

  1. Neumeier Y., Raz O., Tao L., Marx Z. & Shapiro E. (2025) Lineage Tracing. Gracia-Marques J. & Lee T.(eds.). Vol. 2886. p. 23-45  Abstract


  1. Elkind E., Grossi D., Shapiro E. & Talmon N. (2024) Social Choice and Welfare. 63, 3-4, p. 717-746  Abstract


  1. Keidar I., Naor O., Poupko O. & Shapiro E. (2023) 37th International Symposium on Distributed Computing, DISC 2023. Oshman R.(eds.).  Abstract
  2. Shapiro E. (2023) 37th International Symposium on Distributed Computing, DISC 2023. Oshman R.(eds.).  Abstract
  3. Shapiro E. (2023) Proceedings of the 2023 Workshop on Open Challenges in Online Social Networks, OASIS 2023, Held in conjunction with the 34th ACM conference on Hypertext and Social Media, HT 2023. p. 14-21  Abstract
  4. Albin E., Bressler S., Rolls A., Schwartz M. & Shapiro E. (2023) Science. 381, 6659, p. 715  Abstract
  5. Rosenfeld A., Shapiro E. & Talmon N. (2023) Party Politics. 29, 2, p. 335-346  Abstract


  1. Raz O., Tao L., Biezuner T., Marx T., Neumeier Y., Tumanyan N. & Shapiro E. (2022) International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 23, 11, 6161.  Abstract


  1. Tao L., Marx Z., Raz O. & Shapiro E. (2021) STAR Protocols. 2, 4, 100828.  Abstract
  2. Poupko O., Shahaf G., Shapiro E. & Talmon N. (2021) IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. 29, 5, p. 2215-2227  Abstract
  3. Abramowitz B., Shapiro E. & Talmon N. (2021) Algorithmic Decision Theory - 7th International Conference, ADT 2021, Proceedings. Vol. 13023. p. 119-131  Abstract
  4. Biezuner T., Raz O., Amir S., Milo L., Adar R., Fried Y., Ainbinder E. & Shapiro E. (2021) Scientific Reports. 11, 1, 17171.  Abstract
  5. Gong W., Granados A. A., Hu J. et_al. (2021) Cell Systems. 12, 8, p. 810-826.e4  Abstract
  6. Tao L., Raz O., Marx Z. et_al. (2021) Cell Reports Methods. 1, 3, 100054.  Abstract
  7. Bulteau L., Shahaf G., Shapiro E. & Talmon N. (2021) Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. 70, p. 1413-1439  Abstract
  8. Abramowitz B., Elkind E., Grossi D., Shapiro E. & Talmon N. (2021) Algorithmic Decision Theory - 7th International Conference, ADT 2021, Proceedings. Ríos Insua D. & Fotakis D.(eds.). p. 341-356  Abstract


  1. Shahaf G., Shapiro E. & Talmon N. (2020) Social Informatics - 12th International Conference, SocInfo 2020, Proceedings. Pedreschi D., Giannotti F., Grisolia F., Dignum F., Bontcheva K., Braghieri M. & Aref S.(eds.). Vol. 12467. p. 320-332  Abstract
  2. Digital social contracts: A foundation for an egalitarian and just digital society
    Cardelli L., Orgad L., Shahaf G., Shapiro E. & Talmon N. (2020) CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2781, p. 51-60  Abstract


  1. Shahaf G., Shapiro E. & Talmon N. (2019) ALGORITHMIC DECISION THEORY (ADT 2019). Venable KB. & Pekec S.(eds.). p. 172-174  Abstract
  2. Poupko O., Shahaf G., Shapiro E. & Talmon N. (2019) COMPUTER SCIENCE - THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Kucherov G. & VanBevern R.(eds.). p. 359-371 (trueLecture Notes in Computer Science).  Abstract
  3. Genuine Personal Identifiers and Mutual Sureties for Sybil-Resilient Community Formation
    Shahaf G., Shapiro E. & Talmon N. (2019) arXiv.  Abstract
  4. Raz O., Biezuner T., Spiro A. et_al. (2019) Nucleic Acids Research. 47, 5, p. 2436-2445  Abstract
  5. Shahaf G., Shapiro E. & Talmon N. (2019) Proceedings of the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2019. Kraus S.(eds.). p. 572-579  Abstract


