

Criteria for the standardization of stem-cell-based embryo models

Martinez Arias A., Rivron N., Moris N., Tam P., Alev C., Fu J., Hadjantonakis A. K., Hanna J. H., Minchiotti G., Pourquie O., Sheng G., Solnica Krezel L., Veenvliet J. V. & Warmflash A. (2024) Nature Cell Biology.

Temporal BMP4 effects on mouse embryonic and extraembryonic development

Hadas R., Rubinstein H., Mittnenzweig M., Mayshar Y., Ben-Yair R., Cheng S., Aguilera-Castrejon A., Reines N., Orenbuch A., Lifshitz A., Chen D., Elowitz M. B., Zernicka-Goetz M., Hanna J. H., Tanay A. & Stelzer Y. (2024) Nature.

Putting together pieces of the LIN28A pathway puzzle

Yilmaz A., Gurhan G. & Hanna J. H. (2024) Nature Structural and Molecular Biology.

Depletion of Mettl3 in cholinergic neurons causes adult-onset neuromuscular degeneration

Dermentzaki G., Furlan M., Tanaka I., Leonardi T., Rinchetti P., Passos P. M., Bastos A., Ayala Y. M., Hanna J. H., Przedborski S., Bonanomi D., Pelizzola M. & Lotti F. (2024) Cell Reports. 43, 4, 113999.


Improving 3D Medical Image Segmentation at Boundary Regions using Local Self-attention and Global Volume Mixing

Abdul Kareem D. N., Fiaz M., Novershtern N., Hanna J. & Cholakkal H. (2023) IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence. 5, 6, p. 1-12

Complete human day 14 post-implantation embryo models from naive ES cells

Oldak B., Wildschutz E., Bondarenko V., Comar M., Zhao C., Aguilera-Castrejon A., Tarazi S., Viukov S., Pham T. X. A., Ashouokhi S., Lokshtanov D., Roncato F., Ariel E., Rose M., Livnat N., Shani T., Joubran C., Cohen R., Addadi Y., Chemla M., Kedmi M., Keren-Shaul H., Pasque V., Petropoulos S., Lanner F., Novershtern N. & Hanna J. H. (2023) Nature. 622, 7983, p. 562-573

Single-nucleus multiomic mapping of m6A methylomes and transcriptomes in native populations of cells with sn-m6A-CT

Hamashima K., Wong K. W., Sam T. W., Teo J. H. J., Taneja R., Le M. T., Li Q. J., Hanna J. H., Li H. & Loh Y. H. (2023) Molecular Cell. 83, 17, p. 3205-3216.e5

m6A RNA modification regulates innate lymphoid cell responses in a lineage-specific manner

Zhang Y., Zhang W., Zhao J., Ito T., Jin J., Aparicio A. O., Zhou J., Guichard V., Fang Y., Que J., Urban J. F., Hanna J. H., Ghosh S., Wu X., Ding L., Basu U. & Huang Y. (2023) Nature Immunology. 24, 8, p. 1256-1264

LIS1 RNA-binding orchestrates the mechanosensitive properties of embryonic stem cells in AGO2-dependent and independent ways

Kshirsagar A., Doroshev S. M., Gorelik A., Olender T., Sapir T., Tsuboi D., Rosenhek-Goldian I., Malitsky S., Itkin M., Argoetti A., Mandel-Gutfreund Y., Cohen S. R., Hanna J. H., Ulitsky I., Kaibuchi K. & Reiner O. (2023) Nature Communications. 14, 1, 3293.


Stabilization of hESCs in two distinct substates along the continuum of pluripotency

Dekel C., Morey R., Hanna J., Laurent L. C., Ben-Yosef D. & Amir H. (2022) iScience. 25, 12, 105469.

Recent insights into mammalian natural and synthetic ex utero embryogenesis

Oldak B., Aguilera-Castrejon A. & Hanna J. H. (2022) Current opinion in genetics & development. 77, 101988.

