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Individual differences in the expression and control of conditioned fear

Sunday, August 15, 2010
Hour: 12:00
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Catherine Hartley
Doctoral Student, New York University

In order to function adaptively in a complex environment, individuals must both react to environmental threats and modify their reactions as circumstances change. A large body of work employing Pavlovian conditioning paradigms has generated a detailed neuroscientific understanding of how fear responses are acquired. More recent research has begun to probe the various means by which learned fear can be diminished. The vast majority of this research focuses on the mechanisms that underlie typical responding in an idealized “average” individual. A robust model of fear learning must also account for the substantial variability in fear reactivity and regulation that exists between individuals. The experiments presented here explore neurobiological and experiential factors that are associated with individual variation in the expression and regulation of conditioned fear using psychophysiology, neuroimaging, and behavioral genetics.

Faces, Attention, and the Temporal Lobe

Thursday, August 12, 2010
Hour: 11:00
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Prof. Winrich Freiwald
The Rockefeller University, New York

Understanding the neural mechanisms of visual object recognition is a difficult task in part, because for any given object it is not clear, which exact part of the brain to study. Yet evolution has presented us with a unique model system to decipher these mechanisms. The temporal lobes of macaque monkeys contain neural machinery to support face recognition consisting of six discrete patches of face-selective cortex. The two main organizing features of this system – concentration of cells encoding the same complex object category into modules and spatial separation of modules – make it possible to break down the process of face recognition into its components. In my talk I will present anatomical results supporting the notion that the distributed face patches really are part of an integrated face-processing machine, and electrophysiological results showing that each patch subserves a distinct computational function. In the second part of my talk I will turn to something completely different, attention. Using fMRI in macaque monkeys, we found a network of areas to be modulated by attention in motion-discrimination task, included a hitherto unsuspected region within inferotemporal cortex, PITd. We then targeted PITd for electrophysiological recordings and electrical microstimulation in different tasks to learn about its role in sensory information processing and spatial attention. I will discuss the somewhat radical conclusion we arrived at, namely that PITd may constitute a region for attentional control.

Embraining the mind: On cerebral localization and the nature of culture

Monday, August 9, 2010
Hour: 12:30
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Dr. Sky Gross
Dept of Sociology and Anthropology Tel Aviv University

Are we our brains? This question has troubled Western society for centuries, and still does today. Philosophers, psychologists, psychiatrists and neuroscientists - as much as the lay public - battle with the question of whether our personality, sense of self and states of mind can truly be explained through a scientific study of the brain, and whether one can at least correlate these with brain activity and structure. With the recent hyperbolic advances made in neuroscience, these questions arise in the form of intensive and broad debates on whether one may be able, at some point in the future, to fully account for what we cherish more than all, our sense that we are more than a lump of flesh. This "more" however, does not belong to the realm of science: in the laboratory, one must deal with observable and operalizationable phenomena – everything core subjectivity ('qualia'- e.g. the experience of pain, of seeing the color red) is not. How can neuroscience approach the mind without losing its brain? How well has it done thus far, and what may we expect in the future? This talk will suggest one – among many – approaches to this quandary, by looking at the history and current practices of brain localization. By introducing the mind-body conundrum into the study of this enterprise, we will consider the extent to which localization and classification of brain/mind functions serve as a way to materialize what is/was believed to be beyond 'matter'. The following debate will allow a discussion of an issue that concerns us all.