  1. Shapiro E. (2018) Debating Transformations of National Citizenship. Bauböck R.(eds.). Cham: . p. 343-351 (true IMISCOE Research Series).  Abstract
  2. Shapiro E. (2018) Communications of the ACM. 61, 8, p. 31-34  Abstract
  3. Sybil-Resilient Reality-Aware Social Choice
    Shahaf G., Shapiro E. & Talmon N. (2018) arXiv.  Abstract
  4. Shapiro E. (2018) Genome Biology. 19, 1, 63.  Abstract
  5. Tao L., Raz O., Marx Z. et_al. (2018) BioRxiv.  Abstract
  6. Shapiro E. & Talmon N. (2018) Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems. p. 1188-1192 (trueAAMAS '18).  Abstract


  1. Regev A., Teichmann S. A., Lander E. S. et_al. (2017) eLife. 6, e27041.  Abstract
  2. A Participatory Democratic Budgeting Algorithm
    Shapiro E. & Talmon N. (2017) arXiv.  Abstract


  1. Biezuner T., Spiro A., Raz O. et_al. (2016) Genome Research. 26, 11, p. 1588-1599  Abstract
  2. Spiro A. & Shapiro E. (2016) PLoS Computational Biology. 12, 6, 1004983.  Abstract
  3. Spiro A. & Shapiro E. (2016) BMC Bioinformatics. 17, 1, 187.  Abstract
  4. Ben-Yehezkel T., Rival A., Raz O. et_al. (2016) Nucleic Acids Research. 44, 4, e35.  Abstract


  1. Ben-Yehezkel T., Atar S., Zur H. et_al. (2015) RNA Biology. 12, 9, p. 972-984  Abstract


  1. Blakes J., Raz O., Feige U., Bacardit J., Widera P., Ben-Yehezkel T., Shapiro E. & Krasnogor N. (2014) ACS Synthetic Biology. 3, 8, p. 529-542  Abstract
  2. Spiro A., Cardelli L. & Shapiro E. (2014) BMC Bioinformatics. 15, 1, 249.  Abstract
  3. Yofe I., Zafrir Z., Blau R., Schuldiner M., Tuller T., Shapiro E. & Ben-Yehezkel T. (2014) PLoS Genetics. 10, 6, e1004407.  Abstract
  4. Shouval R., Shlush L. I., Yehudai-Resheff S., Ali S., Pery N., Shapiro E., Tzukerman M., Rowe J. M. & Zuckerman T. (2014) Experimental Hematology. 42, 6, p. 457-463  Abstract
  5. Shapiro E. (2014) eLife. 3, 3, 02576.  Abstract


  1. Vazana Y., Barak Y., Unger T. et_al. (2013) Biotechnology for Biofuels. 6, 1, 182.  Abstract
  2. Chapal Ilani I. N., Maruvka Y. E., Spiro A., Reizel Y., Adar R., Shlush L. I. & Shapiro E. (2013) PLoS Computational Biology. 9, 11, 1003297.  Abstract
  3. Ben-Yehezkel T., Zur H., Marx T., Shapiro E. & Tuller T. (2013) Genomics. 102, 4, p. 419-429  Abstract
  4. Shapiro E. & Ran T. (2013) Nature Nanotechnology. 8, 10, p. 703-705  Abstract
  5. Shapiro E., Biezuner T. & Linnarsson S. (2013) Nature Reviews Genetics. 14, 9, p. 618-630  Abstract
  6. Glauche I., Bystrykh L., Eaves C. et_al. (2013) Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases. 50, 4, p. 232-240  Abstract
  7. Kahan-Hanum M., Douek Y., Adar R. & Shapiro E. (2013) Scientific Reports. 3, 1535.  Abstract
  8. Blakes J., Raz O., Krasnogor N. & Shapiro E. (2013) 5th International Workshop on Bio-Design Automation (IWBDA 2013).  Abstract


