MSc Positions

Master’s students at the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences are required to combine courses with a research project. In the first year, the students will do three rotations in three different research groups. In the second year, the students will conduct a Master’s project in a selected research group.

We are looking for students to conduct an exciting and innovative master’s research project in a range of Earth science and planetary science disciplines, including: climate dynamics, hydrology, soil-water environments, oceanography, oceanic dynamics, ocean acidification, paleoceanography, paleoclimate, plant-environment interactions, atmospheric chemistry, aerosols, radiation transfer in the climate system, remote sensing, cloud physics, microphysics, Earth system dynamics, planetary sciences, exoplanets, lunar formation, and planetary dynamics.

For more information about the research opportunities at the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, click here.

To apply for a master’s degree, please click here.

  • Prof. Brian Berkowitz

    Rotation:1st, 2nd, 3rd

    Theoretical/numerical modelling, and laboratory experiments, to investigate a wide range of physical and biogeochemical transport processes in geological materials and other porous materials.

  • Prof. Brian Berkowitz

    Theoretical/numerical modelling, and laboratory experiments, to investigate a wide range of physical and biogeochemical transport processes in geological materials and other porous materials.

  • Prof. Ilan Koren

    Rotation:1st, 2nd, 3rd

    Looking for rotation students interested in cloud physics, nonlinear dynamics, self-organizing systems, remote sensing, and radiation transfer.

  • Prof. Ilan Koren

    Looking for MSc students interested in cloud physics, nonlinear dynamics, self-organizing systems, remote sensing, and radiation transfer.