

  1. Hadas R., Rubinstein H., Mittnenzweig M. et_al. (2024) Nature. 634, 8034, p. 652-661  Abstract
  2. Barboy O., Bercovich A., Li H. et_al. (2024) Nature Cancer. 5, 5, p. 742-759  Abstract
  3. Cohen N. M., Lifshitz A., Jaschek R., Rinott E., Balicer R., Shlush L. I., Barbash G. I. & Tanay A. (2024) Nature Aging. 4, 1, p. 129-144  Abstract
  4. Shapir Itai Y., Barboy O., Salomon R. et_al. (2024) Cell. 187, 2, p. 375-389.e18  Abstract


  1. Ben-Kiki O., Bercovich A., Lifshitz A., Raz O., Brook D. & Tanay A. (2023) GENOME BIOLOGY. 24, 1, 220.  Abstract
  2. Cortés-López M., Chamely P., Hawkins A. G. et_al. (2023) Cell Stem Cell. 30, 9, p. 1262-1281.e8  Abstract
  3. Goldman O., Adler L. N., Hajaj E. et_al. (2023) Cancer Discovery. 13, 7, p. 1616-1635  Abstract
  4. Rappoport N., Chomsky E., Nagano T. et_al. (2023) Nature Communications. 14, 1, 3844.  Abstract
  5. Mayshar Y., Raz O., Cheng S. et_al. (2023) Cell. 186, 12, p. 2610-2627.e18  Abstract


  1. Ben-Kiki O., Bercovich A., Lifshitz A. & Tanay A. (2022) Genome Biology. 23, 1, 100.  Abstract
  2. Mukamel Z., Lifshitz A., Mittnenzweig M., Chomsky E., Scwartzman O., Ben-Kiki O., Zerbib M. & Tanay A. (2022) Nature Structural and Molecular Biology. 29, 12, p. 1252-1265  Abstract
  3. Bastide S., Chomsky E., Saudemont B., Loe-Mie Y., Schmutz S., Novault S., Marlow H., Tanay A. & Spitz F. (2022) Science advances. 8, 50, eadd0695.  Abstract
  4. Cheng S., Mittnenzweig M., Mayshar Y. et_al. (2022) Cell. 185, 17, p. 3169-3185.e20  Abstract
  5. Cohen M., Giladi A., Barboy O. et_al. (2022) Nature Cancer. 3, p. 303-317  Abstract


  1. Feldman T., Bercovich A., Moskovitz Y. et_al. (2021) Nature Communications. 12, 1, 2455.  Abstract
  2. Batra R. N., Lifshitz A., Vidakovic A. T. et_al. (2021) Nature Communications. 12, 1, 5406.  Abstract
  3. van der Leun A. M., Hoekstra M. E., Reinalda L. et_al. (2021) Nature Chemical Biology. 17, 11, p. 1139-1147  Abstract
  4. Tanay A. & Sebé-Pedrós A. (2021) Trends in Genetics. 37, 10, p. 919-932  Abstract
  5. Jacob Berger A., Gigi E., Kupershmidt L. et_al. (2021) Nature Cancer. 2, 10, p. 1055-1070  Abstract
  6. Cohen N. M., Schwartzman O., Jaschek R., Lifshitz A., Hoichman M., Balicer R., Shlush L. I., Barbash G. & Tanay A. (2021) Nature Medicine. 27, 9, p. 1582-1591  Abstract
  7. Meir Z., Aviezer I., Chongloi G. L. et_al. (2021) Nature Plants. 7, 6, p. 800-813  Abstract
  8. Mittnenzweig M., Mayshar Y., Cheng S. et_al. (2021) Cell. 184, 11, p. 2825-2842.e22  Abstract
  9. Jansky S., Sharma A. K., Körber V. et_al. (2021) Nature Genetics. 53, p. 683-693  Abstract
  10. Tendler A., Bar A., Mendelsohn-cohen N. et_al. (2021) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 118, 7, 2003926118.  Abstract


  1. Shahar Gabay T., Chapal-Ilani N., Moskovitz Y. et_al. (2020) Haematologica. 105, 12, p. 2861-2863  Abstract
  2. Rajewsky N., Almouzni G., Amit I., Tanay A. & Reiner O. (2020) Nature. 587, 7834, p. 377-386  Abstract
  3. Meir Z., Mukamel Z., Chomsky E., Lifshitz A. & Tanay A. (2020) Nature Genetics. 52, 7, p. 709-718  Abstract
  4. Giladi A., Cohen M., Medaglia C. et_al. (2020) Nature Biotechnology. 38, 5, p. 629-637  Abstract
  5. Ku C., Sheyn U., Sebe-Pedros A., Ben-Dor S., Schatz D., Tanay A., Rosenwasser S. & Vardi A. (2020) Science Advances. 6, 21, eaba4137.  Abstract


