multi-walled carbon nanotubes. This study developed an image processing method, in which X-ray images of the metal matrix composite specimens undergo filtering, binarization, edge enhancement, and morphological calculations to determine the area of internal defects in Mg metal matrix composites. The results indicated reduced percentage of internal defect area values in AZ31-T4 and AZ61-T4 following the addition of 0.2% WS2 inorganic nanotube (INT). X-ray diffraction results revealed that the solution heat treatment process causes the WS2 to dissolve into the Mg base, thereby shifting the peak to the right. This improves solid solution strengthening and enhances the mechanical properties. Further observation of the microscopic structures indicated that the AZ61-T4 possesses finer grains than does the AZ31-T4, which is consistent with the existing literature.
(2018) Inorganic Chemistry. 57, 2, p. 747-753 Abstract
We have synthesized quaternary chalcogenide-based misfit nanotubes LnS(Se)-TaS2(Se) (Ln = La, Ce, Nd, and Ho). None of the compounds described here were reported in the literature as a bulk compound. The characterization of these nanotubes, at the atomic level, has been developed via different transmission electron microscopy techniques, including high-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy, electron diffraction, and electron energy-loss spectroscopy. In particular, quantification at sub-nanometer scale was achieved by acquiring high-quality electron energy-loss spectra at high energy (∼between 1000 and 2500 eV). Remarkably, the sulfur was found to reside primarily in the distorted rocksalt LnS lattice, while the Se is associated with the hexagonal TaSe2 site. Consequently, these quaternary misfit layered compounds in the form of nanostructures possess a double superstructure of La/Ta and S/Se with the same periodicity. In addition, the interlayer spacing between the layers and the interatomic distances within the layer vary systematically in the nanotubes, showing clear reduction when going from the lightest (La atom) to the heaviest (Ho) atom. Amorphous layers, of different nature, were observed at the surface of the nanotubes. For La-based NTs, the thin external amorphous layer (inferior to 10 nm) can be ascribed to a Se deficiency. Contrarily, for Ho-based NTs, the thick amorphous layer (between 10 and 20 nm) is clearly ascribed to oxidation. All of these findings helped us to understand the atomic structure of these new compounds and nanotubes thereof.
(2018) Russian Chemical Reviews. 87, 3, p. 251-271 Abstract
The review concerns the development and the state-of-the-art in studies on the surface modification methods aimed at fabricating promising nanocomposites based on multilayer inorganic tubular and onion (fullerene-like) MoS2 and WS2 nanostructures. The synthetic details and structural features of these materials are considered. Considerable attention is paid to targeted functionalization of molybdenum and tungsten disulfide nanostructures and to fundamental principles that underlie their ability to chemical interactions. The functional properties and applications of the obtained materials are described.
(2018) MRS Advances. 3, 27, p. 1525-1533 Abstract
Tins work decribes the enhancement of the electrical figures of merit of an Electrolyte Gated Thin-Film Transistor (EG-TFT) comprising a nanocomposite of n-type tungsten disulfide (WS2) nanotubes (NTs) dispersed in a regio-regular p-type poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl) (P3HT) polymeric matrix. P3HT/WS2 nanocomposites loaded with different concentrations of NTs, serving as EG-TFTs electronic channel materials have been studied and the formulation has been optimized. The resulting EG-TFTs figures of merit (field-effect mobility, threshold voltage and on off ratio) are compared with those of the device comprising a bare P3HT semiconducting layer The optimized P3HT/WS2 nanocomposite, comprising a 60% by weight of NTs; results in an improvement of all the elicited figures of merit with a striking ten-fold increase in the field-effect mobility and the on/off ratio along with a sizable enhancement of the in-water operational stability of the device,
(2017) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 139, 37, p. 12865-12878 Abstract
Inorganic nanotubes (NTs) and fullerene-like nanoparticles (NPs) of WS2 were discovered some 25 years ago and are produced now on a commercial scale for various applications. This Perspective provides a brief description of recent progress in this scientific discipline. The conceptual evolution leading to the discovery of these NTs and NPs is briefly discussed. Subsequently, recent progress in the synthesis of such NPs from a variety of inorganic compounds with layered (2D) structure is described. In particular, we discuss the synthesis of NTs from chalcogenide- and oxide-based ternary misfit layered compounds, as well as their structure and different growth mechanisms. Next we deliberate on the mechanical, optical, electrical, and electromechanical properties, which delineate them from their bulk counterparts and also from their graphene-like analogues. Here, different experiments with individual NTs coupled with first-principles and molecular dynamics calculations demonstrate the unique physical nature of these quasi-1D nanostructures. Finally, the various applications of the fullerene-like NPs of WS2 and NTs formed therefrom are deliberated. Foremost among the possibilities are their extensive uses as superior solid lubricants. Combined with their nontoxicity and their facile dispersion, these NTs, with an ultimate strength of about 20 GPa, are likely to find numerous applications in reinforcing polymers, adhesives, textiles, medical devices, metallic alloys, and even concrete. Other potential applications in energy-harvesting and catalysis are discussed in brief.
(2017) Abstract
The nature of the interface between a reinforcement and the matrix is crucial in determining the degree of dispersion and mechanical properties. Controlling the interface is particularly important when 2D materials are used as reinforcements, as their flat nature eliminates bonding mechanisms such as mechanical lock-in. For example, we have previously shown that unfunctionalised graphene in an epoxy matrix has just a tenth of the interfacial strength of a carbon fibre. Herein, we have developed chemical functionalization of two-dimensional (2D) materials as a route to control their interface with thermosets, thermoplastics and elastomers. One well-established method for functionalizing graphene is the use of aryl diazonium chemistry. This functional step is typically applied on as-made powder, however we have found that graphene can be simultaneously functionalized and exfoliated from graphite by electroreduction. This one-step process prevents aggregation, increases thin-flake yield and leads to high quality dispersions. However, similarly structured inorganic 2D materials such as transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have generally been considered to be chemically inert, with few studies into the covalent modification and functionalization of them. Previously, it was believed that only the 1T phase of TMDs could be functionalised by aryl diazonium due to the difference in electronic structure. However, in this work we demonstrate that the more stable and naturally occurring 2H-phase can be successfully functionalised via aryl diazonium chemistry. We have measured the interfacial strength of these functionalized materials within different matrices using Raman mapping of in-situ mechanical tests of single flakes and applying a simple shear lag model. Bulk composites were then produced with flakes processing different aspect ratios to prove that these micromechanics approaches can be translated to the macroscale.
(2017) Journal of Materials Science. 52, 11, p. 6376-6387 Abstract
Owing to their unique properties such as mechanical, optical, magnetic, nanomaterials attracted a great interest over the last two decades. Inorganic nanotubes, e.g. WS2, make an important class of nanomaterials with numerous potential applications. In the current work, a new synthetic strategy is developed to decorate the surface of WS2 nanotubes with FeWO4 nanoparticles. The FeWO4 nanoparticles were produced by first depositing amorphous iron oxide film onto the WS2 nanotubes' surface and, subsequently, high-temperature annealing (600 C-degrees). Careful analysis by electron microscopy; X-ray diffraction and other techniques were carried out. Based on these analyses, the growth mechanism of the hybrid nanostructures was elucidated. Magnetic measurements were employed to shed light on the magnetic behavior of the hybrid nanostructures. The orientation and position of the WS2 nanotubes decorated with the FeWO4 nanoparticles could be partially affected by applying a magnetic field using non-viscous solvents, like ethanol.
(2017) Polymers for Advanced Technologies. 28, 6, p. 645-657 Abstract
Multiwalled carbon (MWCNT) and tungsten disulfide (INTWS2) nanotubes are materials with excellent mechanical properties, high electrical and thermal conductivity. These special properties make them excellent candidates for high strength and electrically conductive polymer nanocomposite applications. In this work, the possibility of the improvement of mechanical, thermal and electrical properties of poly(trimethylene terephthalate) (PTT) by the introduction of MWCNT and INTWS2 nanotubes was investigated. The PTT nanocomposites with low loading of nanotubes were prepared by in situ polymerization method. Analysis of the nanocomposites' morphology carried out by SEM and TEM has confirmed that welldispersed nanotubes in the PTT matrix were obtained at low loading (
(2017) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 57, 6, p. 448-449 Abstract
Keywords: Chemistry, Multidisciplinary
(2017) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 57, 6, p. 529-539 Abstract
Recently, polyhedral; octahedral fullerene-like structures and cylindrical nanotubes of gallium sulfide have been produced in far from equilibrium conditions using a high power solar synthesis and Pb as growth promoter. Their exact atomistic structure and their formation path remain unknown. Here, the models of fullerenes and nanotubes are designed for both stable β- and metastable γ-polymorphs of GaS. Their stability and electronic properties were investigated as a function of both the morphology and size using density-functional tight-binding method. The results manifest that, construction principles for GaS fullerenes are different from those for \u201cclassical\u201d dichalcogenide fullerenes. In contrast to the bulk, the kinetic stability of fullerene-like structures of the γ-GaS phase is found to be larger, than that for β-GaS which is ascribed to a sterical specificity of intersected γ-GaS layers. We predict that, the γ-GaS phase should arise at least as an intermediate state during the synthesis of polyhedral GaS nanoparticles. Notwithstanding the polymorphic type, the size and the morphology of GaS nanostructures, they are all semiconductors. Finally, the possible composition and electronic properties of Pb||GaS interface within the Pb@GaS nanoparticles are discussed.
(2017) ACS Omega. 2, 6, p. 2649-2656 Abstract
The study of inorganic nanometer-scale materials with hollow closed-cage structures, such as inorganic fullerene-like (IF) nanostructures and inorganic nanotubes (INTs), is a rapidly growing field. Numerous kinds of IF nanostructures and INTs were synthesized for a variety of applications, particularly for lubrication, functional coatings, and reinforcement of polymer matrices. To date, such nanostructures have been synthesized mostly by heating a transition metal or oxide thereof in the presence of precursor gases, which are however toxic and hazardous. In this context, one frontier of research in this field is the development of new avenues for the green synthesis of IF structures and INTs, directly from the bulk of layered compounds. In the present work, we demonstrate a simple roomerature and environmentally friendly approach for the synthesis of IF nanostructures and INTs via ultrashort-pulse laser ablation of a mixture of transition-metal dichalcogenides in bulk form mixed with Pb/PbO, in ambient air. The method can be considered as a synergy of photothermally and photochemically induced chemical transformations. The ultrafast-laser-induced excitation of the material, complemented with the formation of extended hot annealing regions in the presence of the metal catalyst, facilitates the formation of different nanostructures. Being fast, easy, and material-independent, our method offers new opportunities for the synthesis of IF nanostructures and INTs from different bulk metal chalcogenide compounds. On the basis of the capabilities of laser technology as well, this method could advantageously be further developed into a versatile tool for the simultaneous growth and patterning of such nanostructures in preselected positions for a variety of applications.
(2017) Nanotechnology. 28, 24, 24LT03. Abstract
Nanoparticles, and more specifically gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), have attracted much scientific and technological interest in the last few decades. Their popularity is attributed to their unique optical, catalytic, electrical and magnetic properties when compared with the bulk. However, one of the main problems with AuNPs is their long-term stability. Two-dimensional materials like MoS2 (WS2) are semiconductors that exhibit a combination of properties which make them suitable for electronic, optical and (photo)catalytic devices. Few-layer MoS2 (WS2) nanoparticles (NPs), and in particular single-layer ones, show intriguing optical and electrical properties which are very different from those of the bulk compounds. Here we demonstrate the synthesis of AuNPs sheathed by a single layer of MoS2 (WS2), i.e. a core-shell nanostructure (AuNP@1L-MoS2). The hybrid NPs exhibit optical properties that are different from those of either constituent and are amenable for modulation via their chemistry, offering a myriad of applications.
(2017) Journal of Nanomaterials. 2017, 4838095. Abstract
The dielectric and electrical characteristics of the semiconductive WS2 nanotubes/epoxy composites were studied as a function of the nanotubes concentration and the pressure applied during their molding. In addition, the ability of WS2 nanotubes to serve as stress sensors in epoxy based nanocomposites, for health-monitoring applications, was studied. The nanocomposite elements were loaded in three-point bending configuration. The direct current was monitored simultaneously with stress-strain measurements. It was found that, in nanocomposites, above the percolation concentrations of the nanotubes, the electrical conductivity increases considerably with the applied load and hence WS2 nanotubes can be potentially used as sensors for health monitoring of structural components.
(2017) European Polymer Journal. 89, p. 281-300 Abstract
Owing to their outstanding variety of properties, nanoparticles attracted considerable interest for developing a new age of novel polymer nanocomposites and adhesives. Among them, inorganic nanotubes (INTs) of tungsten disulfide (WS2) and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been identified as unique candidates for many industrial applications by virtue of their superior mechanical, thermal and tribological properties. In this work, a comparative study between INT-WS2 and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) regarding the properties of structural polyurethane (PU) adhesives is presented. Specifically, we evaluate the thermomechanical properties, chemical and micro-phase structure, bonded joints performance in lap shear and peel modes, and fracture mechanisms, with aiming to highlight some of the differences between these nanotubes. The added content spanned over the range of 0.3, 0.6, 0.9 and 1.2 wt% of INT-WS2, while CNTs are incorporated at the same volumetric fractions (e.g., 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 wt%). According to the results of the tests, in all measured aspects, INT-WS2 outperformed the carbon counterparts. With regards to the thermomechanical attributes, the hard segment Tg of the PU increased by 14 °C at 0.6 wt% INTs, whereas CNTs recorded only modest improvement of 8 °C at the nanocomposite loaded with 0.4 wt%. The structural bonding performance indicates an improvement of 117% and 38% in the shear and peel strengths at 0.9 and 1.2 wt% INTs, respectively, while CNTs show moderate changes. Interestingly, the changes are also reflected by the interplay between the hard and soft segments of the PU, and different fracture mechanisms operating within the nanocomposites. At any rate, the combined attributes of >20 MPa in the shear strength and approximately 2 N/mm in (average) peel strength, targets the PU/INT nanoadhesives as promising alternative for conventional epoxy systems which has similar shear strength with inferior peel strength.
(2017) Nano. 12, 3, 1750030. Abstract
New types of core-shell nanoparticles are reported: Pb@GaS fullerene-like and nanotubular structures, achieved via the continuously high reactor temperatures and ultra-hot strong-gradient annealing environments created by highly concentrated sunlight. Structural and chemical characterizations suggest a formation mechanism where vaporized Pb condenses into nanoparticles that are stabilized as they become covered by molten GaS, the ensuing crystallization of which creates the outer layers. Hollow-core GaS fullerene-like nanoparticles and nanotubes were also observed among the products, demonstrating that a single solar procedure can generate a variety of core-shell and hollow nanostructures. The proposed formation mechanisms can account for their relative abundance and the characterization data.
(2017) Nature Communications. 8, 14465. Abstract[All authors]
Chirality of materials are known to affect optical, magnetic and electric properties, causing a variety of nontrivial phenomena such as circular dichiroism for chiral molecules, magnetic Skyrmions in chiral magnets and nonreciprocal carrier transport in chiral conductors. On the other hand, effect of chirality on superconducting transport has not been known. Here we report the nonreciprocity of superconductivity-unambiguous evidence of superconductivity reflecting chiral structure in which the forward and backward supercurrent flows are not equivalent because of inversion symmetry breaking. Such superconductivity is realized via ionic gating in individual chiral nanotubes of tungsten disulfide. The nonreciprocal signal is significantly enhanced in the superconducting state, being associated with unprecedented quantum Little-Parks oscillations originating from the interference of supercurrent along the circumference of the nanotube. The present results indicate that the nonreciprocity is a viable approach toward the superconductors with chiral or noncentrosymmetric structures.
(2017) ECS Transactions. O'Dwyer C., Ho J. C. Y., He J. H., Suzuki M., Li Q., Jin S., Kim S. -., Chueh Y. -. & Fan Z.(eds.). 6 ed. p. 25-28 Abstract
High temperature synthesis of different nanotubes (INT) and fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles from inorganic layered compounds, like WS2 and numerous others has ensued a rich chemistry. Scaling up the production of IF/INT-WS2 resulted in numerous commercial applications, particularly as superior solid lubricants. To exploit the full potential of these nanoparticles we are developing extensive series of experimentations with individual nanotubes/nanoparticles. One of the main advantages of this approach is the possibility to confront the experimental results with detailed model calculations. Several approaches for this kind of strategy are demonstrated in the presentation, in particular in relation to their mechanical, electronic and optical properties.
(2017) Nano Letters. 17, 1, p. 28-35 Abstract
We study for the first time the resonant torsional behaviors of inorganic nanotubes, specifically tungsten disulfide (WS2) and boron nitride (BN) nanotubes, and compare them to that of carbon nanotubes. We have found WS2 nanotubes to have the highest quality factor (Q) and torsional resonance frequency, followed by BN nanotubes and carbon nanotubes. Dynamic and static torsional spring constants of the various nanotubes were found to be different, especially in the case of WS2, possibly due to a velocity-dependent intershell friction. These results indicate that inorganic nanotubes are promising building blocks for high-Q nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS).
(2017) Inorganic Nanoparticles. p. 441-474 Abstract
Inorganic fullerene (IF)-like nanoparticles and inorganic nanotubes (INT) form a relatively new class of nanomaterials. They are generically produced from layered (2D) materials, which enable formation of stable, closed, hollow structures in the nanodomain. Taking advantage of the structural analogy between graphite and inorganic 2D compounds, researchers demonstrated that nanoparticles of WS2 (Tenne et al. 1992), MoS2 (Feldman et al. 1995, Margulis et al. 1993), BN (Chopra et al. 1995, Golberg et al. 1998), NiCl2 (Rosenfeld Hacohen et al. 1998), and the like become unstable in the platelet (bulk) form and spontaneously assemble into hollow seamless structures, such as multiwall quasi-spherical spheres, nanooctahedra (Parilla et al. 1999), or nanotubes. The research on these nanostructures brought about major advances in chemistry and nanotechnology, and pointed to many possible applications.
(2016) Chemistry of Materials. 28, 24, p. 9150-9157 Abstract
Low-dimensional misfit layered compounds have been found to have ultralow thermal conductivity, which is attributed to their unique structure and the low dimensionality. There are a few studies reporting the preparation of sulfide-based misfit nanotubes but only one study on oxide-based analogs. In this investigation, we report a new oxide-based misfit nanotube derived from misfit layered strontium cobaltite. Thorough structural investigation by electron microscopy techniques, including electron diffraction, aberration corrected high-resolution (scanning) transmission electron microscopy, and electron energy-loss spectroscopy along with density functional theory calculations show that these nanotubes consist of alternating layers of SrCoO2 and CoO2. We have studied systematically the effect of base concentration on the structure and composition of the nanotubes, which reveals the importance of misfit stress to tightly roll the structure into tubular form and thus control the synthesis. Electronic structure calculations find that the structures are semiconducting with a ferrimagnetic ground state. Our studies further extend the family of bulk misfit layered oxides into the 1D realm with potential applications in thermoelectric and electronic devices.
(2016) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 113, 48, p. 13624-13629 Abstract
The simple process of a liquid wetting a solid surface is controlled by a plethora of factors - surface texture, liquid droplet size and shape, energetics of both liquid and solid surfaces, as well as their interface. Studying these events at the nanoscale provides insights into the molecular basis of wetting. Nanotube wetting studies are particularly challenging due to their unique shape and small size. Nonetheless, the success of nanotubes, particularly inorganic ones, as fillers in composite materials makes it essential to understand how common liquids wet them. Here, we present a comprehensive wetting study of individual tungsten disulfide nanotubes by water. We reveal the nature of interaction at the inert outer wall and show that remarkably high wetting forces are attained on small, open-ended nanotubes due to capillary aspiration into the hollow core. This study provides a theoretical and experimental paradigm for this intricate problem.
(2016) ChemElectroChem. 3, 11, p. 1937-1943 Abstract
In this report, a systematic study of the effects of p- and n-type doping of the inorganic fullerene (IF) MoS2 on the efficiency of the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) is described. Active edge site enriched IF-MoS2, promoted by strategically introducing Nb (p-type) and Re (n-type) dopants (below 500 ppm), enables facile HER over a range of pH values. Experimental results suggest that although Nb-doping on IF-MoS2 leads to better electrocatalytic HER activity in an alkaline medium with an onset potential difference of 80 mV, Re-doping gives excellent activity in an acidic medium. The present work presents a systematic study of HER activity by finely tuning the activity in different electrolyte media with varied pH values through deliberate doping of the parent catalyst with p- and n- type materials. The doped IF-MoS2 catalysts exhibit excellent catalytic activity even with sea water as an electrolyte.
(2016) 2D Materials. 4, 1, 015007. Abstract
The relationship between structure and properties has been followed for different nanoscale forms of tungsten disulfide (2H-WS2) namely exfoliated monolayer and few-layer nanoplatelets, and nanotubes. The similarities and differences between these nanostructured materials have been examined using a combination of optical microscopy, scanning and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. Photoluminescence and Raman spectroscopy have also been used to distinguish between monolayer and few-layer material. Strain induced phonon shifts have been followed from the changes in the positions of the A1g and E2g1 Raman bands during uniaxial deformation. This has been modelled for monolayer using density functional theory with excellent agreement between the measured and predicted behaviour. It has been found that as the number of WS2 layers increases for few-layer crystals or nanotubes, the A1g mode hardens whereas the E2g1 mode softens. This is believed to be due to the A1g mode, which involves out of plane atomic movements, being constrained by the increasing number of WS2 layers whereas easy sliding reduces stress transfer to the individual layers for the E2g1 mode, involving only in-plane vibrations. This finding has enabled the anomalous phonon shift behaviour in earlier pressure measurements on WS2 to be resolved, as well as similar effects in other transition metal dichalcogenides, such as molybdenum disulfide, to be explained.
(2016) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 120, 29, p. 15600-15607 Abstract
Various nanotubes from ternary misfit compounds have been reported in recent years. In the present work, the detailed atomic structure and chemical configuration of misfit-layered nanotubes based on the TbS-CrS2 are reported. These analyses have been developed via different transmission electron microscopy techniques, including high-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy, electron diffraction, and electron energy loss spectroscopy. These structural analyses show that two different kinds of nanotubes can be produced: a "regular" nanotube and a "wavy" one. Both kinds of nanotubes show the alternating arrangements of the TbS and CrS2 subsystems; however, the wavy ones present a nearly periodically deficiency in terbium. In addition to the structural investigation, the chemical analyses have proved that the outer layer of both kinds of nanotubes is composed of the elements Cr and S. All these findings helped to understand the growth mechanism during the sulfurization reaction taking place in the synthesis process.
(2016) Physical Review B. 94, 3, 35430. Abstract
We present Raman spectra of misfit layer (PbS)(1.14)NbS2 nanotubes and lead intercalated NbS2 nanotubes. They represent interesting model systems to investigate the nature of interlayer interaction in layered materials. A direct correlation to the Raman modes of the parent 2H-NbS2 compound exists, but some modes are seen drastically upshifted in frequency in the misfit layer and intercalated compound while others remain almost unchanged. On the basis of the Raman spectroscopic investigations and with the help of supporting calculations we examine different interlayer bonding mechanisms and contribute to the discussion as to why these frequency shifts occur.
(2016) ACS Nano. 10, 6, p. 6248-6256 Abstract
Misfit layered compounds (MLCs) have generated significant interest in recent years as potential thermoelectric materials. MLC nanotubes could reveal behavior that is entirely different from the bulk material. Recently, new chemical strategies were exploited for the synthesis of nanotubular forms of chalcogenide-based MLCs, which are promising candidates for thermoelectric materials. However, analogous synthesis of oxide-based MLC nanotubes has not been demonstrated until now. Here, we report a chemical strategy for synthesis of cobalt-oxide-based misfit nanotubes. A combination of high-resolution (scanning) transmission electron microscopy (including image simulations), spatially resolved electron energy-loss spectroscopy, electron diffraction, and density functional theory (DFT) calculations is used to discover the formation of a phase within these nanotubes that differs significantly from bulk calcium cobaltite MLCs. Furthermore, DFT calculations show that this phase is semiconducting with a band gap in excess of 1 eV, unlike bulk calcium cobaltite MLCs, which are known to be metallic. Through systematic experiments, we propose a formation mechanism for these nanotubes that could also apply more generally to realizing other oxide-based MLC nanotubes.
(2016) Composites Science and Technology. 127, p. 47-53 Abstract
Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is a biocompatible, semi-crystalline and water soluble polymer with moderate tensile properties. To improve the thermal and mechanical properties of PVA, as well as to reduce water uptake, structural modification by glutaric acid (GA) and nanoparticle reinforcement by tungsten disulphide nanotubes (WSNTs) were used to prepare PVA based composites. We observed a significant drop in the water uptake of GA crosslinked PVA, an indication of the formation of a network. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was applied to confirm the presence of covalent bonds formed during the crosslinking. Crosslinked PVA and composites are found to have higher thermal stability and mechanical properties compared to their un-crosslinked counterparts. Tensile tests show that the presence of WSNTs increases the strength (up to 25%), modulus (up to 120%) and toughness (up to 80%) of the pristine as well as the crosslinked PVA. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
(2016) Nano Letters. 16, 2, p. 993-999 Abstract
We bring together synchrotron-based infrared and Raman spectroscopies, diamond anvil cell techniques, and an analysis of frequency shifts and lattice dynamics to unveil the vibrational properties of multiwall WS2 nanotubes under compression. While most of the vibrational modes display similar hardening trends, the Raman-active A1g breathing mode is almost twice as responsive, suggesting that the nanotube breakdown pathway under strain proceeds through this displacement. At the same time, the previously unexplored high pressure infrared response provides unexpected insight into the electronic properties of the multiwall WS2 tubes. The development of the localized absorption is fit to a percolation model, indicating that the nanotubes display a modest macroscopic conductivity due to hopping from tube to tube.
A comparison of the micromechanics of graphene- and transition metal dichalcogenide-nanocomposites(2016) ECCM 2016 - Proceeding of the 17th European Conference on Composite Materials. Abstract
We have previously studied the micromechanics of graphene composites by using Raman spectroscopy to map the strain in model composite systems comprising of single graphene flakes. The design rules derived from these models have then been applied successfully to bulk composites. Herein, we have adapted our approach to understand the behaviour of transition metal transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) reinforcements such as tungsten disulphide (WS2) and molybdenum disulphide (MoS2). Few-layer nanoplatelets were produced by mechanical exfoliation, applied to a polymer substrate and then put under uniaxial strain. Small but significant Raman band shifts were observed upon deformation. These strain-induced bands shifts were modeled using density functional perturbation theory with good correlation between the experimental and predicted band shifts. The micromechanical behaviour of these experimental systems were modeled and compared to that of graphene, with the differences being correlated nature of the interfaces and microstructures. Finally, composites were produced using WS2 nanotubes in order to assess the role of the dimensionality of the reinforcement in the mechanical performance.