Translational Research in the Neuroscience of Fear Extinction: Implications to PTSD and Other Anxiety Disorders

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Hour: 15:00
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Prof. Mohammed Milad
Psychiatry Dept, Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, MA

Some people adapt well in the aftermath of traumatic events and are quickly able to inhibit their fear responses to trauma-associated stimuli. Fear responses, however, persist for longer periods of time for others to the point where they reach a pathological state. Why are some people more resilient to trauma while others are not? What are the neural substrates that underlie fear inhibition and extinction? Are these circuits deficient in patients with anxiety disorders? In my talk, I will focus on presenting translational data from the rat and human brains with the objective of trying to provide some preliminary answers to the above stated questions. Specifically, I will review human studies indicating that prefrontal areas homologous to those critical for extinction in rats. Furthermore, I will present some data to show that those brain regions in the rat brain appear to be structurally and functionally homologous to specific brain regions in the human brain. I will also show some data suggesting that these brain regions, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) and the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC), appear to be deficient in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). I will present some structural and functional neuroimaging and psychophysiological studies done in our lab that focused on the neural mechanisms of fear extinction, particularly extinction recall and the contextual modulation of extinction recall. These recent studies suggest that: 1) human vmPFC is involved in the recall of extinction memory; 2) the size of the vmPFC might explain individual differences in the ability to modulate fear among humans; 3) hippocampal activation is observed during the recall of extinction memory in a context where extinction training took place but not in the initial conditioning context; 4) and the dACC may be involved in the expression of fear responses. I will also present recent neuroimaging and psychophysiological data from PTSD patients suggesting that 1) the retention of extinction memory is impaired in PTSD, and 2) the function of the vmPFC and dACC (measured by fMRI) appears to be impaired in PTSD in the context of fear extinction. Implications of these findings to the pathophysiology of anxiety disorders such as PTSD and current extinction-based behavioral therapies for anxiety disorders will be discussed.

Active sensing in echolocating bats: What we know and what we would like to know

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Yossi Yovel
Postdoc, Ulanovsky Group, Dept of Neurobiology, WIS

All sensory systems are active to some extent. Echolocating bats, which rely on their own emitted energy to perceive the surroundings, probably employ the most tightly-controlled active sensing system. The sensory degrees of freedom that bats can control are commonly divided into three categories: Timing, Signal design, and Directionality. In this talk, I will address all three categories and will summarize what we already understand and what we would love to understand.

Estrogen Attenuates Ischemic Oxidative Damage via Inhibition of NADPH Oxidase Activation Role of Estrogen-Induced Neuroprotection:

Thursday, June 24, 2010
Hour: 10:30
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Limor Raz
Institute of Molecular Medicine & Genetics, Developmental Neurobiology Program, Dept of Neurology, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA, USA

17-β estradiol (E2) has been implicated to be neuroprotective, yet the mechanisms underlying E2-mediated protection against stroke remains unclear. The purpose of the current study was to elucidate the role of E2 in NADPH oxidase (NOX2) activation during ischemia/reperfusion induction of superoxide in the hippocampus CA1 region following global cerebral ischemia (GCI) and to explore the regulation of downstream proapoptotic factors by E2. Using a 4-vessel occlusion model to induce GCI, we showed that neuronal NOX2 localizes to the membrane and that NADPH oxidase activity and superoxide production were rapidly and markedly attenuated by E2 following reperfusion. Inhibition of NADPH oxidase activation via icv administration of a NOX2 competitive inhibitor, gp91ds-tat, strongly attenuated superoxide production and was neuroprotective. The increase of neuronal NADPH oxidase and superoxide following cerebral ischemia was shown to require Rac1 activation, as administration of a Rac1 inhibitor (NSC23766) significantly attenuated NADPH oxidase activation and superoxide production following stroke. NSC23766 treatment was also neuroprotective and improved spatial learning and memory. Interestingly, treatment with the competitive NOX2 inhibitor (Gp91ds-tat), but not the scrambled tat peptide control, attenuated acetylation of downstream p53 and reduced levels of the P53 transcriptional target and apoptotic factor, PUMA. Taken as a whole, our studies reveal a novel, membrane-mediated antioxidant mechanism of E2-induced neuroprotection via reduction of neuronal NOX2 activation, superoxide production and neuronal cell death in the hippocampus CA1 following cerebral ischemia.

