

A proposed unified interphase nucleus chromosome structure: Preliminary preponderance of evidence

Sedat J., McDonald A., Cang H., Lucas J., Arigovindan M., Kam Z., Murre C. & Elbaum M. (2022) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 119, 26, e211910111.


Entropy-regularized deconvolution of cellular cryotransmission electron tomograms

Croxford M., Elbaum M., Arigovindan M., Kam Z., Agard D., Villa E. & Sedat J. (2021) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118, 50, e210873811.

Multi-parametric characterization of drug effects on cells [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]

Paran Y., Liron Y., Batsir S., Mabjeesh N., Geiger B. & Kam Z. (2021) F1000Research. 9, p. 1-16

Multi-parametric characterization of drug effects on cells

Kam Z., Paran Y., Liron Y., Batsir S., Mabjeesh N. & Geiger B. (2021) F1000Research. 9, 1199.


Three-dimensional deconvolution processing for STEM cryotomography

Waugh B., Wolf S. G., Fass D., Branlund E., Kam Z., Sedat J. W. & Elbaum M. (2020) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 117, 44, p. 27374-27380


Conformational states during vinculin unlocking differentially regulate focal adhesion properties

Chorev D. S., Volberg T., Livne A., Eisenstein M., Martins B., Kam Z., Jockusch B. M., Medalia O., Sharon M. & Geiger B. (2018) Scientific Reports. 8, 2693.


Involvement of Rho GAP GRAF1 in maintenance of epithelial phenotype

Regev M., Sabanay H., Kartvelishvily E., Kam Z. & Bershadsky A. D. (2017) Cell Adhesion and Migration. 11, 4, p. 367-383

Prolonged elimination of negative feedback control mechanisms along the insulin signaling pathway impairs beta;-cell function In Vivo

Isaac R., Vinik Y., Boura-Halfon S., Farack L., Streim S., Elhanany E., Kam Z. & Zick Y. (2017) Diabetes. 66, 7, p. 1879-1889

Dynamics of the sealing zone in cultured osteoclasts

Batsir S., Geiger B. & Kam Z. (2017) Cytoskeleton. 74, 2, p. 72-81


Osteoclast fusion is initiated by a small subset of RANKL-stimulated monocyte progenitors, which can fuse to RANKL-unstimulated progenitors

Levaot N., Ottolenghi A., Mann M., Guterman-Ram G., Kam Z. & Geiger B. (2015) Bone. 79, p. 21-28


Differential Effect of Actomyosin Relaxation on the Dynamic Properties of Focal Adhesion Proteins

Lavelin I., Wolfenson H., Patla I., Henis Y. I., Medalia O., Volberg T., Livne A., Kam Z. & Geiger B. (2013) PLoS ONE. 8, 9, e73549.

Adaptive Optics in Wide-Field Microscopy

Kner P., Kam Z., Agard D. A. & Sedat J. (2013) Adaptive Optics for Biological Imaging . p. 271-297


Characterizing the 3-D field distortions in low numerical aperture fluorescence zooming microscope

Pankajakshan P., Kam Z., Dieterlen A. & Olivo-Marin J. C. (2012) Optics Express. 20, 9, p. 9876-9889


Shear flow-induced formation of tubular cell protrusions in multiple myeloma cells

Porat Z., Yaron I., Katz B. Z., Kam Z. & Geiger B. (2011) Journal of Cellular Physiology. 226, 12, p. 3197-3207

Fibroblast polarization is a matrix-rigidity-dependent process controlled by focal adhesion mechanosensing

Prager-Khoutorsky M., Lichtenstein A., Krishnan R., Rajendran K., Mayo A., Kam Z., Geiger B. & Bershadsky A. D. (2011) Nature Cell Biology. 13, 12, p. 1457-1465

Engineering vessel-like networks within multicellular fibrin-based constructs

Lesman A., Koffler J., Atlas R., Blinder Y. J., Kam Z. & Levenberg S. (2011) Biomaterials. 32, 31, p. 7856-7869

Involvement of the Rho-mDia1 pathway in the regulation of Golgi complex architecture and dynamics

Zilberman Y., Alieva N. O., Miserey-Lenkei S., Lichtenstein A., Kam Z., Sabanay H. & Bershadsky A. (2011) Molecular Biology of the Cell. 22, 16, p. 2900-2911

Combining epitope-distinct antibodies to HER2: Cooperative inhibitory effects on invasive growth

Emde A. M., Pradeep C., Ferraro D. A., Ben Chetrit C. N., Sela M., Ribba B., Kam Z. & Yarden Y. (2011) Oncogene. 30, 14, p. 1631-1642

Adaptive optics in wide-field microscopy

Kner P., Kam Z., Agard D. & Sedat J. (2011) MEMS Adaptive Optics V : Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering .


Fast live simultaneous multiwavelength four-dimensional optical microscopy

Carlton P. M., Boulanger J., Kervrann C., Sibarita J., Salamero J., Gordon-Messer S., Bressan D., Haber J. E., Haase S., Shao L., Winoto L., Matsuda A., Kner P., Uzawa S., Gustafsson M., Kam Z., Agard D. A. & Sedat J. W. (2010) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107, 37, p. 16016-16022

High-resolution wide-field microscopy with adaptive optics for spherical aberration correction and motionless focusing

Kner P., Sedat J. W., Agard D. A. & Kam Z. (2010) Journal of Microscopy. 237, 2, p. 136-147

Point-spread function model for fluorescence MACROscopy imaging

Pankajakshan P., Kam Z., Dieterlen A., Engler G., Blanc-Féraud L., Zerubia J. & Olivo-Marin J. C. (2010) Conference Record of the 44th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Asilomar 2010 . p. 1364-1368

Blind image deconvolution using machine learning for three-dimensional microscopy

Kenig T., Kam Z. & Feuer A. (2010) IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 32, 12, p. 2191-2204 5432190.


Multiparametric analysis of focal adhesion formation by RNAi-mediated gene knockdown

Winograd-Katz S. E., Itzkovitz S., Kam Z. & Geiger B. (2009) Journal of Cell Biology. 186, 3, p. 423-436

Blind deconvolution for thin-layered confocal imaging

Pankajakshan P., Zhang B., Blanc-Féraud L., Kam Z., Olivo-Marin J. C. & Zerubia J. (2009) APPLIED OPTICS. 48, 22, p. 4437-4448

Point-spread function retrieval for fluorescence microscopy

Pankajakshan P., Blanc-Féraud L., Kam Z. & Zerubia J. (2009) Proceedings - 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging : From Nano to Macro, ISBI 2009 . p. 1095-1098

Discovery of novel proteasome inhibitors using a high-content cell-based screening system

Lavelin I., Beer A., Kam Z., Rotter V., Oren M., Navon A. & Geiger B. (2009) PLoS ONE. 4, 12, e8503.

Identification of an Arabidopsis unknown small membrane protein targeted to mitochondria, chloroplasts, and peroxisomes

Abu-Abied M., Avisar D., Belausov E., Holdengreber V., Kam Z. & Sadot E. (2009) Protoplasma. 236, 1-4, p. 3-12


Dynamic proteomics of individual cancer cells in response to a drug

Cohen A. A., Geva Zatorsky Z. N., Eden E., Frenkel-Morgenstern M., Issaeva I., Sigal A., Milo R., Cohen-Saidon C., Kam Z., Cohen L., Liron Y., Danon T., Perzov N. & Alon U. (2008) Science. 322, 5907, p. 1511-1516

Signaling function of alpha-catenin in microtubule regulation

Shtutman M., Chausovsky A., Prager-Khoutorsky M., Schiefermeier N., Boguslavsky S., Kam Z., Fuchs E., Geiger B., Borisy G. G. & Bershadsky A. D. (2008) Cell Cycle. 7, 15, p. 2377-2383

Quantitative multicolor compositional imaging resolves molecular domains in cell-matrix adhesions

Zamir E., Geiger B. & Kam Z. (2008) PLoS ONE. 3, 4, e1901.

Identification of Novel Pro-Migratory, Cancer-Associated Genes Using Quantitative, Microscopy-Based Screening

Naffar-Abu-Amara S., Shay T., Galun M., Cohen N., Isakoff S. J., Kam Z. & Geiger B. (2008) PLoS ONE. 3, 1,

Blind deconvolution for diffraction-limited fluorescence microscopy

Pankajakshan P., Zhang B., Blanc-Féraud L., Kam Z., Olivo-Marin J. C. & Zerubia J. (2008) 2008 5th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging : From Nano to Macro, Proceedings, ISBI . p. 740-743

Applying adaptive optics to three-dimensional wide-field microscopy

Kner P., Sedat J., Agard D. & Kam Z. (2008) MEMS Adaptive Optics II . Vol. 6888.