Human primed and naïve PSCs are both able to differentiate into trophoblast stem cells

Viukov S., Shani T., Bayerl J., Aguilera-Castrejon A., Oldak B., Sheban D., Tarazi S., Stelzer Y., Hanna J. H. & Novershtern N. (2022) Stem Cell Reports. 17, 11, p. 2484-2500

Embryo model completes gastrulation to neurulation and organogenesis

Amadei G., Handford C. E., Qiu C., De Jonghe J., Greenfeld H., Tran M., Martin B. K., Chen D., Aguilera-Castrejon A., Hanna J. H., Elowitz M., Hollfelder F., Shendure J., Glover D. M. & Zernicka-Goetz M. (2022) Nature (London). 610, 7930, p. 143-153

Post-Gastrulation Synthetic Embryos Generated Ex Utero from Mouse Naïve ESCs

Tarazi S., Aguilera Castrejon A., Joubran C., Ghanem N., Ashouokhi S., Roncato F., Wildschutz E., Haddad M., Oldak B., Gomez-Cesar E., Livnat N., Viukov S., Lukshtanov D., Naveh Tassa S., Rose M., Issaq - Hanna S., Raanan C., Brenner O. J., Kedmi M., Keren-Shaul H., Lapidot T., Maza I., Novershtern N. & Hanna J. (. (2022) Cell. 185, 18, p. 3290-3306.e25

YTHDF2 suppresses the plasmablast genetic program and promotes germinal center formation

Grenov A., Hezroni H., Lasman L., Hanna J. H. & Shulman Z. (2022) Cell reports (Cambridge). 39, 5, 110778.

SUMOylation of linker histone H1 drives chromatin condensation and restriction of embryonic cell fate identity

Sheban D., Shani T., Maor R., Aguilera-Castrejon A., Mor N., Oldak B., Shmueli M. D., Eisenberg-Lerner A., Bayerl J., Hebert J., Viukov S., Chen G., Kacen A., Krupalnik V., Chugaeva V., Tarazi S., Rodríguez-delaRosa A., Zerbib M., Ulman A., Masarwi S., Kupervaser M., Levin Y., Shema E., David Y., Novershtern N., Hanna J. H. & Merbl Y. (2022) Molecular Cell. 82, 1, p. 106-122.e9


Control of Foxp3 induction and maintenance by sequential histone acetylation and DNA demethylation

Li J., Xu B., He M., Zong X., Cunningham T., Sha C., Fan Y., Cross R., Hanna J. H. & Feng Y. (2021) Cell reports (Cambridge). 37, 11, 110124.

Ex Utero Culture of Mouse Embryos from Pregastrulation to Advanced Organogenesis

Aguilera-Castrejon A. & Hanna J. H. (2021) Nature. 593, 7857, p. 119-124 e63160.

Principles of signaling pathway modulation for enhancing human naive pluripotency induction

Bayerl J., Ayyash M., Shani T., Manor Y. S., Gafni O., Massarwa R., Kalma Y., Aguilera-Castrejon A., Zerbib M., Amir H., Sheban D., Geula S., Mor N., Weinberger L., Naveh Tassa S., Krupalnik V., Oldak B., Livnat N., Tarazi S., Wildschutz E., Tawil S., Ashouokhi S., Lasman L., Rotter V., Hanna S., Ben-Yosef D., Novershtern N., Viukov S. & Hanna J. H. (2021) Cell Stem Cell. 28, 9, p. 1549-1565.e12

The germinal center reaction depends on RNA methylation and divergent functions of specific methyl readers

Grenov A. C., Moss L., Edelheit S., Cordiner R., Schmiedel D., Biram A., Hanna J. H., Jensen T. H., Schwartz S. & Shulman Z. (2021) Journal of Experimental Medicine. 218, 10, e20210360.

Ex utero mouse embryogenesis from pre-gastrulation to late organogenesis

Aguilera-Castrejon A., Shani T., Ghanem N., Itzkovich C., Slomovich S., Tarazi S., Bayerl J., Chugaeva V., Ayyash M., Ashouokhi S., Sheban D., Livnat N., Lasman L., Viukov S., Zerbib M., Addadi Y., Rais Y., Cheng S., Keren-Shaul H., Stelzer Y., Shlomo R., Massarwa R., Novershtern N. & Hanna J. H. (2021) Nature (London). 593, 7857, p. 119-124

Production and analysis of human primordial germ celllike cells

Mitsunaga S., Shioda K., Hanna J. H., Isselbacher K. J. & Shioda T. (2021) Testicular Germ Cell Tumors: Methods and Protocols . p. 125-145


