

Probing PAC1 receptor activation across species with an engineered sensor

Cola R. B., Niethammer S. N., Rajamannar P., Gresch A., Bhat M. A., Assoumou K., Williams E. T., Hauck P., Hartrampf N., Benke D., Stoeber M., Levkowitz G., Melzer S. & Patriarchi T. (2024) eLife. 13, RP96496.


Neural plate progenitors give rise to both anterior and posterior pituitary cells

Chen Q., Leshkowitz D., Li H., van Impel A., Schulte-Merker S., Amit I., Rizzoti K. & Levkowitz G. (2023) Developmental Cell. 58, 23, p. 2652-2665.e6

Glucocorticoid-sensitive period of corticotroph development - Implications for mechanisms of early life stress

Peles G., Swaminathan A. & Levkowitz G. (2023) Journal of Neuroendocrinology. 35, 11, e13229.

Local angiogenic interplay of Vegfc/d and Vegfa controls brain region-specific emergence of fenestrated capillaries

Parab S., Card O. A., Chen Q., America M., Buck L. D., Quick R. E., Horrigan W. F., Levkowitz G., Vanhollebeke B. & Matsuoka R. L. (2023) eLife. 12, e86066.

Evolutionarily conserved role of oxytocin in social fear contagion in zebrafish

Akinrinade I., Kareklas K., Teles M. C., Reis T. K., Gliksberg M., Petri G., Levkowitz G. & Oliveira R. F. (2023) Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science). 379, 6638, p. 1232-1237

Stress resilience is established during development and is regulated by complement factors

Swaminathan A., Gliksberg M., Anbalagan S., Wigoda N. & Levkowitz G. (2023) Cell Reports. 42, 1, 111973.


Oxytocin Signaling Regulates the Homeostatic Response to Cold Stress in Poikilothermic Vertebrates

Segev-Hadar A., Krispin S., Olthof A. M., Hyatt K. C., Haller L., Barki A., Nitzan T., Levkowitz G., Kanadia R. N., Cnaani A. & Biran J. (2021) BioRxiv.

Developmental effects of oxytocin neurons on social affiliation and processing of social information

Nunes A. R., Gliksberg M., Varela S. A., Teles M., Wircer E., Blechman J., Petri G., Levkowitz G. & Oliveira R. F. (2021) Journal of Neuroscience. 41, 42, p. 8742-8760

The Neurohypophysis and Urophysis: Ancient Piscine Neurovascular Interfaces

Rajamannar P., Arokiadhas I., Levkowitz G. & Biran J. (2021) Masterclass in Neuroendocrinology . p. 95-118


Erratum: Correction: Robo2 regulates synaptic oxytocin content by affecting actin dynamics (eLife (2019) 8 PII: e63695)

Anbalagan S., Blechman J., Gliksberg M., Gordon L., Rotkopf R., Dadosh T., Shimoni E. & Levkowitz G. (2020) eLife. 9, e63695.

Genetic variation in the social environment affects behavioral phenotypes of oxytocin receptor mutants in zebrafish

Ribeiro D., Nunes A. R., Teles M., Anbalagan S., Blechman J., Levkowitz G. & Oliveira R. F. (2020) eLife. 9, p. 1-10 e56973.

Splice-specific deficiency of the PTSD-associated gene PAC1 leads to a paradoxical age-dependent stress behavior

Biran J., Gliksberg M., Shirat I., Swaminathan A., Levitas-Djerbi T., Appelbaum L. & Levkowitz G. (2020) Scientific Reports. 10, 9559.

Advances in Neurohypophysial Hormones Research

Wagner S., Grinevich V. & Levkowitz G. (2020) Journal of Neuroendocrinology. 4, e12853.

Oxytocin receptor signalling modulates novelty recognition but not social preference in zebrafish

Ribeiro D., Nunes A. R., Gliksberg M., Anbalagan S., Levkowitz G. & Oliveira R. F. (2020) Journal of Neuroendocrinology. 32, 4, e12834.