Rapid telomere motions in live human cells analyzed by highly time-resolved microscopy

Wang X., Kam Z., Carlton P. M., Xu L., Sedat J. W. & Blackburn E. H. (2008) Epigenetics & Chromatin. 1,

Image acquisition and understanding in high-throughput high-resolution cell-based screening applications

Liron Y., Paran Y., Lavelin I., Naffar-Abu-Amara S., Winograd-Katz S., Geiger B. & Kam Z. (2008) 2008 Ieee International Symposium On Biomedical Imaging: From Nano To Macro, Vols 1-4. p. 332-335


High-throughput screening of cellular features using high-resolution light-microscopy; Application for profiling drug effects on cell adhesion

Paran Y., Ilan M., Kashman Y., Goldstein S., Liron Y., Geiger B. & Kam Z. (2007) Journal of Structural Biology. 158, 2, p. 233-243

Modelling the application of adaptive optics to wide-field microscope live imaging

Kam Z., Kner P., Agard D. & Sedat J. W. (2007) Journal of Microscopy. 226, 1, p. 33-42

A paxillin tyrosine phosphorylation switch regulates the assembly and form of cell-matrix adhesions

Zaidel-Bar R., Milo R., Kam Z. & Geiger B. (2007) Journal of Cell Science. 120, 1, p. 137-148

Parametric blind deconvolution for confocal laser scanning microscopy

Pankajakshan P., Zhang B., Blanc-Féraud L., Kam Z., Olivo-Marin J. C. & Zerubia J. (2007) 2007 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society . p. 6531-6534

Spherical aberration correction in nonlinear microscopy and optical ablation using a transparent deformable membrane

Tsai P. S., Migliori B., Campbell K., Kim T. N., Kam Z., Groisman A. & Kleinfeld D. (2007) Applied Physics Letters. 91, 19, 191102.


Identification of plant cytoskeleton-interacting proteins by screening for actin stress fiber association in mammalian fibroblasts

Abu-Abied M., Golomb L., Belausov E., Huang S., Geiger B., Kam Z., Staiger C. J. & Sadot E. (2006) Plant Journal. 48, 3, p. 367-379

Richardson-Lucy algorithm with total variation regularization for 3D confocal microscope deconvolution

Dey N., Blanc-Feraud L., Zimmer C., Roux P., Kam Z., Olivo-Marin J. & Zerubia J. (2006) Microscopy Research and Technique. 69, 4, p. 260-266

Molecular mapping of tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins in focal adhesion using flourescence resonance energy transfer

Ballestrem C., Erez N., Kirchner J., Kam Z., Bershadsky A. D. & Geiger B. (2006) Journal of Cell Science. 119, 5, p. 866-875

Laser autofocusing system for high-resolution cell biological imaging

Liron Y., Paran Y., Zatorsky N., Geiger B. & Kam Z. (2006) Journal of Microscopy. 221, 2, p. 145-151

Dynamic study of the transition from hyaluronan- to integrin-mediated adhesion in chondrocytes

Cohen M., Kam Z., Addadi L. & Geiger B. (2006) EMBO Journal. 25, 2, p. 302-311

Development and Application of Automatic High-Resolution Light Microscopy for Cell-Based Screens

Paran Y., Lavelin I., Naffar-Abu-Amara S., Winograd-Katz S., Liron Y., Geiger B. & Kam Z. (2006) Measuring Biological Responses with Automated Microscopy . p. 228-247


Polarized downregulation of the paxillin-p130CAS-Rac1 pathway induced by shear flow

Zaidel-Bar R., Kam Z. & Geiger B. (2005) Journal of Cell Science. 118, 17, p. 3997-4007

The cellular nano-machinery involved in surface recognition and adhesion

Geiger B., Luxenburg C., Zaidel-Bar R., Volberg T., Spatz J., Addadi L., Kam Z. & Bershadsky A. (2005) European Cells and Materials. 10, SUPPL.5, p. 25

Resolving and classifying haematopoietic bone-marrow cell populations by multi-dimensional analysis of flow-cytometry data

Zamir E., Geiger B., Cohen N., Kam Z. & Katz B. (2005) British Journal of Haematology. 129, 3, p. 420-431


A deconvolution method for confocal microscopy with total variation regularization

Dey N., Blanc-Féraud L., Zimmer C., Kam Z., Olivo-Marin J. C. & Zerubia J. (2004) 2004 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging : Macro to Nano . p. 1223-1226

Cell-based screening for function

Shay T., Naffar-Abu-Amara S., Paran Y., Zamir E., Liron Y., Geiger B. & Kam Z. (2004) 2004 2Nd Ieee International Symposium On Biomedical Imaging: Macro To Nano, Vols 1 And 2. p. 1243-1246


Early molecular events in the assembly of matrix adhesions at the leading edge of migrating cells

Zaidel-Bar R., Ballestrem C., Kam Z. & Geiger B. (2003) Journal of Cell Science. 116, 22, p. 4605-4613

