Occupational Health
Occupational health is mainly preventive medicine that helps to protect the health of employees and scholars (herein employees) in the workplace.
For the convenience of employees, the Institute offers occupational physician medical checkups at the campus. Appointments with the physician and required tests are coordinated by the safety unit. The checkups are provided to all health plan holders (Kuppat Holim). Employees may choose whether to be checked at the institute or at the Kuppat Holim.
Types of occupational medical checkups at WIS
- Physician checkup for new laboratories workers, manual labor workers, students & postdocs pre-employment physician checkups.
The checkups determine the employee's suitability for the type of work they perform. The checkup is done immediately after the employee starts working at the Institute. - Physician checkups for new office and theoretician employees.
The physician only reviews relevant documents (not a physical medical checkups).Before making an appointment for the physician the following forms must be filled out and emailed to Ms. Yaffa Shahar, occupational health coordinator Yaffa.shahar@weizmann.ac.il
Forms for foreign employees:
- Waiver of medical confidentiality
- Statement condition
- Occupational evaluation
- Hazard agent information
- Periodic medical checkups for employees exposed to regulated occupational risk factors.
- Employees working with ionizing radiation – Open/sealed radioactive materials as well as with machines emitting ionizing radiation.
- Employees working in a harmful noise environment – over 85 decibels during eight hours a day or two hundred hours a year.
According to the legislations medical checkups will be conducted for employees with regulated risk factors. The checkup entity will issue each employee a health booklet (Pinkas Bri’ut) and will send it to the employer immediately after the checkup.
- Work suitability assessments. Any employee who has become ill or has been injured, will be checked by a physician that determines whether the employee is able to work in the same occupation/task.