Chemosensory dysfunction in humans

Sunday, June 20, 2010
Hour: 10:30
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Prof. Thomas Hummel
Smell and Taste Clinic, Dept of Otorhinolaryngology University of Dresden Medical School, Dresden

Abstract: The intent of this presentation is to help bridge the gap between the clinical realm and the research laboratory. The clinical literature has a growing mass of evidence showing how disorders such as epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, or surgically-induced injury to peripheral nerve, can have devastating effects on olfactory and gustatory functions. A loss of function might be an early symptom with diagnostic value that helps the clinician identify the disease state. The presentation will introduce the non-clinician to common diagnostic and experimental tests of olfactory and taste functions. Various causes of olfactory loss will be discussed, plus their therapy

Optimal adaptation of retinal processing to color contrasts

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Dr. Ronen Segev
Life Sciences Dept Ben Gurion University of the Negev

The visual system continually adjusts its sensitivity to properties of the environment. This adaptation process starts in the retina, which encodes over 8 orders of magnitude of light intensity using a limited range of spiking outputs of the ganglion cell, the only cells to project axons to the brain, extending between zero to several hundreds spikes per second. While the different spectral sensitivities of photoreceptors give the first separation of color channels in the visual system, chromatic adaptation observed in psychophysical experiments is commonly thought to originate from high visual areas. We show that color contrast adaptation actually starts in the retina by ganglion cells adjusting their responses to spectral properties of the environment. Specifically, we demonstrate that the ganglion cells match their response to red-blue stimulus combinations according to the relative contrast of each of the input channels. Using natural scene statistics analysis and theoretical consideration, we show that the retina balances inputs from the two color channels optimally given the strong correlation between the long and short wavelengths in the natural environment. These results indicate that some of the sophisticated processing of spectral visual information attributed to higher visual processing areas can be actually performed by the retina.

Contrast Tuning in Face Cells

Sunday, June 13, 2010
Hour: 12:30
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Shay Ohayon
Graduate Student, Computation and Neural Systems, CALTECH

Several state-of-the-art computer vision systems for face detection, e.g., Viola-Jones [1], rely on region-based features that compute contrast by adding and subtracting average image intensity within different regions of the face. This is a powerful strategy due to the invariance of these features across changes in illumination (as proposed by Sinha [2]). The computational mechanisms underlying face detection in biological systems, however, remain unclear. We set to investigate the role of region-based features in the macaque middle face patch, an area that consists of face-selective neurons. We found that individual neurons were tuned to subsets of contrast relationships between pairs of face regions. The sign of tuning for these relationships was strikingly consistent across the population (for example, almost all neurons preferred a lower average intensity in the eye region relative to the nose region). Furthermore, the pairs and polarity of tuning were fully consistent with Sinha’s proposed ratio-template model of face detection [2]. Non-face images from the CBCL dataset that contained correct contrast polarities in pre-defined regions (facial parts) did not elicit increased firing in face-selective neurons, suggesting that the neurons are not only computing averaged intensity according to a fixed template, but are also sensitive to the specific shape of features within a region. [1] Robust Real-time Object Detection, Paul Viola and Michael Jones. Second International Workshop on Statistical and Computational Theories of Vision – Modeling, Learning, Computing, and Sampling. Vancouver, Canada, July, 2001. [2] Qualitative Representations for Recognition, Pawan Sinha. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Biologically Motivated Computer Vision, Tubingen, November, 2002.

Sensory Coding and Decoding for Smooth Pursuit Eye Movements

Thursday, June 10, 2010
Hour: 18:00
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Brain Research
Prof. Stephen Lisberger
Dept of Physiology University of California San Francisco

Featured Review: Visual Guidance of Smooth-Pursuit Eye Movements: Sensation, Action, and What Happens in Between S.G. Lisberger Smooth pursuit eye movements transform visual motion into a rapid initiation of eye movement and sustained accurate tracking. The pursuit response is encoded in distinct responses of neural circuits for visual motion in area MT, implemented in the cerebellum and the smooth eye movement region of the frontal eye fields and controlled by volition on a rapid time scale. Lisberger reviews the features that make pursuit a model system for studying the general principles of sensory-motor processing in brain.