Perceptual mechanisms of social affiliation in zebrafish

Nunes A. R., Carreira L., Anbalagan S., Blechman J., Levkowitz G. & Oliveira R. F. (2020) Scientific Reports. 10, 1, 3642.

Single-Cell Molecular and Cellular Architecture of the Mouse Neurohypophysis

Chen Q., Leshkowitz D., Blechman J. & Levkowitz G. (2020) eNeuro. 7, 1, ENEURO.034.


The fenestrae-associated protein Plvap regulates the rate of blood-borne protein passage into the hypophysis

Gordon L., Blechman J., Shimoni E., Gur D., Anand-Apte B. & Levkowitz G. (2019) Development. 146, 23, dev177790.

Social creatures: Model animal systems for studying the neuroendocrine mechanisms of social behaviour

Robinson K. J., Bosch O. J., Levkowitz G., Busch K. E., Jarman A. P. & Ludwig M. (2019) Journal of Neuroendocrinology. 31, 12, 12807.

Robo2 regulates synaptic oxytocin content by affecting actin dynamics

Anbalagan S., Blechman J., Gliksberg M., Gordon L., Rotkopf R., Dadosh T., Shimoni E. & Levkowitz G. (2019) eLife. 8, e45650.

Specific inhibition of splicing factor activity by decoy RNA oligonucleotides

Denichenko P., Mogilevsky M., Clery A., Welte T., Biran J., Shimshon O., Barnabas G. D., Danan-Gotthold M., Kumar S., Yavin E., Levanon E. Y., Allain F. H., Geiger T., Levkowitz G. & Karni R. (2019) Nature Communications. 10, 1, 1590.


Pituicyte Cues Regulate the Development of Permeable Neuro-Vascular Interfaces

Anbalagan S., Gordon L., Blechman J., Matsuoka R. L., Rajamannar P., Wircer E., Biran J., Reuveny A., Leshkowitz D., Stainier D. Y. R. & Levkowitz G. (2018) Developmental Cell. 47, 6, p. 711-726.e5

Genome editing reveals idiosyncrasy of CNGA2 ion channel-directed antibody immunoreactivity toward oxytocin

Blechman J., Anbalagan S., Matthews G. G. & Levkowitz G. (2018) Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 6, 117.

The Dual Functional Reflecting Iris of the Zebrafish

Gur D., Nicolas J., Brumfeld V., Bar-Elli O., Oron D. & Levkowitz G. (2018) Advanced Science. 5, 8, 1800338.

Development and Function of the Zebrafish Neuroendocrine System

Biran J., Blechman J., Wircer E. & Levkowitz G. (2018) Model Animals in Neuroendocrinology . p. 101-131


Smells Familiar: Pheromone-Induced Neurotransmitter Switching Mediates Social Discrimination

Gliksberg M. & Levkowitz G. (2017) Neuron. 95, 6, p. 1229-1231

Homeodomain protein otp affects developmental neuropeptide switching in oxytocin neurons associated with a long-term effect on social behavior

Wircer E., Blechman J., Borodovsky N., Tsoory M., Nunes A. R., Oliveira R. F. & Levkowitz G. (2017) eLife. 6, e22170.

The not-so-long history of zebrafish research in Israel

Blechman J., Levkowitz G. & Gothilf Y. (2017) International Journal of Developmental Biology. 61, 3-5, p. 149-157


Zebrafish Reel in Phenotypic Suppressors of Autism

Biran J. & Levkowitz G. (2016) Neuron. 89, 4, p. 673-675

Non-Mammalian Models for Neurohypophysial Peptides

Wircer E., Ben-Dor S. & Levkowitz G. (2016) Molecular Neuroendocrinology . p. 301-328


Role of developmental factors in hypothalamic function

Biran J., Tahor M., Wircer E. & Levkowitz G. (2015) Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 9, APR, 47.