  1. Ben Yehezkel T., Biezuner T., Linshiz G., Mazor Y. & Shapiro E. (2012) PLoS ONE. 7, 11,  Abstract
  2. Ben-Yehezkel T., Biezuner T., Linshiz G., Mazor Y. & Shapiro E. (2012) PLoS ONE. 7, 11, e47795.  Abstract
  3. Ran T., Douek Y., Milo L. & Shapiro E. (2012) Scientific Reports. 2, 641.  Abstract
  4. Shlush L. I., Chapal Ilani I. N., Adar R. et_al. (2012) Blood. 120, 3, p. 603-612  Abstract
  5. Golan-Mashiach M., Grunspan M., Emmanuel R., Gibbs-Bar L., Dikstein R. & Shapiro E. (2012) Nucleic Acids Research. 40, 8, p. 3378-3391  Abstract
  6. Shapiro E. (2012) Interface Focus. 2, 4, p. 497-503  Abstract
  7. Reizel Y., Itzkovitz S., Adar R. et_al. (2012) PLoS Genetics. 8, 2, e1002477.  Abstract
  8. Linshiz G., Yehezkel T. B. & Shapiro E. (2012) Gene Synthesis. Peccoud J.(eds.). p. 151-163 (trueMethods in Molecular Biology).  Abstract
  9. Yehezkel T. B., Linshiz G. & Shapiro E. (2012) Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 852, p. 35-47  Abstract


  1. Segev E., Shefer G., Adar R., Chapal Ilani I. N., Itzkovitz S., Horovitz I., Reizel Y., Benayahu D. & Shapiro E. (2011) PLoS ONE. 6, 10, e25605.  Abstract
  2. Gil B., Kahan-Hanum M., Skirtenko N., Adar R. & Shapiro E. (2011) Nano Letters. 11, 7, p. 2989-2996  Abstract
  3. Reizel Y., Chapal Ilani I. N., Adar R. et_al. (2011) PLoS Genetics. 7, 7, e1002192.  Abstract
  4. Ben-Yehezkel T., Nagar S., Mackranrs D., Marx Z., Linshiz G., Shabi U. & Shapiro E. (2011) BioTechniques. 50, 2, p. 124-127  Abstract
  5. Ben-Yehezkel T., Linshiz G., Kaplan S., Gronau I., Ravid S., Adar R. & Shapiro E. (2011) Methods in Enzymology. p. 207-245  Abstract


  1. Shabi U., Kaplan S., Linshiz G., BenYehezkel T., Buaron H., Mazor Y. & Shapiro E. (2010) Systems and Synthetic Biology. 4, 3, p. 227-236  Abstract