Spatiotemporal Proteomic Analysis of Stress Granule Disassembly Using APEX Reveals Regulation by SUMOylation and Links to ALS Pathogenesis

Marmor-Kollet H., Siany A., Kedersha N., Knafo N., Rivkin N., Danino Y. M., Moens T. G., Olender T., Sheban D., Cohen N., Dadosh T., Addadi Y., Ravid R., Eitan C., Toth Cohen B., Hofmann S., Riggs C. L., Advani V. M., Higginbottom A., Cooper-Knock J., Hanna J. H., Merbl Y., Van Den Bosch L., Anderson P., Ivanov P., Geiger T. & Hornstein E. (2020) Molecular Cell. 80, 5, p. 876-891

Context-dependent functional compensation between Ythdf m6A reader proteins

Lasman L., Krupalnik V., Viukov S., Mor N., Aguilera-Castrejon A., Schneir D., Bayerl J., Mizrahi O., Peles S., Tawil S., Sathe S., Nachshon A., Shani T., Zerbib M., Kilimnik I., Aigner S., Shankar A., Mueller J. R., Schwartz S., Stern-Ginossar N., Yeo G. W., Geula S., Novershtern N. & Hanna J. H. (2020) Genes and Development. 34, 19-20, p. 1373-1391

beta-Catenin safeguards the ground state of mouse pluripotency by strengthening the robustness of the transcriptional apparatus

Zhang M., Lai Y., Krupalnik V., Guo P., Guo X., Zhou J., Xu Y., Yu Z., Liu L., Jiang A., Li W., Ma G., Li N., Fu X., Lv Y., Jiang M., Tariq M., Kanwal S., Liu H., Xu X., Zhang H., Huang Y., Wang L., Chen S., Babarinde I. A., Luo Z., Wang D., Zhou T., Ward C., He M., Ibanez D. P., Li Y., Zhou J., Yuan J., Feng Y., Arumugam K., Di Vicino U., Bao X., Wu G., Schambach A., Wang H., Sun H., Gao F., Qin B., Hutchins A. P., Doble B. W., Hartmann C., Cosma M. P., Qin Y., Xu G., Chen R., Volpe G., Chen L., Hanna J. H. & Esteban M. A. (2020) Science Advances. 6, 29, 1593.

Characterization of Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Revealed Increased Susceptibility to Cell Death upon ER Stress

Ha T. W., Jeong J. H., Shin H., Kim H. K., Im J. S., Song B. H., Hanna J., Oh J. S., Woo D., Han J. & Lee M. R. (2020) Cells. 9, 5, 1078.

Role of m(6)A in Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation and in Gametogenesis

Lasman L., Hanna J. H. & Novershtern N. (2020) Epigenomes. 4, 1, 5.

Generation of human endothelium in pig embryos deficient in ETV2

Das S., Koyano-Nakagawa N., Gafni O., Maeng G., Singh B. N., Rasmussen T., Pan X., Choi K., Mickelson D., Gong W., Pota P., Weaver C. V., Kren S., Hanna J. H., Yannopoulos D., Garry M. G. & Garry D. J. (2020) Nature Biotechnology. 38, 3, p. 297-302


Deciphering the "m6A Code" via Antibody-Independent Quantitative Profiling

Garcia-Campos M. A., Edelheit S., Toth U., Safra M., Shachar R., Viukov S., Winkler R., Nir R., Lasman L., Brandis A., Hanna J. H., Rossmanith W. & Schwartz S. (2019) Cell. 178, 3, p. 731-747

Stage-specific requirement for Mettl3-dependent m(6)A mRNA methylation during haematopoietic stem cell differentiation

Lee H., Bao S., Qian Y., Geula S., Leslie J., Zhang C., Hanna J. H. & Ding L. (2019) Nature Cell Biology. 21, p. 700-709

Universally non-immunogenic iPSCs

Shani T. & Hanna J. H. (2019) Nature Biomedical Engineering. 3, 5, p. 337-338

Stem Cell-Derived Human Gametes: The Public Engagement Imperative

Adashi E. Y., Cohen I. G., Hanna J. H., Surani A. M. & Hayashi K. (2019) Trends in Molecular Medicine. 25, 3, p. 165-167