The Neurohypophysis: Fishing for New Insights

Gutnick A. & Levkowitz G. (2012) Journal of Neuroendocrinology. 24, 6, p. 973-974

Homeodomain Protein Otp and Activity-Dependent Splicing Modulate Neuronal Adaptation to Stress

Amir-Zilberstein L., Blechman J., Sztainberg Y., Norton W. H., Reuveny A., Borodovsky N., Tahor M., Bonkowsky J. L., Bally-Cuif L., Chen A. & Levkowitz G. (2012) Neuron. 73, 2, p. 279-291


The metabolic regulator PGC-1α directly controls the expression of the hypothalamic neuropeptide oxytocin

Blechman J., Amir-Zilberstein L., Gutnick A., Ben-Dor S. & Levkowitz G. (2011) Journal of Neuroscience. 31, 42, p. 14835-14840

The Hypothalamic Neuropeptide Oxytocin Is Required for Formation of the Neurovascular Interface of the Pituitary

Gutnick A., Blechman J., Kaslin J., Herwig L., Belting H., Affolter M., Bonkowsky J. L. & Levkowitz G. (2011) Developmental Cell. 21, 4, p. 642-654

Development of the zebrafish hypothalamus

Machluf Y., Gutnick A. & Levkowitz G. (2011) Trends In Neuroendocrinology. 1220, 1, p. 93-105

Visualization of mRNA Expression in the Zebrafish Embryo

Machluf Y. & Levkowitz G. (2011) Rna Detection And Visualization : Methods And Protocols . p. 83-102


Cxcl12a-Cxcr4b signaling is important for proper development of the forebrain GnRH system in zebrafish

Palevitch O., Abraham E., Borodovsky N., Levkowitz G., Zohar Y. & Gothilf Y. (2010) General and Comparative Endocrinology. 165, 2, p. 262-268

Two-Photon-Based Photoactivation in Live Zebrafish Embryos

Russek-Blum N., Nabel-Rosen H. & Levkowitz G. (2010) Journal of Visualized Experiments. 46, e1902.


High resolution fate map of the zebrafish diencephalon

Russek-Blum N., Nabel-Rosen H. & Levkowitz G. (2009) Developmental Dynamics. 238, 7, p. 1827-1835

Neural protein olig2 acts upstream of the transcriptional regulator sim1 to specify diencephalic dopaminergic neurons

Borodovsky N., Ponomaryov T., Frenkel S. & Levkowitz G. (2009) Developmental Dynamics. 238, 4, p. 826-834

Nasal embryonic LHRH factor plays a role in the developmental migration and projection of gonadotropin-releasing hormone 3 neurons in zebrafish

Palevitch O., Abraham E., Borodovsky N., Levkowitz G., Zohar Y. & Gothilf Y. (2009) Developmental Dynamics. 238, 1, p. 66-75


Dopaminergic neuronal cluster size is determined during early forebrain patterning

Russek-Blum N., Gutnick A., Nabel-Rosen H., Blechman J., Staudt N., Dorsky R. I., Houart C. & Levkowitz G. (2008) Development. 135, 20, p. 3401-3413


Specification of hypothalamic neurons by dual regulation of the homeodomain protein Orthopedia

Blechman J., Borodovsky N., Eisenberg M., Nabel-Rosen H., Grimm J. & Levkowitz G. (2007) Development. 134, 24, p. 4417-4426


Passive amyloid immunotherapy clears amyloid and transiently activates microglia in a transgenic mouse model of amyloid deposition

Wilcock D., Rojiani A., Rosenthal A., Levkowitz G., Subbarao S., Alamed J., Wilson D., Wilson N., Freeman M., Gordon M. N. & Morgan D. (2004) Journal of Neuroscience. 24, 27, p. 6144-6151


Zinc finger protein too few controls the development of monoaminergic neurons

Levkowitz G., Zeller J., Sirotkin H., French D., Schilbach S., Hashimoto H., Hibi M., Talbot W. & Rosenthal A. (2003) Nature Neuroscience. 6, 1, p. 28-33


c-Cbl is a suppressor of the Neu oncogene

Levkowitz G., Oved S., Klapper L., Harari D., Lavi S., Sela M. & Yarden Y. (2000) Journal of Biological Chemistry. 275, 45, p. 35532-35539


Ubiquitin ligase activity and tyrosine phosphorylation underlie suppression of growth factor signaling by c-Cbl/Sli-1