  1. Ran T., Kaplan S. & Shapiro E. (2009) Nature Nanotechnology. 4, p. 642-648  Abstract


  1. Shapiro E. & Gil B. (2008) Science. 322, 5900, p. 387-388  Abstract
  2. Ben-Yehezkel T., Linshiz G., Buaron H., Kaplan S., Shabi U. & Shapiro E. (2008) Nucleic Acids Research. 36, 17, p. e107  Abstract
  3. Kahan M., Gil B., Adar R. & Shapiro E. (2008) Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena. 237, 9, p. 1165-1172  Abstract
  4. Frumkin D., Wasserstrom A., Itzkovitz S., Stern T., Harmelin A., Eilam R., Rechavi G. & Shapiro E. (2008) Cancer Research. 68, 14, p. 5924-5931  Abstract
  5. Baruch L., Itzkovitz S., Golan Mashiach M. M., Shapiro E. & Segal E. (2008) PLoS Computational Biology. 4, 7, e1000120.  Abstract
  6. Itzkovitz S., Baruch L., Shapiro E. & Segal E. (2008) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105, 27, p. 9278-9283  Abstract
  7. Linshiz G., Ben-Yehezkel T., Kaplan S., Gronau I., Ravid S., Adar R. & Shapiro E. (2008) Molecular Systems Biology. 4, 191.  Abstract
  8. Wasserstrom A., Frumkin D., Adar R. et_al. (2008) PLoS Computational Biology. 4, 5, 1000058.  Abstract
  9. Wasserstrom A., Adar R., Shefer G. et_al. (2008) PLoS ONE. 3, 4, 1939.  Abstract
  10. Frumkin D., Wasserstrom A., Itzkovitz S., Harmelin A., Rechavi G. & Shapiro E. (2008) BMC Biotechnology. 8, 17.  Abstract


  1. Kaplan S., Itzkovitz S. & Shapiro E. (2007) PLoS Computational Biology. 3, 11, p. 2291-2298  Abstract
  2. Shapiro E. & Gil B. (2007) Nature Nanotechnology. 2, p. 84-85  Abstract


  1. Shapiro E. & Benenson Y. (2006) Scientific American. 17, 3s, p. 45-51  Abstract
  2. Tapping the computing power of biological molecules gives rise to tiny machines that can speak directly to living cells.
    Shapiro E. & Benenson Y. (2006) Scientific American. 294, 5, p. 44-51  Abstract
  3. Shapiro E. & Benenson Y. (2006) Świat Nauki. 6, p. 50-57  Abstract
  4. Shapiro E. & Benenson Y. (2006) Investigación y ciencia. 358, p. 14-21  Abstract
  5. Shapiro E., Adar R., Ben-Yehezkel T. et_al. (2006) Life Science Open Day.  Abstract


  1. Frumkin D., Wasserstrom A., Kaplan S., Feige U. & Shapiro E. (2005) PLoS Computational Biology. 1, 5, p. 382-394  Abstract


  1. Regev A., Panina E., Silverman W., Cardelli L. & Shapiro E. (2004) Theoretical Computer Science. 325, 1, p. 141-167  Abstract
  2. Adar R., Benenson Y., Linshiz G., Rosner A., Tishby N. & Shapiro E. (2004) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 101, 27, p. 9960-9965  Abstract
  3. Benenson Y., Gil B. (., Ben-Dor U., Adar R. & Shapiro E. (2004) Nature. 429, 6990, p. 423-429  Abstract
  4. Shapiro E. (2004) Proceedings of the 2004 ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-based Program Manipulation. New York, NY, USA: . p. 200-200 (truePEPM '04).  Abstract
  5. Shapiro E. (2004)  Abstract
  6. Benenson Y. & Shapiro E. (2004) Dekker Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. p. 2043-2055  Abstract
  7. The pi-calculus as an abstraction for biomolecular systems
    Regev A. & Shapiro E. (2004) Modelling in Molecular Biology. Ciobanu G. & Rozenberg G.(eds.). p. 219-266 (trueNATURAL COMPUTING SERIES).  Abstract


  1. Benenson Y., Adar R., Paz-Elizur T., Livneh Z. & Shapiro E. (2003) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 100, 5, p. 2191-2196  Abstract
  2. Regev A. & Shapiro E. (2003) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Priami C.(eds.). p. 1-3  Abstract
  3. Cells as computation (Reprinted from Nature, vol 419, pg 343, 2002)
    Regev A. & Shapiro E. (2003) Computational Methods In Systems Biology, Proceedings. 2602, p. 1-3  Abstract


  1. Haberman B., Shapiro E. & Scherz Z. (2002) Journal of Educational Computing Research. 27, 4, p. 411-436  Abstract
  2. Regev A. & Shapiro E. (2002) Nature. 419, 6905, p. 343  Abstract


