September 19, 1994 - September 19, 2027

  • Date:14SundayFebruary 2016

    Metal Organic Frameworks: a Platform for Electrocatalytic Fuel Generation

    More information
    Perlman Chemical Sciences Building
    Room 404
    Dr. Idan Hod
    Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University
    Department of Molecular Chemistry and Materials Science
    DetailsShow full text description of Over the last two decades, metal organic frameworks (MOFs) h...»
    Over the last two decades, metal organic frameworks (MOFs) have attracted a great deal of
    scientific interest due to their extremely high porosity and surface areas. Traditionally, the vast
    number of combinations of metal node and ligand-based properties made MOFs exciting
    candidates for a wide variety of applications including gas storage, chemical separation and
    catalysis, in which bulk crystalline powders or solution dispersions of MOFs have been used.
    However, to date only a few attempts have been made to explore the incorporation of MOFs into
    thin films to be used in electrocatalytic reactions.
    In this talk, I will present some of our latest findings in the synthesis of MOF-based thin films
    and demonstrate that an electrode-supported MOF scaffold could serve as a versatile platform
    when utilized in an electrochemical system. A focus will be given on the study of the physical
    mechanisms that govern charge transport properties in redox-active MOFs, as well as on new
    strategies developed to control MOFs conductivity. Additionally, the different advantages of
    using MOFs in electrocatalysis will be elucidated and demonstrated by our recent proof-ofprinciple
    work on MOF-based systems for electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Reaction (HER),
    CO2 reduction and Oxygen Evolution Reaction (OER).