Brain Sciences

The Neural Basis of Affective States

Dr. Amit Vinograd
December 31, 2024
12:30 - 14:00

How does the brain regulate innate behaviors and emotional states? My research

is driven by a vision to decode evolutionarily conserved neural circuits that regulate

affective states like aggression and anxiety. In my work, I combine deep-brain 2-photon

calcium imaging and holographic optogenetics with theoretical neuroscience approaches

to unravel latent manifolds of neural activity and their dynamics. One such dynamic, line

attractors, is hypothesized to encode continuous variables such as eye position, working

memory, and internal states. However, direct evidence of neural implementation of a line

attractor in mammals has been hindered by the challenge of targeting perturbations to

specific neurons within ensembles. In this talk, I will present our recent breakthroughs

demonstrating causal evidence for line attractor dynamics in neurons encoding an

aggressive state and highlight functional connectivity within specific neuronal

ensembles. This work effectively bridges circuit and manifold levels, providing strong

evidence of intrinsic continuous attractor dynamics in a behaviorally relevant mammalian