  1. Benenson Y., Paz-Elizur T., Adar R., Keinan E., Livneh Z. & Shapiro E. (2001) Nature. 414, 6862, p. 430-434  Abstract
  2. Priami C., Regev A., Shapiro E. & Silverman W. (2001) Information Processing Letters. 80, 1, p. 25-31  Abstract
  3. Regev A., Silverman W. & Shapiro E. (2001) Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. p. 459-470  Abstract


  1. Haberman B., Scherz Z. & Shapiro E. (1998) SIGCSE Bulletin (Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education). 30, 3, p. 102-104  Abstract
  2. Haberman B., Scherz Z. & Shapiro E. (1998) SIGCSE Bulletin (Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education). 30, 3, p. 102-104  Abstract
  3. Development, implementation and evaluation of a course in expert systems for high-school students (poster)
    Ragonis N., Shapiro E., Ben-Ari M. & Scherz Z. (1998) SIGMOD Record. 30, 3, p. 300  Abstract


  1. Moscowitz Y. & Shapiro E. (1995) Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence. 15, 3-4, p. 379-405  Abstract


  1. Sterling L. & Shapiro E. (1994) (trueLogic Programming).  Abstract


  1. Concurrent Logic Languages are Truly Object-Oriented
    Shapiro E. (1993) IEEE Software. 10, 2, p. 11-11  Abstract
  2. Goldberg Y., Safran M., Silverman W. & Shapiro E. (1993) Reasings in groupware and computer-supported cooperative work. Beacker R. M.(eds.). p. 457-518  Abstract
  3. Shapiro E. & Warren D. H. (1993) Communications of the ACM. 36, 3, p. 100-101  Abstract
  4. Shapiro E. & Warren D. H. D. (1993) Communications of the ACM. 36, 3, p. 46-49  Abstract


  1. Goldberg Y., Safran M. & Shapiro E. (1992) Proceedings of the Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. p. 75-83 (trueProceedings of the Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work).  Abstract
  2. Feldman Y. (. & Shapiro E. (1992) Communications of the ACM. 35, 10, p. 60-73  Abstract
  3. Logic programs with inheritance
    GOLDBERG Y., SILVERMAN W. & SHAPIRO E. (1992) Fifth Generation Computer Systems 1992, Vols 1 and 2. p. 951-960  Abstract
  4. Shapiro E. (1992) CONCUR '92. Cleaveland W. R.(eds.). p. 486-503  Abstract


  1. Yardeni E. & Shapiro E. (1991) The Journal of Logic Programming. 10, 2, p. 125-153  Abstract
  2. Polymorphically Typed Logic Programs
    YARDENI E., FRUEHWIRTH T. & SHAPIRO E. (1991) Logic Programming: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference. FURUKAWA K.(eds.). p. 379-393 (trueLOGIC PROGRAMMING).  Abstract
  3. FRUHWIRTH T., SHAPIRO E., VARDI M. & YARDENI E. (1991) Sixth Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science. p. 300-309  Abstract
  4. Lexical logic programs
    MOSCOWITZ Y. & SHAPIRO E. (1991) Logic programming : proceedings of the 8th international conference. FURUKAWA K.(eds.). p. 349-363 (trueLOGIC PROGRAMMING).  Abstract
  5. Shapiro E. (1991) Proceedings of the 23rd Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, STOC 1991. p. 198-208 (trueProceedings of the Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing).  Abstract
  6. Kleinman A., Moscowitz Y., Pnueli A. & Shapiro E. (1991) Conference Record of the Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages. p. 221-232 (trueConference Record of the Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages).  Abstract
  7. Gaifman H., Maker M. J. & Shapiro E. (1991) Proceedings of the Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing. p. 241-255 (trueProceedings of the Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing).  Abstract
  8. Embeddings among concurrent programming - languages
    Shapiro E. (1991) Parle 91 Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe. Aarts E. H. L., Leeuwen J. & Rem M.(eds.). Vol. 505. p. 480-480  Abstract
  9. Temporal debugging and its visual animation
    Feldman Y. & Shapiro E. (1991) p. 3-17  Abstract


