

Pyroelectric Crystals Crafted by Reduction in Symmetry and Their Functional Applications in Chemistry

Ehre D., Meirzadeh E., Dishon Ben Ami S., Weissbuch I., Fuhrman Javitt L. & Lahav M. (2025) Crystal Growth and Design. 25, 3, p. 858-870


Molten Metal Synthesis of Nanographenes

Smith J. H., Čavlović D., Lackovic L. T., Medina Lopez M., Meirzadeh E., Steigerwald M. L., Roy X., Nuckolls C. P. & Docherty S. R. (2024) Journal of the American Chemical Society.

Two-dimensional heavy fermions in the van der Waals metal CeSiI

Posey V. A., Turkel S., Rezaee M., Devarakonda A., Kundu A. K., Ong C. S., Thinel M., Chica D. G., Vitalone R. A., Jing R., Xu S., Needell D. R., Meirzadeh E., Feuer M. L., Jindal A., Cui X., Valla T., Thunström P., Yilmaz T., Vescovo E., Graf D., Zhu X., Scheie A., May A. F., Eriksson O., Basov D. N., Dean C. R., Rubio A., Kim P., Ziebel M. E., Millis A. J., Pasupathy A. N. & Roy X. (2024) Nature. 625, 7995, p. 483-488


Topological Radical Pairs Produce Ultrahigh Conductance in Long Molecular Wires

Li L., Louie S., Evans A. M., Meirzadeh E., Nuckolls C. & Venkataraman L. (2023) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 145, 4, p. 2492-2498

A few-layer covalent network of fullerenes

Meirzadeh E., Evans A. M., Rezaee M., Milich M., Dionne C. J., Darlington T. P., Bao S. T., Bartholomew A. K., Handa T., Rizzo D. J., Wiscons R. A., Reza M., Zangiabadi A., Fardian-Melamed N., Crowther A. C., Schuck P. J., Basov D. N., Zhu X., Giri A., Hopkins P. E., Kim P., Steigerwald M. L., Yang J., Nuckolls C. & Roy X. (2023) Nature. 613, 7942, p. 71-76


Superatom Regiochemistry Dictates the Assembly and Surface Reactivity of a Two-Dimensional Material

Bartholomew A. K., Meirzadeh E., Stone I. B., Koay C. S., Nuckolls C., Steigerwald M. L., Crowther A. C. & Roy X. (2022) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 144, 3, p. 1119-1124

Site-Selective Surface Modification of 2D Superatomic Re6Se8

He S., Evans A. M., Meirzadeh E., Han S. Y., Russell J. C., Wiscons R. A., Bartholomew A. K., Reed D. A., Zangiabadi A., Steigerwald M. L., Nuckolls C. & Roy X. (2022) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 144, 1, p. 74-79


Surface Pyroelectricity and Piezoelectricity of Centrosymmetric Crystals

Meirzadeh E., Dishon S., Lubomirsky I. & Ehre D. (2021) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 61, 11-12, p. 750-757

Exchange Bias from Frustrated Spins: Geometrically frustrated lattices generate exchange bias without disorder

Meirzadeh E., Han S. Y. & Roy X. (2021) ACS Central Science. 7, 8, p. 1295-1297

Polytypism, Anisotropic Transport, and Weyl Nodes in the van der Waals Metal TaFeTe4

Wiscons R. A., Cho Y., Han S. Y., Dismukes A. H., Meirzadeh E., Nuckolls C., Berkelbach T. C. & Roy X. (2021) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 143, 1, p. 109-113


Surface Pyroelectricity in Cubic SrTiO3

Meirzadeh E., Christensen D., Makagon E., Cohen H., Rosenhek-Goldian I., Morales E. H., Bhowmik A., Lastra J. M. G., Rappe A. M., Ehre D., Lahav M., Pryds N. & Lubomirsky I. (2019) Advanced Materials. 31, 44, 1904733.

Solution-Processable Superatomic Thin-Films

Yang J., Zhang B., Christodoulides A. D., Xu Q., Zangiabadi A., Peurifoy S. R., McGinn C. K., Dai L., Meirzadeh E., Roy X., Steigerwald M. L., Kymissis I., Malen J. A. & Nuckolls C. (2019) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 141, 28, p. 10967-10971


The Contribution of Pyroelectricity of AgI Crystals to Ice Nucleation

Curland S., Meirzadeh E., Cohen H., Ehre D., Maier J., Lahav M. & Lubomirsky I. (2018) Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 57, 24, p. 7076-7079

Crystal structure of a new polymorph of (2S,3S)-2-amino-3-methylpentanoic acid

Curland S., Meirzadeh E. & Diskin-Posner Y. (2018) Acta Crystallographica Section E: Crystallographic Communications. 74, p. 776-779

Polar Imperfections in Amino Acid Crystals: Design, Structure, and Emerging Functionalities

Meirzadeh E., Weissbuch I., Ehre D., Lahav M. & Lubomirsky I. (2018) Accounts of Chemical Research. 51, 5, p. 1238-1248

Solvent-Induced Crystal Polymorphism as Studied by Pyroelectric Measurements and Impedance Spectroscopy: Alcohols as Tailor-Made Inhibitors of α-Glycine

Meirzadeh E., Dishon S., Weissbuch I., Ehre D., Lahav M. & Lubomirsky I. (2018) Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 57, 18, p. 4965-4969


Tetragonal CH3NH3Pbi3 is ferroelectric

Rakita Y., Bar-Elli O., Meirzadeh E., Kaslasi H., Peleg Y., Hodes G., Lubomirsky I., Oron D., Ehre D. & Cahen D. (2017) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 114, 28, p. E5504-E5512


Nonclassical Crystal Growth as Explanation for the Riddle of Polarity in Centrosymmetric Glycine Crystals

Meirzadeh E., Sapir L., Cohen H., Cohen S., Ehre D., Harries D., Lahav M. & Lubomirsky I. (2016) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 138, 44, p. 14756-14763

Origin and structure of polar domains in doped molecular crystals

Meirzadeh E., Azuri I., Qi Y., Ehre D., Rappe A. M., Lahav M., Kronik L. & Lubomirsky I. (2016) Nature Communications. 7, 13351.

CH3NH3PbBr3 is not pyroelectric, excluding ferroelectric-enhanced photovoltaic performance

Rakita Y., Meirzadeh E., Bendikov T., Kalchenko V. (., Lubomirsky I., Hodes G., Ehre D. & Cahen D. (2016) APL Materials. 4, 5, 051101.


Unusually Large Young's Moduli of Amino Acid Molecular Crystals

Azuri I., Meirzadeh E., Ehre D., Cohen S., Rappe A. M., Lahav M., Lubomirsky I. & Kronik L. (2015) Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English). 54, 46, p. 13566-13570