Levkowitz G., Waterman H., Ettenberg S., Katz M., Tsygankov A., Alroy I., Lavi S., Iwai K., Reiss Y., Ciechanover A., Lipkowitz S. & Yarden Y. (1999) Molecular Cell. 4, 6, p. 1029-1040

The RING finger of c-Cbl mediates desensitization of the epidermal growth factor receptor

Waterman H., Levkowitz G., Alroy I. & Yarden Y. (1999) Journal of Biological Chemistry. 274, 32, p. 22151-22154


c-Cb1/Sli-1 regulates endocytic sorting and ubiquitination of the epidermal growth factor receptor

Levkowitz G., Waterman H., Zamir E., Kam Z., Oved S., Langdon W., Beguinot L., Geiger B. & Yarden Y. (1998) GENES & DEVELOPMENT. 12, 23, p. 3663-3674

Pathogenic poxviruses reveal viral strategies to exploit the ErbB signaling network

Tzahar E., Moyer J., Waterman H., Barbacci E., Bao J., Levkowitz G., Shelly M., Strano S., Pinkas-Kramarski R., Pierce J., Andrews G. & Yarden Y. (1998) EMBO Journal. 17, 20, p. 5948-5963


Bivalence of EGF-like ligands drives the ErbB signaling network

Tzahar E., PinkasKramarski R., Moyer J., Kapper L., Alroy I., Levkowitz G., Shelly M., Henis S., Eisenstein M., Ratzkin B., Sela M., Andrews G. & Yarden Y. (1997) EMBO Journal. 16, 16, p. 4938-4950

Differential expression of NDF/neuregulin receptors ErbB-3 and ErbB-4 and involvement in inhibition of neuronal differentiation

PinkasKramarski R., Eilam R., Alroy I., Levkowitz G., Lonai P. & Yarden Y. (1997) Oncogene. 15, 23, p. 2803-2815


Diversification of Neu differentiation factor and epidermal growth factor signaling by combinatorial receptor interactions

PinkasKramarski R., Soussan L., Waterman H., Levkowitz G., Alroy I., Klapper L., Lavi S., Seger R., Ratzkin B., Sela M. & Yarden Y. (1996) EMBO Journal. 15, 10, p. 2452-2467

An immunological approach reveals biological differences between the two NDF/heregulin receptors, ErbB-3 and ErbB-4

Chen X., Levkowitz G., Tzahar E., Karunagaran D., Lavi S., BenBaruch N., Leitner O., Ratzkin B., Bacus S. & Yarden Y. (1996) Journal of Biological Chemistry. 271, 13, p. 7620-7629

Coupling of the c-Cbl protooncogene product to ErbB-1/EGF-receptor but not to other ErbB proteins

Levkowitz G., Klapper L. N., Tzahar E., Freywald A., Sela M. & Yarden Y. (1996) Oncogene. 12, 5, p. 1117-1125

A hierarchical network of interreceptor interactions determines signal transduction by Neu differentiation factor/neuregulin and epidermal growth factor

Tzahar E., Waterman H., Chen X., Levkowitz G., Karunagaran D., Lavi S., Ratzkin B. & Yarden Y. (1996) Molecular and Cellular Biology. 16, 10, p. 5276-5287


Neu differentiation factor is a neuron-glia signal and regulates survival, proliferation, and maturation of rat schwann cell precursors

DONG Z., BRENNAN A., LIU N., Yarden Y., Levkowitz G., MIRSKY R. & JESSEN K. (1995) Neuron. 15, 3, p. 585-596


ErbB-3 and ErbB-4 function as the respective low and high affinity receptors of all Neu differentiation factor/heregulin isoforms

TZAHAR E., Levkowitz G., KARUNAGARAN D., YI L., Peles E., Lavi S., CHANG D., LIU N., YAYON A., WEN D. & Yarden Y. (1994) Journal of Biological Chemistry. 269, 40, p. 25226-25233


BERKOFLINT Y., LEVKOWITZ G. & VARDIMON L. (1994) EMBO Journal. 13, 3, p. 646-654