  1. Furukawa K., Amamiya M., Shapiro E. & Warren D. H. (1990) New Generation Computing. 7, p. 85-87  Abstract
  2. Yardeni E. H., KLIGER S. & Shapiro E. (1990) New Generation Computing. 7, p. 89-107  Abstract
  3. KLEINMAN A., MOSES Y. & SHAPIRO E. (1990) Proceedings of the ninth annual ACM symposium on Principles of distributed computing. p. 59-74  Abstract
  4. FCP Sequential Abstract Machine Characteristics for the Systems Development Workload
  5. From decision trees to decision graphs


  1. Linda in context
    Shapiro E. (1989) Communications of the ACM. 32, 10, p. 1244-1249  Abstract
  2. Shapiro E. (1989) Computing Surveys. 21, 3, p. 413-510  Abstract
  3. Houri A. & Shapiro E. (1989) The Journal of Logic Programming. 7, 2, p. 85-123  Abstract
  4. Shapiro E. (1989) The Journal of Logic Programming. 6, 3, p. 243-267  Abstract
  5. RECHES E., GUDES E. & Shapiro E. (1989) Foundations of Data Organization and Algorithms. Schek H. & Litwin W.(eds.). Vol. 367. p. 304-320 (trueLecture Notes in Computer Science).  Abstract
  6. Reactive Behavior Semantics for Concurrent Constraint Logic\u200f Programs - (Preliminary Version)
  7. Gerth R., Codish M. & Shapiro E. (1989) Vol. CS89-16. (trueTechnical Report).  Abstract
  8. Taylor S., Shapiro R. & Shapiro E. (1989) Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications. Fox G.(eds.). p. 1364-1373 (trueProceedings of the 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications: Architecture, Software, Computer Systems, and General Issues, C3P 1988).  Abstract
  9. LICHTENSTEIN Y. & Shapiro E. (1989) Proceedings of the 1988 ACM SIGPLAN and SIGOPS workshop on Parallel and distributed debugging. 1 ed. Vol. 24. p. 248-260 (trueSigplan Notices).  Abstract
  10. CODISH M., GALLAGHER J. & SHAPIRO E. (1989) Meta-programming in logic programming. ABRAMSON H. & ROGERS MH.(eds.). p. 233-261 (trueLOGIC PROGRAMMING).  Abstract
  11. GAIFMAN H. & SHAPIRO E. (1989) Fourth Annual Symposium on Logic in Computer Science. Anon(eds.). p. 50-62  Abstract


