Corrections and updates regarding HW2

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Jonathan Shlomi
Corrections and updates regarding HW2

Hello everyone,

I've updated the notebook for HW2:

there were 2 issues:

1. if you ran on a gpu, in the section were I constructed a custom model that returns a "constant" output, that output was not placed on the GPU and that would cause a problem when you try to use the model. I've updated that section with an explanation and added a custom model that actually works (it's essentially a copy of the fastai tabular model).

2. for some reason replacing the model by doing

learn.model = net

was not interacting well with the automatic learning rate finder. so i've shown the proper way to do it, sorry for not noticing that problem sooner.

If you still have issues with the homework please contact us or post here,



Anton Charkin-G...
1st issue

Dear Jonathan

I still have this issue.

#lets see what kind of categories we have (there are 4 possible values, 5 if we include 0)
cat_x_values =

plt.hist(cat_x_values , bins=np.linspace(-0.75,6.25,15) )
print(set( cat_x_values))



TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)

<ipython-input-23-bb1ca1a506cc> in <module>() ----> 1 cat_x_values = 2 3 plt.hist(cat_x_values , bins=np.linspace(-0.75,6.25,15) ) 4 5 print(set( cat_x_values))

TypeError: can't convert CUDA tensor to numpy. Use Tensor.cpu() to copy the tensor to host memory first.

Jonathan Shlomi
Hi Anton,

Hi Anton,

sorry about that, I keep adding things to the notebook and not checking all of them on colab. my mistake.

simply replace



as the error message says, if the tensor is on the gpu, and you try to convert it to a numpy array, it will not allow that (since numpy arrays can't live on the gpu memory). and the method .cpu() applied to a pytorch tensor will put it on the cpu memory.


Anton Charkin-G...
Thank you, Jonathan

Thank you, Jonathan

It is work now!

Best regards