Deterministic Somatic Cell Reprogramming Involves Continuous Transcriptional Changes Governed by Myc and Epigenetic-Driven Modules

Zviran A., Mor N., Rais Y., Gingold H., Peles S., Chomsky E., Viukov S., Buenrostro J. D., Scognamiglio R., Weinberger L., Manor Y. S., Krupalnik V., Zerbib M., Hezroni H., Jaitin D. A., Larastiaso D., Gilad S., Benjamin S., Gafni O., Mousa A., Ayyash M., Sheban D., Bayerl J., Aguilera-Castrejon A., Massarwa R., Maza I., Hanna S., Stelzer Y., Ulitsky I., Greenleaf W. J., Tanay A., Trumpp A., Amit I., Pilpel Y., Novershtern N. & Hanna J. H. (2019) Cell Stem Cell. 24, 2, p. 328-341.e9

m6A modification controls the innate immune response to infection by targeting type I interferons

Winkler R., Gillis E., Lasman L., Safra M., Geula S., Soyris C., Nachshon A., Tai-Schmiedel J., Friedman N., Le-Trilling V. T. K., Trilling M., Mandelboim M., Hanna J. H., Schwartz S. & Stern-Ginossar N. (2019) Nature Immunology. 20, 2, p. 173-182

The N-6-Methyladenosine mRNA Methylase METTL3 Controls Cardiac Homeostasis and Hypertrophy

Dorn L. E., Lasman L., Chen J., Xu X., Hund T. J., Medvedovic M., Hanna J. H., van Berlo J. H. & Accornero F. (2019) Circulation. 139, 4, p. 533-545

Generation of Human Primordial Germ Cell-like Cells at the Surface of Embryoid Bodies from Primed-pluripotency Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

Mitsunaga S., Shioda K., Isselbacher K. J., Hanna J. H. & Shioda T. (2019) Jove-Journal Of Visualized Experiments. 143, e58297.


MTCH2-mediated mitochondrial fusion drives exit from naive pluripotency in embryonic stem cells

Bahat A., Goldman A., Zaltsman Y., Khan D. H., Halperin C., Amzallag E., Krupalnik V., Mullokandov M., Silberman A., Erez A., Schimmer A. D., Hanna J. H. & Gross A. (2018) Nature Communications. 9, 5132.

Neutralizing Gatad2a-Chd4-Mbd3/NuRD Complex Facilitates Deterministic Induction of Naive Pluripotency

Mor N., Rais Y., Sheban D., Peles S., Aguilera-Castrejon A., Zviran A., Elinger D., Viukov S., Geula S., Krupalnik V., Zerbib M., Chomsky E., Lasman L., Shani T., Bayerl J., Gafni O., Hanna S., Buenrostro J. D., Hagai T., Masika H., Vainorius G., Bergman Y., Greenleaf W. J., Esteban M. A., Elling U., Levin Y., Massarwa R., Merbl Y., Novershtern N. & Hanna J. H. (2018) Cell Stem Cell. 23, 3, p. 412-425

The Role of m(6)A/m-RNA Methylation in Stress Response Regulation

Engel M., Eggert C., Kaplick P. M., Eder M., Roeh S., Tietze L., Namendorf C., Arloth J., Weber P., Rex-Haffner M., Geula S., Jakovcevski M., Hanna J. H., Leshkowitz D., Uhr M., Wotjak C. T., Schmidt M. V., Deussing J. M., Binder E. B. & Chen A. (2018) Neuron. 99, 2, p. 389-403.e9

Modulating cell state to enhance suspension expansion of human pluripotent stem cells

Lipsitz Y. Y., Woodford C., Yin T., Hanna J. H. & Zandstra P. W. (2018) Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America-Biological Sciences. 115, 25, p. 6369-6374

Trained Memory of Human Uterine NK Cells Enhances Their Function in Subsequent Pregnancies

Gamliel M., Goldman-Wohl D., Isaacson B., Gur C., Stein N., Yamin R., Berger M., Grunewald M., Keshet E., Rais Y., Bornstein C., David E., Jelinski A., Eisenberg I., Greenfield C., Ben-David A., Imbar T., Gilad R., Haimov-Kochman R., Mankuta D., Elami-Suzin M., Amit I., Hanna J. H., Yagel S. & Mandelboim O. (2018) Immunity. 48, 5, p. 951-962.e5