  1. Baran Y., Bercovich A., Sebe-Pedros A. et_al. (2019) GENOME BIOLOGY. 20, 1, 206.  Abstract
  2. Keren-Shaul H., Kenigsberg E., Jaitin D. A., David E., Paul F., Tanay A. & Amit I. (2019) Nature Protocols. 14, 6, p. 1841-1862  Abstract
  3. Hait T. A., Maron-Katz A., Sagir D. et_al. (2019) Journal of Molecular Biology. 431, 13, p. 2398-2406  Abstract
  4. Dietz S., Lifshitz A., Kazdal D. et_al. (2019) International Journal of Cancer. 144, 5, p. 1061-1072  Abstract
  5. Li H., van der Leun A. M., Yofe I. et_al. (2019) Cell. 176, 4, p. 775-789.e18  Abstract
  6. Zviran A., Mor N., Rais Y. et_al. (2019) Cell Stem Cell. 24, 2, p. 328-341.e9  Abstract


  1. Ledergor G., Weiner A., Zada M. et_al. (2018) Nature Medicine. 24, 12, p. 1867-1876  Abstract
  2. Abelson S., Collord G., Ng S. W. K. et_al. (2018) Nature. 559, 7714, p. 400-404  Abstract
  3. Sebe-Pedros A., Chomsky E., Pang K. et_al. (2018) Nature ecology & evolution. 2, 7, p. 1176-+  Abstract
  4. Giladi A., Paul F., Herzog Y. et_al. (2018) Nature Cell Biology. 20, 7, p. 836-+  Abstract
  5. Sebe-Pedros A., Saudemont B., Chomsky E. et_al. (2018) Cell. 173, 6, p. 1520-+  Abstract


  1. Bonev B., Mendelson Cohen N., Szabo Q. et_al. (2017) Cell. 171, 3, p. 557-572.e24  Abstract
  2. Nagano T., Lubling Y., Várnai C. et_al. (2017) Nature. 547, 7661, p. 61-67  Abstract
  3. Tovy A., Spiro A., McCarthy R. et_al. (2017) GENES & DEVELOPMENT. 31, 10, p. 959-972  Abstract
  4. Schwartzman O., Savino A. M., Gombert M. et_al. (2017) Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America-Physical Sciences. 114, 20, p. E4030-E4039  Abstract
  5. Tanay A. & Regev A. (2017) Nature. 541, 7637, p. 331-338  Abstract


  1. Olivares-Chauvet P. H., Mukamel Z., Lifshitz A., Schwartzman O., Elkayam N., Lubling Y., Deikus G., Sebra R. & Tanay A. (2016) Nature. 540, 7632, p. 296-300  Abstract
  2. Jaitin D. A., Weiner A., Yofe I. et_al. (2016) Cell. 167, 7, p. 1883-1896.e15  Abstract
  3. Hitrik A., Popliker M., Gancz D., Mukamel Z., Lifshitz A., Schwartzman O., Tanay A. & Gilboa L. (2016) PLoS Genetics. 12, 11, e1006330.  Abstract
  4. Stunnenberg H. G., Abrignani S., Adams D. et_al. (2016) Cell. 167, 5, p. 1145-1149  Abstract
  5. Gury-BenAri M., Thaiss C. A., Serafini N. et_al. (2016) Cell. 166, 5, p. 1231-1246.e13  Abstract
  6. Kenigsberg E., Yehuda Y., Marjavaara L., Keszthelyi A., Chabes A., Tanay A. & Simon I. (2016) Nucleic Acids Research. 44, 9, p. 4222-4232  Abstract


  1. Nagano T., Lubling Y., Yaffe E., Wingett S. W., Dean W., Tanay A. & Fraser P. (2015) Nature protocols. 10, 12, p. 1986-2003  Abstract
  2. Paul F., Arkin Y., Giladi A. et_al. (2015) Cell. 163, 7, p. 1663-1677  Abstract
  3. Schwartzman O. & Tanay A. (2015) Nature Reviews Genetics. 16, 12, p. 716-726  Abstract
  4. Vietri Rudan M., Barrington C., Henderson S., Ernst C., Odom D. T., Tanay A. & Hadjur S. (2015) Cell Reports. 10, 8, p. 1297-1309  Abstract


  1. Schuettengruber B., Elkayam N. O., Sexton T. et_al. (2014) Cell Reports. 9, 1, p. 219-233  Abstract
  2. Brocks D., Assenov Y., Minner S. et_al. (2014) Cell Reports. 8, 3, p. 798-806  Abstract
  3. Jaitin D. A., Kenigsberg E., Keren-Shaul H. et_al. (2014) Science. 343, 6172, p. 776-779  Abstract
  4. Shipony Z., Mukamel Z., Cohen N. M. et_al. (2014) Nature. 513, 7516, p. 115-119  Abstract