(2016) Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. 7, 1, p. 37-43 Abstract
DC and AC electrical properties of hybrid films, consisting of carbon nanotubes and tungsten disulfide nanotubes (and fullerene like nanoparticles) were studied within the 2 - 300 K temperature range and over the 20 Hz - 1 MHz frequency range. The temperature dependences of the resistance R(T) exhibit behavior typical for the fluctuation-induced tunneling model in the intermediate temperature range. Analysis of the dependences of real and imaginary components of the impedance on the frequency (Z(f ) and Z(f )) demonstrates the rising role of the contact barriers between carbon nanotubes inside hybrid films, consisting of the carbon nanotubes and inorganic tungsten disulfide nanotubes as the temperature was decreased. The active component of the impedance was found to prevail in the AC electrical properties of the hybrid films, consisting of multiwall carbon nanotubes and WS2 nanoparticles over the entire available temperature range.
[All authors] -
(2016) JOM. 68, 1, p. 151-167 Abstract
Since the discovery of the first inorganic fullerene-like nanoparticles and nanotubes made of WS2 and then MoS2, many more compounds which produce such nanostructures have been discovered and added to the ever expanding list of this group of the layered nanomaterials. Scaling-up the synthesis of the nano-phases of WS2 and MoS2 together with their incredible mechanical properties has turned them into a most promising product for the lubrication industry. Fundamental studies on the mechanical properties of WS2 and MoS2 inorganic fullerene-like nanoparticles and nanotubes are presented in this review. A wide range of mechanical testing was conducted on WS2 and MoS2 nanoparticles. The main focus of this review will be on single nanoparticle experiments in situ electron microscopy as it enables simultaneous structure and properties characterization. Although it is quite challenging, the single nanoparticle approach provides us with the ability to elucidate the intrinsic properties of WS2 and MoS2 inorganic fullerenes and nanotubes.
(2016) Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 654, p. 15-22 Abstract
The process engineering of Mg alloys is nevertheless compromised due to their relatively poor mechanical properties. To address some of these difficulties, metal-matrix composites (MMCs) of Mg-alloys have been investigated for sometime. In the present work, small amounts (up to 1 wt%) of WS2 nanotubes are mixed with Mg-alloy (AZ31) using melt-stirring process above 700 degrees C. The new MMC nano-composites exhibit much superior mechanical properties vis a vis the pristine alloy. Metallographic investigation demonstrates that the average grain size has been reduced in inverse proportion to the added amounts of nanotubes up to 1 wt%. Physical considerations suggest that the main mechanism responsible for the reinforcement effect lies in the mismatch between the thermal expansion coefficients of the metal and the nanotubes. This mismatch induced large density of dislocations in the grain boundaries in the vicinity of the nanotube-matrix interface, which obstruct the crack propagation. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
(2015) Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 643, 1, 012046. Abstract
Multilayer films of WS2 nanotubes decorated with gold nanoparticles are prepared for the first time using nanocomposite assemblage on the water-heptane interface and film transition onto optically transparent or semiconducting surfaces. The film morphology resembles a mosaic structure of 10-25 square micron areas with in-plane textured nanotubes. Optical properties demonstrate several features around 490, 545, and 675 nm connected either with excitonic transitions or scattering guided by high anisotropy of the nanotubes and their texturing peculiarities in the films.
(2015) Journal of Supercritical Fluids. 106, p. 9-15 Abstract[All authors]
Silica aerogels are unique solids with extremely high porosity (>99.5% air by volume), transparency and low density. With their high surface area and thermal resistivity they make excellent heat insulators. However, due to their fine structure they are fragile and therefore impractical for structural applications. To improve their mechanical properties we suggest incorporation of minute amounts of tungsten disulfide nanotubes. Nanotubes of tungsten disulfide are known for their high mechanical strength, strain and thermal stability. Adding some 0.11 wt% of tungsten disulfide nanotubes to a variety of polymers clearly lead to substantial improvement in their mechanical properties. The current study reports the preparation of silica aerogels compounded with small amounts of tungsten disulfide nanotubes. Three-point bending and uniaxial compression tests of the composite aerogel revealed 85% and 23% improvement in the composite material toughness, respectively.
(2015) ACS Nano. 9, 12, p. 12224-12232 Abstract
The incorporation of nanostructures into nanoelectronic and nanoelectromechanical systems is a long sought-after goal. In the present article, we report the first torsional electromechanical measurements of pure inorganic nanotubes. The WS2 nanotubes exhibited a complex and reproducible electrical response to mechanical deformation. We combined these measurements with density-functional-tight-binding calculations to understand the interplay between mechanical deformation, specifically torsion and tension, and electrical properties of WS2 nanotubes. This yielded the understanding that the electrical response to mechanical deformation may span several orders of magnitude on one hand and detect several modes of mechanical deformation simultaneously on the other. These results demonstrate that inorganic nanotubes could thus be attractive building blocks for nanoelectromechanical systems such as highly sensitive nanometric motion sensors.
(2015) Chemistry, an Asian journal. 10, 10, p. 2234-2239 Abstract
Palladium nanoparticles were deposited on multiwall WS2 nanotubes. The composite nanoparticles were characterized by a variety of techniques. The Pd nanoparticles were deposited uniformly on the surface of WS2 nanotubes. An epitaxial relationship between the (111) plane of Pd and the (013) plane of WS2 was mostly observed. The composite nanoparticles were found to perform efficiently as catalysts for cross-coupling (Heck and Suzuki) reactions. The role of the nanotubes support in the catalytic process is briefly discussed.
(2015) Reviews of Adhesion and Adhesives. 3, 3, p. 311-363 Abstract
Thermoset adhesives such as epoxy exhibit high stiffness, strength and adhesion properties, but relatively poor toughness, elongation and conductivity. Nanofillers such as carbon (CNTs) and tungsten disulfide (WS2) nanotubes (INTs) and fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles (NPs) possess excellent mechanical properties and also high electrical (thermal) conductivity. The quality of dispersion of the nanofillers in the thermoset adhesives has a major effect on the final properties of the nanocomposite adhesive. Dispersion techniques such as solution mixing, ultrasonication, three-roll milling, etc. have been used. Significant enhancements in stiffness, tensile strength, shear and peel strengths, fracture toughness, glass transition temperature, CLTE (coefficient of linear thermal expansion) among others, can be achieved at low CNTs concentrations (less than 1 wt.%), while at higher content of the CNTs, agglomeration reduces the toughness. Also for the WS2 nanoparticles, the lower concentrations (up to 1 wt.%) are preferable in order to improve the mechanical performance of the epoxy-based composites. Enhanced dispersion and interfacial interactions, resulting in improved mechanical performance of the nanocomposites containing CNTs, could be achieved by covalent and noncovalent modifications. The dispersion of WS2 nanostructures in the polymer medium was obtained using simple techniques like shear mixing and sonication without surface modifications. Moreover, it was found that the IF-NPs could covalently interact with the epoxy, without any surface modifications. The toughening mechanism of polymer matrices by the tubular nanofillers is mainly attributed to pull-out and crack bridging of the nanotubes. At the same time, inorganic nanocomposite adhesives exhibit promising results. IF structures of WS2 were found to exhibit crack deflection and bowing mechanisms. Electrically and thermally conductive adhesives have been obtained by adding CNTs, whereas conductive nanocomposites containing INT-WS2 have not been reported. In the case of CNTs the percolation path could be realized already at low levels (0.25 -1 wt.%). Furthermore, as the CNTs content increases, so does the conductivity of the composite material. In addition, the thermal conductivity of CNTs was found to have insignificant effect on the thermal conductivity of the nanoadhesives. Furthermore, the electrical and thermal conductive properties of most surface treated and functionalized CNTs were found to decrease, compared to untreated CNTs. The resulting nanocomposite adhesives containing carbon and tungsten disulfide nanotubes and fullerenes exhibit promising results in various applications.
(2015) Dalton Transactions. 44, 37, p. 16399-16404 Abstract
Electrochemical generation of hydrogen by non-precious metal electrocatalysts at a lower overpotential is a focus area of research directed towards sustainable energy. The exorbitant costs associated with Pt-based catalysts is the major bottleneck associated with commercial-scale hydrogen generation. Strategies for the synthesis of cost-effective and stable catalysts are thus key for a prospective 'hydrogen economy'. In this report, we highlight a novel and general strategy to enhance the electrochemical activity of molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) in a fullerene structure (IF-). In particular, pristine (undoped) and rhenium-doped nanoparticles of MoS2 with fullerene-like structures (IF-MoS2) were studied, and their performance as catalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) was compared to that of 2H-MoS2 particles (platelets). The current density of the IF-MoS2 was higher by one order of magnitude than that of few-layer (FL-) MoS2, due to the enhanced density of the edge sites. Furthermore, Re doping of as low as 100 ppm in IF-MoS2 decreased the onset potential by 60-80 mV and increased the activity by 60 times compared with that of the FL-MoS2. The combined synergistic effect of Re doping and the IF structure not only changes the intrinsic nature of the MoS2 but also increases its reactivity. This strategy highlights the potential use of the IF structure and Re doping in electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution using MoS2-based catalysts.
(2015) ACS Nano. 9, 8, p. 7831-7839 Abstract
We report the synthesis and supporting density-functional-theory computations for a closed-cage, misfit layered-compound superstructure from PbS-SnS2, generated by highly concentrated sunlight from a precursor mixture of Pb, SnS2, and graphite. The unique reactor conditions created in our solar furnace are found to be particularly conducive to the formation of these nanomaterials. Detailed structural and chemical characterization revealed a spontaneous inside-out formation mechanism, with a broad range of nonhollow fullerene-like structures starting at a diameter of ∼20 nm and a wall thickness of ∼5 layers. The computations also reveal a counterintuitive charge transfer pathway from the SnS2 layers to the PbS layers, which indicates that, in contrast to binary-layered compounds where it is principally van der Waals forces that hold the layers together, polar forces appear to be as important in stabilizing superstructures of misfit layered compounds. (Figure Presented).
(2015) Nanomaterials and Energy. 4, 1, p. 30-38 Abstract[All authors]
Inorganic, fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles of tungsten disulfide (WS2) and molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) have been synthesised in the past and their useful tribological properties have been studied quite extensively. Rhenium doping of such nanoparticles was also reported and studied to some extent. Herein, further studies of the physico-chemical properties are reported in connection to lubrication under mild loads. Due to their self-repelling character, the doped nanoparticles form tessellated monolayers on certain substrates. When mixed in small amounts, the IF nanoparticles lead to a reduction in the viscosity of water-based gels. Furthermore, the added nanoparticles lead to a precipitous reduction in traction force (friction) under mild loads. The lubrication mechanism of such nanoparticles is briefly discussed.
(2015) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 55, 5, p. 599-603 Abstract
Sodium ion batteries (SIBs) are considered as a promising alternative to threaten the reign of lithium ion batteries (LIBs) among various next-generation rechargeable energy storage systems, including magnesium ion, metalr, and metalsulfur batteries. Since both sodium and lithium are located in Group 1 of the periodic table, they share similar (electro)chemical properties with regard to ionization pattern, electronegativity, and electronic configuration; thus the vast number of compounds developed from LIBs can provide guidance to design electrode materials for SIBs. However, the larger ionic radius of the sodium cation and unique (de)sodiation processes may also lead to uncertainties in terms of thermodynamic or kinetic properties. Herein, we present the first construction of SIBs based on inorganic fullerene-like (IF) MoS2 nanoparticles. Closed-shell-type structures, represented by C60 fullerene, have largely been neglected for studies of alkali-metal hosting materials due to their inaccessibility for intercalating ions into the inner spaces. However, IF-MoS2, with faceted surfaces, can diffuse sodium ions through the defective channels, thereby allowing reversible sodium ion intercalation/deintercalation. Interestingly, Re-doped MoS2 showed good electrochemical performances with fast kinetics (ca. 74 mA h g-1 at 20 C). N-type doping caused by Re substitution of Mo in IF-MoS2 revealed enhanced electrical conductivity and an increased number of diffusion defect sites. Thus, chemical modification of fullerene-like structures through doping is proven to be a promising synthetic strategy to prepare improved electrodes.
(2015) Tissue Engineering Part A. 21, 5-6, p. 1013-1023 Abstract[All authors]
Impaired salivary gland (SG) function leading to oral diseases is relatively common with no adequate solution. Previously, tissue engineering of SG had been proposed to overcome this morbidity, however, not yet clinically available. Multiwall inorganic (tungsten disulfide [WS2]) nanotubes (INT-WS2) and fullerene-like nanoparticles (IF-WS2) have many potential medical applications. A yet unexplored venue application is their interaction with SG, and therefore, our aim was to test the biocompatibility of INT/IF-WS2 with the A5 and rat submandibular cells (RSC) SG cells. The cells were cultured and subjected after 1 day to different concentrations of INT-WS2 and were compared to control groups. Growth curves, trypan blue viability test, and carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester (CFSE) proliferation assay were obtained. Furthermore, cells morphology and interaction with the nanoparticles were observed by light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The results showed no significant differences in growth curves, proliferation kinetics, and viability between the groups compared. Moreover, no alterations were observed in the cell morphology. Interestingly, TEM images indicated that the nanoparticles are uptaken by the cells and accumulate in cytoplasmic vesicles. These results suggest promising future medical applications for these nanoparticles.
(2015) Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 4, 1, p. 89-93 Abstract
Nanotubular structures from a new family of misfit compounds LnS-TaS2 with (Ln = La, Ce, Nd, Ho, Er) and LaSe-TaSe2 (some of them not known hitherto) are reported. Stress relaxation originating from the lattice mismatch between the alternating LnS(Se) and TaS2(Se) layers, combined with seaming of the dangling bonds in the rim, leads to the formation of a variety of nanotubular structures. Their structures are studied via scanning electron microscopy (SEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and selected area electron diffraction (SAED). Tubules exhibiting a single folding vector for the LnS(Se) as well as TaS2(Se) layers were often found. The small values of the c-axis periodicities are indicative of a strong interaction between the two constituent layers which was also supported by Raman spectroscopy and theoretical calculations.
(2014) Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 5, 21, p. 3724-3736 Abstract
Nanotubes that are formed from layered materials have emerged to be exciting one-dimensional materials in the last two decades due to their remarkable structures and properties. Misfit layered compounds (MLC) can be produced from alternating assemblies of two different molecular slabs with different periodicities with the general formula [(MX)1+x]m[TX2]n (or more simply MS-TS2), where M is Sn, Pb, Bi, Sb, rare earths, T is Sn, Nb, Ta, Ti, V, Cr, and so on, and X is S, Se. The presence of misfit stresses between adjacent layers in MLC provides a driving force for curling of the layers that acts in addition to the elimination of dangling bonds. The combination of these two independent forces leads to the synthesis of misfit layered nanotubes, which are newcomers to the broad field of one-dimensional nanostructures and nanotubes. The synthesis, characterization, and microscopic details of misfit layered nanotubes are discussed, and directions for future research are presented. (Figure Presented).
(2014) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 53, 27, p. 6920-6924 Abstract
The synthesis of nanotubes from layered compounds has generated substantial scientific interest. "Misfit" layered compounds (MLCs) of the general formula [(MX)1+x]m[TX2]n, where M can include Pb, Sb, rare earths; T=Cr, Nb, and X=S, Se can form layered structures, even though each sub-system alone is not necessarily a layered or a stable compound. A simple chemical method is used to synthesize these complex nanotubes from lanthanide-based misfit compounds. Quaternary nanotubular structures formed by partial substitution of the lanthanide atom in nanotubes by other elements are also confirmed. The driving force and mechanism of formation of these nanotubes is investigated by systematic temperature and time-dependent studies. A stress-inducement mechanism is proposed to explain the formation of the nanotubes. The resulting materials may find applications in fields that include thermoelectrics, light emitters, and catalysis and address fundamental physical issues in low dimensions. When two systems meet: Interactions between two systems comprising different in-plane periodicities can result in misfit layered compounds even if each subsystem alone is not a layered or stable compound. A combination of two independent stimuli, namely the incommensurability of the misfit lattice (often leading to folding and scrolling) and the reactivity of the layer rim atoms, provides a new strategy to synthesize misfit nanotubes.
(2014) Tribology Letters. 55, 1, p. 103-109 Abstract
In the present work, MoS2 nanoparticles with fullerene-like structure, and most particularly those doped with minute amounts of rhenium atoms, are used as additive to medical gels in order to facilitate their entry into constricted openings of soft material rings. This procedure is used to mimic the entry of endoscopes to constricted openings of the human body, like urethra, etc. It is shown that the Re-doped nanoparticles reduce the traction force used to retrieve the metallic lead of the endoscope from the soft ring by a factor close to three times with respect to the original gel. The mechanism of the mitigation of both friction and adhesion forces in these systems by the nanoparticles is discussed.
(2014) Nanoscale. 6, 14, p. 8400-8404 Abstract
Theoretical analysis of experimental data on unzipping multilayered WS 2 nanotubes by consequent intercalation of lithium atoms and 1-octanethiol molecules [C. Nethravathi, et al., ACS Nano, 2013, 7, 7311] is presented. The radial expansion of the tube was described using continuum thin-walled cylinder approximation with parameters evaluated from ab initio calculations. Assuming that the attractive driving force of the 1-octanethiol molecule is its reaction with the intercalated Li ions ab initio calculations of a 1-octanethiol molecule bonding with Li+ were carried out. In addition, the non-chemical interactions of the 1-octanethiol dipole with an array of positive point charges representing Li+ were taken into account. Comparing between the energy gain from these interactions and the elastic strain energy of the nanotube allows us to evaluate a value for the tube wall deformation after the implantation of 1-octanethiol molecules. The ab initio molecular dynamics simulation confirmed our estimates and demonstrated that a strained WS2 nanotube, with a decent concentration of 1-octanethiol molecules, should indeed be unzipped into the WS2 nanoribbon.
(2014) Frontiers of Physics. 9, 3, p. 370-377 Abstract
This minireview outlines the main scientific directions in the research of inorganic nanotubes (INT) and fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles from layered compounds, in recent years. In particular, this review describes to some detail the progress in the synthesis of new nanotubes, including those from misfit compounds; core-shell and the successful efforts to scale-up the synthesis of WS2 multiwall nanotubes. The high-temperature catalytic growth of nanotubes, via solar ablation is discussed as well. Furthermore, the doping of the IF-MoS2 nanoparticles and its influence on the physiochemical properties of the nanoparticles, including their interesting tribological properties are briefly discussed. Finally, the numerous applications of these nanoparticles as superior solid lubricants and for reinforcing variety of polymers are discussed in brief.
(2014) Chemistry of Materials. 26, 12, p. 3757-3770 Abstract
Tubular structures of the MS-TaS2 with (M = Pb, Sn, Sb, Bi) misfit layered compounds are reported. The lattice mismatch between the alternating MS and TaS2 layers leads to a variety of chiral tubular structures. Such tubular structures are studied via scanning electron microscopy (SEM), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), and selected area electron diffraction (SAED). For the PbS-TaS2 and SnS-TaS 2 tubules, relative in-plane orientations as well as folding vectors of the two subsystems can be determined. However, almost ring-like SAED patterns are obtained for SbS-TaS2 nanotubes precluding exact determination of the relative in plane orientation. Also, very complex diffraction patterns were obtained for BiS-TaS2 nanotubes.
(2014) Inorganics. 2, 2, p. 363-376 Abstract
Recent studies have clearly indicated the favorable effect of lead as a growth promoter for MX2 (M = Mo, W; X = S, Se) nanotubes using MX2 powder as a precursor material. The experimental work indicated that the lead atoms are not stable in the molybdenum oxide lattice ion high concentration. The initial lead concentration in the oxide nanowhiskers (Pb:Mo ratio = 0.28) is reduced by one order of magnitude after one year in the drawer. The initial Pb concentration in the MoS2 nanotubes lattice (produced by solar ablation) is appreciably smaller (Pb:Mo ratio for the primary samples is 0.12) and is further reduced with time and annealing at 810 °C, without consuming the nanotubes. In order to elucidate the composition of these nanotubes in greater detail; the Pb-"modified" MX2 compounds were studied by means of DFT calculations and additional experimental work. The calculations indicate that Pb doping as well as Pb intercalation of MoS2 lead to the destabilization of the system; and therefore a high Pb content within the MoS2 lattice cannot be expected in the final products. Furthermore; substitutional doping (PbMo) leads to p-type semiconducting character; while intercalation of MoS2 by Pb atoms (Pby/MoS2) should cause n-type semiconducting behavior. This study not only sheds light on the role of added lead to the growth of the nanotubes and their role as electron donors; but furthermore could pave the way to a large scale synthesis of the MoS2 nanotubes.
(2014) Zeitschrift fur Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie. 640, 6, p. 1152-1158 Abstract
A new two-step procedure for the synthesis of MoS2 nanotubes using lead as a growth promoter is reported. In the first step, molybdenum suboxide nanowhiskers containing a small amount of lead atoms were created by exposing a pressed MoS2+Pb mixture to highly compressed shock-heated argon gas, with estimated temperatures exceeding 9900 K. In the second step, these molybdenum suboxide nanowhiskers served as templates for the sulfidization of the oxide into MoS2 nanotubes (by using H2S gas in a reducing atmosphere at 820 °C). Unlike the case of WS2 nanotubes, the synthesis of a pure phase of MoS2 nanotubes from molybdenum oxide has proven challenging, due mostly to the volatile nature of the latter at the high requisite reaction temperatures (>800 °C). In contrast, the nature and apparent reaction mechanism of the method reported herein are amenable to future scale-up. The high-temperature shockwave system should also facilitate the synthesis of new nanostructures from other layered materials.
(2014) Nanoscale. 6, 10, p. 5251-5259 Abstract
Ureteral stents and urethral catheters are commonly used medical devices for maintaining urinary flow. However, long-term placement (>30 days) of these devices in the urinary tracts is limited by the development of encrustation, a phenomenon that holds a prevalence of 50% within this patient population, resulting in a great deal of morbidity to the patients. Here we report the influence of surface coating of an all-silicone catheter with rhenium-doped fullerene-like molybdenum disulfide (Re:IF-MoS2) nanoparticles on the growth and attachment of in vitro encrustation stones. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analyses indicated a remarkable attenuation in encrustation occupation on the Re:IF-MoS2-coated catheter surfaces compared to neat catheters. The doped nanoparticles displayed a unique tendency to self-assemble into mosaic-like arrangements, modifying the surface to be encrustation-repellent. The mechanism of encrustation retardation on the surface coated catheters is discussed in some detail. The ramification of these results for the clogging of other body indwelling devices is briefly discussed. This journal is
(2014) ACS Nano. 8, 4, p. 3575-3583 Abstract
The optical and electronic properties of suspensions of inorganic fullerene-like nanoparticles of MoS2 are studied through light absorption and zeta-potential measurements and compared to those of the corresponding microscopic platelets. The total extinction measurements show that, in addition to excitonic peaks and the indirect band gap transition, a new peak is observed at 700-800 nm. This spectral peak has not been reported previously for MoS2. Comparison of the total extinction and decoupled absorption spectrum indicates that this peak largely originates from scattering. Furthermore, the dependence of this peak on nanoparticle size, shape, and surface charge, as well as solvent refractive index, suggests that this transition arises from a plasmon resonance.
(2014) Inorganics. 2, 2, p. 177-190 Abstract
The synthesis of inorganic nanotubes (INT) from layered compounds of a small size (
(2014) Accounts of Chemical Research. 47, 2, p. 406-416 Abstract
Carbon fullerenes and nanotubes revolutionized understandingof the reactivity of nanoscale compounds. Subsequently, our group and others discovered analogous inorganic compounds with hollow, closed nanostructures. Such inorganic nanostructures offer many applications, particularly in the energy and electronics industries.One way to create inorganic nanostructures is via misfit layer-ed compounds (MLC), which are stacks of alternating two-dimensional molecular slabs, typically held together via weak van der Waals forces. They contain "misfits" in their a-b plane structures that can make them unstable, leading to collapse of the slabs into tubular nanostructures. For example, metal chalcogenide MLCs of the general formula (MX)1+y/ TX2 (M = Sn, Pb, Bi, Sb, and other rare earths; T = Sn, Ti, V, Cr, Nb, Ta, etc.; X = S or Se) consist of a superstructure of alternating layers where the MX unit belongs to a (distorted NaCl) orthorhombic symmetry group (O), the TX2 layer possesses trigonal (T) or octahedral symmetry, and the two layers are held together via both van der Waals and polar forces. A misfit in the a axis or both a and b axes of the two sublattices may lead to the formation of nanostructures as the lattices relax via scrolling. Previous research has also shown that the abundance of atoms with dangling bonds in the rims makes nanoparticles of compounds with layered structure unstable in the planar form, and they tend to fold into hollow closed structures such as nanotubes.This Account shows that combining these two triggers, misfits and dangling bond annihilation in the slab rims, leads to new kinds of nanotubes from MLCs. In particular, we report the structure of two new types of nanotubes from misfits, namely, the SnS/SnS2 and PbS/NbS2 series. To decipher the complex structures of these nanotubes, we use a range of methods: high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), selected area electron diffraction (SAED) analyses, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and Cs-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) in the high-angle annular dark-field mode (HAADF). In both new types, the lattice mismatch between the two alternating sublayers dictates the relative layer-stacking order and leads to a variety of chiral tubular structures. In particular, the incommensuration (a type of misfit) of the SnS2/SnS system in both the (in plane) a and b directions leads to a variety of relative in-plane orientation and stacking orders along the common c-axis. Thus the SnS/SnS2 nanotubes form superstructures with the sequence O-T and O-T-T, and mixtures thereof. We also report nanotubes of the misfit layered compound (PbS)1.14NbS2, and of NbS 2 intercalated with Pb atoms, with the chemical formula PbNbS 2. Thus, the possibility to use two kinds of folding mechanisms jointly offers a new apparatus for the synthesis of unique 1-D nanostructures of great complexity and a potentially large diversity of physicochemical properties.