RAS Regulates the Transition from Naive to Primed Pluripotent Stem Cells

Altshuler A., Verbuk M., Bhattacharya S., Abramovich I., Haklai R., Hanna J. H., Kloog Y., Gottlieb E. & Shalom-Feuerstein R. (2018) Stem Cell Reports. 10, 3, p. 1088-1101

Human brain organoids on a chip reveal the physics of folding

Karzbrun E., Kshirsagar A., Cohen S. R., Hanna J. H. & Reiner O. (2018) Nature Physics. 14, 5, p. 515-522

NKp46 Receptor-Mediated Interferon-gamma Production by Natural Killer Cells Increases Fibronectin 1 to Alter Tumor Architecture and Control Metastasis

Glasner A., Levi A., Enk J., Isaacson B., Viukov S., Orlanski S., Scope A., Neuman T., Enk C. D., Hanna J. H., Sexl V., Jonjic S., Seliger B., Zitvogel L. & Mandelboim O. (2018) Immunity. 48, 1, p. 107-+


Increased NK cell immunity in a transgenic mouse model of NKp46 overexpression

Glasner A., Isaacson B., Viukov S., Neuman T., Friedman N., Mandelboim M., Sexl V., Hanna J. H. & Mandelboim O. (2017) Scientific Reports. 7, 1, 13090.

OCT4 impedes cell fate redirection by the melanocyte lineage master regulator MITF in mouse ESCs

Sheinboim D., Maza I., Dror I., Parikh S., Krupalnik V., Bell R. E., Zviran A., Suita Y., Hakim O., Mandel-Gutfreund Y., Khaled M., Hanna J. H. & Levy C. (2017) Nature Communications. 8, 1, 1022.

Relevance of iPSC-derived human PGC-like cells at the surface of embryoid bodies to prechemotaxis migrating PGCs

Mitsunaga S., Odajima J., Yawata S., Shioda K., Owa C., Isselbacher K. J., Shioda T. & Hanna J. (. (2017) Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America-Physical Sciences. 114, 46, p. E9913-E9922

A multiplexed screening method for pluripotency

Plotnikov A., Kozer N., Krupalnik V., Peles S., Mor N., Rais Y., Hanna J. H. & Barr H. M. (2017) Stem Cell Research. 23, p. 158-162

m6A mRNA modifications are deposited in nascent pre-mRNA and are not required for splicing but do specify cytoplasmic turnover

Ke S., Pandya-Jones A., Saito Y., Fak J. J., Vagbo C. B., Geula S., Hanna J. H., Black D. L., Darnell J. E. & Darnell R. B. (2017) GENES & DEVELOPMENT. 31, 10, p. 990-1006

Transcriptional programs that control expression of the autoimmune regulator gene Aire

Herzig Y., Nevo S., Bornstein C., Brezis M. R., Ben-Hur S., Shkedy A., Eisenberg-Bord M., Levi B., Delacher M., Goldfarb Y., David E., Weinberger L., Viukov S., Ben-Dor S., Giraud M., Hanna J. H., Breiling A., Lyko F., Amit I., Feuerer M. & Abramson J. (2017) Nature Immunology. 18, 2, p. 161-172


Co-ChIP enables genome-wide mapping of histone mark co-occurrence at single-molecule resolution

Weiner A., Lara Astiaso A. D., Krupalnik V., Gafni O., David E., Winter D. R., Hanna J. H. & Amit I. (2016) Nature biotechnology. 34, 9, p. 953-961

An essential role for UTX in resolution and activation of bivalent promoters

Dhar S. S., Lee S., Chen K., Zhu G., Oh W., Allton K., Gafni O., Kim Y. Z., Tomoiga A. S., Barton M. C., Hanna J. H., Wang Z., Li W. & Lee M. G. (2016) Nucleic Acids Research. 44, 8, p. 3659-3674

Corrigendum: Failure to replicate the STAP cell phenomenon (vol 525, pg E6, 2015)

