Schwartz Lab

Cracking the epitranscriptome


Our lab studies the fundamental building blocks of RNA, the genetic material within our cells. RNA, like DNA, is typically thought to comprise only four building blocks. Yet, this view is oversimplified. Following their formation, the building blocks of RNA can be chemically modified in >170 different ways, giving rise to the ‘epitranscriptome’. These chemical modifications play critical roles in regulating the RNA life-cycle and in modulating cellular and physiological responses. RNA modifications are also of intense interest from applied perspectives, and were key to the success of the SARS-Cov2 mRNA vaccines. Our lab seeks to understand the roles played by RNA modifications in diverse natural contexts, and to harness this knowledge towards the development of improved RNA therapeutics.

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March 24, 2024

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Selected Publications

Exclusion of m6A from splice-site proximal regions by the exon junction complex dictates m6A topologies and mRNA stability

Uzonyi A., Dierks D., Nir R., Kwon O. S., Toth U., Barbosa I., Burel C., Brandis A., Rossmanith W., Le Hir H., Slobodin B. & Schwartz S. (2023) Molecular Cell. 83, 2, p. 237-251.e7

Dynamic RNA acetylation revealed by quantitative cross-evolutionary mapping

Sas-Chen A., Thomas J. M., Matzov D., Taoka M., Nance K. D., Nir R., Bryson K. M., Shachar R., Liman G. L. S., Burkhart B. W., Gamage S. T., Nobe Y., Briney C. A., Levy M. J., Fuchs R. T., Robb G. B., Hartmann J., Sharma S., Lin Q., Florens L., Washburn M. P., Isobe T., Santangelo T. J., Shalev-Benami M., Meier J. L. & Schwartz S. (2020) Nature. 583, 7817, p. 638-643

Deciphering the "m6A Code" via Antibody-Independent Quantitative Profiling

Garcia-Campos M. A., Edelheit S., Toth U., Safra M., Shachar R., Viukov S., Winkler R., Nir R., Lasman L., Brandis A., Hanna J. H., Rossmanith W. & Schwartz S. (2019) Cell. 178, 3, p. 731-747

The m(1)A landscape on cytosolic and mitochondrial mRNA at single-base resolution

Safra M., Sas-Chen A., Nir R., Winkler R., Nachshon A., Bar-Yaacov D., Erlacher M., Rossmanith W., Stern-Ginossar N. & Schwartz S. (2017) Nature. 551, 7679, p. 251-255

Transcriptome-wide mapping reveals widespread dynamic-regulated pseudouridylation of ncRNA and mRNA

Schwartz S., Bernstein D. A., Mumbach M. R., Jovanovic M., Herbst R. H., Leon-Ricardo B. X., Engreitz J. M., Guttman M., Satija R., Lander E. S., Fink G. & Regev A. (2014) Cell. 159, 1, p. 148-162

High-resolution mapping reveals a conserved, widespread, dynamic mRNA methylation program in yeast meiosis

Schwartz S., Agarwala S. D., Mumbach M. R., Jovanovic M., Mertins P., Shishkin A., Tabach Y., Mikkelsen T. S., Satija R., Ruvkun G., Carr S. A., Lander E. S., Fink G. R. & Regev A. (2013) Cell. 155, 6, p. X1409-1421
All Publications