Bold Program- 2nd session- Career: from Academia to Industry

This week, we held the second session of the Bold program. The session addressed the uncertainties and decisions at the start point of a career.

Dafna Shelly, an organizational expert, delivered an inspiring lecture, providing tools for career development that begins with identifying personal likes, values, and priorities. She emphasized that a career is not a straightforward ladder but a climbing maze where various opportunities arise, and the key is to choose wisely and take risks.

In the second part of the session, we hosted a panel with Maytal Bivas-Benita and Smadar Szekely Gal-Ezer, two inspiring women with rich and diverse careers. They shared their unique career journeys, showing that careers are rarely straightforward. Their stories, filled with opportunities and courageous decisions, illustrated how each of them carved out a path that suited their unique personalities.

Thank you, Dafna, Maytal, and Samdar for sharing your wisdom and experiences.