  1. Gerth R., Codish M., Lichtenstein Y. & Shapiro E. (1988) Proc Third Annu Symp on Logic in Comput Sci. p. 320-335 (trueProc Third Annu Symp on Logic in Comput Sci).  Abstract
  2. GALLAGHER J., CODISH M. & Shapiro E. (1988) New Generation Computing. 6, p. 159-186  Abstract
  3. Lichtenstein Y. & Shapiro E. (1988) Proceedings of the 5th Logic Programming.  Abstract
  4. Image processing with Concurrent Prolog
    Edelman S. & Shapiro E. (1988) Concurrent Prolog. Shapiro E. & Fuchi K.(eds.). Cambridge, MA, USA: . p. 339-369  Abstract
  5. A subset of Concurrent Prolog and its interpreter
    Shapiro E. (1988) Concurrent Prolog. Shapiro E. & Fuchi K.(eds.). Cambridge, MA, USA: . p. 27-83  Abstract
  6. A test for the adequacy of a language for an architecture
    Shapiro E. (1988) Concurrent Prolog. Shapiro E. & Fuchi K.(eds.). Cambridge, MA, USA: . p. 370-388  Abstract
  7. An architecture of a distributed window system and its FCP implementation
    Katzenellenbogen D., Cohen S. & Shapiro E. (1988) Concurrent Prolog: Collected Papers. Shapiro E.(eds.). Cambridge, MA, USA: . p. 101-139  Abstract
  8. CFLA concurrent functional language embedded in a concurrent logic programming environment
    Levy J. & Shapiro E. (1988) Concurrent Prolog: Collected Papers. Shapiro E.(eds.). Cambridge, MA, USA: . p. 442-469  Abstract
  9. The Panel on Theory and Practice of Concurrent Systems
    Shapiro E. (1988) Proceedings of the International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems, FGCS 1988, Tokyo, Japan, November 28-December 2, 1988. p. 152-153  Abstract
  10. Saraswat V., Weinbaum D., Kahn K. & Shapiro E. (1988) Proceedings of the 7th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, PODC 1988. p. 210-222 (trueProceedings of the Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing).  Abstract
  11. Computation control and protection in the Logix system
    Hirsch M., Silverman W. & Shapiro E. (1988) Concurrent Prolog: Collected Papers. Shapiro E.(eds.). Cambridge, MA, USA: . p. 28-45  Abstract
  12. Translation of safe GHC and safe Concurrent Prolog to FCP
    Levy J. & Shapiro E. (1988) Concurrent Prolog: Collected Papers. Shapiro E.(eds.). Cambridge, MA, USA: . p. 383-414  Abstract
  13. Representation and enumeration of flat Concurrent Prolog computations
    Lichtenstein Y., Codish M. & Shapiro E. (1988) Concurrent Prolog: Collected Papers. Shapiro E.(eds.). Cambridge, MA, USA: . p. 197-210  Abstract
  14. Hardware description and simulation using Concurrent Prolog
    Weinbaum D. & Shapiro E. (1988) Concurrent Prolog: Collected Papers. Shapiro E.(eds.). Cambridge, MA, USA: . p. 470-490  Abstract
  15. The Logix system user manual version 1.21
    Silverman W., Hirsch M., Houri A. & Shapiro E. (1988) Concurrent Prolog: Collected Papers. Shapiro E.(eds.). Cambridge, MA, USA: . p. 46-77  Abstract
  16. Embedding linda and other joys of concurrent logic programming
    Shapiro E. (1988) Communications of The ACM - CACM.  Abstract
  17. Systolic programming: a paradigm of parallel processing
    Shapiro E. (1988) Concurrent Prolog. Shapiro E. & Fuchi K.(eds.). Cambridge, MA, USA: . p. 207-242  Abstract
  18. Meta interpreters for real
    Safra S. & Shapiro E. (1988) Concurrent Prolog: Collected Papers. Shapiro E.(eds.). Cambridge, MA, USA: . p. 166-179  Abstract


  1. TAYLOR S., HELLERSTEIN L., SAFRA S. & Shapiro E. (1987) Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 4, 3, p. 250-265  Abstract
  2. TAYLOR S., AVRON E. & Shapiro E. (1987) New Generation Computing. 5, p. 185-205  Abstract
  3. CODISH M. & Shapiro E. (1987) New Generation Computing. 5, 1, p. 45-61  Abstract
  4. The Art of Prolog: Programming Examples - Macintosh (Logic Programming)
    Sterling L. & Shapiro E. Y. (1987) (trueLogic Programming).  Abstract
  5. Scherz Z., Maler O. & Shapiro E. (1987) Eurit 86. p. 531-537  Abstract
  6. Concurrent Prolog: Collected Papers
    Shapiro E. (1987) Cambridge, MA, USA: .  Abstract
  7. The art of Prolog: advanced programming techniques
    Shapiro E. & Sterling L. (1987)  Abstract
  8. Taylor S., Safra S. & Shapiro E. (1987) Hypercube Multiprocessors, 1987. p. 48-54  Abstract
  9. Alkalaj L. & Shapiro E. (1987)  Abstract