Quantitative Analysis of Cytoskeletal Organization by Digital Fluorescent Microscopy

Lichtenstein N., Geiger B. & Kam Z. (2003) Cytometry Part A. 54, 1, p. 8-18

Live-cell monitoring of tyrosine phosphorylation in focal adhesions following microtubule disruption

Kirchner J., Kam Z., Tzur G., Bershadsky A. D. & Geiger B. (2003) Journal of Cell Science. 116, 6, p. 975-986


Regulation of S33/S37 phosphorylated β-catenin in normal and transformed cells

Sadot E., Conacci-Sorrell M., Zhurinsky J., Shnizer D., Lando Z., Zharhary D., Kam Z., Ben-Ze'ev A. & Geiger B. (2002) Journal of Cell Science. 115, 13, p. 2771-2780

Generalized analysis of experimental data for interrelated biological measurements

Kam Z. (2002) Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 64, 1, p. 133-145


Probing molecular processes in live cells by quantitative multidimensional microscopy

Kam Z., Zamir E. & Geiger B. (2001) Trends in Cell Biology. 11, 8, p. 329-334

Focal contacts as mechanosensors: Externally applied local mechanical force induces growth of focal contacts by an mDia1-dependent and ROCK-independent mechanism

Riveline D., Zamir E., Balaban N., Schwarz U., Ishizaki T., Narumiya S., Kam Z., Geiger B. & Bershadsky A. (2001) Journal of Cell Biology. 153, 6, p. 1175-1185

Computational adaptive optics for live three-dimensional biological imaging

Kam Z., Hanser B., Gustafsson M., Agard D. & Sedat J. (2001) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 98, 7, p. 3790-3795


Physical state of the extracellular matrix regulates the structure and molecular composition of cell-matrix adhesions

Katz B., Zamir E., Bershadsky A. D., Kam Z., Yamada K. & Geiger B. (2000) Molecular Biology of the Cell. 11, 3, p. 1047-1060

Dynamics and segregation of cell-matrix adhesions in cultured fibroblasts

Zamir E., Katz M., Posen Y., Erez N., Yamada K., Katz B., Lin S., Lin D., Bershadsky A. D., Kam Z. & Geiger B. (2000) Nature Cell Biology. 2, 4, p. 191-196


p53 Controls low DNA damage-dependent premeiotic checkpoint and facilitates DNA repair during spermatogenesis

Schwartz D., Goldfinger N., Kam Z. & Rotter V. (1999) Cell Growth and Differentiation. 10, 10, p. 665-675

p27 is involved in N-cadherin-mediated contact inhibition of cell growth and S-phase entry

Levenberg S., Yarden A., Kam Z. & Geiger B. (1999) Oncogene. 18, 4, p. 869-876

Cell adhesion and the actin cytoskeleton of the enveloping layer in the zebrafish embryo during epiboly

Zalik S. E., Lewandowski E., Kam Z. & Geiger B. (1999) Biochemistry And Cell Biology-Biochimie Et Biologie Cellulaire. 77, 6, p. 527-542

Molecular diversity of cell-matrix adhesions

Zamir E., Katz B., Aota S., Yamada K., Geiger B. & Kam Z. (1999) Journal of Cell Science. 112, 11, p. 1655-1669


c-Cb1/Sli-1 regulates endocytic sorting and ubiquitination of the epidermal growth factor receptor

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Morphogenetic effects of neuregulin (neu differentiation factor) in cultured epithelial cells

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Transcription-dependent induction of G1 phase during the zebra fish midblastula transition

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In vivo measurement of human nasal mucociliary motility using a laser light scattering instrument

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Physiology: Laser scattering instrument for real time in-vivo measurement of ciliary activity in human fallopian tubes

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Focal adhesion formation by F9 embryonal carcinoma cells after vinculin gene disruption

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Mapping of adherens junction components using microscopic resonance energy transfer imaging

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Structure and distribution of Ncadherin in developing zebrafish embryos: Morphogenetic effects of ectopic overexpression

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Human neutrophil motility: Timedependent threedimensional shape and granule diffusion

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Design and construction of an optimal illumination system for quantitative widefield multidimensional microscopy

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Quasi-elastic laser light scattering from solutions and gels of hemoglobin S

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Three-dimensional reconstruction of the shape of human wart virus using spatial correlations

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Solution scattering studies of dimeric and tetrameric spectrin

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Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Study of Halophilic Malate Dehydrogenase

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Enhancement of two-dimensional projections from electron microscope images using spatial correlations

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Cross-correlation laser scattering

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Dependence of laser light scattering of DNA on NaCl concentration

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