(2014) Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 28, 1, p. 38-52 Abstract
Thermoset-elastomer polyurethane (PU) nanocomposites were prepared using two types of tungsten disulphide (WS2) nanoparticles: inorganic fullerene-like (IF) and inorganic nanotubes (INT) through an in-situ polymerization process. The quality of dispersion was evaluated using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and the thermomechanical properties were analyzed using dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA). Addition of 1% and 3 wt.%. IFs resulted in enhancement in storage modulus of 45 and 100%, respectively, compared to the neat polymer. The enhancement using only 0.5% wt. INTs was more than 100% and then decreased with additional amount of nanotubes. While no significant change in the composites glass transition temperature (Tg) was observed with IF-WS2, 0.5% INT-WS2 showed a 20 °C increase of Tg. In both cases, analysis of the chemical structure using an attenuated total reflectance- Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy showed no effect of the nanoparticles on the chemical structure of the PU and wide-angle X-ray diffraction showed no change in morphology. In the case of IF-WS2 the highest peel strength was obtained with 1% wt. demonstrating a 44% improvement in peel strength. However, in the case of INT-WS2, incorporating 0.5% wt. improved the peel strength by more than 1000%. SEM analysis showed a unique development of a nodular morphology and a failure mechanism dominated by nanotube pull-out. It was concluded that the geometry of the nanoparticles (nanotubes or fullerene) has a dominant effect on the final PU nanocomposite properties.
(2014) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 118, 4, p. 2161-2169 Abstract[All authors]
A new technique of gold nanoparticle (AuNP) growth on the sidewalls of WS2 inorganic nanotubes (INT-WS2) and the surface of MoS2 fullerene-like nanoparticles (IF-MoS2) is developed to produce metal-semiconductor nanocomposites. The coverage density and mean size of the nanoparticles are dependent on the HAuCl4/MS2 (M = W, Mo) molar ratio. AuNPs formation mechanism seems to involve spatially divided reactions of AuCl4- reduction and WS 2/MoS2 oxidation taking place on the surface defects of the disulfide nanostructures rather than directly at the AuNP-INT/IF interface. A strong epitaxial matching between the lattices of the gold nanoparticles and the INT-WS2 or IF-MoS2 seems to suppress plasmon resonance in the nanocomposites with small (
(2013) Polymer Engineering and Science. 53, 12, p. 2624-2632 Abstract
Closed-cage (fullerene-like) nanoparticles (NPs) of WS2 are currently produced in large amounts and were investigated as additives to thermoplastics and thermosetting polymers. The nanoinduced morphology and the resulting enhanced fracture toughness of epoxy/WS2 nanocomposites were studied. The morphology of the epoxy nanocomposites was induced by controlled WS2 surface chemistry. The WS2 NPs used were either untreated or chemically treated with acryloxy, which is compatible, and alkyl silane, which is incompatible, respectively, with the epoxy matrix. In the case where the acryloxy silane was used to treat the WS2 particles, good dispersion and compatibility were obtained in the epoxy resin. Moreover, a distinct nodular morphology was induced on fracture as a result of nucleation by the compatible NPs. In the case where the alkyl silane treatment was used cavitation morphology was induced, following mechanical loading, which is the result of incompatibility with the epoxy resin. The fracture toughness results showed an increase of 70% for nanocomposites contains alkyl-treated WS2 compared with the neat epoxy. Modeling of the nodular morphology enabled the determination of optimal concentration of the WS2 in epoxy (0.3% by weight). Two main fracture mechanisms were observed, crack bowing around the nodular boundaries in the case of compatibility between the nanoparticle and the epoxy and particle-induced cavitation in the case of incompatibility, respectively. These results are of significant importance both for epoxy-based adhesives and fiber composites. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 53:2624-2632, 2013. © 2013 Society of Plastics Engineers
(2013) Nano Research. 6, 12, p. 921-928 Abstract
Next-generation catalysts for water splitting are crucial towards a renewable hydrogen economy. MoS2 and WS2 represent earth-abundant, noble metal cathode alternatives with high catalytic activity at edge sites. One challenge in their development is to nanostructure these materials in order to achieve increased performance through the creation of additional edge sites. In this work, we demonstrate a simple route to form nanostructured-WS2 using sonochemical exfoliation to break interlayer and intralayer bonds in WS2 nanotubes. The resulting few-layer nanoflakes are similar to 100 nm wide with a high density of edge sites. WS2 nanoflakes are utilized as cathodes for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and exhibit superior performance to WS2 nanotubes and bulk particles, with a lower onset potential, shallower Tafel slope and increased current density. Future work may employ ultra-small nanoflakes, dopant atoms, or graphene hybrids to further improve electrocatalytic activity.
(2013) Physica Status Solidi A-Applications And Materials Science. 210, 11, p. 2292-2297 Abstract
Al2O3/IF-WS2 nanocomposite coating was prepared in a two-step process. The Al2O3 nano-fibers are the matrix of the composite and the nanoparticles of WS2 with fullerene-like structure (IF-WS2) are the dispersed phase material, which can improve the mechanical and tribological properties of the nanocomposite. Detailed structural analysis of the nanocomposites was performed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction. These analyses show that the IF nanoparticles are entrapped in the microporous surface-film of the alumina matrix. The structure and mechanical properties of the nanosized Al2O3/IF-WS2 nanocomposite film was analyzed. This analysis demonstrates that the hardness and composition of the film exhibits graded functional material characteristics, suggesting possible tribological applications.
(2013) Physica Status Solidi A-Applications And Materials Science. 210, 11, p. 2298-2306 Abstract
Recently large amounts of inorganic nanotubes (INT) and inorganic fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles of WS2 became available and methods for their dispersion in different media were developed. In the present work the tribological properties of epoxy composite compounded with tungsten disulfide particles of different sizes and morphologies, including quasi-spherical IF nanoparticles, one-dimensional INT as well as micron-size platelets (2H) were investigated. The coefficient of friction and wear loss were measured under dry contact conditions using different tribological rigs. Remarkable reduction in wear and also friction (under high load) was demonstrated for the IF/INT epoxy nanocomposite. The reduced wear is attributed in general to the reinforcement of the polymer matrix by nanoparticles and the simultaneous reduction of the epoxy brittleness. Contrarily, the friction of the neat epoxy sample and epoxy mixed with platelets was accompanied with strong wear and transfer of a polymer film onto the rubbed surfaces. These results are consistent with the recently reported improvements in the fracture toughness, peel and shear strength of the epoxy-nanoparticles (IF/INT) composites.
(2013) Physica Status Solidi A-Applications And Materials Science. 210, 11, p. 2253-2258 Abstract
In this paper the synthesis of inorganic nanotubes (INT) and to a lesser extent, inorganic fullerene-like nanoparticles (IF) of WS2, which have been recently scaled-up, is discussed in some detail. Subsequently the mechanical properties of IF/INT are summarized, in reference to their remarkable possibility to reinforce polymer matrices and serve as superior solid lubricants. The effect of adding minute amounts of such nanoparticles to various polymer matrices is reviewed with reference to thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers. Possible different applications of such nanocomposites are also briefly discussed.
(2013) Nanoscale. 5, 18, p. 8526-8532 Abstract
Insertion of endoscopes and other medical devices into the human body are ubiquitous, especially among aged males. The applied force for the insertion/extraction of the device from the urethra must overcome endoscope-surface-human-tissue interactions. In daily practice a gel is applied on the endoscope surface, in order to facilitate its entry into the urethra, providing also for local anesthesia. In the present work, a new solid-state lubricant has been added to the gel, in order to reduce the metal-urethra interaction and alleviate the potential damage to the epithelial tissue. For that purpose, a urethra model was designed and fabricated, which allowed a quantitative assessment of the applied force for extraction of the endoscope from a soft polymer-based ring. It is shown that the addition of MoS2 nanoparticles with fullerene-like structure (IF-MoS2) and in particular rhenium-doped nanoparticles (Re:IF-MoS2) to Esracain gel applied on the metal-lead reduced the friction substantially. The Re:IF-MoS 2 showed better results than the undoped fullerene-like nanoparticles and both performed better than the gel alone. The mechanism of friction reduction is attributed to fullerenes' ability to roll and act as a separator between the active parts of the model.
(2013) Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics. 214, 18, p. 2007-2015 Abstract
Polymer-inorganic nanoparticle composites are an area of great research interest. Inorganic fullerene-like (IF) structures and inorganic nanotubes (INT) are used for producing composite materials with specific goals of reinforcement of the polymer and ameliorating its thermal stability. Here, a composite material containing INT and conducting polymer (polyaniline (PANI)) is synthesized by an in situ oxidative polymerization of the monomer in the presence of WS2 nanotubes. The structure and electrical behavior of PANI/INT composite is studied and compared with the results of pristine PANI (synthesized under the same conditions without INT). Most remarkably, INT-WS2 are found to play the role of an active doping agent. The highest conductivity is obtained for 0.85 wt% (ca. 0.06 at%) nanotubes content, two orders of magnitude higher than that of pristine PANI. This work suggests a new approach to control the host-guest interaction in the polymer nanocomposite via (Lewis) acid-base equilibrium. A composite material containing WS 2 nanotubes (INT-WS2) and conducting polymer (polyaniline (PANI)) is obtained by an in situ oxidative polymerization of the monomer in the presence of the INT-WS2. Electron transfer from PANI to the INT-WS2 is shown to produce a peak in the conductivity at 0.85 wt% (0.2 at%) of the nanotubes.
(2013) Nanotechnology. 24, 33, 335603. Abstract
We report a reasonably high yield (∼50%) synthesis of silicon carbide (SiC) nanowires from silicon oxides and carbon in vacuum, by novel solar and lamp photothermal ablation methods that obviate the need for catalysis, and allow relatively short reaction times (∼10 min) in a nominally one-step process that does not involve toxic reagents. The one-dimensional core/shell β-SiC/SiOx nanostructures - characterized by SEM, TEM, HRTEM, SAED, XRD and EDS - are typically several microns long, with core and outer diameters of about 10 and 30 nm, respectively. HRTEM revealed additional distinctive nanoscale structures that also shed light on the formation pathways.
[All authors] -
(2013) Nano Letters. 13, 8, p. 3736-3741 Abstract
We report the first transistor based on inorganic nanotubes exhibiting mobility values of up to 50 cm2 V-1 s-1 for an individual WS2 nanotube. The current-carrying capacity of these nanotubes was surprisingly high with respect to other low-dimensional materials, with current density at least 2.4 × 108 A cm-2. These results demonstrate that inorganic nanotubes are promising building blocks for high-performance electronic applications.
(2013) ACS Nano. 7, 8, p. 7311-7317 Abstract
WS2 nanoribbons have been synthesized by chemical unzipping of WS2 nanotubes. Lithium atoms are intercalated in WS2 nanotubes by a solvothermal reaction with n-butyllithium in hexane. The lithiated WS2 nanotubes are then reacted with various solvents - water, ethanol, and long chain thiols. While the tubes break into pieces when treated with water and ethanol, they unzip through longitudinal cutting along the axes to yield nanoribbons when treated with long chain thiols, 1-octanethiol and 1-dodecanethiol. The slow diffusion of the long chain thiols reduces the aggression of the reaction, leading to controlled opening of the tubes.
(2013) ChemPhysChem. 14, 10, p. 2125-2131 Abstract
This study describes a new method for fabrication of thin composite films using physical vapor deposition (PVD). Titanium (Ti) and hybrid films of titanium containing tungsten disulphide nanoparticles with inorganic fullerene-like structure (Ti/IF-WS2) were fabricated with a modified PVD machine. The evaporation process includes the pulsed deposition of IF-WS2 by a sprayer head. This process results in IF-WS2 nanoparticles embedded in a Ti matrix. The layers were characterized by various techniques, which confirm the composition and structure of the hybrid film. The Ti/IF-WS2 shows better wear resistance and a lower friction coefficient when compared to the Ti layer or Ti substrate. The Ti/IF films show very good antireflective properties in the visible and near-IR region. Such films may find numerous applications, for example, in the aerospace and medical technology.
(2013) Advanced Sensors for Safety and Security. Vaseashta A. & Khudaverdyan S.(eds.). p. 299-302 Abstract
Recent progress in the synthesis and the applications of inorganic nanotubes and fullerene-like nanoparticles of layered compounds is reviewed in short brief. New synthetic pathways have been developed for this purpose. Thus, the use of heavy metal catalysts, like lead and bismuth, allowed the synthesis of nanotubes from the "misfit" SnS/SnS2 superstructure; WSe2 and other compounds. Scaling up of the synthesis of multiwall WS2 nanotubes is also briefly discussed. The use of such nanotubes to reinforce polymer matrices, and for humidity sensors, is described.
(2013) Nano Letters. 13, 6, p. 2803-2808 Abstract
We investigated the infrared vibrational properties of pristine and Re-substituted MoS2 nanoparticles and analyzed the extracted phonon lifetimes in terms of multiple scattering events. Our measurements reveal both size- and doping-dependent changes that we attribute to grain boundary scattering and charge and mass effects, respectively. By contrast, Born charge is affected only by size. These findings illustrate the utility of reaching beyond traditional bulk semiconductors and quantum dots to explore how doping and confinement impact carrier-phonon interactions in low-dimensional semiconducting nanomaterials.
(2013) ACS Nano. 7, 4, p. 3506-3511 Abstract
We investigated the optical properties of rhenium-doped MoS2 nanoparticles and compared our findings with the pristine and bulk analogues. Our measurements reveal that confinement softens the exciton positions and reduces spin-orbit coupling, whereas doping has the opposite effect. We model the carrier-induced exciton blue shift in terms of the Burstein-Moss effect. These findings are important for understanding doping and finite length scale effects in low-dimensional nanoscale materials.
(2013) Nano Letters. 13, 3, p. 1034-1040 Abstract
Mechanical properties and fracture behaviors of multiwalled WS2 nanotubes produced by large scale fluidized bed method were investigated under uniaxial tension using in situ transmission electron microscopy probing; these were directly correlated to the nanotube atomic structures. The tubes with the average outer diameter ∼40 nm sustained tensile force of ∼2949 nN and revealed fracture strength of ∼11.8 GPa. Surprisingly, these rather thick WS2 nanotubes could bear much higher loadings than the thin WS 2 nanotubes with almost "defect-free" structures studied previously. In addition, the fracture strength of the "thick" nanotubes did not show common size dependent degradation when the tube diameters increased from ∼20 to ∼60 nm. HRTEM characterizations and real time observations revealed that the anomalous tensile properties are related to the intershell cross-linking and geometric constraints from the inverted cone-shaped tube cap structures, which resulted in the multishell loading and fracturing.
[All authors] -
(2013) Nanoscale. 5, 4, p. 1499-1502 Abstract
Mo2C nanoparticles encapsulated within MoS2 inorganic fullerene-like nanoparticles and nanotubes were produced by carbothermal reaction at 1200-1300 °C inside a vertical induction furnace. The particles were analyzed using various electron microscopy techniques and complementary methods.
(2013) Springer Handbook of Nanomaterials. Vajtai R.(eds.). p. 605-637 Abstract
Graphite nanoparticles are known to be unstable due to the abundance of rim atoms with dangling bonds, closing into fullerenes and nanotubes under appropriate conditions. It was proposed in 1992 that this property is common also to nanoparticles of inorganic layered materials rather than being limited to carbon. Indeed, inorganic fullerene-like nanoparticles (IF) and inorganic nanotubes (INT) were produced initially from the layered materials WS2 and MoS2, and subsequently from numerous other layered compounds. The state of the art in this field is described briefly in this review. This chapter reviews the main methods used for IF and INT synthesis and discusses the relations between the different mechanisms and the resulting morphologies. Emphasis is placed on methods reported recently. The main differences between the morphologies are presented using WS2 and MoS2 as representatives of the inorganic IF/INT family. The measured properties of W(Mo)S2 IF and INT are further examined and compared with theoretical calculations.Finally, current applications of WS2 and MoS2 IF and INT are reviewed, highlighting recent advances in the fields of tribology and nanocomposite materials.
(2013) Nanomaterials and Energy. 2, 1, p. 25-34 Abstract
Inorganic fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles (NP) and inorganic nanotubes (INT) of layered compounds, such as WS2, have been of particular interest due to their unique structural characteristics. Recently, the catalytic decomposition of thiophene using INT of WS2 decorated with Co NP was demonstrated. This finding also suggests that these materials could be also suitable for the photocatalytic treatment of pollutants in wastewaters. In the present work, the photocatalytic decomposition of methyl orange (MO) in aqueous solution using Co-coated INT-WS2 as well as other NP was investigated. The photocatalytic reactivity under visible light illumination of this photocatalyst was measured and compared with that of various IF and INT and TiO2 (P25). The Co NP-coated INT-WS2 exhibited the highest photodegradation of MO among the studied NP. The significant enhancement in the photoactivity of the hybrid nanostructure can be attributed to the combination of the metallic Co NP and the semiconducting WS2 nanotubes. The hybrid nanostructure enables the efficient light absorption by the INT and the subsequent charge separation of the hybrid semiconductormetal NP under visible light illumination. In addition, Raman spectroscopy technique was used to verify that the MO was decomposed by Co-coated nanotubes and not adsorbed in large amounts on the hybrid NP surface.
(2013) Wear. 297, 1-2, p. 1103-1110 Abstract
The tribological properties of rhenium-doped inorganic fullerene-like MoS2 nanoparticles were studied in poly alpha olefin oil, and compared to inorganic fullerene-like (IF) MS2 (M=Mo,W) nanoparticles and 2H-MoS2 platelets. For this purpose a rotational disc tribometer was used. Different regimes in the Stribeck curve, i.e., boundary, mixed and elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication conditions were studied. A precipitous reduction in friction and wear of oil suspensions with nanoparticles were observed for the entire IF samples. However, Re-doped IF exhibited the best results, presumably due to their reduced tribocharging and agglomeration. The various tribological mechanisms of solid state additives are discussed.
(2012) Zeitschrift fur Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie. 638, 15, p. 2610-2616 Abstract
The synthesis of rhenium-doped fullerene-like MoS2 nanoparticles (Re:IF-MoS2) is described. Careful inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analysis reveals that the concentration of the rhenium atoms in the IF-MoS2 lattice is more than 10-fold smaller than the weighted amount of this atom in the precursor powder. High resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy in high angle annular dark field mode is used to decipher the isolated rhenium atoms in the MoS2 lattice and confirm that these atoms substitute for molybdenum atoms. Scanning electron microscopy analysis shows that, in contrast to the undoped nanoparticles which tend to agglomerate, the Re:IF-MoS2 nanoparticles self-assemble on substrate surfaces forming an ordered tessellated monolayer. Theoretical quantum-chemical calculations show that the Re level is some 180 meV below the conduction band. Furthermore, the rhenium electrons are fairly localized in the MoS2 lattice. At a higher concentration the rhenium atoms form a mini-band below the conduction band which coincides with the Fermi level of the lattice.
(2012) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 52, 11-12, p. 1053-1062 Abstract
A reactivity screening of new nano-hydrodesulfurization (HDS) catalysts was conducted using an ambient pressure flow reactor as well as ultra-high vacuum kinetics techniques. Thiophene was used as a probe molecule. Clean multiwall WS2 nanotubes (INT-WS2 ) as well as Ni- and Cocoated INT-WS2 were considered. In addition, undoped MoS2 and Re-doped nanoparticles with fullerene-like structures were studied. Commercial Ni and Co HDS catalysts from Haldor Topsoe (Denmark) as well as "nano MoS2" from Impex Corp. (USA) were considered as reference materials. The lab-synthesized and commercial systems broke down thiophene into quite similar non-sulfur containing products, as identified by a gas chromatograph. The Ni and Co promoted catalysts showed similar thiophene conversion rates. Although the commercial catalysts had larger thiophene conversion rates than the laboratory-synthesized systems, the Re-doped nano-HDS catalyst showed quite low rates of formation of H2S, an undesirable by-product.
(2012) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 134, 39, p. 16379-16386 Abstract
A new procedure for the synthesis of MoS 2 nanotubes is reported, and additionally demonstrated for MoSe 2, WS 2, and WSe 2. Highly concentrated sunlight creates continuous high temperatures, strong temperature gradients, and extended hot annealing regions, which, together with a metallic (Pb) catalyst, are conducive to the formation of different inorganic nanotubes. Structural characterization (including atomic resolution images) reveals a three-step reaction mechanism. In the first step, MoS 2 platelets react with water-air residues, decompose by intense solar irradiation, and are converted to molybdenum oxide. Subsequently, the hot annealing environment leads to the growth of Pb-stabilized MoO 3-x nanowhiskers. Shortly afterward, the surface of the MoO 3-x starts to react with the sulfur vapor supplied by the decomposition of nearby MoS 2 platelets and becomes enveloped by MoS 2 layers. Finally, the molybdenum oxide core is gradually transformed into MoS 2 nanotubes. These findings augur well for similar syntheses of as yet unattained nanotubes from other metal chalcogenides.
(2012) Applied Physics Letters. 101, 11, 113112. Abstract
The electrical properties of WS 2 nanotubes (NTs) were studied through measuring 59 devices. Important electrical parameters, such as the carrier concentration, mobility, and effective barrier height at the contacts, were obtained through fitting experimental non-linear I-V curves using a metal-semiconductor-metal model. The carrier mobility was found to be several orders of magnitude higher than that have been reported previously for WS 2 NTs. Water absorption was found to decrease the conductivity and carrier mobility of the NTs, and could be removed when the sample was dried. Oxygen absorption also slightly decreased the conductivity of WS 2 NTs.
[All authors] -
(2012) Chemistry of Materials. 24, 15, p. 3004-3015 Abstract
Tubular structures of the SnS 2/SnS misfit compound, which are currently prepared in large amounts, are reported. The lattice mismatch between the two alternating sublayers of SnS 2 and SnS leads to a variety of chiral tubular structures. Such tubular structures are studied via high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and selected area electron diffraction (SAED). The diversity of the structures manifests itself through different stacking orders of SnS 2 and SnS layers along their common c-axis and their relative in-plane orientation. Folding vectors and chiral angles of both subsystems can be determined.
(2012) Materials Research Bulletin. 47, 7, p. 1653-1660 Abstract
WS 2 nanostructures hold structural characteristics which suggest they will be suitable for heterogeneous catalysis in the hydrodesulfurization (HDS) process. In this work, WS 2 nanotubes (INT-WS 2) were coated with cobalt nanoparticles using electroless plating method. Prior to cobalt deposition, the nanotubes surface was activated using palladium seeding process. The deposited cobalt nanoparticles had hcp crystal structure and formed non-uniform layer on the nanotubes surface. The catalytic reactivity of the produced cobalt coated nanotubes toward thiophene decomposition was characterized by an atmospheric flow reactor. The coated nanotubes revealed good catalytic reactivity toward thiophene mineralization. Further, the adsorption kinetics of thiophene on coated INT-WS 2 was studied by thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS). The cobalt coated system was found to be more catalytically active than the pristine INT-WS 2 system. This result is promising since further optimization of the nanofabrication process of the catalyst should increase the conversion rates even further.
(2012) Applied Physics Letters. 100, 24, 243101. Abstract[All authors]
We propose that a photodetector based on nanotubes formed from layered structure may have a faster response than nanowires or nanobelts. The layered compound tungsten disulfide (WS 2) can absorb visible and near-infrared lights. We fabricated photodetectors based on individual WS 2 nanotubes. The photodetectors exhibited a remarkable response to excitation with 633 and 785 nm light. The nanotube-based photodetectors exhibited short rise and decay times of a few hundred μs, high on/off ratio, and high spectral responsivity and external quantum efficiency. Our results imply that WS 2 nanotubes are prospective candidates for high-performance nanoscale optoelectronic devices.
(2012) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 14, 12, p. 4271-4275 Abstract
A synthetic route for preparation of inorganic WS 2 nanotube (INT)-colloidal semiconductor quantum dot (QD) hybrid structures is developed, and transient carrier dynamics on these hybrids are studied via transient photoluminescence spectroscopy utilizing several different types of QDs. Measurements reveal efficient resonant energy transfer from the QDs to the INT upon photoexcitation, provided that the QD emission is at a higher energy than the INT direct gap. Charge transfer in the hybrid system, characterized using QDs with band gaps below the INT direct gap, is found to be absent. This is attributed to the presence of an organic barrier layer due to the relatively long-chain organic ligands of the QDs under study. This system, analogous to carbon nanotube-QD hybrids, holds potential for a variety of applications, including photovoltaics, luminescence tagging and optoelectronics. This journal is
(2012) Tribology Letters. 45, 2, p. 257-264 Abstract
The electrostatic effects in tribological systems have been studied in the past, especially with regards to data storage media. Nanoparticles (NP) of WS2 and MoS2 with fullerene-like structure (IF) have been studied in the past and showed very good tribological behavior. Being semiconductors, their electrical properties can be controlled by, e.g., substituting the lattice Mo (W) atoms with Re (n-type conductivity) and Nb (p-type conductivity) atoms. In this study doping of IF-MoS2, and to a lesser degree IF-WS 2, NP with small amounts (
(2012) Nanoscale. 4, 24, p. 7825-7831 Abstract
Individual WS2 nanotubes (NTs) were bended and released in-situ inside a transmission electron microscope. Kinks appeared in the NTs suddenly during the bending process. Shell distortion, shell breaking and rotation of broken shells were observed in these kinks. Spontaneous self-healing and focused electron beam-assisted healing of the structure were observed after the load was removed. More importantly, the strength and electrical conductivity of the NTs were also restored to their original level when the structure recovered.
(2012) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 51, 5, p. 1148-1151 Abstract[All authors]
Lubricating nanoparticles: The effect of doping semiconductor hollow closed-fullerene-like nanoparticles of MoS 2 and WS 2 has been overlooked to date. Rhenium doping of these nanoparticles leads to a marked increase in the nanoparticle's conductivity, reduced agglomeration, and a great reduction in friction and wear (see picture) that approaches superlubricity.
(2012) Technological Innovations In Sensing And Detection Of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Threats And Ecological Terrorism. p. 59-67 Abstract
Metallic films impregnated with fullerene-like-WS2 (MoS2) nanoparticles were fabricated on stainless steel and Ti-Ni substrates using galvanic and electroless deposition. The coatings were obtained from aqueous suspensions containing the metallic salts as well as the dispersed nanoparticles. Tribological tests showed that the films have low friction and wear. Such coatings could be useful for numerous civilian and defense-related applications.
(2011) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 115, 50, p. 24586-24591 Abstract
The phenomenon of a partial 2H→1T phase transition within multiwalled WS 2 nanotubes under substitutional rhenium doping is discovered by means of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. Using density-functional tight-binding calculations for the related MoS 2 compound, we consider a possible origin of this phase transition, which was known formerly only for WS 2 and MoS 2 intercalated by alkali metals. An interplay between the stability of layered or nanotubular forms of 2H and 1T allotropes is found to be intimately related with their electronic structures and electro-donating ability of an impurity.
(2011) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 50, 51, p. 12316-12320 Abstract
Roll 'em up, move 'em out: The growth of SnS 2 and SnS 2/SnS nanotubes and nanoscrolls with ordered superstructures is promoted by the relaxation of stress between adjacent SnS 2 and SnS layers. Partial decomposition of the SnS 2 precursor to more sulfur-deficient SnS was manifested in the exfoliation of layers and scrolling. The presence of the two main structures (see picture) was confirmed by HRTEM and Raman spectroscopy.