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Molecular Neurobiology of Social Bonding: Implications for Autism Spectrum Disorders

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Hour: 13:30
Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Prof. Larry Young
Dept of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta GA

Social relationships are at the core of every healthy society and the quality of early social attachments contributes to emotional and social development. I will discuss the neurobiological mechanisms underlying social attachment and bonding, as well as the impact of early life social experience on later life social relationships. The highly social and monogamous prairie vole is an ideal animal model for investigating the biological mechanisms of social attachment and bonding. Studies in voles have revealed that the neuropeptides oxytocin and vasopressin promote social bonding. Furthermore, variation in the oxytocin and vasopressin systems contributes to diversity in social behavior both across species and within populations. I will discuss the genetic mechanisms giving rise to diversity in social organization in voles. Finally I will discuss parallels between these studies in voles and recent studies in humans which suggest that these mechanisms are highly conserved from rodent to man. These observations have important implications for psychiatric disorders characterized by disruptions in social behavior, including autism.

Binding elements to a whole, problem and solution

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Prof. Moshe Abeles
Bar-Ilan University

Firing rates of neurons cannot explain how we compose complex mental representations from more primitive elements. If spike time matters compositionality can easily be explained. This can easily be achieved by synfire chains. We provide indirect evidence that monkey scribbling is generated by synfire chains. Furthermore, we show by simulations that synfire chains in two distinct areas with a few random connections may learn to resonate with each other. We also show how many representations of mental elements may reside in the same small area, when practically all neurons participate in all the presentations, and yet what is represented can be identified in a few ms. In simulations, the global activity may oscillate in the gamma range without any oscillatory activity of individual neurons. When the activity of synfire chains in the two regions are bound the oscillations synchronize. We illustrate such processes in MEG recordings.

From geometry to kinematics in motion production and perception: principles, models and neural correlates

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Prof. Tamar Flash
Dept of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, WIS

Behavioral and theoretical studies have focused on identifying the kinematic and temporal characteristics of various movements ranging from simple reaching to complex 2D and 3D drawing and curved motions. These kinematic and temporal features are quite instrumental in investigating the organizing principles that underlie trajectory formation. Similar kinematic constraints play also a critical role in visual perception of abstract as well as biological motion stimuli and in action recognition. In my talk I will review the results of recent studies showing that 2D and 3D movements might be represented in terms of non-Euclidian metrics. I will also present a recent extension of these studies leading to a new theory which suggests that movement duration, invariance, and compositionality may arise from cooperation among several geometries. The theory has led to concrete predictions which were corroborated by the kinematic and temporal features of both drawing and locomotion trajectories. Finally I will discuss the findings of several behavioral and brain mapping studies aiming at identifying the neural correlates of the suggested organizing principles.

A new look (and smell) into the auditory cortex

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Dr. Adi Mizrahi
Dept of Neurobiology, Institute of Life Sciences and the Interdisciplinary Center for Neural Computation The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Classically, the cortex has been studied using electrophysiological techniques, which extract single-cell response profiles with great accuracy but leave other aspects of network responses largely inaccessible. Recently, in vivo two-photon calcium imaging (2PCI), has offered a new “look” into the cortex; allowing the imaging of response profiles and network dynamics from dozens of singly identified neurons simultaneously. I will present our work using both in vivo electrophysiology as well as 2PCI in the primary auditory cortex (A1) of mice highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of both. We first mapped the functional architecture of A1 in response to pure tones using 2PCI. This new “look” at A1 revealed a surprisingly high level of functional heterogeneity (measured as signal correlation vs. distance) in the face of the known tonotopic organization. The high variance of signal correlations suggested that neurons in A1 are organized in small cortical subnetworks. Additionally, I will discuss our preliminary analysis of population activity (i.e. pairwise noise correlations) and its potential for studying network dynamics in the future. Next, using in vivo loose patch clamp recordings, we studied the responses to natural sounds in a natural context – the mother-pup bond. We discovered that neuronal activation patterns to pup vocalizations are modulated by pup body odors. Specifically, pup odors significantly enhanced the responsiveness to natural calls of over a third of auditory responsive neurons in lactating females. This plasticity was absent in virgins and decreased in mothers following weaning of their pups. These experiments reveal a previously unknown interaction between natural sounds and smells in the neocortex which is context-dependent and ethologically relevant.