  1. Concurrent Prolog: A progress report
    Shapiro E. (1986) Computer. 19, 8, p. 44-58  Abstract
  2. HELLERSTEIN L. & Shapiro E. (1986) The Journal of Logic Programming. 3, 2, p. 157-184  Abstract
  3. TAYLOR S., SAFRA S. & Shapiro E. (1986) International Journal of Parallel Programming. 15, 3, p. 245-275  Abstract
  4. Shapiro E. & SAFRA S. (1986) New Generation Computing. 4, 2, p. 211-216  Abstract
  5. Shapiro E. (1986) Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence. Jorrand P. & Bibel W.(eds.). Vol. 232. p. 277-313 (trueLecture Notes in Computer Science).  Abstract
  6. CODISH M. & Shapiro E. (1986) International Conference on Logic Programming. Shapiro E.(eds.). Vol. 225. p. 283-297 (trueLecture Notes in Computer Science).  Abstract
  7. Maler O., Scherz Z. & Shapiro E. (1986) Third International Conference on Logic Programming. Shapiro E.(eds.). Berlin, Heidelberg: . Vol. 225. p. 544-551 (trueLecture Notes in Computer Science).  Abstract
  8. Prolog, Fortgeschrittene Programmiertechniken
    Sterling L. & Shapiro E. (1986)  Abstract


  1. Quadtrees in concurrent prolog
    Edelman S. & Shapiro E. (1985) Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing. DeGroot D.(eds.). p. 544-551 (trueProceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing).  Abstract
  2. Polymorphic Arrays: An Architecture for a Programmable Systolic Machine
    Fiat A., Shamir A. & Shapiro E. (1985) Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing. DeGroot D.(eds.). p. 112-117 (trueProceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing).  Abstract


  1. Shapiro E. (1984) New Generation Computing. 2, 4, p. 305-308  Abstract
  2. Shapiro E. & MIEROWSKY C. (1984) New Generation Computing. 2, p. 221-240  Abstract
  3. Shapiro E. Y. (1984) The Journal of Logic Programming. 1, 1, p. 19-33  Abstract
  4. Systolic Programming: A Paradigm of Parallel Processing.
    Shapiro E. (1984) Unknown Host Publication Title. p. 458-470  Abstract
  5. Implementing Parallel Algorithms in Concurrent Prolog: The Maxflow Experience.
    Hellerstein L. & Shapiro E. (1984) Unknown Host Publication Title. p. 99-115  Abstract
  6. Fair, biased, and self balancing merge operators\u200f: Their Specification and Implementation in Concurrent Prolog
    Shapiro E. & Mierowsky C. (1984) Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Logic Programming. p. 83-90  Abstract
  7. Shapiro E. (1984) Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGACT-SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages. New York, NY, USA: . p. 93-105 (truePOPL '84).  Abstract


  1. Logic Programs With Uncertainties: A Tool for Implementing Rule-Based Systems
    Shapiro E. Y. (1983) Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Bundy A.(eds.). p. 529-532  Abstract
  2. SHAPIRO E. (1983) Communications of the ACM. 26, 9, p. 637-641  Abstract
  3. Shapiro E. (1983) SIGART Bull.. 85, p. 28-29  Abstract
  4. Shapiro E. & TAKEUCHI A. (1983) New Generation Computing. 1, p. 25-48  Abstract


  1. Shapiro E. Y. (1982) Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, POPL 1982. p. 299-308 (trueConference Record of the Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages).  Abstract


  1. Shapiro E. Y. (1981) p. 1064  Abstract
  2. Shapiro E. Y. (1981) Proceedings of the 7th international joint conference on Artificial intelligence. Vol. 1. p. 446-451  Abstract
  3. Shapiro E. (1981) 192,  Abstract
  4. Shapiro E., Collins G., Johnson L. & Ruttenberg J. (1981) ACM SIGPLAN Notices. 16, 8, p. 50-57  Abstract