
I am a mathematician working at the Weizmann Institute of Science.


Field of Research: 

Analysis, Convex Geometry, High-dimensional effects (i.e., when the dimension tends to infinity).


An imprecise meta-mathematical principle:

Certain high-dimensional objects – such as a convex body, a probability density, a polynomial in many variables, or a coloring of a large graph – necessarily contain a regular sub-structure, with many approximate symmetries. Convexity, or non-negative curvature, seem to strengthen the effect.


My best work, joint with A. Klartag

קישור לספר "מבוא למתמטיקה" מאת אברהם הלוי פרנקל
כל המעוניין בקריאה מודרכת של הספר, כנראה באמצעות פגישות זום, מוזמן לפנות אליי

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