De Los Angeles A., Ferrari F., Fujiwara Y., Mathieu R., Lee S., Lee S., Tu H., Ross S., Chou S., Minh Nguyen, Wu Z., Theunissen T. W., Powell B. E., Imsoonthornruksa S., Chen J., Borkent M., Krupalnik V., Lujan E., Wernig M., Hanna J. H., Hochedlinger K., Pei D., Jaenisch R., Deng H., Orkin S. H., Park P. J. & Daley G. Q. (2016) eLife. 531, 7594, p. 400-400

Dynamic stem cell states: Naive to primed pluripotency in rodents and humans

Weinberger L., Ayyash M., Novershtern N. & Hanna J. (2016) Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology. 17, 3, p. 155-169

Evolutionary analysis across mammals reveals distinct classes of long non-coding RNAs

Chen J., Shishkin A. A., Zhu X., Kadri S., Maza I., Guttman M., Hanna J. H., Regev A. & Garber M. (2016) GENOME BIOLOGY. 17, 1, 19.


Failure to replicate the STAP cell phenomenon

De Los Angeles L. A. A., Ferrari F., Fujiwara Y., Mathieu R., Lee S., Lee S., Tu H., Ross S., Chou S., Nguyen M., Wu Z., Theunissen T. W., Powell B. E., Imsoonthornruksa S., Chen J., Borkent M., Krupalnik V., Lujan E., Wernig M., Hanna J. H., Hochedlinger K., Pei D., Jaenisch R., Deng H., Orkin S. H., Park P. J. & Daley G. Q. (2015) Nature. 525, 7570, p. E6-E9

Transient acquisition of pluripotency during somatic cell transdifferentiation with iPSC reprogramming factors

Maza I., Caspi I., Zviran A., Chomsky E., Rais Y., Viukov S., Geula S., Buenrostro J., Weinberger L., Krupalnik V., Hanna S., Zerbib M., Dutton J., Greenleaf W., Massarwa R., Novershtern N. & Hanna J. (2015) Nature biotechnology. 33, 7, p. 769-774

Lymphatic vessels arise from specialized angioblasts within a venous niche

Nicenboim J., Malkinson G., Lupo T., Asaf L., Sela Y., Mayseless O., Gibbs-Bar L., Senderovich N., Hashimshony T., Shin M. S., Jerafi-Vider A., Avraham-Davidi I., Krupalnik V., Hofi R., Almog G., Astin J. W., Golani O., Ben-Dor S., Crosier P. S., Herzog W., Lawson N. D., Hanna J. H., Yanai I. & Yaniv K. (2015) Nature. 522, 7554, p. 56-61

m6A mRNA methylation facilitates resolution of naïve pluripotency toward differentiation

Geula S., Moshitch-Moshkovitz S., Dominissini D., Mansour A. A., Kol N., Salmon-Divon M., Hershkovitz V., Peer E., Mor N., Manor Y. S., Ben-Haim M., Eyal E., Yunger S., Pinto Y., Jaitin D. A., Viukov S., Rais Y., Krupalnik V., Chomsky E., Zerbib M., Maza I., Rechavi Y., Massarwa R., Hanna S., Amit I., Levanon E. Y., Amariglio N., Stern-Ginossar N., Novershtern N., Rechavi G. & Hanna J. H. (2015) Science. 347, 6225, p. 1002-1006

SOX17 Is a Critical Specifier of Human Primordial Germ Cell Fate

Irie N., Weinberger L., Tang W. W. C., Kobayashi T., Viukov S., Manor Y. S., Dietmann S., Hanna J. H. & Surani M. A. (2015) Cell. 160, 1-2, p. 253-268


Passage number is a major contributor to genomic structural variations in mouse iPSCs

Liu P., Kaplan A., Yuan B., Hanna J. H., Lupski J. R. & Reiner O. (2014) Stem Cells. 32, 10, p. 2657-2667

Lucky iPSCs

Zviran A. & Hanna J. H. (2014) GENOME BIOLOGY. 15, 3, 109.

Stem cells: The quest for the perfect reprogrammed cell

Krupalnik V. & Hanna J. H. (2014) Nature. 511, 7508, p. 160-162


The Expression of the Beta Cell-Derived Autoimmune Ligand for the Killer Receptor Nkp46 Is Attenuated in Type 2 Diabetes

Gur C., Enk J., Weitman E., Bachar E., Suissa Y., Cohen G., Schyr R. B., Sabanay H., Horwitz E., Glaser B., Dor Y., Pribluda A., Hanna J. H., Leibowitz G. & Mandelboim O. (2013) PLoS ONE. 8, 8, e74033.