(2011) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108, 50, p. 19901-19906 Abstract
Inorganic nanoparticles of layered [two-dimensional (2D)] compounds with hollow polyhedral structure, known as fullerenelike nanoparticles (IF), were found to have excellent lubricating properties. This behavior can be explained by superposition of three main mechanisms: rolling, sliding, and exfoliation-material transfer (third body). In order to elucidate the tribological mechanism of individual nanoparticles in different regimes, in situ axial nanocompression and shearing forces were applied to individual nanoparticles using a high resolution scanning electron microscope. Gold nanoparticles deposited onto the IF nanoparticles surface served as markers, delineating the motion of individual IF nanoparticle. It can be concluded from these experiments that rolling is an important lubrication mechanism for IF-WS 2 in the relatively low range of normal stress (0.96±0.38 GPa). Sliding is shown to be relevant under slightly higher normal stress, where the spacing between the two mating surfaces does not permit free rolling of the nanoparticles. Exfoliation of the IF nanoparticles becomes the dominant mechanism at the high end of normal stress; above 1.2 GPa and (slow) shear; i.e., boundary lubrication conditions. It is argued that the modus operandi of the nanoparticles depends on their degree of crystallinity (defects); sizes; shape, and their mechanical characteristics. This study suggests that the rolling mechanism, which leads to low friction and wear, could be attained by improving the sphericity of the IF nanoparticle, the dispersion (deagglomeration) of the nanoparticles, and the smoothness of the mating surfaces.
(2011) Sensors & Transducers. 12, Special Issue, p. 53-65 Abstract
It is now possible to synthesize inorganic nanotubes (INT) of WS2 in a pure phase and substantial amounts. Due to their crystalline perfection, they are characterized by excellent mechanical behavior. This study is dedicated to the investigation of the effect of INT-WS2 on the mechanical, thermal, adhesion and tribological properties of epoxy based nanocomposites. Various concentrations up to 1.0 wt% of the INT were added to the epoxy matrix. First a method was developed to mix the nanotubes in the epoxy resin matrix. A combination of both magnetic stirring and ultrasonic mixing was used. The adhesion, fracture toughness and strain energy release rate were studied. The INT-WS2 were found to significantly improve all these properties. The wear of the nanotubes-reinforced epoxy was eight-times lower than that of pure epoxy. These results suggest numerous applications.
[All authors] -
(2011) Journal of Materials Chemistry. 21, 39, p. 15121-15131 Abstract
Nanoparticles of layered compounds, like MoS2 and WS 2, having hollow closed-cage structures and known as fullerene-like (IF) and inorganic nanotubes (INT), are synthesized in macroscopic amounts. They were found to have superior tribological properties and can serve as solid-state additives to different lubrication fluids. More recently, metallic films incorporating the IF nanoparticles were prepared via wet deposition methods and also by physical vapor deposition techniques. The incorporation of the nanoparticles endows such coatings self-lubricating behavior, i.e. low friction and wear, which is highly desirable for variety of applications. The current feature article provides a short overview of the progress in the materials synthesis of IF and INT phases. Subsequently, a progress report of the various efforts to apply such coatings to medical devices and drug delivery is described.
(2011) Nano. 6, 4, p. 313-324 Abstract
In this work chromium-rich coatings impregnated with fullerene-like (IF)-WS2 nanoparticles were deposited on stainless steel substrates. The coatings were obtained from a trivalent chromium bath at pH 2 by galvanostatic electrodeposition. Zinc and cobalt salts were added to the aqueous solution in small amounts serving as cationic growth promoters. Photodeposition of tin-palladium nanoparticles was used as seeding enhancer for the co-deposition of the fullerene-like nanoparticles. The coatings were characterized by a number of techniques and were found to show a decreasing gradient of the IF nanoparticles towards the film-substrate interface. Tribological tests showed that in contrast to the substrate and the pure metal coating, the IF-containing films exhibit low friction and wear.
(2011) Journal of Materials Research. 26, 10, p. 1234-1242 Abstract
Nickel-titanium (NiTi) alloys combine several remarkable characteristics, among them are shape-memory, superelasticity, great strain recovery, good biocompatibility, and corrosion resistance. These render them well suited to a wide range of medical applications, such as cardiovascular stents, laparoscopy, and dental applications such as NiTi endodontic files (EFs) used for root canal treatment, which are the focus of this work. Unfortunately, fatigue-induced and incidental failure of NiTi EFs is not uncommon, which may lead to severe medical consequences. Here we examine the effects of cobalt coatings with impregnated fullerene-like WS2 nanoparticles on file fatigue and failure. Dynamic x-ray diffraction, nanoindentation and torque measurements all indicate a significant improvement in the fatigue resistance and time to breakage of the coated files, stemming from reduced friction between the file and the surrounding tissue. These methods are possibly applicable to a variety of NiTi-based medical devices where fatigue and consequent failure are of relevance.
(2011) ACS Nano. 5, 2, p. 1276-1281 Abstract
We report on the synthesis of inorganic fullerene-like molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) nanoparticles by pulsed laser ablation (PLA) in water. The final products were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and resonance Raman spectroscopy, etc. Cell viability studies show that the as-prepared MoS2 nanoparticles have good solubility and biocompatibility, which may show a great potential in various biomedical applications. It is shown that the technique of PLA in water also provides a green and convenient method to synthesize novel nanomaterials, especially for biocompatible nanomaterials.
(2011) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 50, 8, p. 1810-1814 Abstract[All authors]
Seamless transition: New hybrid fullerene-like nanostructures of MoS 2 are comprised of a nanoscale octahedral core with a smooth transition to quasi-spherical outer shells. The particles were generated by ultra-high irradiance solar ablation and their structures confirmed by modeling studies.
(2011) Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 25, 13, p. 1603-1617 Abstract
In this paper we evaluated the effect of embedding inorganic nanotubes (INT) of tungsten disulfide (WS2) in an epoxy matrix, on the mechanical, thermal and adhesion properties of the resulting nanocomposites. The nanotube content spanned a range of values (0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5 and 1.0 wt%), and the nanotube incorporation process consisted of a combination of both distributive (magnetic stirring) and dispersive (ultrasonic mixing) methods. The adhesion of the nanocomposites to an aluminum substrate was characterized by both a single lap shear and a T-peel test. The fracture toughness (K IC) of the nanocomposites was characterized by a standard compact tension (CT) plane-strain fracture test. The thermal properties of the nanocomposites were determined by dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA). Overall, the addition of INT-WS2 was found to improve the shear strength and peel properties of the nanocomposite, and to significantly improve its fracture toughness and glass transition temperature. The extent and character of the nanotube-epoxy interaction were examined by electron microscopy, as was the energy dissipation mechanisms during fracture.
(2011) Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures. 19, 1-2, p. 18-26 Abstract
The growth mechanism of WS2 nanotubes is briefly discussed. Two distinct growth mechanisms can be delineated, leading to somewhat different products: 1) thick (50-150 nm) and very long (20-50 microns and above) nanotubes consisting of many (> 20) layers, and 2) slender (20-25 nm) nanotubes with 5-10 layers. The synthesis of large amounts of pure WS2 nanotubes belonging to the first category in the large-scale fluidized-bed reactor is described. Characterization of the nanotubes, which grow catalyst-free by a number of analytical techniques, is reported. The nanotubes reveal highly crystalline order, suggesting very good mechanical behavior and numerous applications, especially in the field of nanocomposites.
(2011) Polymers for Advanced Technologies. 22, 1, p. 65-71 Abstract[All authors]
The ability to form blends of polymers offers the opportunity of creating a new class of materials with enhanced properties. In addition to the polymer components, recent advances in nanoengineering have resulted in the development of nanosized inorganic particles that can be used to improve the properties of the blend, such as the flammability and the mechanical properties. While traditional methods using copolymer compatibilizers have been used to strengthen polymer blends, here, we show that the inorganic nanosized filler additive can also serve as a compatibilizer as it can localize to the interface between the polymers. We use experimental and theoretical studies to show the fundamental mechanisms by which inorganic fillers with large aspect ratio and at least one-dimension in the nanometer range, can act as non-specific compatibilizers for polymer blends. We examine a series of nanosized fillers, ranging from nanotubes to nanoclays (with varying aspect ratios) in a model polystyrene (PS)/poly(methylmethacyralate) (PMMA) blend. Using a number of experimental techniques such as transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning tunneling X-ray microscopy (STXM), and atomic force microscopy (AFM) we postulate that the mechanism of compatibilization occurs as a result of the fillers forming in situ grafts with the immiscible polymers. We also use theoretical studies to show that the aspect ratio and the bending energy of the fillers play a key role in the compatibilization process. Our results indicate that the compatibilization is a general phenomenon, which should occur with all large aspect ratio nanofiller additives to polymer blends.
Towards medical applications of self-lubricating coatings with fullerene-like (IF) W 2 nanoparticles(2010) International Journal of Nano and Biomaterials. 3, 2, p. 140-152 Abstract[All authors]
Medicine's prime concern is first not to harm, thereafter elongate and benefit lifespan. The vast technological advances of the last decade permit implementation of minimal invasive medicine in the different medical disciplines. Laparoscopic procedures and intubations, stents insertion and joint replacement had become commonplace in the operating rooms. Overcoming wear and frictional forces in order to elevate treatment efficiency and diminish unwanted side effects is now a rising challenge in designing new medical appliances. Here, two kinds of self-lubricating metal coatings with impregnated fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles of W
are presented: cobalt films deposited on NiTi substrate (foils and orthodontic wires) and nickel films deposited on orthodontic wires made of stainless steel. Tribological and mechanical tests provide strong evidence for the efficacy of the coatings in reducing the static and kinetic friction. It is concluded that the use of these self-lubricating coatings may have important impact on ubiquitous medical procedures. -
(2010) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 50, 4, p. 417-425 Abstract
A track record of generating novel fullerene-like and nanotubular inorganic nanostructures from Cs2O, SiO2-x, WS2, and MoS2 by photothermal ablation with highly concentrated sunlight and ultra-bright lamp light is reviewed, and augmented with new results for exfoliated MoS2 and carbon as well as carbon nanotubes.
(2010) Nanotechnology. 21, 36, 365705. Abstract
Inorganic layered materials can form hollow multilayered polyhedral nanoparticles. The size of these multi-wall quasi-spherical structures varies from 4 to 300 nm. These materials exhibit excellent tribological and wear-resisting properties. Measuring and evaluating the stiffness of individual nanoparticle is a non-trivial problem. The current paper presents an in situ technique for stiffness measurements of individual WS2 nanoparticles which are 80 nm or larger using a high resolution scanning electron microscope (HRSEM). Conducting the experiments in the HRSEM allows elucidation of the compression failure strength and the elastic behavior of such nanoparticles under uniaxial compression.
(2010) IPC No. C10M125/04, H01B1/02, H01F1/00, Patent No. US20100227782, 10 Sep 2007, Abstract
A nanostructure, being either an Inorganic Fullerene-like (IF) nanostructure or an Inorganic Nanotube (INT), A1-x-Bx-chalcogenide are described. A being a metal or transition metal or an alloy of metals and/or transition metals, B being a metal or transition metal B different from that of A and x being ≤0.3. A process for their manufacture and their use for modifying the electronic character of A-chalcogenide are described.
(2010) European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2010, 27, p. 4233-4243 Abstract
Various inorganic salts can be encapsulated inside the comparatively narrow (0.8-2 nm) hollow core of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) by molten phase capillary wetting. A new synthetic strategy is presented allowing the formation of one dimensional (1D) inorganic crystals or core- shell nanotubular structures by using multiwall WS2 nanotubes as host templates. Molten phase wetting with CsI results in the formation of 1D crystal structures inside WS2 nanocapillaries with a Moiré pattern. The relatively large diameter of the WS2 nanotube (with inner and outer diameters of ca. 10 and 20 nm, respectively), allows a conformal folding of the guest PbI2 layers (PbI2@WS2 core-shell nanotubes) on the interior wall of the WS2 nanotube-template, thusleading to relatively efect-free core-shell inorganic nanotubular structures, which have not been previously observed within carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Core-shell WS 2@MoS2 nanotubes can be obtained by the gas-phase reaction of MoCl5 with sulfur in the presence of WS2 nanotubes. The mechanism of imbibition/solidification of the molten salt into the hollow cores of MoS2 nanotubes has been studied by molecular dynamics simulations, showing major differences between layered compounds and those with quasi-isotropic structure. Theoretical considerations also show the conditions for the stability of such core-shell 1D nanostructures. These new strategies can open up many possibilities for the synthesis of new nanotubular structures.
(2010) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 132, 32, p. 11214-11222 Abstract[All authors]
Nanoparticles of materials with layered structure are able to spontaneously form closed-cage nanostructures such as nested fullerene-like nanoparticles and nanotubes. This propensity has been demonstrated in a large number of compounds such as WS2, NiCl2, and others. Layered metal oxides possess a higher ionic character and consequently are stiffer and cannot be evenly folded. Vanadium pentoxide (V2O5), a layered metal oxide, has received much attention due to its attractive qualities in numerous applications such as catalysis and electronic and optical devices and as an electrode material for lithium rechargeable batteries. The synthesis by pulsed laser ablation (PLA) of V2O5 hollow nanoparticles, which are closely (nearly) associated with inorganic fullerene-like (NIF-V 2O5) nanoparticles, but not quite as perfect, is reported in the present work. The relation between the PLA conditions and the NIF-V 2O5 morphology is elucidated. A new mechanism leading to hollow nanostructure via crystallization of lower density amorphous nanoparticles is proposed. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is used extensively in conjunction with structural modeling of the NIF-V 2O5 in order to study the complex 3-D structure of the NIF-V2O5 nanoparticles. This structure was shown to be composed of facets with their low-energy surfaces pointing outward and seamed by defective domains. These understandings are used to formulate a formation mechanism and may improve the function of V2O5 in its many uses through additional morphological control. Furthermore, this study outlines which properties are required from layered compounds to fold into perfectly closed-cage IF nanoparticles.
(2010) Advanced Functional Materials. 20, 15, p. 2459-2468 Abstract
New materials and techniques pertaining to the synthesis of inorganic nanotubes have been ever increasing since the initiation of the field in 1992. Recently, WS2 nanotubes, which are produced now in large amounts, were filled with molten lead iodide salt by a capillary wetting process, resulting in PbI2@WS2 core-shell nanotubes. This work features progress in the synthesis of new core-shell nanotubes, including Bil3@WS 2 nanotubes produced in a similar same manner. In addition, two new techniques for obtaining core-shell nanotubes are presented. The first is via electron-beam irradiation, i.e., in situ synthesis within a transmission electron microscope. This synthesis results in SbI3 nanotubes, observed either in a hollow core Of WS2 ones (Sbl3@WS 2 nanotubes), or atop of them (WS2@Sbl3 nanotubes). The second technique involves a gaseous phase reaction, where the layered product employs WS2 nanotubes as nucleation sites. In this case, the MoS2 layers most often cover the WS2 nanotube, resulting in WS2@MoS2 core-shell nanotubes. Notably, superstructures of the form MoS2@WS2 are occasionally obtained. Using a semi-empirical model, it is shown that the Pbl2 nanotubes become stable within the core of MoS2 nanotubes only above a critical core diameter of the host (>12 nm); below this diameter the PbI2 crystallizes as nanowires. These model calculations are in agreement with the current experimental observations, providing further support to the growth mechanism of such core-shell nanotubes.
(2010) Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 24, 6, p. 1083-1095 Abstract
In this work the effect of inorganic fullerene-like (closed cages) nanoparticles of tungsten disulfide (IF-WS2) on the mechanical properties and especially on the toughness of epoxy resins, was studied. The epoxy resin used was the well-known DGEBA (di-glycidyl ether of bis-phenol A) cured with polyamidoamine. The epoxy/IF-WS2 nanocomposites were prepared by applying a high shear mixing to obtain a uniform dispersion and homogeneous distribution of the IF nanoparticles in the epoxy matrix. Two mixing procedures were used - a low shear of short duration and high shear with a long mixing time. The resulting epoxy nanocomposites were first characterized for their shear and peel strength using appropriate bonded joints. The experimental results demonstrate that enhanced shear strengths and shear moduli were achieved, together with a significant increase in the peel strengths at low concentrations of the IF-WS2 nanoparticles (more than 100% increase at 0.5 wt% IF-WS2). Above the threshold value of 0.5% IF-WS 2 the peel strength decreased sharply. The fractured surfaces of the bonded joints were examined by transmission and scanning electron microscopy in order to characterize the fracture mechanisms and analyze the dispersion level of the nanoparticles within the polymer. The electron micrographs indicated that the presence of the nanoparticles in the epoxy matrix induced fracture mechanisms which were different from those observed in the pristine epoxy phase. These mechanisms included: crack deflection; crack bowing; and crack pinning. Evidence for a chemical interaction between the nanoparticles and the epoxy were obtained by infrared measurements in the attenuated total transmittance mode. The data suggests the formation of new carbon-oxygen-sulfur bonds, which are most likely due to the reaction of the outermost sulfur layer of the IF nanoparticles with the reactive epoxy groups. The observed simultaneous increase in both shear and peel strengths at very low IF-WS2 concentrations, found in this work, could lead to the development of high performance adhesives and to new types of structural and ballistic fiber nanocomposites.
(2010) Chemical Society Reviews. 39, 5, p. 1423-1434 Abstract
Nanoparticles of inorganic compounds with layered (2D) structures, like graphite and MoS2, were shown to be unstable in the planar from and fold on themselves forming seamless hollow structures like multiwall nanotubes and fullerene-like nanoparticles. The present concise tutorial review reports on the salient developments in this field over the last several years. Numerous applications for such nanophases have been proposed, like solid lubricants, ultra-strong nanocomposites, catalysts, etc.
(2010) Nano Research. 3, 3, p. 170-173 Abstract
WS2 nanotubes have been filled and intercalated by molten phase caesium iodide. The presence of caesium iodide inside the WS2 nanotubes has been determined using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) coupled with electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Noticeably, a Moiré pattern was observed due to the interference between encapsulated CsI and WS2 layers. The intercalation of CsI into the host concentric WS2 lattices resulted in an increase in the interplanar spacing.
(2010) Langmuir. 26, 6, p. 4409-4414 Abstract
WS2 belongs to a family of layered metal dichalcogenide compounds that are known to form cylindrical (inorganic nanotubes-INT) and polyhedral nanostructures - onion or nested fullerene-like (IF) particles. The outermost layers of these IF nanoparticles can be peeled under shear stress, thus IF nanoparticles have been studied for their use as solid lubricants. However, the IF nanoparticles tend to agglomerate, presumably because of surface structural defects induced by elastic strain and curvature, a fact that has a deleterious effect on their tribological properties. In the present work, chemical modification of the IF-WS2 surface with alkyl-silane molecules is reported. The surface-modified IF nanoparticles display improved dispersion in oil-based suspensions. The alkyl-silane coating reduces the IF-WS2 nanoparticles' tendency to agglomerate and consequently improves the long-term tribological behavior of oil formulated with the IF additive.
(2010) Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 1, 2, p. 540-543 Abstract
WS2 inorganic nanotubes (INT) and inorganic fullerene-like nano-particles (IF) are well-known for their high mechanical strength and as superior solid lubricants. The outermost WS2 layer is considered to be fully bonded; thus, it was suggested that the interactions of these WS2 nanostructures with their surroundings are governed by purely van der Waals (vdW) interactions. However, in the case of IF-WS2 nanoparticles, the faceted surface may contain sites with nonsaturated coordination, which, in turn, react with the surrounding media. Gold nanoparticles(GNP) wereusedas probesforthe IF-WS2 surfacedefects,mapped by both scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The interaction between the GNP and the reactive surface was investigated using INT-WS2 as a model and was characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM).
(2010) Materials. 3, 8, p. 4428-4445 Abstract
Numerous examples of closed-cage nanostructures, such as nested fullerene-like nanoparticles and nanotubes, formed by the folding of materials with layered structure are known. These compounds include WS2, NiCl2, CdCl2, Cs2O, and recently V2O5. Layered materials, whose chemical bonds are highly ionic in character, possess relatively stiff layers, which cannot be evenly folded. Thus, stress-relief generally results in faceted nanostructures seamed by edge-defects. V2O5, is a metal oxide compound with a layered structure. The study of the seams in nearly perfect inorganic "fullerene-like" hollow V2O5 nanoparticles (NIFV2O5) synthesized by pulsed laser ablation (PLA), is discussed in the present work. The relation between the formation mechanism and the seams between facets is examined. The formation mechanism of the NIF-V2O5 is discussed in comparison to fullerene-like structures of other layered materials, like IF structures of MoS2, CdCl2, and Cs2O. The criteria for the perfect seaming of such hollow closed structures are highlighted.
(2009) Nanomedicine. 4, 8, p. 943-950 Abstract
Aims: To fabricate a friction-reducing coating onto different nickel-titanium (NiTi) substrates using inorganic fullerene-like tungsten disulfide (IF-WS2) nanoparticles and to estimate in vitro friction reducing extent of the coating. Materials & methods: Different NiTi substrates were coated with cobalt and IF-WS2 nanoparticles film by the electrodeposition procedure. Coating composition analyses was made by scanning-electron microscopy, energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy, x-ray powder diffractometry and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Friction evaluation was carried out using standard tribological tests and an Instron® system. Results: Stable and well-adhered cobalt + IF-WS2 coating of the NiTi substrates was obtained. Friction tests presented up to 66% reduction of the friction coefficient. Conclusion: NiTi alloy is widely used for many medical appliances; hence, this unique friction-reducing coating could be implemented to provide better manipulation and lower piercing rates.
(2009) Tribology Letters. 36, 2, p. 175-182 Abstract
Using a new quartz-made reactor, large amounts of fullerene-like (IF) MoS 2 nanoparticles were synthesized by reacting MoO 3 vapor with H 2S in a reducing atmosphere. The nanoparticles were found to be of high crystalline order; with an average size of 70 nm and consist of more than 30 closed shells. Extensive tribological testing of the nanoparticles in two types of synthetic oils- poly-alpha olefins (PAO)- was carried out and compared to that of bulk (2H platelets) MoS 2 and IF-WS 2. These tests indicated that under high pressure and relatively low humidity, the IF-MoS 2 exhibited a friction coefficient as low as 0.03 and the smallest wear rate of the measured systems. However, its performance was found to be lower in comparison to IF-WS 2 after 2500 cycles, due probably to its inferior chemical stability. This study indicates that the tribological performance of the IF nanoparticles depends strongly on their crystalline order and size.
(2009) Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing. 96, 2, p. 343-348 Abstract
The characterization of nanostructures to the atomic dimensions becomes more important, as devices based on a single particle are being produced. In particular, inorganic nanotubes were shown to host interesting properties making them excellent candidates for various devices. The WS2 nanotubes outperform the bulk in their mechanical properties offering numerous applications especially as part of high strength nanocomposites. In contrast, their electrical properties are less remarkable. The structure-function relationship can be investigated by aberration-corrected high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), which enables the insight into their atomic structure as well as performing spectroscopic measurements down to the atomic scale. In the present work, the deciphering of atomic structure and the chiral angle of the different shells in a multiwall WS2 nanotube is demonstrated. In certain cases, the helicity of the structure can also be deduced. Finally, first electron energy loss spectra (EELS) of a single tube are presented, acquired by a new acquisition technique that allows for high spatial resolution (denoted StripeSTEM). The measured band gap values correspond with the values found in literature for thin films, obtained by spectroscopic techniques, and are higher than the values resulting from STM measurements.
(2009) Nano Research. 2, 5, p. 416-424 Abstract
Inorganic fullerene-like WS2 and MoS2 nanoparticles have been synthesized using exclusively solid precursors, by reaction of the corresponding metal oxide nanopowder, sulfur and a hydrogen-releasing agent (NaBH4 or LiAlH4), achieved either by conventional furnace heating up to a 900 °C or by photothermal ablation at far higher temperatures driven by highly concentrated white light. In contrast to the established syntheses that require toxic and hazardous gases, working solely with solid precursors permits relatively safer reactor conditions conducive to industrial scale-up.
(2009) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 48, 7, p. 1230-1233 Abstract
Multiwall WS2 nanotube templates were used as hosts to prepare core-shell Pbl2@WS2 nanotubes by a capillarywetting method. Conformal growth of Pbl2 layers on the inner wall of the relatively wide WS2 nanotubes (i.d. ca.10 nm) leads to nanotubular structures which were not previously observed in narrow carbon nanotube templates. Image simulation after structural modeling (see picture) showed good agreement with the experimental HRTEM image.
[All authors] -
(2009) Nano. 4, 2, p. 91-98 Abstract
The growth mechanism of WS 2 nanotubes in the large-scale fluidized-bed reactor is studied in greater detail. This study and careful parameterization of the conditions within the reactor lead to the synthesis of large amounts (50-100 g/batch) of pure nanotubes, which appear as a fluffy powder, and (400-500 g/batch) of nanotubes/ nanoplatelets mixture (50:50), where nanotubes usually coming in bundles. The two products are obtained simultaneously in the same reaction but are collected in different zones of the reactor, in a reproducible fashion. The characterization of the nanotubes, which grow catalyst-free, by a number of analytical techniques is reported. The majority of the nanotubes range from 10 to 50 micron in length and 20-180 nm in diameter. The nanotubes reveal highly crystalline order, suggesting very good mechanical behavior with numerous applications.
(2009) Journal of Materials Chemistry. 19, 25, p. 4368-4374 Abstract
Further understanding of the growth mechanism and the detailed structure of fullerene-like MoS2 (IF-MoS2) nanoparticles was achieved by using a new kind of reactor. The annealed nanoparticles consist of >30 closed layers and their average diameter is 50-80 nm although a small (
(2009) Silicon Versus Carbon. p. 95-104 Abstract
In this article a comparison between inorganic nanoparticles with hollow closed structure and the carbon fullerenes and nanotubes is undertaken. First, the structural evolution of inorganic fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles of MoS2 as a function of their size is examined in some detail and compared to that of carbon and BN fullerenes. It is shown that hollow closed structures of MoS2 are stable above 3 nm (app 103 atoms). In the range of 3-8 nm (103-105) nanooctahedra with metallic character are the most stable form of MoS2 Semiconducting nanotubes and quasispherical IF nano-particles become the stable-most form beyond that size and the bulk (platelets) are stable above about 0.2 μm. The stability of inorganic nanotubes is also discussed. The scaling-up of the synthesis of IF-WS 2 and the very recent successful synthesis of large, amounts of pure WS2 nanotubes are briefly described. The stability of IF and INT of MoS2 (WS2) under pressure and that of carbon is also discussed. Applications of the IF-WS2 as superior solid lubricants, which lead to their recent commercialization, is demonstrated.