Dogs, Rats and Explosives Detection

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Dr. Allen Goldblatt
Center for Applied Animal Behavior for Security Purposes

Dogs are the gold standard in explosives detection. They are fast, mobile, sensitive and not prone to making false positive responses. More and more security and defense agencies are using dogs as explosives detectors in the field, at ports of entry, and in any area where there is a threat of terrorism. Surprisingly and unfortunately there has been very little published and/or peer reviewed research on the variables that can affect the explosives detection dog (EDD). Therefore in order to provide a scientific basis for the training and maintenance of explosives detection dogs, it is necessary to extrapolate from the extensive olfactory research which has been published on rodents and humans. The question then arises as to how applicable the research on rats and humans is to the training and maintenance of the EDD. Recent research on dogs suggests that the research on rodents and humans may be of limited applicability to EDDs. This research will be discussed and possible explanations for the discrepancies offered.


Thursday, February 4, 2010
Hour: 13:30
Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
Prof. Zach Mainen
Champalimaud Neuroscience Programme at the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal

Abstract: For several years we have been studying the performance of rats in an odor mixture categorization task, in which an animal makes a left/right spatial choice instructed by the dominant component of a binary odor mixture. In order to better understand the neural basis of such odor guided decisions we have recorded ensembles of tens of neurons in several different brain regions during the performance of this task. I will present findings from these studies, emphasizing the nature of neural representations in the primary olfactory cortex as well as two downstream structures, orbitofrontal cortex and superior colliculus. My talk will emphasize the read-out and evaluation of sensory information by higher order brain regions and the contributions of non sensory variables to the performance of perceptual tasks.

Zebrafish shed light on the vertebrate circadian clock system

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Dr. Yoav Gothilf
Dept of Neurobiology Tel Aviv University

The core circadian clock in zebrafish is similar to that described in mammals. Nevertheless, there are some notable features that render the zebrafish an attractive model for chronobiologists 1) Circadian rhythms appear early in life; rhythms of melatonin production in the pineal gland begin two days after fertilization. 2) Zebrafish peripheral clock-containing structures and cell lines are directly light-entrainable. 3) The zebrafish model offers a plethora of molecular-genetics techniques, such as gene knockdown and over expression, transgenesis, genome-wide transcriptome analysis (gene chip) and bioinformatics tools, including the entire genomic sequence. Studies in our lab have indicated that circadian rhythms of pineal aanat2 expression appear on the third day of development and that light exposure is mandatory for the development of this rhythm. Additionally, light induces the expression of period2 (per2) in the pineal gland; an important event in the development of the pineal circadian clock. Utilization of the light-entrainable zebrafish cell lines enables to study the mechanisms underlying light-induced per2 expression and light-entrainment. These cell-based studies are being complimented by in vivo studies in wild type and per2:EGFP transgenic zebrafish line, where gene knockdown and over expression are used to determine the involvement of putative transcription factors in this process. Further, a genome-wide examination of gene expression allows the detection of known and novel rhythmic and light-induced genes, and their function in the pineal gland can be investigated in vivo by current molecular-genetic techniques. In conclusion, the use of zebrafish advances our understanding of the mechanisms underlying clock function, light-entrainment and functional development of the pineal gland.

