Principal Investigator
Received his BSc and MSc degrees in biology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He completed his studies towards a PhD in biochemistry at the Weizmann Institute of Science and then moved to take a Group Leader position at Sugen Inc. in California. In 1997, he returned to the Department of Molecular Cell Biology ate the Weizmann Institute of Science. He headed this department from 2010-2014, and served as the Dean of the Faculty of Biology from 2014-2021. He is the incumbent of the Hanna Hertz Professorial Chair for Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroscience. His lab study the molecular mechanisms underlying axon-glia interactions and myelination by Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes. Ori is an enthusiastic triathlete, so outside of the lab you can often find him swimming, cycling, and running.
Associate Staff Scientist
Associate Staff Scientist, obtained her Bachelor’s degree in basic medical sciences from The Hebrew university in Jerusalem and her MSc and PhD in Life Sciences from the WIS. Yael is interested in the way neurons and glia communicate to co-produce the myelin sheath. When she doesn’t have her lab coat on, you will most likely find her doing absolutely nothing, preferably with family and friends.
Research Associate
Obtained her BSc in Agriculture from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Anya is a research assistant in the lab, interested in different electron microscopy techniques, image analysis and 3D modeling. When she’s not working, Anya enjoys functional training, swimming, yoga classes, hiking and spending time with her dog Indi.
Bassima IbrahimPhD student
PhD student
Obtained her BSc in Neuroscience and her MSc in Neurobiology from Bar-Ilan University. In her free time you will most likely find her doing crafts, reading or propagating plants.
PhD student
Obtained her BSc in Molecular Biochemistry from Technion and her MSc in Science from Weizmann institute of science. Amit is interested in the formation and maintenance of nodes of Ranvier in the CNS. She studies the roles of NrCAM and ADAMTS-4 in this context. In addition, she aims to identify novel proteins participating in axoglial interaction mechanisms of both the node and paranodal junction. When she’s not at her bench, you will most likely find her running, working out, hiking, cooking or baking.
PhD student
Obtained her BSc in Bio-Medical sciences from Tel-Aviv University and her MSc in Bio-Medical sciences from The Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical School. Renana is interested in understanding the role of Gpr37 in the formation and maintenance of myelin. In her free time you will most likely find her reading, traveling or shopping.
I obtained a bachelor’s degree in Biology from the National University of Colombia. I am a microscopy enthusiast with a keen interest in how myelination occurs in the brain and its role in the human brain complexity that permits our remarkable cognitive capacity. When not in the lab, I enjoy hiking, exploring new destinations, diving into history podcasts, and playing the guitar because who doesn't like good music?
MSc student
Obtained her BSc in neuroscience from Bar-Ilan University. In her free time you will most likely find her reading, baking or traveling.
Post Doc
I got my MM and MD degrees in Neurology from Hospital Hushan, Fudan University. I mainly focused on peripheral neuropathy, autoimmune neuropathies/nodopathies to be more specific. I am interested in the mechanisms of establishing, maintaining, and repairing peripheral nervous system. I like music, basketball, and training in the gym when I am free.