  1. Sofueva S., Yaffe E., Chan W. C. et_al. (2013) EMBO Journal. 32, 24, p. 3119-3129  Abstract
  2. Ben Ami A. O., Friedman D., Leshkowitz D., Goldenberg D., Orlovsky K., Pencovich N., Lotem J., Tanay A. & Groner Y. (2013) Cell Reports. 4, 6, p. 1131-1143  Abstract
  3. Mukamel Z. & Tanay A. (2013) Nature Genetics. 45, 7, p. 717-718  Abstract
  4. Pencovich N., Jaschek R., Dicken J., Amit A., Lotem J., Tanay A. & Groner Y. (2013) PLoS ONE. 8, 5, e64248.  Abstract
  5. Kenigsberg E. & Tanay A. (2013) PLoS Genetics. 9, 5, e1003512.  Abstract
  6. Tanay A. & Cavalli G. (2013) Current opinion in genetics & development. 23, 2, p. 197-203  Abstract
  7. Gafni O., Weinberger L., Mansour A. A. et_al. (2013) Nature. 504, 7479, p. 282-286  Abstract
  8. Rais Y., Zviran A., Geula S. et_al. (2013) Nature. 502, 7469, p. 65-70  Abstract
  9. Nagano T., Lubling Y., Stevens T. J., Schoenfelder S., Yaffe E., Dean W., Laue E. D., Tanay A. & Fraser P. (2013) Nature. 502, 7469, p. 59-64  Abstract


  1. Landan G., Cohen N. M., Mukamel Z. et_al. (2012) Nature Genetics. 44, 11, p. 1207-1214  Abstract
  2. van de Werken d. W. H. J. G., Landan G., Holwerda S. J. B. et_al. (2012) Nature Methods. 9, 10, p. 969-972  Abstract
  3. Chachick R. & Tanay A. (2012) Molecular Biology and Evolution. 29, 7, p. 1769-1780  Abstract
  4. Sexton T., Yaffe E., Kenigsberg E., Bantignies F., Leblanc B., Hoichman M., Parrinello H., Tanay A. & Cavalli G. (2012) Cell. 148, 3, p. 458-472  Abstract


  1. Yaffe E. & Tanay A. (2011) Nature Genetics. 43, 11, p. 1059-1065  Abstract
  2. Cohen N. M., Kenigsberg E. & Tanay A. (2011) Cell. 145, 5, p. 773-786  Abstract
  3. Pencovich N., Jaschek R., Tanay A. & Groner Y. (2011) Blood. 117, 1, p. 1-14  Abstract


  1. Kenigsberg E., Bar A., Segal E. & Tanay A. (2010) PLoS Computational Biology. 6, 12, e1001039.  Abstract
  2. Kelly T. K., Miranda T. B., Liang G., Berman B. P., Lin J. C., Tanay A. & Jones P. A. (2010) Molecular Cell. 39, 6, p. 901-911  Abstract
  3. Yaffe E., Farkash-Amar S., Polten A., Yakhini Z., Tanay A. & Simon I. (2010) PLoS Genetics. 6, 7, p. 1-12  Abstract
  4. Ulitsky I., Maron-Katz A., Shavit S. et_al. (2010) Nature protocols. 5, 2, p. 303-322  Abstract
  5. Coetzee G. A., Jia L., Frenkel B., Henderson B. E., Tanay A., Haiman C. A. & Freedman M. L. (2010) Cell Cycle. 9, 2, p. 256-259  Abstract


  1. Cohen N. M., Dighe V., Landan G., Reynisdottir S., Palsson A., Mitalipov S. & Tanay A. (2009) Genome Research. 19, 12, p. 2193-2201  Abstract
  2. Jia L., Landan G., Pomerantz M. et_al. (2009) PLoS Genetics. 5, 8, e1000597.  Abstract
  3. Schuettengruber B., Ganapathi M., Leblanc B., Portoso M., Jaschek R., Tolhuis B., van Lohuizen L. M., Tanay A. & Cavalli G. (2009) PLoS Biology. 7, 1, e1000013.  Abstract
  4. Spatial Clustering of Multivariate Genomic and Epigenomic Information
    Jaschek R. & Tanay A. (2009) RESEARCH IN COMPUTATIONAL MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, PROCEEDINGS. 5541, p. 170-183  Abstract


  1. Gal-Yam E. N., Egger G., Iniguez L. et_al. (2008) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105, 35, p. 12979-12984  Abstract
  2. Tanay A. & Siggia E. D. (2008) GENOME BIOLOGY. 9, 2, R37.  Abstract
  3. Raijman D., Shamir R. & Tanay A. (2008) PLoS Computational Biology. 4, 1, p. 77-87  Abstract


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  1. YUST I., RADIANO C., TARTAKOVSKY B., Tanay A., SHANON E. & SEGAL S. (1980) Acta Oto-Laryngologica. 90, 6-May, p. 398-403  Abstract