(2009) Annual Review of Materials Research. 39, p. 387-413 Abstract
The synthesis of WS2 inorganic nanotubes (INT) and inorganic fullerene-like (IF) structures in 1992 signified the opening of a fertile and challenging field of scientific endeavor. These structures were the first of a long and ever-expanding series of INT and IF structures. Although initially much of the effort concentrated on the synthesis of INT and IF from compounds with layered structures, recently there his been a surge of efforts to synthesize crystalline and polycrystalline nanotubular structures from compounds with quasi-isotropic structures, like spinels, BaTiO3, SiO2, TiO2, and many others. The present review summarizes some of the progress in this field in recent years. Much of the progress in this field was achieved through strong interaction between theoretical and experimental work. This article has four themes: (a) new synthetic approaches leading to new kinds of Wand INT; (b) study of the molecular structure Of Such nanoparticles with new tools, such as aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and high-angle annular dark field (HAADF); (c) recent progress in the investigation of the properties of such nanostructures; and (d) examples of applications for which clear progress has been accomplished, in particular in solid lubrication and high-strength nanocomposites.
(2009) Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter. 21, 39, 395301. Abstract
We report on the first nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) investigation of inorganic fullerene-like MoS 2 nanoparticles. Spectra of bulk 2H-MoS2 samples have also been measured for comparison. The similarity between the measured quadrupole coupling constants and chemical shielding anisotropy parameters for bulk and fullerene-like MoS2 reflects the nearly identical local crystalline environments of the Mo atoms in these two materials. EPR measurements show that fullerene-like MoS2 exhibits a larger density of dangling bonds carrying unpaired electrons, indicative of them having a more defective structure than the bulk sample. The latter observation explains the increase in the spin-lattice relaxation rate observed in the NMR measurements for this sample in comparison with the bulk 2H- MoS2 ones.
(2009) Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 23, 5, p. 753-768 Abstract
With the emergence and commercialization of nanoparticles, new opportunities have emerged for toughening of epoxy adhesives using nanoparticles without sacrificing strength, rigidity and glass transition temperature, as is the case with conventional elastomeric tougheners. Inorganic Fullerene-like tungsten disulfide (IF-WS2) nanoparticles and functionalized nano-POSS (Polyhedral-Oligomeric-Sil-Sesquioxane) were used to study the effects of nanoparticles on the toughening and mechanical properties of low and high temperature curing epoxy systems. Experimental results indicated that IF-WS 2 increased the fracture toughness by more than 10 fold in both epoxy systems at very low concentrations (0.3-0.5 wt%) while increasing its storage modulus and preserving its glass transition temperature. Epoxy functionalized POSS demonstrated an increase in toughness in addition to preserving rigidity and thermal properties at higher concentrations (3 wt%). It was postulated that chemical interaction of the sulfide and the epoxy matrix and the inherent properties of WS2 were the decisive factors with respect to the outstanding nano-effect in the case IF-WS2.
(2009) Nanoscience and Technology. p. 29-37 Abstract
Although graphite, with its anisotropic two-dimensional lattice, is the stable form of carbon under ambient conditions, on nanometre length scales it forms zero- and one-dimensional structures, namely fullerenes and nanotubes, respectively. This virtue is not limited to carbon and, in recent years, fullerene-like structures and nanotubes have been made from numerous compounds with layered two-dimensional structures. Furthermore, crystalline and polycrystalline nanotubes of pure elements and compounds with quasi-isotropic (three-dimensional) unit cells have also been synthesized, usually by making use of solid templates. These fi ndings open up vast opportunities for the synthesis and study of new kinds of nanostructures with properties that may differ signifi cantly from the corresponding bulk materials. Various potential applications have been proposed for the inorganic nanotubes and the fullerene-like phases. Fullerene-like nanoparticles have been shown to exhibit excellent solid lubrication behaviour, suggesting many applications in, for example, the automotive and aerospace industries, home appliances, and recently for medical technology. Various other potential applications, in catalysis, rechargeable batteries, drug delivery, solar cells and electronics have also been proposed.
Large scale synthesis of WS2 nanotubes as building block for new nanocomposites(2009) 6th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies 2009. p. 1325-1332 Abstract
The synthesis of a pure phase of WS2 nanotubes in the large-scale fluidized-bed reactor is discussed in some detail. Characterization of the nanotubes, which grow catalyst-free, by a number of analytical techniques is reported. The majority of the nanotubes range from 10 to 50 micron in length and 20-180 nm in diameter. The nanotubes reveal highly crystalline order suggesting very good mechanical behavior and numerous applications, especially in the field of nanocomposites.
(2008) Dental Materials. 24, 12, p. 1640-1646 Abstract
Objective: To reduce friction between orthodontic stainless wires and bracket by coating the wire with nickel-phosphorous electroless film impregnated with inorganic fullerene-like nanoparticles of tungsten disulfide (IF-WS2) which are potent dry lubricants. Methods: Coating was preformed by inserting stainless steel (SS) wires into electroless solutions of nickel-phosphorus (Ni-P) and IF-WS2. The coated wires were analyzed by SEM (scanning electron microscope) and EDS (energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer) as well as by tribological tests using a ball-on-flat device. Friction tests simulating archwire functioning of the coated and uncoated wires were carried out by an Instron machine. The adhesion properties of the coated wires after friction were analyzed by a Raman microscope. Results: SEM/EDS analysis of the coated wires showed clear impregnation of the IF-WS2 nanoparticles in the Ni-P matrix. The friction coefficient measured by the ball-on-flat tribometer was significantly reduced (from 0.25 to 0.08). The friction forces as measured with the Instron on the coated wire were reduced by up to 54% (4.00 N ± 0.19 uncoated vs. 1.85 N ± 0.21 coated). Raman spectra showed that even after extensive friction tests the Ni-P with the IF-WS2 nanoparticles is attached to the underlying stainless steel wire. Conclusions: It is proposed that the wires coated with these nanoparticles might offer a novel opportunity to substantially reduce friction during tooth movement. A few tests undertaken to evaluate the toxicity of the fullerene-like nanoparticles have provided indications that they might be biocompatible.
(2008) Journal of Materials Research. 23, 11, p. 2909-2915 Abstract
A new type of composite metal-nanoparticle coating that significantly reduces the friction force of various surfaces, particularly archwires in orthodontic applications, is demonstrated. The coating is based on electrodeposited Ni film impregnated with inorganic fullerene-like nanospheres of tungsten disulphide. The first encouraging tests have shown reduction of up to 60% of the friction force between coated rectangular archwires and self-ligating brackets in comparison with uncoated archwires. The coating not only significantly reduces friction of commercial archwires but also maintains this low value of friction for the duration of the tests in comparison to archwires coated with nickel film without the nanoparticles. The coated surfaces of the wires were examined by scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy dispersive analyzer and by x-ray powder diffraction methods before and after the friction tests. Using these analyses, it was possible to qualitatively estimate the state of the Ni+IF-WS2 coating before and after the friction test compared to Ni coated wires without IF-WS2.
(2008) Physical review letters. 101, 19, 195501. Abstract
We experimentally observed atomic-scale torsional stick-slip behavior in individual nanotubes of tungsten disulfide (WS2). When an external torque is applied to a WS2 nanotube, all its walls initially stick and twist together, until a critical torsion angle, at which the outer wall slips and twists around the inner walls, further undergoing a series of stick-slip torque oscillations. We present a theoretical model based on density-functional-based tight-binding calculations, which explains the torsional stick-slip behavior in terms of a competition between the effects of the in-plane shear stiffness of the WS2 walls and the interwall friction arising from the atomic corrugation of the interaction between adjacent WS2 walls.
(2008) Catalysis Letters. 125, 3-4, p. 236-242 Abstract
The adsorption kinetics of thiophene on WS2 nanoparticles with fullerene-like (onion-like) structure has been studied at ultra-high vacuum conditions by sample temperature ramping techniques. At low temperatures, thiophene adsorbs molecularly. The formation of H2S and alkanes is evident at greater temperatures on fully sulfided as well as reduced and oxidized WS2 nanoparticles.
(2008) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105, 41, p. 15643-15648 Abstract
The characterization of nanostructures down to the atomic scale is essential to understand some physical properties. Such a characterization is possible today using direct imaging methods such as aberration-corrected high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), when iteratively backed by advanced modeling produced by theoretical structure calculations and image calculations. Aberration-corrected HRTEM is therefore extremely useful for investigating low-dimensional structures, such as inorganic fullerene-like particles and inorganic nanotubes. The atomic arrangement in these nanostructures can lead to new insights into the growth mechanism or physical properties, where imminent commercial applications are unfolding. This article will focus on two structures that are symmetric and reproducible. The first structure that will be dealt with is the smallest stable symmetric closed-cage structure in the inorganic system, a MoS2 nanooctahedron. It is investigated by means of aberration-corrected microscopy which allowed validating the suggested DFTB-MD model. It will be shown that structures diverging from the energetically most stable structures are present in the laser ablated soot and that the alignment of the different shells is parallel, unlike the bulk material where the alignment is antiparallel. These findings correspond well with the high-energy synthetic route and they provide more insight into the growth mechanism. The second structure studied is WS 2 nanotubes, which have already been shown to have a unique structure with very desirable mechanical properties. The joint HRTEM study combined with modeling reveals new information regarding the chirality of the different shells and provides a better understanding of their growth mechanism.
(2008) Chemistry-An Asian Journal. 3, 8-9, p. 1568-1574 Abstract
Inorganic fullerene-like (IF) Mo1-xRexS2 and W1-xRexS2 nanoparticles have been synthesized by a gasphase reaction involving the respective metal halides with H2S. The IF-Mo(W)1-xRexS2 nanoparticles, contain - ing up to 5% Re, were characterized by a variety of experimental techniques. Analyses of the X-ray powder diffraction and different electron microscopy techniques show that the Re is doped in the MoS2 host lattice. Interestingly, Re-dop ed MoS2 nanotubes are present as well, although in small quantities (∼5%). XPS results confirm the nanoparticles to be more n-type arising from the effect of Re doping. Additionally, density-functional tight-binding (DFTB) calculations support the observed n-type behavior.
Intercalation of inorganic fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles and nanotubes (INT)(2008) Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures. 3, 3, p. 123-134 Abstract
The recent progress in intercalation of nanotubes and fullerene-like nanoparticles with various metals was reviewed. Nanotubes from layered materials and also those from non layered compounds were discussed. While nanotubes from layered compounds are generically crystalline those of non layered compounds have in most cases a polycrystalline structure. Different intercalation routes were presented and their relative merits and pitfalls were discussed. Furthermore, the changes in the structural and physical properties of the nanoparticles which accompany the intercalation reaction were described. Special attention was paid to the implementation of the nanotubes as a potential electrode material in lithium based batteries.
(2008) Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research. 245, 9, p. 1779-1784 Abstract
The time dependent chemical changes occurring at the surface of inorganic fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles of WS2 were investigated using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and compared to those of bulk powder, 2H-WS2. It was possible to follow the long term surface oxidation and carbonization occurring at defects on the outermost surface (0001) molecular layers of the inorganic fullerene-like nanoparticles. Vacuum annealing was shown to remove most of these contaminants and bring the surface close to its pristine stoichiometric composition. In accordance with previous measurements, further evidence was obtained for the existence of water molecules, which were entrapped in the hollow core and interstitial defects of the fullerene-like nanoparticles during the synthesis. These water molecules were also shown to be removable by the vacuum annealing process. Chemically resolved electrical measurements (CREM) in the XPS showed that the IF samples had become less p-type after the vacuum annealing. Finally, tribological measurements showed that the vacuum annealed IF samples performed better as an oil additive than the non-annealed IF samples and the 2H-WS2 powder.
(2008) Functionalized Nanoscale Materials, Devices and Systems. Vaseashta A. & Mihailescu I. N.(eds.). p. 51-59 Abstract
The temporal chemical changes occurring at the surface of fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles of WS2 were investigated using X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy (XPS) and compared to those of bulk powder (2H) of the same material. It is possible to follow the long term (surface oxidation and carbonization) occurring at defects on the outermost surface (0001) layer of the fullerene-like nanoparticles. Similar but perhaps more distinctive changes are observed on the prismatic (hk0) surfaces of the 2H powder. Vacuum annealing is shown to remove most of these changes and bring the surface close to its stoichiometric composition. In accordance with previous measurements, further evidence is obtained for the existence of water molecules which are entrapped in the hollow core and interstitial defects of the fullerene-like nanoparticles during the synthesis. They are also shown to be removed by the vacuum annealing process. Chemically resolved electrical measurements (CREM) in the XPS show that the vacuum annealed IF samples become more intrinsic. Finally, tribological measurements show that the vacuum annealed IF samples perform better as an additive to oil than the non-annealed IF samples and the bulk (2H) platelets powder.
(2008) Nano Research. 1, 1, p. 22-31 Abstract
The mechanical properties of individual WS2 nanotubes were investigated and directly related to their atomic structure details by in situ transmission electron microscope measurements. A brittle mode deformation was observed in bending tests of short (ca. 1 mu m in length) multilayer nanotubes. This mode can be related to the atomic structure of their shells. In addition, longer nanotubes (6-7 mu m in length) were deformed in situ scanning electron microscope, but no plastic deformation was detected. A "sword-in-sheath" fracture mechanism was revealed in tensile loading of a nanotube, and the sliding of inner shells inside the outermost shell was imaged "on-line". Furthermore, bending modulus of 217 GPa was obtained from measurements of the electric-field-induced resonance of these nanotubes.
(2008) Chemistry of Materials. 20, 12, p. 4099-4105 Abstract
WS2 inorganic fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles were subjected to intercalation with potassium, sodium, and rubidium atoms in heated sealed ampules. The product of the intercalation process was not pure and was composed of both intercalated and nonintercalated phases. X-ray diffraction measurements under inert conditions of the intercalated powders showed that the interlayer expansion was correlated with the alkali metal radius. Small increase of the a-axis was observed as well and was explained on the grounds of the WS2 band structure. The XPS analysis of the rubidium intercalated material showed a rise in the Fermi energy as a result of the intercalation, endowing the originally p-type nanoparticles an n-type character.
(2008) Nano Letters. 8, 3, p. 891-896 Abstract
We present the advancement of electron tomography for three-dimensional structure reconstruction of fullerene-like particles toward atomic-scale resolution. The three-dimensional reconstruction of nested molybdenum disulfide nanooctahedra is achieved by the combination of low voltage operation of the electron microscope with aberration-corrected phase contrast imaging. The method enables the study of defects and irregularities in the three-dimensional structure of individual fullerene-like particles on the scale of 2-3 Å. Control over shape, size, and atomic architecture is a key issue in synthesis and design of functional nanoparticles. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is the primary technique to characterize materials down to the atomic level, albeit the images are two-dimensional projections of the studied objects. Recent advancements in aberration-corrected TEM have demonstrated single atom sensitivity for light elements at subångström resolution. Yet, the resolution of tomographic schemes for three-dimensional structure reconstruction has not surpassed 1 nm3, preventing it from becoming a powerful tool for characterization in the physical sciences on the atomic scale. Here we demonstrate that negative spherical aberration imaging at low acceleration voltage enables tomography down to the atomic scale at reduced radiation damage. First experimental data on the three-dimensional reconstruction of nested molybdenum disulfide nanooctahedra is presented. The method is applicable to the analysis of the atomic architecture of a wide range of nanostructures where strong electron channeling is absent, in particular to carbon fullerenes and inorganic fullerenes.
(2008) Nanotechnology. 19, 9, 095601. Abstract
Inorganic fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles and nanotubes of WS2 were synthesized by a gas phase reaction starting from WCln (n = 4, 5, 6) and H2S. The effect of the various metal chloride precursors on the formation of the products was investigated during the course of the study. Various parameters have been studied to understand the growth and formation of the IF-WS2 nanoparticles and nanotubes. The parameters that have been studied include flow rates of the various carrier gases, heating of the precursor metal chlorides and the temperature at which the reactions were carried out. The best set of conditions wherein maximum yields of the high quality pure-phase IF-WS2 nanoparticles and nanotubes are obtained have been identified. A detailed growth mechanism has been outlined to understand the course of formation of the various products of WS2.
(2008) Progress in Polymer Science. 33, 1, p. 40-112 Abstract
This review summarizes recent work on the polymer-assisted fabrication of well-defined inorganic and organic nanoparticles with controlled shape, size, and functional properties. The discussion concentrates on the physical-chemical aspects of the problem. Special attention is paid to the preparation of nanocomposites with individual (non-aggregated) nanoparticles with narrow size distribution and versatile morphologies, including the design of nanoparticles and nanocomposites that can serve multifunctional purposes. We have focused also on the problem of the spatial arrangement of nanoparticles and elucidation of the role of polymers in this process because it is a key problem in nanotechnology industrialization. The potential applications of nanoparticles encapsulated in polymers and in nanocomposites are briefly discussed. We try also to emphasize the synergistic role of the ingredients on the performance of nanocomposites.
(2008) Central European Journal of Chemistry. 6, 3, p. 373-389 Abstract
Following the discovery of fullerenes (C60) and carbon nanotubes, it was shown that nanoparticles of inorganic layered compounds, like WS2 and MoS2, are unstable in the planar form and they form closed cage structures with polyhedral or nanotubular shapes. Although initially the method of synthesis for the formation of such closed caged structures and nanotubes involved starting from the respective oxides, it is now well established that the gas-phase synthetic route (using metal chlorides, carbonyls etc) provides an alternative which is suitable for the synthesis of very many closed caged structures and nanotubes hitherto unknown. Various issues with this method of synthesis, including its fundamentals, mechanism, and the properties of the inorganic fullerene-like structures produced are reviewed, together with some possible applications.
Inorganic nanotubes and fullerene-like structures (IF)(2008) Carbon Nanotubes. 111, p. 631-671 Abstract
Back in 1992 it was proposed that nanoparticles of layered compounds will be unstable against folding and will close up into fullerene-like structures (IF) and nanotubes. In the years that followed nanotubes and fullerene-like structures were synthesized from numerous compounds with layered structure. More recently, crystalline and noncrystalline nanotubes of compounds with a 3D, i.e., quasi-isotropic lattice have been intensively investigated. In view of their eminent applications potential, much effort and substantial progress has been achieved in the scaling-up of the synthesis of inorganic nanotubes and fullerene-like nanoparticles of WS(2) and MoS(2) and also other compounds. Early on it was suggested that hollow nano-octahedra consisting of a few hundred MoS(2) moieties make the true analogs of C(60), etc. This notion has been advanced considerably in recent years through a combined experimental-theoretical effort. Substantial progress has been accomplished in the use of such nanoparticles for tribological applications and lately for impact resilient nanocomposites. These tests indicated that IF-MoS(2) and IF-WS(2) are heading for large-scale applications in the automotive, machining, aerospace, electronics, defense, medical and numerous other kinds of industries. A few products based on these nanoparticles have been recently commercialized by "ApNano Materials, Inc" ("NanoMaterials, Ltd.", see also Most recently, a manufacturing facility for the commercialization of these nanomaterials has been erected and sales of the product started. Novel applications of inorganic nanotubes and fullerene-like nanoparticles in the fields of catalysis; microelectronics; Li rechargeable batteries; medical and optoelectronics will be discussed.
(2008) Physical Chemistry of Interfaces and Nanomaterials VII. Vol. 7034. Abstract
Reactors driven by highly concentrated sunlight can create conditions well suited to the synthesis of inorganic nanomaterials. We report the experimental realization of a broad range of closed-cage (fullerene-like) nanostructures, nanotubes and/or nanowires for MoS2, SiO2 and Si, achieved via solar ablation. The solar technique generates the strong temperature and radiative gradients - in addition to the extensive high-temperature annealing environment - conducive to producing such nanostructures. The identity of the nanostructures was established with TEM, HRTEM and EDS. The fullerene-like and nanotube MoS2 configurations achieved fundamentally minimum sizes predicted by molecular structural theory. Furthermore, our experiments represent the first time SiO2 nanofibers and nanospheres have been produced purely from quartz. The solar route is far less energy intensive than laser ablation and other high-temperature chemical reactors, simpler and less costly.
(2008) Journal of Materials Chemistry. 18, 4, p. 458-462 Abstract
Solar ablation creates the sharp radiative and temperature gradients, as well as the high-temperature annealing environment, that favor nanomaterial syntheses. Using highly concentrated sunlight, we generated fullerene-like MoS2, ranging from single-walled nanotubes and closed-cage structures to their larger multi-walled counterparts. TEM, HRTEM and EDS unambiguously established the nanostructures, some achieving fundamentally minimum sizes predicted by molecular structural theory. Irradiation of MoS2 and powdered mixtures of MoS2 + SiO2 in evacuated quartz ampoules also generated nanofibers and nanospheres of amorphous SiO2: the first production of SiO2 nanostructures purely from quartz. Also, solar ablation of MoS2 + SiO mixtures produced nanowires and nanospheres of crystalline Si.
(2008) 2008 8th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, IEEE-NANO. p. 85-87 Abstract
We report on the photoresponse characteristics of tungsten disulfide (WS2) nanotubes. Field effect transistors (FETs) were fabricated by using individual WS2 multiwall nanotubes. Photo-sensitivity to visible light is clearly observed, with enhancement of the channel conductivity, carrier mobility and carrier concentration upon illumination in the visible regime. Polarization-sensitive measurements reveal a strong anisotropy of the photocurrent on the polarization angle of the incident light with respect to the WS2 nanotube axis. This nano-scale transistor capable of detecting visible light would have a wide range of applications in medical and consumer electronics.
(2008) IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 55, 11, p. 2988-3000 Abstract[All authors]
In this paper, we report on the synthesis and applications of semiconducting nanostructures. Nanostructures of interest were zinc oxide (ZnO) nanowires and tungsten disulfide WS2 nanotubes where transistors/phototransistors and photovoltaic (PV) energy conversion cells have been fabricated. ZnO nanowires were grown with both high- and low-temperature approaches, depending on the application. Individual ZnO nanowire side-gated transistors revealed excellent performance with a field-effect mobility of 928 cm2 V·s. ZnO networks were proposed for large-area macroelectronic devices as a less lithographically intense alternative to individual nanowire transistors where mobility values in excess of 20 cm2 /V·s have been achieved. Flexible PV devices utilizing ZnO nanowires as electron acceptors and for photoinduced charge separation and transport have been presented. Phototransistors were fabricated using individual WS2 nanotubes, where clear sensitivity to visible light has been observed. The results presented here simply reveal the potential use of inorganic nanowires/tubes for various optoelectronic devices.
Ways to enhance the activity of if nanoparticles in friction(2008) Abstract
Inorganic fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles of WS2 and MoS2 with extremely useful tribological characteristics have been realized. One of the disadvantages in application of IF is their aggregation. Two aspects of the problem will be considered: the effect of the aggregates on friction and wear and the effect of the loading scheme on the efficacy of IF.It was found out that the reproducibility of the friction results for the pairs lubricated with oil +IF is determined by the size and the size- distribution of the aggregates. Decreasing the size of the ggregates increases the probability for the IF penetration into the interface and decrease remarkably the friction coefficient. It was reveiled that wedge clearance in the inlet of contact affect considerably on penetration of IF into interface. The application of friction device with wedge clearance in the inlet of the contact limits the efficacy of the IF. The analysis of results allows to conclude that one of the ways to improve the efficacy of IF nanoparticles is decreasing their size down to a value lesser than 50 nm. Another important way allowing to limit the agglomeration of the IF nanoparticles and thus to improve their efficacy is by the application of surfactants.
(2008) Functionalized Nanoscale Materials, Devices and Systems. Vaseashta A. & Mihailescu I. N.(eds.). Dordrecht: . p. 51-59 (trueNATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics). Abstract
The temporal chemical changes occurring at the surface of fullerence-like (IF) nanoparticles of WS2 were investigated using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and compared to those of bulk powder (2H) of the same material. It is possible to follow the long term (surface oxidation and carbonization) occurring at defects on the outermost surface (0001) layer of the fullerene-like nanoparticles. Similar but perhaps more distinctive changes are observed oil the prismatic (hk0) surfaces of the 2H powder. Vacuum annealing is shown to remove most of these changes and bring the surface close to its stoichiometric composition. In accordance with previous measurements, further evidence is obtained for the existence of water molecules which are entrapped in the hollow core and interstitial defects of the fullerene-like nanoparticles during the synthesis. They are also shown to be removed by the vacuum annealing process. Chemically resolved electrical measurements (CREM) in the XPS show that the vacuum annealed IF samples become more intrinsic. Finally, tribological measurements show that the vacuum annealed IF samples perform better as an additive to oil than the non-annealed IF samples and the bulk (2H) platelets powder.
(2007) Advanced Functional Materials. 17, 16, p. 3332-3338 Abstract
Geoinspired synthetic chrysotile nanotubes both stoichiometric and 0.67 wt % Fe doped were characterized by transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction. Bending tests of the synthetic chrysotile nanotubes were performed using the atomic force microscope. The nanotubes were found to exhibit elastic behaviour at small deformations (below ca. 20 nm). Young's modulus values of (159±125) GPa and (279±260) GPa were obtained from the force-deflection curves using the bending equation for a clamped beam under a concentrated load, for the stoichiometric and the Fe doped chrysotile nanotubes, respectively. The structural modifications induced by Fe doping altered the mechanical properties, with an apparent dependence of the latter on the number of constituting walls of the nanotubes.
(2007) Tribology Letters. 28, 1, p. 81-87 Abstract
Fullerene-like WS 2 (MoS 2) nanoparticles (IF) have been studied in the past as solid lubricants. Using the tribological ball-on-flat experiments, it was shown that the size of the aggregates and their distribution determine the penetration and entrapping of the IF nanoparticles at the interface. It is expected that the wedge clearance at the inlet of the contact, i.e., the oblique-angle entrance to the contact zone between the two mating tribological surfaces, as well as the average surface roughness, can limit the supply of the lubricant into the interface in, e.g., the block-on-ring experiment. In the present series of experiments, the Stribeck curve was designed first using a linear loading scheme and pure oil. It was concluded that a wedge clearance (oblique-angle) in the inlet of the contact zone leads to entrapment of the IF nanoparticles and their compaction, which hamper the supply of the fluid lubricant into the interface. A ball-on-flat and flat block-on-ring friction devices with wedge clearance in the inlet of the contact can distort the efficacy of IF. Procedures for improving the supply of the IF nanoparticles to the contact zone and improving thereby their efficacy are considered.