Sleep, circadian rhythms and hypocretin neuronal networks in zebrafish

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Dr. Lior Appelbaum
Dept of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science Stanford University

Sleep and circadian rhythms are functionally important in all vertebrates and sleep disorders affect millions of people worldwide. While we understand that the timing and quality of sleep are regulated by circadian and homeostatic processes, the function of sleep is still enigmatic. Increasing evidence points to a role for sleep in maintaining “synaptic homeostasis”. This hypothesis suggests increases in global synaptic strength during wakefulness followed by a decrease during sleep, primarily in memory-related circuits. Hypocretins/orexins (HCRT) are neuropeptides that are important sleep-wake regulators and HCRT deficiency causes narcolepsy in humans and mammalian models. We have functionally characterized the HCRT system in zebrafish, a diurnal transparent vertebrate that is ideally suited to study neuronal anatomy along with sleep and circadian rhythms in vivo. We use time-lapse two-photon imaging in living zebrafish of pre- and post-synaptic markers to determine the dynamics of synaptic modifications during day and night and after manipulation of candidate genes. Video-tracking systems are used to monitor activity and sleep in order to link changes in gene expression and synaptic plasticity with behavioral output. We have found a functional HCRT neurons-pineal gland circuit that is able to modulate melatonin production and sleep consolidation. Importantly, we observed clock-controlled rhythmic variation in synapse number in HCRT axons projecting to the pineal gland. Furthermore, we cloned NPTX2b (neuronal activity-regulated pentraxin, NARP), a protein implicated in AMPA receptor clustering, and showed that it is a clock-controlled gene that regulates rhythmic synaptic plasticity in HCRT axons as well as the sleep promoting effect of melatonin. These data provide real-time, in vivo evidence of circadian regulation of structural synaptic plasticity. Building on this experimental approach, we developed several transgenic lines expressing a variety of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic markers and neuronal activity tools using the GAL4-UAS system. This opens the possibility of studying synaptic plasticity in other circuits, such as those involved in memory formation and learning, which are known to be sleep-dependent in mammals. Such an approach offers the opportunity to study synaptic plasticity in response to pharmacological and behavioral challenges or after genetic manipulation of key synaptic proteins, with complementary monitoring of the resulting behavior in a living vertebrate.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Dr. Dori Derdikman
Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience and The Centre for the Biology of Memory Norwegian University for Science and Technology Trondheim, Norway

Grid cells are neurons in the medial entorhinal cortex whose firing locations in a walking animal define a periodic triangular array covering the two-dimensional space in which the rat is moving. Grid cells can be used to calculate the position of the rat in the environment, suggesting that they contribute to representing the concept of space in the brain. It was not known whether the triangular array represented by each grid cell was covering the whole environment, or whether it is fragmented into semi-independent sub-maps. We thus compared two conditions. First the rat was put into an open-field arena, where we could record the periodic triangular grids. Next, we inserted walls into the open-field in order to create a set of corridors such that the rat had to pass from one corridor to the next in a zigzag path we termed this type of test the “hairpin” maze). If the triangular map was covering the whole world, the position of the grid nodes should not have been affected by the insertion of the walls. However, insertion of the walls broke up the grid pattern. The positions in the grid map where the breaking-up occurred were at the turning points between compartments - where one corridor ended and a new one started. We thus concluded that the grid was fragmented; it is “reset’ when the rat is moving from one compartment to another compartment. This implies that the representation of space in the brain is built of multiple independent sub-maps that each cover only a small section of the environment.

Changing Human Fear:Brain Mechanisms Underlying Emotional Control and Flexibility

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Hour: 12:30
Jacob Ziskind Building
Dr. Daniela Schiller
New York University

Learned fear is a process allowing quick detection of associations between cues in the environment and prediction of imminent threat ahead of time. Adaptive function in a changing environment, however, requires organisms to quickly update this learned information and have the ability to hinder fear responses when predictions are no longer correct. Research on changing fear has highlighted several techniques, most of which rely on the inhibition of the learned fear response. An inherent problem with these inhibition techniques is that the fear commonly returns, for example with stress or even just with the passage of time. I will present research that examines new ways to flexibly control fear and the underlying brain mechanisms. I will describe a brain system mediating various strategies to modulate fear, and present findings suggesting a novel non-invasive technique that could be potentially used to permanently block or even erase fear memories.


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