Oct4 shuffles Sox partners to direct cell fate

Mansour A. A. & Hanna J. H. (2013) EMBO Journal. 32, 7, p. 917-919

Derivation of novel human ground state naive pluripotent stem cells

Gafni O., Weinberger L., Mansour A. A., Manor Y. S., Chomsky E., Ben-Yosef D., Kalma Y., Viukov S., Maza I., Zviran A., Rais Y., Shipony Z., Mukamel Z., Krupalnik V., Zerbib M., Geula S., Caspi I., Schneir D., Shwartz T., Gilad S., Amann Zalcenstein D., Benjamin S., Amit I., Tanay A., Massarwa R., Novershtern N. & Hanna J. (. (2013) Nature. 504, 7479, p. 282-286

Deterministic direct reprogramming of somatic cells to pluripotency

Rais Y., Zviran A., Geula S., Gafni O., Chomsky E., Viukov S., Mansour A. A., Caspi I., Krupalnik V., Zerbib M., Maza I., Mor N., Baran D., Weinberger L., Jaitin D. A., Lara Astiaso A. D., Blecher-Gonen R., Shipony Z., Mukamel Z., Hagai T., Gilad S., Amann Zalcenstein D., Tanay A., Amit I., Novershtern N. & Hanna J. (. (2013) Nature. 502, 7469, p. 65-70


Clonal allelic predetermination of immunoglobulin-kappa rearrangement

Farago M., Rosenbluh C., Tevlin M., Fraenkel S., Schlesinger S., Masika H., Gouzman M., Teng G., Schatz D., Rais Y., Hanna J. H., Mildner A., Jung S., Mostoslavsky G., Cedar H. & Bergman Y. (2012) Nature. 490, 7421, p. 561-+

The H3K27 demethylase Utx regulates somatic and germ cell epigenetic reprogramming

Mansour A. A., Gafni O., Weinberger L., Zviran A., Ayyash M., Rais Y., Krupalnik V., Zerbib M., Amann Zalcenstein D., Maza I., Geula S., Viukov S., Holtzman L., Pribluda A., Canaani E., Horn-Saban S., Amit I., Novershtern N. & Hanna J. H. (2012) Nature. 488, 7411, p. 409-+

RNF20 and USP44 Regulate Stem Cell Differentiation by Modulating H2B Monoubiquitylation

Fuchs G., Shema E., Vesterman R., Kotler E., Wolchinsky Z., Wilder S., Golomb L., Pribluda A., Zhang F., Haj-Yahya M., Feldmesser E., Brik A., Yu X., Hanna J., Aberdam D., Domany E. & Oren M. (2012) Molecular Cell. 46, 5, p. 662-673

Tracing the genesis of human embryonic stem cells

Pribluda A. & Hanna J. H. (2012) Nature biotechnology. 30, 3, p. 247-249


Reprogramming factor stoichiometry influences the epigenetic state and biological properties of induced pluripotent stem cells

Carey B. W., Markoulaki S., Hanna J. H., Faddah D. A., Buganim Y., Kim J., Ganz K., Steine E. J., Cassady J. P., Creyghton M. P., Welstead G. G., Gao Q. & Jaenisch R. (2011) Cell Stem Cell. 9, 6, p. 588-598

EsBAF safeguards Stat3 binding to maintain pluripotency

Novershtern N. & Hanna J. H. (2011) Nature Cell Biology. 13, 8, p. 886-888


Pluripotency and cellular reprogramming: Facts, hypotheses, unresolved issues

Hanna J. H., Saha K. & Jaenisch R. (2010) Cell. 143, 4, p. 508-525

The STATs on naive iPSC reprogramming

Hanna J. H. (2010) Cell Stem Cell. 7, 3, p. 274-276


A drug-lnducible transgenic system for direct reprogramming of multiple somatic cell types

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Functional aberrant expression of CCR2 receptor on chronically activated NK cells in patients with TAP-2 deficiency

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