(2007) European Physical Journal-Special Topics. 149, 1, p. 71-101 Abstract
It is already well established today that numerous materials form closed-cage structures, of which carbon fullerenes and nanotubes are a special case [1]. Inorganic fullerene-like nanoparticles (designated IF) and inorganic nanotubes (INT) have been produced by different routes and experimental techniques, achieving persistent growth of a variety of materials and structural wealth within them. The research in this area has focused on synthesizing new IF and INT materials and understanding their different properties as well as scaling up the synthetic process in order to make it suitable for industrial applications. In this review, the main synthetic procedures to obtain inorganic fullerene-like nanoparticles and nanotubes will be discussed alongside with the different mechanisms that affect the morphology of the final product. The main differences between the morphologies will be presented. Some general considerations relating the properties of the parent compound with the morphology of the product will be mentioned.
(2007) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 129, 41, p. 12549-12562 Abstract
IF-MO1-xNbxS2 nanoparticles have been synthesized by a vapor-phase reaction involving the respective metal halides with H2S. The IF-MO1-xNbxS2 nanoparticles, containing up to 25% Nb, were characterized by a variety of experimental techniques. Analysis of the powder X-ray powder diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and different electron microscopy techniques shows that the majority of the Nb atoms are organized as nanosheets of NbS2 within the MoS2 host lattice. Most of the remaining Nb atoms (3%) are interspersed individually and randomly in the MoS2 host lattice. Very few Nb atoms, if any, are intercalated between the MoS2 layers. A sub-nanometer film of niobium oxide seems to encoat the majority of the nanoparticles. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy in the chemically resolved electrical measurement mode (CREM) and scanning probe microscopy measurements of individual nanoparticles show that the mixed IF nanoparticles are metallic independent of the substitution pattern of the Nb atoms in the lattice of MoS2 (whereas unsubstituted IF-MoS2 nanoparticles are semiconducting). Furthermore the IF-MO1-xNbxS2 nanoparticles are found to exhibit interesting single electron tunneling effects at low temperatures.
(2007) Journal of Cluster Science. 18, 3, p. 549-563 Abstract
Their mesoscopic dimensions (including a nanometer scale diameter and a micrometer scale length) make nanotubes a unique and attractive object of study, including the study of their mechanical properties and fracture in particular. The investigation of the mechanical properties of individual WS2 nanotubes is a challenging task due to their small size. Hence, various microscopy based techniques were used to overcome this challenge. The Young's modulus was studied by techniques like atomic force microscope (AFM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM); it was also calculated by using the density-functional-based tight-binding (DFTB) method. Tensile tests and bending tests of individual WS2 nanotubes were performed as well. Furthermore, the shock wave resistance of these nanotubes was tested. The Young's modulus of WS2 nanotubes was found to be in the range of 150-170 GPa, which is in good agreement with DFTB calculations. WS2 nanotubes also showed tensile strength as high as 16 GPa and fracture strain of 14%. These results indicate the high quality of these nanotubes which reach their theoretical strength. The interlayer shear (sliding) modulus was found to be ca. 2 GPa, this value is in good agreement with DFTB calculations. Moreover, the nanotubes were able to withstand shock waves as high as 21 GPa.
(2007) Nano Letters. 7, 8, p. 2365-2369 Abstract
To investigate phonon confinement in nanoscale metal dichalcogenides, we measured the low-temperature specific heat of layered and nanoparticle WS 2. Below 9 K, the specific heat of the nanoparticles deviates from that of the bulk counterpart. Further, it deviates from the usual T3 dependence below 4 K due to finite size effects that eliminate long wavelength acoustic phonons and interparticle-motion entropy. This separation of nanoscale effects from T3 dependence can be modeled by assuming that the phonon density of states is flexible, changing with size and shape. We invoke relationships between the low-temperature T3 phonon term, Young's modulus, and friction coefficient to assess the difference in the tribological properties. On the basis of this analysis, we conclude that the improved lubrication properties of the nanoparticles are extrinsic.
(2007) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 111, 24, p. 8432-8436 Abstract
The cylindrical geometry of nanotubes dictates a strong anisotropy of their physical properties. In practice, the difficulty in extracting individual components of the elastic tensor has limited the available information to only very partial and indirect experimental data. Here, the interlayer shear (sliding) modulus (C44) of single multiwalled WS2 nanotubes was studied by atomic force microscopy bending tests. The observed value of 2 GPa agrees well with the value of 4 GPa obtained for density functional tight binding calculations for 2H-MoS2. This value of the shear modulus represents a much higher degree of anisotropy than that obtained for carbon nanotubes and enables assignment of the mode of shear deformation.
(2007) Nanotechnology. 18, 11, 115703. Abstract
Composite coatings of Co + fullerene-like WS2 nanoparticles on stainless steel substrate were obtained through electroless deposition, using DMAB (dimethyl borane complex, 97%) as the reducing agent, and by electroplating in acidic solution. Phase analysis results show that the coatings consist of Co and the fullerene-like WS2 nanoparticles alone. Tribological measurements show reduced wear and friction of the composite coatings as compared with the pure cobalt film or the stainless steel substrate.
(2007) Tribology International. 40, 1, p. 117-124 Abstract
Inorganic fullerene-like (IF) solid lubricant nanoparticles and nanotubes with extremely useful mechanical and tribological characteristics have been realized, offering a plethora of new applications for these nanomaterials. The IF nanoparticles were found to be in the aggregated state. It is expected that the size of the aggregates and their distribution determine the penetration and entrapping of IF nanopowder into the interface. The main goal of the present work is to elucidate the effect of the mixing time of IF-WS2 nanomaterial in the oil on the size of the IF aggregates and their influence on the friction and wear. The fraction of small aggregates increases and that of the large aggregates decreases with longer mixing time. Consequently, the spread of the tribological results diminishes with the lengthening of the mixing time. The reproducibility of the friction results for the pairs lubricated with oil +IF nanoparticles is determined by distribution of the IF aggregates in the lubricant and the size of the solid lubricant aggregates.
(2007) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 46, 4, p. 623-627 Abstract
(Figure Presented) Opening the window: Hollow multilayer nano-octahedra (see TEM image and structure) often appear in the laser-ablation products of layered transition-metal chalcogenides. Calculations on MoS2 nanoparticles demonstrate that nanooctahedra exist in a window of stability between nanoplatelets and spherical fullerene-like nanoparticles.
(2006) Tribology Letters. 24, 3, p. 225-228 Abstract
Inorganic fullerene-like (IF) solid lubricant nanoparticles with extremely useful tribological characteristics have been realized, offering a plethora of new applications for these nanomaterials. The IF nanoparticles were found to be in the aggregated state. The main goal of this work is to elucidate the effect of the mixing time of IF-WS2 nanomaterial in the oil on the size of the IF aggregates and their influence on the friction and wear. The fraction of small aggregate increases and that of the large aggregates decreases with longer mixing time. Consequently, the spread of the tribological results diminishes with the lengthening of the mixing time. The reproducibility of the friction results for the pairs lubricated with oil +IF nanoparticles is determined by distribution of the IF aggregates in the lubricant and the size of the solid lubricant aggregates.
(2006) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 110, 50, p. 25399-25410 Abstract
MoS2 nanooctahedra are believed to be the smallest stable closed-cage structures of MoS2, i.e., the genuine inorganic fullerenes. Here a combination of experiments and density functional tight binding calculations with molecular dynamics annealing are used to elucidate the structures and electronic properties of octahedral MoS2 fullerenes. Through the use of these calculations MoS2 octahedra were found to be stable beyond nMO > 100 but with the loss of 12 sulfur atoms in the six corners. In contrast to bulk and nanotubular MoS2, which are semiconductors, the Fermi level of the nanooctahedra is situated within the band, thus making them metallic-like. A model is used for extending the calculations to much larger sizes. These model calculations show that, in agreement with experiment, the multiwall nanooctahedra are stable over a limited size range of 104-105 atoms, whereupon they are converted into multiwall MoS2 nanoparticles with a quasi-spherical shape. On the experimental side, targets of MoS2 and MoSe2 were laser-ablated and analyzed mostly through transmission electron microscopy. This analysis shows that, in qualitative agreement with the theoretical analysis, multilayer nanooctahedra of MoS2 with 1000-25 000 atoms (Mo + S) are stable. Furthermore, this and previous work show that beyond ∼105 atoms fullerene-like structures with quasi-spherical forms and 30-100 layers become stable. Laser-ablated WS2 samples yielded much less faceted and sometimes spherically symmetric nanocages.
(2006) Advanced Materials. 18, 22, p. 2993-2996 Abstract
A simple, inexpensive, and reproducible photothermal procedure for synthesizing IF-Cs2O nanoparticles with immensely concentrated sunlight was demonstrated. The solar-driven synthesis of IF-Cs2O was performed in evacuated quartz ampoules that contained 3R-Cs2-O crystallites under continuous irradiation with a concentrated solar power of 2.0-7.7 W, and periods ranging from 30 to 840 s. Samples were collected from the deposit that gathered on the quartz ampoule during the solar irradiation for TEM analysis. The interaction of the beam with the materials led to thermal motion, charging, desorption of trace quantities, or possible chemical changes. The results of the electron energy loss spectroscopy and imaging with a Gatan imaging filters proved that only cesium and oxygen were present in the nanoparticles.
[All authors] -
(2006) Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research. 243, 13, p. 3290-3296 Abstract
Electrical resistivity and Hall measurements, of pellets compacted from IF-WS2 nanoparticles and 2H-WS2 powder were done. Electrical transport measurements were carried out on pellets by the van der Pauw method in a wide temperature range. Arrhenius plots for conductivities of the WS2 samples (2H, IF and IF+treatment) exhibit marked variations in (∂ ln ∂T-1)/∂T-1 with temperature. Resistivity of IF-WS2 pellets is higher than that of 2H-WS 2 pellets. It was found that the electrical properties of IF-WS 2 powder vary with aposteriory heat treatment under vacuum. The 1H NMR measurements show that the prepared product contains water (and possibly some hydrogen) molecules that occupy the voids in the central part of the fullerene-like nanoparticles and the nanopores between the adhering IF-WS2 particles. Defects in the IF-WS2 structure, arising due to the strain release during the folding of the layers, may result in additional sites for the absorbed water.
(2006) Journal of Materials Research. 21, 11, p. 2726-2743 Abstract
We have proposed in 1992 that nanoparticles of layered compounds will be unstable against folding and close into fullerene-like structures and nanotubes (IF). Nanotubes and fullerene-like structures were prepared from numerous compounds with layered and recently also non-layered structure by various groups. Much progress has been achieved in the synthesis of inorganic nanotubes and fullerene-like nanoparticles of WS2 and MoS2 and many other metal dichalcogenides over the last few years. Substantial progress has been accomplished in the use of such nanoparticles for tribological applications and lately for impact resilient nanocomposites. These tests indicated that IF-MoS2 and IF-WS2 are heading for large scale applications in the automotive, machining, aerospace, electronics, defense, medical and numerous other kinds of industries. A few products based on these nanoparticles have been recently commercialized by "ApNano Materials, Inc". Novel applications of inorganic nanotubes and fullerene-like nanoparticles in the fields of catalysis; microelectronics; Li rechargeable batteries; medical and opto-electronics will be discussed.
(2006) Materials Research Bulletin. 41, 11, p. 2137-2146 Abstract
It is well accepted by now that nanoparticles of inorganic layered compounds form closed-cage structures (IF). In particular closed-cage nanoparticles of metal dihalides, like NiCl2, CdCl2 and CdI2 were shown to produce such structures in the past. In the present report IF-NiBr2 polyhedra and quasi-spherical structures were obtained by the evaporation/recrystallization technique as well as by laser ablation. When the nanoclusters were formed in humid atmosphere, nickel perbromate hydrate [Ni(BrO4)2(H2O)6] polyhedra and short tubules were produced, as a result of a reaction with water. Nanooctahedra of NiBr2 were found occasionally in the irradiated soot. The reoccurrence of this structure in the IF family suggests that it is a generic one. Consistent with previous observations, this study showed that formation of the IF materials stabilized the material under the electron-beam irradiation. The growth mechanism of these nanostructures is briefly discussed.
(2006) Nano. 1, 2, p. 167-180 Abstract
Inorganic fullerene-like ( IF) nanoparticles of MoS2 were synthesized using gas-phase reaction starting from MoCl5 and H2S. The IF-MoS2 nanoparticles are spherical and in some cases faceted with diameters in general ranging between 20 and 80 nm. The IF-MoS2 nanoparticles have large hollow cores, filled in some cases with amorphous material. Various parameters have been investigated to understand the growth and formation of the IF-MoS2 nanoparticles. The parameters that have been studied include flow rates of the various carrier gases, temperature at which the reaction was carried out, time of the reaction and heating of the precursor material. The best set of conditions wherein maximum yields of the IF-MoS2 nanoparticles are obtained have been identified. Additionally, annealing the as-obtained samples or heating them in a mixture of H-2 along with H2S improves the crystallinity and reduces the amorphous material filling in the core. Apart from the fullerene-like nanoparticles under certain experimental conditions nanotubes of MoS2 have also been obtained nonetheless in small yields.
(2006) Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 6, 6, p. 1678-1683 Abstract
Inorganic fullerene-like nanoparticles of WS 2 (IF-WS 2), are synthesized by a reaction of tungsten oxide with molecular hydrogen and hydrogen sulfide. The synthesized nanoparticles appear as large agglomerates (>40 microns), each one counting thousands of IF nanoparticles. 1H nuclear magnetic resonance study of these nanoparticles is reported. The measurements show that the prepared product contains water (and possibly some hydrogen) molecules that occupy the voids in the central part of the fullerene-like nanoparticles and the nanopores between the adhering IF-WS 2 particles. Defects in the IF-WS 2 structure, arising due to the strain release during the folding of the layers, may result in additional sites for the absorbed water. Vacuum annealing of the powder leads to substantial reduction in the amount of absorbed water molecules.
(2006) Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics. 243, 6, p. 1229-1240 Abstract
Electrical resistivity and Hall effect measurements of pellets compacted from fullerene-like WS2 nanoparticles (IF-WS2) and bulk 2H-WS2 powder were carried out using the van der Pauw method over a wide temperature range. In addition IF-WS2 pellets were annealed at elevated temperatures under vacuum in a specially designed system. Arrhenius plots for the conductivities of the WS2 samples (2H, IF and IF+annealing) exhibit marked uprise of partial derivative In (sigma T-1)/partial derivative T-1 with temperature. The resistivity of the non-annealed IF-WS2 pellets is higher by 2-8 orders of magnitude than that of 2H-WS2 pellets, whereas the resistivity of the annealed IF pellets is higher than that of the non-annealed ones. Hall Effect measurements at 300 K show p-type conductivity and similar carrier concentration for both types of materials. The carrier mobility of 2H-WS2 platelets is found to be in the range of the reported values. However, IF-WS2 pellets have shown an unusually low mobility for a semiconducting material. The experimental data was found to be in a good agreement with a model used for analyzing the conductivity of polycrystalline semiconductors, which takes into consideration fluctuations of the barrier heights among the different nanoparticles as well as within a single nanoparticle boundary. (c) 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
(2006) Nano Letters. 6, 4, p. 760-764 Abstract
Current-voltage characteristics measured using STM on fullerene-like WS2 nanoparticles show zero-bias current and contain segments in which the tunneling current flows opposite to the applied bias voltage. In addition, negative differential conductance peaks emerge in these reversed current segments, and the characteristics are hysteretic with respect to the change in the voltage sweep direction. Such unusual features resemble those appearing in cyclic voltammograms, but are uniquely observed here in tunneling spectra measured in vacuum, as well as in ambient and dry atmosphere conditions. This behavior is attributed to tunneling-driven electrochemical processes.
(2006) Nanotechnology. 17, 6, p. 1700-1705 Abstract
Bi2Se3 nanorods have been synthesized through a simple hydrothermal reduction approach. The nanorods formed were ≈10nm in diameter and 100-200nm in length. XRD characterization suggested that the product consisted of the hexagonal phase of pure Bi2Se3. EDX and XPS studies further confirmed the composition and purity of the product. A possible mechanism for the reaction is proposed, where Bi2Se 3 microsheets are presumed to be the intermediate for the formation of the nanorods. The effect of solvent on the morphology of the final product is discussed, where, in the presence of aprotic solvent DMF, nanoparticle formation is observed. A bandgap of 2.25eV is observed from the UV-visible absorption spectra.
(2006) Tribology Letters. 21, 2, p. 135-139 Abstract
Uneven malaligned teeth are a problem afflicting large numbers of people, having significant economic and societal repercussions. Sliding a tooth along an archwire during orthodontic treatment involves a frictional type of force which resists this movement, causing a number of adverse effects. First, using excessive orthodontic force, leads to unwanted movements of the anchor teeth and increasing the risk of damage to the roots of the teeth. Furthermore, the frictional force is distributed unevenly between the archwire and the brackets interface, leading to strong adhesion between the wire and the bracket's corner. This force-asymmetry causes lengthening of treatment and frequent visits for fine-tuning of the orthodontic appliances. Despite numerous efforts to lower the friction, no satisfactory solution to this issue has been obtained. In the present work a self-lubricating metal coating containing fullerene-like WS2 (IF) nanoparticles is demonstrated. Such coatings significantly reduce archwire friction, and may alleviate the adverse complications. Moreover, a number of other medical applications of the self-lubricating coatings are foreseen.
(2006) Tribology Letters. 21, 2, p. 89-93 Abstract
Fullerene-like WS2 (MoS2) nanoparticles (IF) have been studied in the past. Their efficacy as additives for lubrication fluids has been demonstrated. It was shown that the IF nanoparticles are usually delaminated in the inlet of the smooth contact. Thin sheets of broken IF nanoparticles can be entrapped between the rubbed surfaces and thus favorably affect the friction and the wear. Friction pairs at real mechanical macrosystems are often subjected to friction-induced vibrations. It was shown that the mechanical excitations can improve the supplying and preservation of fluid lubricant film in the interface. It can be hypothesized that under vibrations in a definite range of frequencies and amplitudes, the probability for small IF aggregates to be entrapped into the interface is increased. The main goal of this work was to study the effect of artificial mechanical excitations on the friction and wear of contact pairs rubbed with nanoparticles. In order to avoid friction-induced excitations, a new ball-on-flat friction device was developed. The frequency and the amplitude of the ball were varied using a motion of miniature micromotor attached to the ball holder. The behavior of IF nanoparticles in friction tests with and without external mechanical excitations was compared with the tribological behavior of the contact pair lubricated with pure paraffin oil. It was found that the external mechanical excitation of the mechanical parts rubbed with nanoparticles allows a penetration of these nanoparticles into interface. This effect leads to a remarkable shortening of the run-in period and improves the tribological properties of contact pairs. From the present results it may be anticipated that the accidental friction-induced vibrations, which are determined by the stiffness and damping force of the device, lead to preferential penetration of the IF nanoparticles into the contact area, affecting thereby the tribological behavior of the interface.
Fullerenes fight friction: Giant inorganic molecules give exceptional performance as dry lubricant(2006) European Coatings Journal. p. 22+24+26-27 Abstract
A new class of inorganic nanostructures with a closed cage structure has been discovered. These inorganic fullerenes are multi-walled (i.e. onion-like) spherical particles which can also be wrapped to form nanotubes. They are extremely effective as solid lubricants, particularly under extreme conditions. The development and initial applications of these materials are reviewed.
(2006) Physical Review B. 73, 3, 035410. Abstract
We measured the infrared vibrational properties of bulk and nanoparticle W S2 in order to investigate the structure-property relations in these materials. In addition to the symmetry-breaking effects of local strain, nanoparticle curvature modifies the local charging environment of the bulk material. Performing a charge analysis on the xy -polarized E1u vibrational mode, we find an approximate 1.5:1 intralayer charge difference between the layered 2H material and inorganic fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles. This effective charge difference may impact the solid-state lubrication properties of nanoscale metal dichalcogenides.
(2006) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103, 3, p. 523-528 Abstract
The mechanical properties of materials and particularly the strength are greatly affected by the presence of defects; therefore, the theoretical strength (≈10% of the Young's modulus) is not generally achievable for macroscopic objects. On the contrary, nanotubes, which are almost defect-free, should achieve the theoretical strength that would be reflected in superior mechanical properties. In this study, both tensile tests and buckling experiments of individual WS2 nanotubes were carried out in a high-resolution scanning electron microscope. Tensile tests of MoS2 nanotubes were simulated by means of a density-functional tight-binding-based molecular dynamics scheme as well. The combination of these studies provides a microscopic picture of the nature of the fracture process, giving insight to the strength and flexibility of the WS2 nanotubes (tensile strength of ≈16 GPa). Fracture analysis with recently proposed models indicates that the strength of such nanotubes is governed by a small number of defects. A fraction of the nanotubes attained the theoretical strength indicating absence of defects.
(2006) Solar Hydrogen And Nanotechnology. 6340, p. U74-U79 Abstract[All authors]
We report the rapid high-yield generation of inorganic fullerene-like cesium oxide (IF-CS2O) nanoparticles, activated by highly concentrated sunlight. The solar process represents an alternative to the only reported method for synthesizing IF-CS2O nanostructures: laser ablation. IF-CS2O formed at solar irradiation >= 6W, confirmed by high resolution transmission electron microscopy. These closed-cage Cs2O nanostructures are stable under electron microscope conditions, and also when exposed temporarily to air - of significance for their use in a variety of photonic devices.
(2005) Composites Science and Technology. 65, 15-16 SPEC. ISS., p. 2380-2384 Abstract
This paper summarizes and discusses the limited statistically significant, currently available, experimental data for the tensile strength of individual nanotubes of any sort. Only three such data sets currently exist: two for multi-wall carbon nanotubes and one for multi-wall WS2 nanotubes. It is shown here that Weibull-Poisson statistics accurately fits all strength data sets and thus seems to apply at the nano-scale as well as it does at the micro- and macro-scales. The significance and trends of the Weibull shape and scale parameters, and their relation to the specific structural features of the different nanotubes, are discussed in each case. More recent fracture analyses are also discussed and, in that context, the role of defects in quasi-perfect structures in relation to the theoretical strength is examined.
(2005) Physical Review B. 72, 20, 205436. Abstract
We obtained a Raman signal from an individual WS2 nanotube mounted on an atomic force microscopy cantilever tip. We discuss the implications for simultaneous investigations of the mechanical properties of WS2 nanotubes by combining different experimental methods. From the orientation dependence of this nanotube's resonant Raman intensity, we estimate the ratio of the perpendicular to parallel polarizabilities αXXαZZ0.16. We compare the WS2 nanotube with single-walled carbon nanotubes and expect a similarly strong depolarization effect for multiwalled carbon nanotubes.
(2005) Small. 1, 11, p. 1100-1109 Abstract
Motivated by the discovery of the C60 molecule (buckminsterfullerene), the search for inorganic counterparts of this closed-cage nanostructure started in 1992 with the discovery of nested fullerene-like nanoparticles of WS2. Inorganic fullerene-like (IF) materials have since been found in numerous two-dimensional compounds and are available in a variety of shapes that offer major applications such as in lubricants and nanocomposites. Various synthetic methodologies have been employed to achieve the right conditions for the constricted or templated growth needed for the occurrence of this new phase. In this study, IF-TaS2 is produced from a volatile chloride precursor in the gas phase and in small yield by room temperature laser ablation both in argon and in liquid CS 2. For the gas-phase reaction, a high yield of IF nanoparticles was obtained between 400 and 600°C with a low concentration of the precursor gas. The average size and the yield of the IF-TaS2 nanoparticles decrease with temperature. Above 600°C, IF nanoparticles were found in low yields and at sizes below 20 nm. The stability of the IF nanoparticles produced by the gas-phase reaction is discussed in the light of two existing theoretical models. Laser ablation in argon leads to IF nanoparticles filled with clusters of TaS2. Agglomeration of the nanoparticles can be avoided by laser ablation in liquid CS2.
(2005) Current Nanoscience. 1, 3, p. 253-262 Abstract
TiS2 nanoparticles with nested fullerene-like structure (IF) 60-120 nm in size consisting of up to 100 concentric molecular layers and having quite a perfectly spherical shape were obtained by reacting TiCl4 and H2S using first a horizontal and subsequently a vertical reactor. The proposed growth mechanism of these nanoparticles, i.e. nucleation and growth, is radically different from the one proposed for the growth of the fullerene-like WS2 from the respective oxide nanoparticles. It was found that adding 1-2% IF-TiS2 improves the behavior of lubricating oil substantially. The improved performance of the additive was attributed to the nearly spherical shape of the nanoparticles which promotes rolling friction.
(2005) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 127, 46, p. 16263-16272 Abstract
The excellent shock-absorbing performance of WS2 and MoS 2 nanoparticles with inorganic fullerene-like structures (IFs) under very high shock wave pressures of 25 GPa is described. The combined techniques of X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, thermal analysis, and transmission electron microscopy have been used to evaluate the diverse, intriguing features of shock recovered IFs, of interest for their tribological applications, thereby allowing improved understanding of their antishock behavior and structure-property relationships. Two possible failure mechanisms are proposed and discussed. The supershock-absorbing ability of the IF-WS2 enables them to survive pressures up to 25 GPa accompanied with concurrent temperatures of up to 1000 °C without any significant structural degradation or phase change making them probably the strongest cage molecules now known.
[All authors] -
(2005) Physical review letters. 95, 11, 116805. Abstract
We present the results from an experimental study of the magnetotransport of superconducting wires of amorphous indium-oxide having widths in the range 40-120 nm. We find that, below the superconducting transition temperature, the wires exhibit clear, reproducible, oscillations in their resistance as a function of magnetic field. The oscillations are reminiscent of those that underlie the operation of a superconducting quantum interference device.
(2005) Chemical Physics Letters. 411, 1-3, p. 162-166 Abstract
Inorganic closed-cage nanoparticles of TiS2 were synthesized using gas-phase synthesis. The reported nanoparticles are perfectly spherical with diameters centered between 60 and 80 nm, consisting from up to 80-100 concentric layers. The nucleation and growth mechanism was proposed for the formation of these nanoparticles. Tribological experiments emphasized the important role played by the spherical shape of the nanoparticles in providing rolling friction with a reduced friction coefficient and wear.
(2005) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 44, 27, p. 4169-4172 Abstract
(Figure Presented) Fullerene-like Cs2O nanoparticles were prepared by laser ablation of 3R-Cs2O powder in evacuated quartz ampoules. The Cs2O closed cages, such as the faceted nanoparticle shown in the picture, are remarkably stable as compared with the corresponding extremely unstable but technically important bulk compound, which makes them potentially useful in applications involving cesium oxide coatings, for example, photoemissive devices and catalytic converters.
