If you use 'LoQAtE', please cite:

Breker M., Gymrek M. & Schuldiner M. (2013) A novel single-cell screening platform reveals proteome plasticity during yeast stress responses. Journal of Cell Biology, DOI: 10.1083/jcb.201301120. Pdf.


Breker M., Gymrek M., Moldavski O. & Schuldiner M. (2013) LoQAtE—Localization and Quantitation ATlas of the yeast proteomE. A new tool for multiparametric dissection of single-protein behavior in response to biological perturbations in yeast. Nucleic acids research, DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkt933. Pdf.


If you use the CCT data please cite:

Nadler M*., Breker M*., Gruber R., Azia A., Gymrek M., Eisenstein M., Willison K.R., Schuldiner M. & Horovitz A. (2012) Interactions of subunit CCT3 in the yeast chaperonin CCT/TRiC with Q/N-rich proteins is revealed by high-throughput microscopy analysis. PNAS, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1209277109. Pdf.