(2005) Wear. 259, 1-6, p. 703-707 Abstract
Fullerene-like WS2 (MoS2) nanoparticles (IF) have been studied in the past. It was shown that the IF nanopaticles appear to form a protective film allowing increased load capacity of the rubbed pairs under mixed lubrication. The main objective of the present work is to evaluate the behavior of the IF nanoparticles under severe contact conditions - the transition to seizure. The effect of the IF nanoparticles burnished to porous alumina matrix on friction and wear of alumina-Si3N4 pair under high contact pressure is also considered. It was shown that when the gap between the contact surfaces is smaller than the size of the IF nanoparticles, there is no effect of the nanopaprticles on the friction force. With load increasing, the IF nanoparticles penetrate into the interface, protecting the rubbed surfaces from a direct contact and thus increase the critical point of transition to seizure. Burnishing of the porous alumina surfaces by the IF solid lubricant nanoparticles provides very low friction coefficient and wear loss under high contact pressure. The IF-WS2 nanoparticles are found to be preserved in the rough summits, fill the valleys, and the pores of the sintered alumina and thus limit the straight contact between the ceramic surfaces. Although the external sheets of the outermost layers of the IF-WS2 nanoparticles were peeled-off, the pristine IF nanoparticles remain in the valleys and pores of the alumina supplying the solid lubricant sheets to the contact area during a long-term test.
(2005) Tribology Letters. 19, 2, p. 143-149 Abstract
Recently, the behavior of inorganic fullerene-like (IF) WS2 nanoparticles in the interface of steel-on-steel pair has been analyzed. It was shown that originally when the gap between the contact surfaces is smaller than the size of the IF nanoparticles, there is no effect of the nanoparticles on the friction force. During the test stiff IF nanoparticles can plough the surface of hard steel samples and penetrate into the interface under friction. Molecular sheets of WS2 from the delaminated IF nanoparticles, which reside in the valleys of the rough surfaces cover the contact spots and thus decrease the number of adhered spots at the transition to seizure. The goal of the present work was to study the behavior of IF nanoparticles in the interface of ceramic surfaces. The friction tests were performed using a ball-on-flat device. A silicon nitride ball was slid against an alumina flat with maximum contact pressure close to 2 GPa. SEM, TEM and AFM techniques have been used in order to assess the behavior of IF nanoparticles in the interface. The behavior of IF nanoparticles in the much harder ceramic interfaces was found to be appreciably different from the steel pair. The pristine IF nanoparticles are damaged in the inlet of the contact during the first few cycles and thin shells of broken nanoparticles gradually cover the middle range of the contact surface. Different modes of deformation and destruction of the IF nanoparticles are exhibited when going from the middle to edge area of the contact. While aggregates of the pristine nanoparticles are formed at the edge of the contact, thin shells of broken IF nanoparticles are observed in the middle area where contact pressure is maximum. Mechanical stability and damage of IF nanoparticles in the ceramic interface are discussed.
(2005) Advanced Materials. 17, 12, p. 1500-1503 Abstract
The dynamic pressure-resitance capacity of inorganic fullerene (IF) cages in uniaxial shockwave pressures up to 30 GPa, was studied. It was observed that to a limit of 25 GPa, except those IFs mixed with nanotubes, others suffered light damages. It was also observed that a perfectly hollow and small IF cage consists an ability to withstand much higher shock wave pressure. These inorganic fullerenes can be used as lubricant at severe loading conditions, or as a coating or composite phase in cases of anti-shock or high-pressure environment.
(2005) Journal of Materials Chemistry. 15, 18, p. 1782-1788 Abstract
Nanoparticles of WS2 and MoS2 with a closed cage structure (fullerene-like) that are termed IF phases are synthesized in large amounts in a pure form. These nanoparticles were shown to play a favorable role as solid lubricants under severe conditions where fluids are unable to support the heavy load and are squeezed away from the contact area. Various tribological scenarios are presented for these superior solid lubricants, demonstrating the large scale potential for applications of these materials. The mechanism of action of these solid lubricants is briefly discussed. Various other potential applications of IF phases for nanocomposites with high impact resistance; in rechargeable batteries and in optical devices are discussed in short.
(2005) Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 178, 4, p. 1190-1196 Abstract
Oxides of cesium play a key role in ameliorating the photoelectron emission of various opto-electronic devices. However, due to their extreme reactivity, their electronic and optical properties have hardly been touched upon. With the objective of better understanding the electronic and optical properties of Cs2O in relationship to its structure, an experimental and theoretical study of this compound was undertaken. First-principles density functional theory calculations were performed. The preferred structural motif for this compound was found to be anti-CdCl2. Here three Cs-O-Cs molecular layers are stacked together through relatively weak van-der-Waals forces. The energy bands were also calculated. The lowest transition at 1.45 eV, was found to be between the K point in the valence band to the Γ point in the conduction band. A direct transition at 2 eV was found in the center (Γ) of the Brillouin zone. X-ray powder diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and selected area electron diffraction were used to analyze the synthesized material. These measurements showed good agreement with the calculated structure of this compound. Absorption measurements at 4.2 K indicated two optical transitions with somewhat higher energy (indirect one at 1.65 and a direct transition at 2.2 eV, respectively). Photoluminescence measurements also showed similar transitions, suggesting that the lower indirect transition is enhanced by three nearby minima at 1.5 eV in the Brillouin zone.
(2005) Proceedings of the World Tribology Congress III - WTC 2005. Abstract
Fullerene-like WS2 (MoS2) nanoparticles (IF) have been studied in the past. Their efficacy as additives for lubrication fluids has been demonstrated. Recently, IF-WS2 nanoparticles were confined inside a porous and densified bronze-graphite matrix, prepared by powder metallurgy (PM) technique. Substantial reduction in both friction and wear, and an increase in the critical load were observed. Novel applications of IF nanoparticles as development of polymer nanocomposites, burnishing, and friction of ceramic materials under severe contact conditions were presented. Polymer nanococomposites with embedded IF nanoparticles exhibited excellent tribological properties. The main friction mechanism was the transfer of the IF nanoparticles from the surface of the polymer composite to the surface of the mating steel disk leading to a reduction in both the friction coefficient and wear rate of the contact surfaces. This is an abstract presented at the World Tribology Congress III (Washington, DC 9/12-16/2005).
(2005) Proceedings of the World Tribology Congress III - 2005. p. 613-614 Abstract
When dispersed in a synthetic polyalphaolefin (PAO) base oil, inorganic fullerene-like (IF-MS2) nanoparticles of metal dichalcogenides (IF-MoS2, IF-WS2, IF-NbS2) lead to a significant reduction of both friction and wear under boundary lubrication. The effect of the contact pressure on the tribological properties of IF nanoparticles is particularly interesting. Results show that the higher is the pressure, the lower is the friction coefficient. The effect of the concentration shows that, even used at a low concentration (0.1%wt), IF-MS2 is able to decrease friction (0.05) compared to base oil only (0.08). A steady state friction coefficient of 0.04 was reached with IF-WS2 at 1%wt in PAO. Friction-induced transformation of the IF-MS2 nanoparticles into H-MS2 single sheets was evidenced by High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM). Some of these superimposed sheets are found in incommensurate positions, thus possibly explaining the very low friction coefficient of 0.04 obtained with IF-WS2. In-situ Raman spectroscopy was performed during a friction test to follow this structural modification. The lubrication mechanism of IF-MS2 is very similar to a "drug delivery system". A very low concentration of additives is sufficient and the activation is obtained by the opening of the nested structure, like in certain micellar structures. Furthermore, no chemical reaction is required to obtain interesting properties. Thus, fullerene-like nanoparticles are active at the very beginning of the test and even at ambient and low temperature.
(2005) PRICM-5. Vol. 475-479. p. 4097-4102 (truePricm 5: The Fifth Pacific Rim International Conference On Advanced Materials And Processing, Pts 1-5). Abstract
The Young's modulus of WS2 nanotubes is an important property for various applications. Measurements of the mechanical properties of individual nanotubes are challenging because of the small size of the tubes. Lately, measurements of the Young's modulus by buckling of an individual nanotube using an atomic force microscope(1) resulted in an average value of 171GPa. Tensile tests of individual WS2 nanotubes were performed experimentally using a scanning electron microscope and simulated tensile tests of MoS2 nanotubes were performed by means of a density-functional tight-binding (DFTB) based molecular dynamics (MD) scheme. Preliminary results for WS2 nanotubes show Young's modulus value of ca. 162GPa, tensile strength value of ca. 13GPa and average elongation of ca. 12%. MD simulations resulted in elongation of 19% for zigzag and 17% for armchair MoS2 single wall nanotubes. Since MoS2 and WS2 nanotubes have similar structures the same behavior is expected for both, hence there is a good agreement regarding the elongation of WS2 nanotubes between experiment and simulation.
Micro Raman investigation of WS2 nanotubes(2005) Electronic Properties Of Novel Nanostructures. 786, p. 349-352 Abstract
Individual WS2 multiwalled nanotubes, 2-3 micron in length, and with 15 - 25 nm diameter were mounted on AFM cantilevers tips. The nanotube orientation along the cantilever cone axis was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Micro-Raman spectra of these individual nanotubes showed similar vibrational frequencies as in the bulk material. The highly anisotropic shape of the nanotubes, however, leads to a strong antenna effect as it is known from single-walled carbon nanotubes. A qualitative assessment of the radiation field screening for polarization perpendicular to the nanombe axis is given.
Inorganic nanotubes and inorganic fullerene-like materials from layered compounds: From concept to applications [Invited](2005) p. 11200 Abstract
We have proposed in 1992 that nanoparticles of layered compounds will be unstable against folding and close into fullerene-like structures and nanotubes (IF). Initially this hypothesis was realized in WS2, MoS2 and the respective diselenides. Subsequently, nanotubes and fullerene-like structures were prepared from numerous compounds with layered and recently also non-layered structure by various groups. Much progress has been achieved in the synthesis of inorganic nanotubes and fullerene-like nanoparticles of WS2 and MoS2 and many other metal dichalcogenides over the last few years. Synthetic methods for the production of multiwall WS2 nanotubes by sulfidizing WO3 nanoparticles have been described and further progress is underway. A fluidized-bed reactor for the synthesis of up to half a kg/day of fullerene-like WS2 nanoparticles has been established in our lab, and the scaling-up of the synthesis to 100 kg/day is under way. The detailed mechanisms for the synthesis of fullerene-like WS2 and MoS2 nanoparticles and nanotubes of these compounds have been elucidated. Substantial progress has been accomplished in the use of such nanoparticles for tribological applications and lately for nanocomposites, e.g. for impact resilient materials for self-protection. Few testing programs have been undertaken together with major industrial partners and have clearly indicated the usefulness of the fullerene-like WS2 (MoS2) as solid lubricants in various products. These tests indicated that IF-MoS2 and IF-WS2 are heading for large scale applications in the automotive, machining, aerospace, electronics, medical and numerous other kinds of industries. This technology was licensed to "NanoMaterials", which is currently involved in many collaborative development programs. Orders for about 1000 tons/year have been secured and further orders from major industrial partners are expected shortly. Novel applications of inorganic nanotubes in the fields of microelectronics; Li rechargeable batteries; medical and opto-electronic will be presented.
Inorganic nanotubes and inorganic fullerene-like materials from layered compounds: From concept to applications(2005) 05AIChE. Abstract
Synthetic methods for the production of multiwall WS2 nanotubes by sulfidizing WO3 nanoparticles have been described and further progress is underway. A fluidized-bed reactor for the synthesis of ≤ 0.50 kg/day of fullerene-like WS2 nanoparticles has been established, and the scaling-up of the synthesis to 100 kg/day is under way. The detailed mechanisms for the synthesis of fullerene-like WS2 and MoS2 nanoparticles and nanotubes of these compounds have been elucidated. Testing programs have indicated the usefulness of the fullerene-like WS2 (MoS2) as solid lubricants in various products and applications, e.g., automotive, machining, aerospace, electronics, medical and numerous other kinds of industries. This technology was licensed to NanoMaterials, which is involved in many collaborative development programs. Novel applications of inorganic nanotubes in the fields of microelectronics; Li rechargeable batteries; medical and opto-electronic are presented. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the AIChE Annual Meeting and Fall Showcase (Cincinnati, OH 10/30/2005-11/4/2005).
(2004) Nature. 431, 7009, p. 640-641 Abstract
Adding guest atoms to inorganic nanotubes, known as 'doping', influences their room-temperature magnetic properties - properties that could be exploited in 'spintronic' devices and computer memory.
Following the discovery of carbon fullerenes and carbon nanotubes, it was hypothesized that nanoparticles of inorganic compounds with layered (two-dimensional) structure, such as MOS2, will not be stable against folding and form nanotubes and fullerene-like structures: IF. The synthesis of numerous other inorganic nanotubes has been reported in recent years. Various techniques for the synthesis of inorganic nanotubes, including high-temperature reactions and strategies based on 'chemie douce' (soft chemistry, i.e. low-temperature) processes, are described. First-principle, density functional theory based calculations are able to provide substantial information on the structure and properties of such nanotubes. Various properties of inorganic nanotubes, including mechanical, electronic and optical properties, are described in brief. Some potential applications of the nanotubes in tribology, protection against impact, (photo) catalysis, batteries, etc., are discussed.
(2004) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 6, 15, p. 3991-4002 Abstract
Two-dimensional compounds (like graphite or MoS2) are capable of bending their layers and forming a closed cage structure, which is denoted the inorganic-fullerene-like (IF) phase in the case of inorganic materials. Simultaneous thermal analysis (TG-DTA) of a number of nanomaterials (IF-MoS 2, IF-NbS2, and IF-WS2) and their bulk counterparts was carried out in inert and oxidizing environments at various heating rates. Oxidation occurred at 295°C for the smallest particle size (100 nm) but the oxidation temperature increased to 440°C for the largest particle size (3 μm). At low heating rates, the oxidation occurred through sulfates and lower oxides, while at high heating rates mostly one-step oxidation to the highest oxide was observed. The stability in N2 atmosphere depended on the criterion of stability chosen: Choosing the onset temperatures of the decomposition step (between 1200°C and 1390°C), the stability decreased in the order WS2 ≈ MoS2 > NbS2; and the bulk material reacted mostly at higher temperatures compared to the IF-phase. Choosing the extent of decomposition as a measure of stability, no specific trend could be found. Surprisingly, a single IF-WS2 sample was found to be most stable by both methods. This study shows that IF nanoparticles are comparably (though somewhat less) stable against oxidation as well as decomposition than the bulk material exhibiting the usual plate-like structure.
(2004) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 108, 33, p. 12360-12367 Abstract
Cesium oxides are materials of great interest to the photodetection industry because of their relatively low work function (∼1 eV). Used mainly as coating films for photoemissive devices, they provide high wavelength thresholds and high photocurrents. However, they are unstable, air-sensitive, and hygroscopic, rendering them short-lived and limiting their applications. Although the technology of these devices is highly developed, their characterization on the micro- and nanoscale suffers from their poor chemical stability and poor crystallinity. In the present study, cesium oxides were synthesized from the elements and were characterized using a combination of chemical and structural analysis techniques. Because the reaction products were extremely sensitive to humidity, sample analysis without atmospheric exposure was essential, and techniques were developed for the transfer of the samples to the measurements systems. Extensive data obtained from X-ray energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), selected-area electron diffraction (SAED), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Raman microscopy were obtained. Raman spectra with bands at 103, 742, and 1134 cm-1 strongly confirmed the presence of the oxide, peroxide, and Superoxide ions, respectively, as well as the absence of carbonate as an impurity. The A1g mode of Cs2O was detected as an anti-Stokes band at 103 cm-1. This study provides further insight into the reactivity of the various cesium oxides.
(2004) Tribology Letters. 17, 2, p. 179-186 Abstract
A study of the tribological behavior of nested inorganic fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles of WS2, as a potential additive to base oils is presented. Friction measurement results obtained from three different test rigs over a wide range of normal loads and sliding velocities are shown. Stribeck curves are used to reveal the lubrication regimes where the IF are most effective. It is found that the addition of IF-WS2 nanoparticles to the base oils results in up to 50% reduction in friction coefficient in the mixed lubrication regime. The mechanism of improved friction and wear behavior with the IF additive is discussed.
(2004) Journal of Materials Science. 39, 13, p. 4119-4129 Abstract
Inorganic fullerene-like materials have been identified as being of potentially utmost importance for many industrial applications. MoS2 and WS2 hollow nanoparticles have been identified as strong candidates for tribological applications such as solid lubricants. The main goal of this work was to evaluate the mechanical properties of solid lubricant particles in ensemble under hydrostatic pressure. The behavior of nanopowders under compression has been described on the basis of constitutive models of continuum mechanics. The model will be applied to an isotropic compaction of copper (well-studied medium), fullerene-like (IF-WS2) nanoparticles and a natural powder of 2H-WS2 platelets. The morphology of individual nanoparticles and nanoparticle ensembles will be examined and discussed. Another aspect of this work was to study the applicability and limitations of the proposed constitutive model for the understanding of the tribological behavior of solid lubricant nanoparticles. Compression with the maximal pressure (500 MPa) showed that the shape of the IF nanoparticles is preserved. The dominant mechanism of damage was found to be the delamination or peeling-off of the external sheets of hollow nanoparticles. Strong destruction of 2H-WS2 platelets was observed under compression.
(2004) Chemistry of Materials. 16, 11, p. 2238-2243 Abstract
Inorganic fullerene-like structures (IF) of the layered hafnium sulfide, Hf2S, have been synthesized by the laser ablation of HfS3 in tert-butyl disulfide medium. Apart from the Hf2S IFs exhibiting quasi-spherical as well as faceted nested-shell geometries, quasi-spherical nanoparticles of HfS were observed by this means. Whereas Hf2S has anti-NbS2 structure with S layers sandwiched between two Hf layers, HfS has the nonlayered WC-type structure. The nanoparticles of HfS show excess sulfur in the core, and they do not possess closed-shell geometry. The mechanism of formation of these nanoparticles has also been discussed.
(2004) Journal of Materials Research. 19, 2, p. 454-459 Abstract
The Young's modulus of WS2 nanotubes is an important property for various applications. Measurements of the mechanical properties of individual nanotubes are challenged by their small size. In the current work, atomic force microscopy was used to determine the Young's modulus of an individual multiwall WS2 nanotube, which was mounted on a silicon cantilever. The buckling force was measured by pushing the nanotube against a mica surface. The average Young's modulus of an individual WS2 nanotube, which was calculated by using Euler's equation, was found to be 171 GPa. First-principle calculations of the Young's modulus of MoS2 single-wall nanotubes using density-functional-based tight-binding method resulted in a value (230 GPa) that is close to that of the bulk material. Furthermore, the diameter dependence of the Young's modulus in both zigzag and armchair configuration was studied and was found to approach the bulk value for nanotubes with few-nanometer diameters. Similar behavior is expected for WS 2 nanotubes. The mechanical behavior of the WS2 nanotubes as atomic force microscope imaging tips gave further support for the measured Young's modulus.
(2004) Journal of Materials Chemistry. p. 617-624 Abstract
Metal dichalcogenide nanotubes and in particular those of WS2 were shown to exhibit some unique physical and chemical properties, which offer numerous applications for this kind of nanophase material. Using a fluidized bed reactor (FBR), WS2 nanotubes were obtained in substantial amounts recently, rendering a systematic study of their properties possible. The FBR synthesized nanotubes are multiwalled (5-7 layers); open-ended; long (
(2003) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 42, 42, p. 5124-5132 Abstract
In analogy to graphite, nanoparticles of inorganic compounds with lamellar two-dimensional structure, such as MoS2, are not stable against folding, and can adopt nanotubular and fullerene-like structures, nicknamed inorganic fullerenes or IF. Various applications for such nanomaterials were proposed. For instance, IF-WS2 nanoparticles were shown to have beneficial effects as solid lubricants and as part of tribological surfaces. Further applications of IF for high-tensile-strength fibers, hydrogen storage, rechargeable batteries, catalysis, and in nanotechnology are being contemplated. This Mini-review highlights some of the latest developments in the synthesis of inorganic nanotubes and fullerene-like structures. Some structural aspects and properties of IF, which are distinct from the bulk materials, are briefly discussed.
(2003) JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A. 21, 5, p. 1752-1757 Abstract
Pronounced surface diffusion is observed during x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements of 2H platelets and inorganic fullerene-like (IF) MS2 (M=WMo) powders, intercalated with alkaline (A=K,Na) elements. Using controlled surface charging the intercalants migrate towards the surface, where they oxidize. This dry deintercalation is controllable via external charging parameters, yet showing that internal chemical and structural parameters play an important role in the process. Diffusion rates out of 214 matrixes are generally higher than in corresponding IF samples. Clear differences are also found between Mo and W-based systems. Application of this approach into surface modification and processing is, proposed. (C) 2003 American Vacuum Society.
(2003) Electrochemical Society Interface. 12, 3, p. 17-18 Abstract
The development of inorganic and fullerene-like nanoparticles from layered compounds is discussed. It is found that most of the inorganic layered materials comprise more than one atomic layer with strong chemical bonds interconnecting between the atoms of the different layers. The Young's modulus of WS2 nanotubes is also elaborated.
(2003) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 125, 34, p. 10470-10474 Abstract
Tin disulfide pellets were laser ablated in an inert gas atmosphere, and closed cage fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles were produced. The nanoparticles had various polyhedra and short tubular structures. Some of these forms contained a periodic pattern of fringes resulting in a superstructure. These patterns could be assigned to a superlattice created by periodic stacking of layered SnS2 and SnS. Such superlattices are reminiscent of misfit layer compounds, which are known to form tubular morphologies. This mechanism adds up to the established mechanism for IF formation, namely, the annihilation of reactive dangling bonds at the periphery of the nanoparticles. Additionally, it suggests that one of the driving forces to form tubules in misfit compounds is the annihilation of dangling bonds at the rim of the layered structure.
(2003) Journal of Materials Chemistry. 13, 7, p. 1631-1634 Abstract
It was shown previously that nanoparticles of layered comppunds form closed-cage and nanotubular structures. These nanostructures received the generic name of inorganic fullerene-like (IF) materials. In particular nanoparticles of metal dihalides, like NiCl2 and CdCl2, were shown to form such closed-cage structures in the past. In the present report faceted IF-CdI2 nanoparticles encapsulating a Cd core are reported. These nanoparticles were obtained using electron beam irradiation of the source powder of CdI2. The faceted nanoparticles exhibit one of two morphologies: hexagonal or elongated rectangular characters. The nanoparticles can be considered as core (Cd)-shell (CdI2) nanostructures. Consistent with previous observations, this study shows that the seamless structure of the IF materials can stabilize phases, which are otherwise unstable Under the electron-beam irradiation. The growth mechanism of these nanostructures is briefly discussed.
(2003) Solid State Sciences. 5, 6, p. 905-908 Abstract
Nanoparticles of various layered compounds were shown to form closed cage or nanotubular structures, which were designated as inorganic fullerene-like (IF) materials. In particular, closed cage structures and nanotubes were synthesized from NiCl2 and CdCl2 in the past. In the present work IF-CdI2 nanoparticles were synthesized by electron-beam irradiation of the source powder leading to evaporation and subsequent recrystallization into closed nanoparticles with a non-hollow core. This process created polyhedral nanoparticles with hexagonal or elongated rectangular characters. Consistent with previous observations, this study shows that the seamless structure of the IF materials can stabilize phases, which are otherwise unstable under the electron-beam irradiation.
(2003) Advanced Materials. 15, 7-8, p. 651-655 Abstract
WS2 nanoparticles with closed-cage structure (fullerene-like IF) are already being synthesized in macroscopic amounts from the respective oxide nanoparticles. They have been studied as superior solid lubricants under harsh conditions in recent years. Under severe contact conditions both fluids and greases are squeezed out from the contact area and consequently do not provide adequate lubrication conditions. Addition of even a small amount of IF nanoparticles to the oil was found to reduce the friction coefficient and wear rate, and increase the load-bearing capacity of the friction pairs. Furthermore, IF nanoparticles were impregnated into polymer and metal coatings and into self-lubricating porous metal parts, and were found to alleviate both friction and wear remarkably well. In another set of experiments, IF nanoparticles were shown to provide excellent tribological behavior for the contact between a ceramic alumina block and silicon nitride ball. The mechanism for the improved tribological behavior of the IF nanoparticles is being investigated. In addition to the rolling friction, gradual exfoliation of the IF onions and transfer of monomolecular WS2 sheets onto the metal surface (third body transfer) is shown to play a major role in alleviating friction and wear. This work suggests numerous applications for this new solid-state nanolubricant.
(2003) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 5, 8, p. 1644-1651 Abstract
Laser ablation has been extensively used for the synthesis of nanoparticles of various sorts, and in particular single wall carbon nanotubes and C60 molecules. NiCl2 nanotubes were recently also produced using this technique. While fullerene-like NiCl2 structures can be obtained through regular ablation, vapor phase enriched with CCl4 gas (reactive ablation) is necessary for the synthesis of the nanotubes. The experimental results indicate that the synthesis of such nanotubes is much more difficult than the synthesis of say MoS2 or WS2 nanotubes. Moreover, the NiCl2 nanotubes are of larger diameter and consist on the average of more layers than their MoS2 predecessors. First principle calculations show that single layer NiCl2 nanotubes of diameter smaller than 54 nm are unstable and lose their outer chlorine atoms. In contrast, MoS2 nanotubes with diameter of 2 nm and larger are found to be stable using the same kind of calculations. To gain better understanding of the differences between the materials, a review of the mechanical properties of layered metal dihalide and metal dichalcogenide compounds is undertaken. First principle calculations show that the Young's and bending moduli of NiCl2 are almost twice larger than those of MoS2. The large ionicity of NiCl2 entails much larger shear and stacking fault energies for this compound as compared to MoS2, which explains its smaller propensity to bend and fold. These observations are supported by analysis of the corresponding Raman modes. Furthermore, metal dihalide compounds are very hygroscopic making their handling, and especially their analysis more difficult. This analysis explains the greater difficulties to grow NiCl2 nanotubes or fullerene-like nanoparticles, as compared to their MoS2 analogues.
Characterization of nested hollow inorganic fullerene-like tungsten disulfide nanoparticles prepared by solid-gas reaction(2003) Chinese Chemical Letters. 14, 3, p. 312-315 Abstract
Non-carbon inorganic fullerene-like (IF) nanoscale materials have recently attracted intense interest due to their nested hollow and nanotube structures. In this letter, IF-WS2 nanoparticles prepared by solid-gas reaction were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The results show that the IF-WS2 nanoparticles have a nested hollow closed spherical structure with diameter of 100-150 nm.
Use of functionalized WS2 nanotubes to produce new polystyrene/polymethylmethacrylate nanocomposites(2003) Polymer. 44, 7, p. 2109-2115 Abstract
Multiwall WS2 nanotubes of 40-50 nm diameter were functionalized with n-octadecyl phosphonic acid by sonication in toluene and blended with mixtures of polystyrene (PS) and polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) to form new nanocomposite (NC) materials. The surface and domain structures were studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) for various levels of loading of nanotubes up to 20 wt%. Phase-separated domain size and surface roughness of the nanocomposite films were found to be dramatically reduced relative to the pure homopolymer blend and good dispersal of the nanotubes in the blend matrix was attained.
[All authors] -
(2003) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 125, 5, p. 1329-1333 Abstract
The shock-wave resistance of WS2 nanotubes has been studied and compared to that of carbon nanotubes. Detailed structural features of post-shock samples were investigated using HRTEM, XRD, and Raman spectroscopy. WS2 nanotubes are capable of withstanding shear stress caused by shock waves of up to 21 GPa, although some nanotube tips and nanoparticles containing multiple structural defects in the bending regions are destroyed. Small WS2 species, consisting of only a few layers, are extruded from the nanotubes. Well-crystallized tube bodies were found to exhibit significant stability under shock, indicating high tensile strength. XRD and Raman analyses have confirmed this structural stability. Under similar shock conditions, WS2 tubes are more stable than carbon nanotubes, the latter being transformed into a diamond phase. WS2 nanotubes containing small concentrations of defects possess significantly higher mechanical strength, and, as a consequence, hollow WS2 nanoparticles are expected to act as excellent lubricants under much higher loading than was previously thought.
(2003) Surface & Coatings Technology. 163-164, p. 405-412 Abstract
Recently it has been established that WS2 and MoS2 nanoparticles (IF) mixed in oil, and impregnated into porous matrix of powdered materials appear to enhance the tribological properties in definite loading range in comparison to typical metal dichalcogenides particles. Modification of the contact surface by IF-WS2 nanoparticles from oil, grease and from pores of densified powdered samples is considered in this work. The role of the IF solid lubricants as a part of a third body is discussed also in this work. The effect of the IF in oil was studied using a pin-on-disk tester. The study of IF in greases and impregnated into the pores of densified matrices was performed using a ring-block tester. The state of the mating surfaces and the nanoparticles before and after the friction test has been studied by TEM, SEM and XPS. It was established that the IF nanoparticles form a protective film allowing an increase in the load capacity of rubbed pairs. The tribological behavior of lithium grease with IF was found to be appreciably better than that of a commercially available grease incorporating MoS2 platelets (2H). It is found that the IF nanoparticles lead to improved tribological behavior of greases with the IF nanoparticles under very high loads. Impregnation of the IF-WS2 into the pores of densified powdered materials provides a reduced friction coefficient and wear rate over a wide load range in comparison to 2H solid lubricant. The main advantages of the IF nanoparticles is ascribed to the release and furnishing of the nanoparticles from the open pores onto the metal surface and their confinement at the interface, which is not possible with dense flat surfaces. It is expected that the spherical shape of IF nanoparticles facilitate their sliding/rolling between the rubbed surfaces.
(2003) Wear. 255, 7-12, p. 794-800 Abstract
Friction and wear of powder materials impregnated with commercially available layered (platelets) WS2 (2H) and inorganic fullerene-like WS2 nanoparticles (IF) were studied. Bronze-graphite, iron-graphite and iron-nickel-graphite samples were used in this experiment. The linear wear of powder materials (in situ) was measured. It was shown that the IF nanoparticles impregnated into the pores improve the tribological properties of powder materials in comparison to a reference sample or the sample impregnated with 2H solid lubricant particles. The mechanisms of friction and wear of the IF nanoparticles have been considered. The tribological role of the wear particles and nanoparticles of solid lubricants has been analyzed in the framework of a third body lubrication model. The state of the IF nanoparticles before and after the wear test was studied. It was found that the shape of the IF nanoparticles is preserved during the friction tests under high loads. Thin wear debris surrounded by spherical IF nanoparticles appear to be formed and provide easily sheared lubrication film (low friction coefficient) during friction experiments of powder materials containing IF nanoparticles.
(2003) Wear. 255, 7-12, p. 785-793 Abstract
Recently, it has been established that WS2 and MoS2 nanoparticles (inorganic fullerene-like, IF) mixed with oil, and impregnated into porous matrix of powdered materials appear to enhance the tribological properties of mating surfaces in definite loading range in comparison to typical metal dichalcogenide solid lubricants. The main results have been obtained under relatively low pressures. It is important to evaluate the tribological properties of IF when the concentrated contact is obtained. The effect of the IF in oil was studied using pin-on-disk tester in the regime of mixed lubrication. The interaction between the full film and the asperity contact fractions has been considered and the time evolution of the friction force was evaluated. The states of the mating surfaces and the nanoparticles before and after the friction test were studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). It was established that the IF nanoparticles mixed with oil allow to decrease the fraction of straight asperity contact under mixed lubrication regime and thus improve their tribological properties. TEM analysis showed that the shape of the IF nanoparticles is preserved under low loads. It was found that some of the IF nanoparticles were damaged after the friction at the maximal load of 420 N. The IF nanopaticles appear to form a protective film allowing increased load capacity of the rubbed pairs. The role of the IF solid lubricants as a part of a third body is discussed in this work. The mechanism of friction and wear of the IF nanoparticles are discussed.
New Nanotechnology Solid Lubricants for Superior Dry Lubrication(2003) European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP. 524, p. 65-66 Abstract
This paper presents a new commercial breakthrough for advanced anti-friction materials based on unique inorganic nanospheres that can be used as dry lubricants, coatings, and for impregnating parts. The new material reduces friction and wear significantly better than other layered solid lubricants and is especially useful in self-lubricating, maintenance-free, and oil-free applications of the types encountered in aerospace markets. The material, NanoLub™, is the world's first commercial lubricant based on spherical inorganic nanoparticles. NanoLub's particles have a unique structure of hollow nested spheres (see photo) of about only 0.1 micron in diameter. (the size in the picture - 40- 50 nm) This paper presents tribological evaluations of tungsten and molybdenum disulphide NanoLub™. The material reduces friction and wear under conditions that are especially relevant for space such as ultra-high vacuum, UV radiation, and high loads. Suitable applications could include rotors, bearings, robots, planetary rovers, space vehicles and transport devices. Extensive testing by a number of independent groups clearly shows that these special nanoparticles improve considerably the tribological properties of different contact pairs in comparison to other solid lubricants.
(2002) Chemistry - A European Journal. 8, 23, p. 5296-5304 Abstract
Following the discovery of fullerenes and carbon nanotubes, it was shown that nanoparticles of inorganic layered compounds, like MoS2, are unstable in the planar form and they form closed cage structures with polyhedral or nanotubular shapes. Various issues on the structure, synthesis, and properties of such inorganic fullerene-like structures are reviewed, together with some possible applications.
Inorganic nanotubes and fullexene-like materials(2002) Chemistry-A European Journal. 8, 23, p. 5297-5304 Abstract
Following the discovery of fullerenes and carbon nanotubes, it was shown that nanoparticles of inorganic layered compounds, like MoS2, are unstable in the planar form and they form closed cage structures with polyhedral or nanotubular shapes. Various issues on the structure, synthesis, and properties of such inorganic fullerene-like structures are reviewed, together with some possible applications.
(2002) Surface & Coatings Technology. 160, 2-3, p. 282-287 Abstract
Inorganic Fullerene-like (IF)-MoS2 nanoparticles were tested under boundary lubrication and ultra-high vacuum (UHV) and were found to give an ultra-low friction coefficient in both cases compared to hexagonal (h)-MoS2 material. Previous works made by Rapoport et al. with IF-WS2 revealed that the benefit effect of the inorganic fullerene-like materials decreases at high loads and sliding velocities. Nevertheless, under the conditions used in our experiments using high contact pressure (maximum pressure above 1.1 GPa in oil and 400 MPa in high vacuum) and slow sliding velocities (1.7 mm/s in oil test and 1 mm/s in hi-h vacuum), friction always decreases and stabilizes at about 0.04 for 800 cycles in both cases. Therefore, IF-MoS2 material appears to be a good candidate for use in various environments in regard to other MoS2 crystal structures. Wear mechanisms were investigated using both High Resolution TEM and surface analyses (XPS) on the wear tracks. Wear particles collected from the flat wear scar show several morphologies, suggesting at least two lubricating mechanisms. As spherical particles are found in the wear debris, rolling may be a possible event. However, flattened and unwrapped IF-MoS2 particles are often observed after friction. In this case, low friction is thought to be due either to sliding between IF-MoS2 external flattened planes or to slip between individual unwrapped MoS2 sheets. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
(2002) Advanced Engineering Materials. 4, 9, p. 686-690 Abstract
It was proposed that nanoparticles of layered compounds are not stable in the planar form and they spontaneously fold into fullerene-like structures and nanotubes (IF phases). Considering the spherical topology of the IF nanoparticles, it was proposed that they could ideally suit tribological applications. In this paper the authors demonstrate the preparation of a metal matrix IF-nanoparticles composite coating by electroless code-position. It was found that the IF-nanoparticle was able to significantly improve the tribological characteristics of the electroless composite coatings. Moreover, the spherical IF nanoparticles can promote easier sliding between the two mating metal surface.
(2002) Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. 33, 8, p. 675-676 Abstract
The Raman spectrum of Cs2O2 excited at 632.8 nm shows a single O2-2 fundamental band at wavenumber of 742.5 cm-1 and second and third overtones at 1468.5 and 2176.8 cm-1, respectively. The harmonic wavenumber ωe = 759.5 ± 0.7 cm-1 and anharmonicity constant ωeχe = 8.4 ± 0.3 cm-1 were calculated directly from the measurements. These results are compared with ωe = 1151.0 ± 1.5 cm--1 and ωeχe = 9.6 ± 0.5 cm-1 recently found for O2- ion in CsO2 by others. The lower ωeχe of O2-2 relative to that of O2- indicates a broader (smaller curvature) anharmonic oscillator potential well.
(2002) Advanced Materials. 14, 15, p. 1075-1078 Abstract
Laser ablation is a powerful technique for producing nanoparticles such as C60. In comparison to high-temperature gas-phase or solid/gas-phase reactions, the laser ablation technique is found to be suitable for the growth of nano-crystals of a specific shape and size. This paper reports on the synthesis, by means of a modified laser ablation technique, of inorganic fullerene-like structures (IF) of NiCl2, in the form of polyhedral and nanotubes.
Inorganic nanoparticle impregnation of self lubricated materials(2002) International Journal Of Powder Metallurgy. 38, 5, p. 50-57 Abstract
One of the main advantages of powder metallurgy technology is controlled porosity for self-lubrication. To decrease friction and wear of contact pairs, solid lubricants such as WS2 and MoS2 are used. Recently, inorganic fullerene-like supramolecules of WS2 and MoS2 with structures closely related to carbon fullerenes and nanotubes have been synthesized. Experiments showed that the supramolecules possess lubricating properties superior to those of layered materials, in which each unit cell contains two layers with a hexagonal arrangement. It is expected that the fabrication of densified powders containing solid lubricant nanoparticles will lead to the development of a new class of composites with improved mechanical properties. The main goal of the present work was to study material and process parameters for the formation of a porous matrix and the impregnation of nanoparticles. Self-lubricating sintered bronze, iron and iron-nickel base composites were produced. Friction and wear results for the powder materials impregnated with layered materials and supramolecules as solid lubricants are presented.
(2002) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 124, 17, p. 4747-4758 Abstract
Layered metal disulfides-MS2 (M = Mo, W) in the form of fullerene-like nanoparticles and in the form of platelets (crystallites of the 2H polytype) have been intercalated by exposure to alkali metal (potassium and sodium) vapor using a two-zone transport method. The composition of the intercalated systems was established using X-ray energy dispersive spectrometer and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The alkali metal concentration in the host lattice was found to depend on the kind of sample and the experimental conditions. Furthermore, an inhomogeneity of the intercalated samples was observed. The product consisted of both nonintercalated and intercalated phases. X-ray diffraction analysis and transmission electron microscopy of the samples, which were not exposed to the ambient atmosphere, showed that they suffered little change in their lattice parameters. On the other hand, after exposure to ambient atmosphere, substantial increase in the interplanar spacing (3-5 Å) was observed for the intercalated phases. Insertion of one to two water molecules per intercalated metal atom was suggested as a possible explanation for this large expansion along the c-axis. Deintercalation of the hydrated alkali atoms and restacking of the MS2 layers was observed in all the samples after prolonged exposure to the atmosphere. Electric field induced deintercalation of the alkali metal atoms from the host lattice was also observed by means of the XPS technique. Magnetic moment measurements for all the samples indicate a diamagnetic to paramagnetic transition after intercalation. Measurements of the transport properties reveal a semiconductor to metal transition for the heavily K intercalated 2H-MOS2. Other samples show several orders of magnitude decrease in resistivity and two- to five-fold decrease in activation energies upon intercalation. These modifications are believed to occur via charge transfer from the alkali metal to the conduction band of the host lattice. Recovery of the pristine compound properties (diamagnetism and semiconductivity) was observed as a result of deintercalation.
(2002) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 106, 10, p. 2497-2501 Abstract
An overview about the characteristic structure of metal chalcogenide nanotubes is given in this paper. On the basis of atomistic calculations, parameters for a model are derived, describing the stability of tubular structures. Especially the interplay between the strain energy in the tubes and the energy due to unsaturated (dangling) bonds in layer stripes and the role of the van der Waals interaction in multilayer stripes and tubes are discussed. In agreement with experimental observations it is shown that nanotubes with a diameter larger than about 6 nm are more stable than stripes of a corresponding width. The van der Waals interaction stabilizes multilayered stripes, leads to multiwalled nanotubes, and can explain the nonexistence of single-wall metal chalcogenide nanotubes.
(2002) Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing. 74, 3, p. 367-369 Abstract
The synthesis of multigram portions of WS2 nanotubes and large foils consisting of aligned nanotubes was presented. Nanotubes and fullerene-like nanoparticles of WS2 were observed by annealing very thin films of tungsten in a H2S atmosphere. It is found that a slow in-diffusion of the sulfur and out-diffusion of the oxygen leads to a conversion of the oxide core into a multilayer WS2 nanotube.
Friction and wear of powdered composites impregnated with WS2 inorganic fullerene-like nanoparticles(2002) Wear. 252, 5-6, p. 518-527 Abstract
The impregnation of inorganic fullerene-like nanoparticles of WS2 (IF) allows to improve effectively the tribological properties of powdered materials in comparison to the impregnation of oil or commercially available layered WS2 (2H) particles. The main goal of this work was to determine the dominant lubrication regimes under friction of the bronze, iron, and iron-nickel porous matrixes impregnated with 2H and IF solid lubricants. The tribological tests were performed at laboratory atmosphere (humidity Ο50%) using a ring-on-block tester at the sliding speed of V = 1 m/s, and the loads of 150-1000 N. The wear of the metal bodies was measured by an eddy current probe system and by weighting of the samples before and after the test. In order to evaluate the radial clearance, the profiles of wear blocks were analyzed by profile projector. Than these data were used in the calculation of the Sommerfeld reciprocal values. Friction and wear results were presented as the Stribeck curves. The critical Sommerfeld reciprocals were evaluated from these curves. The Stribeck curves were compared with the Morgan's curves for different ranges of non-dimensional permeability, ψ. These results are used then in calculation of the permeability, Φ. Three lubrication regimes as: quasi-hydrodynamic, boundary or mixed, and dry friction were revealed under friction of porous samples in the load-range studied. It was found that the impregnation of IF nanoparticles provides the regime of quasi-hydrodynamic lubrication in the widest range of loads in comparison to the reference sample and the sample impregnated with 2H-WS2. Fe-Ni samples exhibited the highest wear resistance and provided the widest range of quasi-hydrodynamic lubrication in comparison to bronze and iron powdered composites. The effect of IF on the regimes of lubrication is explained on the base of the third-body model. It is expected that the sliding/rolling of the IF nanoparticles in the boundary of the first bodies and in between the wear particles (third-body) facilitate the shear of the lubrication film and thus provide the quasi-hydrodynamic regime of friction. It is supposed that the roll shape of IF nanoparticles allows to release the IF from the pores to contact surfaces.
(2002) Physical Review B. 65, 7, p. 754021-7540212 075402. Abstract
Recent experimental results demonstrate that it is possible to grow a variety of different multiphase, nested nanotube structures. This paper predicts the structure and energetics of such multiphase nanotubes. There are several distinct contributions to the energetics: the internal and external surface energies, the energy of the interface between the different phases, the long-range (van der Waals) interactions between interfaces, and the elastic bending energy. We perform energy minimizations to compare the energies of two- and three-layer films and nanotubes. We present physical guidelines, quantitative theory, and structure maps that show how materials and geometric parameters influence the stability of competing structures.
(2002) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 4, 11, p. 2095-2098 Abstract
Inorganic nanotubes of WS2 have been investigated by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, and scanning tunneling microscopy, providing support for the theoretical prediction of correlation of bandgap with diameter.
(2002) Industrial Lubrication and Tribology. 54, 4, p. 171-176 Abstract
In the past few years, inorganic fullerene-like (IF) supramolecules of metal dichalcogenide WS2 and MoS2 with structures closely related to (nested) carbon fullerenes and nanotubes have been synthesized. Recent experiments showed that IF added to oil and impregnated into the porous matrixes possess lubricating properties superior to those of layered WS2 and MoS2 (2H platelets). The main goal of this work was to analyze the mechanism of friction of fullerene-like nanoparticles. Friction and wear behavior of IF in different contact conditions is studied. Third body model is considered. Sliding/rolling of the IF nanoparticles in the boundary of the first bodies and in between the wear particles (third body) is supposed to facilitate the shear of the lubrication film. Broken and oxidized 2H-WS2 small pieces adhered to wear debris do not provide high tribological properties especially under high loads.
Preparation and tribological properties of Ni-P electroless composite coating containing inorganic fullerene-like WS2 nanomaterials(2002) Acta Chimica Sinica. 60, 9, p. 1722-1726 Abstract[All authors]
Ni-P composite coating containing inorganic fullerene-like WS2 nanosize particles was prepared by electroless codeposition. Its tribological performances were evaluated by a ring-on-block wear tester. It was found that the Ni-P-(IF-WS2) composite coating exhibited both higher wear resistance and lower friction coefficient than Ni-P, Ni-P-(layer 2H-WS 2) and Ni-P-graphite electroless coating. The favorable effects of inorganic fullerene-like nanomaterials on the tribological properties of the composite coating were discussed.
(2002) AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 633. p. 67-70 (trueStructural And Electronic Properties Of Molecular Nanostructures). Abstract
Layered metal disulfides - MoS2 and WS2 in the form of fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles and in the form of platelets (crystallites of the 2H polytype) have been intercalated by exposure to alkali metal (potassium and sodium) vapor using a two-zone transport method. The composition of the intercalated systems was established using X-ray energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analysis and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of the samples, which were not exposed to the ambient atmosphere, showed that they suffered little change in their lattice parameters. On the other hand, after exposure to ambient atmosphere, substantial increase in the interplanar spacing (3-5 Angstrom) was observed for the intercalated phases. Insertion of one to two water molecules per intercalated metal atom was suggested as a possible explanation for this large expansion along the c-axis. The modifications in magnetic and transport properties of the intercalated materials were investigated, and are believed to occur via charge transfer from the alkali metal to the conduction band of the host lattice. Restacking of the MS2 layers after prolonged exposure to the atmosphere and recovery of the pristine compound properties were observed as a result of deintercalation of the metal atoms.
(2002) Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 149, 1, p. G55-G62 Abstract
Heterojunction thin-film solar cells are usually fabricated from n-type window material (large bandgap) in its front and p-type absorber material (small bandgap) in the back. In this work, an inverted cell with p-type window material in front and a rear n-type absorber is presented. A diamond/CdTe photovoltaic cell has been fabricated to demonstrate the concept of an inverted p-n heterojunction solar cell. A systematic study of the influence of various experimental parameters on the behavior of the cell has been undertaken and is briefly discussed. It is shown that the solar cell open-circuit voltage VOC is 230 mV with an internal quantum efficiency of 70% at 500 nm. Steps to further improve the photoresponse and the photovoltaic conversion efficiency of the cell are discussed.
New approach for gas phase synthesis and growth mechanism of MoS2 fullerene-like nanoparticles(2002) Structural And Electronic Properties Of Molecular Nanostructures. 633, p. 207-209 Abstract
Inorganic fullerene-like (hollow onion-like) nanoparticles (IF) and nanotubes are of significant interest over the past few years due to their unusual crystallographic morphology and their interesting physical properties. The synthesis of inorganic fullerene-like spherical MoS2 nanoparticles (IF-MoS2 of 5-300nm in diameter was studied in the present work. This process is based on the previous formation of suboxide (MoO3-x) 5-300nm nanoparticles and their subsequent sulfidization. During the sulfidization process the overall geometrical parameters of the suboxide nanoparticles are preserved. The oxide nanoparticles were obtained in-situ by the condensation of the evaporated MoO3 powder precursor. The condensation was provoked not by cooling (conventional method for nano-size particle formation), but by a chemical reaction (partial reduction of the MoO3 vapor by hydrogen). hi this case the vapor pressure of the product (MoO2) was much lower than that of the precursor WOOD. Based on the comprehensive understanding of the IF-MoS2 growth mechanism from MoO3 powder, a gas phase reactor, which allowed reproducible preparation of a pure IF-MoS2 phase (up to 100mg/batch) with controllable sizes, is demonstrated. Further scale-up of this production is underway.
(2002) Chemistry of Materials. 14, 2, p. 471-473 Abstract
WS2nanotubes were synthesized in large amounts by reaction of H2S with WO3 nanopowder using a fluidized-bed reactor. The nanotubes come often in a few centimeter long bundles or alternatively as a few centimeters large foil deposited on the quartz wall of the reactor. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that the open-ended nanotubes are quite uniform in shape: Up to 0.5-mm long and 15-20 nm in diameter, and they are chiral.
(2002) Journal of Materials Chemistry. 12, 5, p. 1587-1591 Abstract
NbS2 nanoparticles with a closed cage structure (inorganic fullerene-like phase - IF) were synthesized by reaction between NbCl5 vapor and H2S gas in a reducing atmosphere at 400°C, and subsequent annealing under a H2S/H2 atmosphere at 550°C. Following the synthesis, the nanoparticles were found to have a large excess of Nb; they were agglomerated; highly dislocated and enfolded by amorphous material. After annealing, most of the amorphous material crystallized into closed NbS2 shells, and the nanoparticles appeared to be much more faceted. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that the interlayer spacing (c/n) of the annealed particles had decreased. They were also agglomerated, being connected to neighboring nanoparticles through their outer NbS2 layers after annealing. In related experiments Nb2O3 nanofibers, which organize into a nanoflower superstructure, and also NbS2 nanofibers were synthesized under somewhat different growth conditions.
(2002) Tribology International. 35, 1, p. 47-53 Abstract
In the past few years, inorganic fullerene-like (e.g. IF) supramolecules of metal dichalcogenide MX2 (M=Mo,W, etc.; X=S, Se), materials with structures closely related to (nested) carbon fullerenes and nanotubes have been synthesized. Recent experiments showed that IF possess lubricating properties superior to those of commercially available layered solid lubricant (2H-WS2 polytype) in a wide range of operating conditions. It was shown before that the impregnation of a small amount of such nanoparticles into porous bronze matrix largely improve the tribological properties of bronze-steel contact pairs. In the present work, the effect of the PV (pressure-velocity) parameter on the transition to seizure for powdered bronze-graphite, iron-graphite and iron-nickel-graphite composites impregnated 2H and IF lubricant has been studied. The tribological tests were performed using a ring-block tester at loads of 150-1200 N and sliding speeds from 0.5 to 1.7 m/s. It was found that impregnation of IF into the pores improves the tribological properties of the powdered composites in comparison to 2H-WS2 solid lubricant. Furthermore, it was established that the impregnation of oil together with the IF nanoparticles allows to provide very high load bearing capacity of the powdered materials. It is suggested that the transition to seizure occurs when the wear debrises accumulate in the pores on the surface. This process practically blocks the surface pores and limits the supply of the solid lubricant particles to the contact surface. The main advantage of the IF nanoparticles is attributed to: (a) slow release and supply of nanoparticles from the open pores to the surface; (b) sliding/rolling of the IF between the rubbing surfaces; and (c) prevention of the accumulation of the agglomerated wear particles in the pores. The model of third body was used in order to explain the effect of the wear particles, oil and solid lubricant particles on the friction and wear behavior of powdered composites.
(2001) Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 69, 4, p. 381-388 Abstract
Recently the concept of the inverted photovoltaic cell has become more attainable as a practical cell. This thin film cell consists of a p-n heterojunction in which the window layer is p-type and the absorber layer is n-type. The feasibility of a new inverted p-n heterojunction p-diamond/n-CdTe solar cell has been demonstrated. The non-optimized solar cell structure grown on semi-transparent p-diamond yielded an open circuit voltage of 0.23 V and a short circuit current of 1.54 mA/cm2 when illuminated.
(2001) Advanced Functional Materials. 11, 5, p. 348-354 Abstract
The tribological behavior of platelet and nested colloidal particles of tungsten disulfide was studied using the surface forces apparatus, atomic force microscopy, lateral force microscopy, and Auger spectroscopy. Shear-induced material transfer from the colloidal particles to the surfaces was shown to be a dominant factor in the tribological behavior observed for both structures. An ultrathin, ordered layer was observed when nested particles were sheared, while WS2 platelets produced a rough and disordered transfer layer, with substantially inferior lubricating properties.
(2001) Physical review letters. 87, 7, 075501. Abstract
We report on the investigation of surface-plasmon excitation of anisotropic WS2 hollow nanoparticles in a near-field geometry by means of a scanning transmission electron microscope. The shell thickness influence on the electron-energy-loss-spectroscopy spectra is experimentally observed and is analyzed within a classical dielectric formalism. As for the isotropic case, we evidence one symmetric (tangential) and one antisymmetric (radial) mode. We point out the intriguing fact that, for the anisotropic case, one can relate these modes to the interband transition of the in-plane component of the dielectric tensor and to the bulk-plasmon energy of the out-of-plane component.
(2001) Chemical Physics Letters. 344, 5-6, p. 434-440 Abstract
We explore the possibility of controlling electronic properties along an inorganic nanotube (INT) through the influence of nanometer-scale features in the underlying substrate. We examined single multi-walled WS2 INTs using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) in high vacuum. As long as the INTs lie flat on MoS2 (0001) or graphite (0001) surfaces, they appear semimetallic. However, when the INT is suspended above the surface due to crossing steps or other nanotubes, a band gap opens up. We discuss this observation in terms of either a potential drop under the INT, or a change in its electronic properties due to its distortion when it lies flat on a surface.