

  1. Ehre D., Meirzadeh E., Dishon Ben Ami S., Weissbuch I., Fuhrman Javitt L. & Lahav M. (2025) Crystal Growth and Design.  Abstract


  1. Javitt L. F., Cohen H., Weissbuch I., Ehre D., Lahav M. & Lubomirsky I. (2024) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 128, 37, p. 15443-15450  Abstract
  2. Advincula X. R., Blow K. E., Bonn M., Bui A. T., Cheng Y., Cox S. J., della Pia F., Diebold U., Fumagalli L., Goel G., Hayton J. A., Jiang Y., Kapil V., Kavokine N., Koga K., Laage D., Lahav M., Miao S., Michaelides A., Montero de Hijes P., Morgenstern K., Mukherjee T., O'Neill N., Pan D., Piaggi P. M., Rempe S. L., Salvalaglio M., Salzmann C. G., Sayer T., Shepelenko M., Sosso G. C., Wang S., Webber B., Willard A. P. & Yao Y. (2024) Faraday Discussions. 249, p. 243-266  Abstract
  3. Advincula X. R., Backus E. H., Bartels-Rausch T., Benaglia S., Ben Ari G., Blow K. E., Bonn M., Bui A. T., Cox S. J., della Pia F., Diebold U., Finney A. R., Franceschi G., Fumagalli L., Goel G., Hayton J. A., Holdship C., Jiang Y., Jin D., Kapil V., Kavokine N., Koga K., Laage D., Lahav M., Miao S., Michaelides A., Mohandas N., Morgenstern K., Mukherjee T., Nagata Y., Olvera de la Cruz M., Pan D., Piaggi P. M., Rempe S. L., Ryan P., Salzmann C. G., Sayer T., Saykally R. J., Shepelenko M., Sosso G. C., Whale T. F., Jein White J., Willard A. P. & Zhang P. (2024) Faraday Discussions. 249, p. 133-161  Abstract


  1. Fuhrman Javitt L., Kalita S., Dubey K. D., Ehre D., Shaik S., Lahav M. & Lubomirsky I. (2023) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 145, 34, p. 18904-18911  Abstract
  2. Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (2023) Helvetica Chimica Acta. 106, 5, e202200172.  Abstract


  1. Ben Ami S. D., Ehre D., Ushakov A., Mehlman T., Brandis A., Alikin D., Shur V., Kholkin A., Lahav M. & Lubomirsky I. (2022) Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 61, 49, e202213955.  Abstract
  2. Javitt L. F., Curland S., Weissbuch I., Ehre D., Lahav M. & Lubomirsky I. (2022) Accounts of Chemical Research. 55, 10, p. 1383-1394  Abstract
  3. Javitt L. F., Weissbuch I., Ehre D., Lubomirsky I. & Lahav M. (2022) Crystal Growth and Design. 22, 1, p. 43-47  Abstract


  1. Dishon S., Ushakov A., Nuraeva A., Ehre D., Lahav M., Shur V., Kholkin A. & Lubomirsky I. (2020) Materials. 13, 20, p. 1-6 4663.  Abstract
  2. Curland S., Allolio C., Javitt L., Dishon Ben-Ami S., Weissbuch I., Ehre D., Harries D., Lahav M. & Lubomirsky I. (2020) Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 59, 36, p. 15575-15579  Abstract


  1. Peleg Y., Yoffe A., Ehre D., Lahav M. & Lubomirsky I. (2019) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 123, 50, p. 30443-30446  Abstract
  2. Meirzadeh E., Christensen D., Makagon E., Cohen H., Rosenhek-Goldian I., Morales E. H., Bhowmik A., Lastra J. M. G., Rappe A. M., Ehre D., Lahav M., Pryds N. & Lubomirsky I. (2019) Advanced Materials. 31, 44, 1904733.  Abstract
  3. Tassinari F., Steidel J., Paltiel S., Fontanesi C., Lahav M., Paltiel Y. & Naaman R. (2019) Chemical Science. 10, 20, p. 5246-5250  Abstract
  4. Matsumoto A., Ozaki H., Tsuchiya S., Asahi T., Lahav M., Kawasaki T. & Soai K. (2019) Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. 17, 17, p. 4200-4203  Abstract


  1. Curland S., Meirzadeh E., Cohen H., Ehre D., Maier J., Lahav M. & Lubomirsky I. (2018) Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 57, 24, p. 7076-7079  Abstract
  2. Meirzadeh E., Weissbuch I., Ehre D., Lahav M. & Lubomirsky I. (2018) Accounts of Chemical Research. 51, 5, p. 1238-1248  Abstract
  3. Meirzadeh E., Dishon S., Weissbuch I., Ehre D., Lahav M. & Lubomirsky I. (2018) Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 57, 18, p. 4965-4969  Abstract


  1. Meirzadeh E., Azuri I., Qi Y., Ehre D., Rappe A. M., Lahav M., Kronik L. & Lubomirsky I. (2016) Nature Communications. 7, 13351.  Abstract
  2. Meirzadeh E., Sapir L., Cohen H., Cohen S., Ehre D., Harries D., Lahav M. & Lubomirsky I. (2016) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 138, 44, p. 14756-14763  Abstract
  3. Belitzky A., Mishuk E., Ehre D., Lahav M. & Lubomirsky I. (2016) Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 7, 1, p. 43-46  Abstract


  1. Azuri I., Meirzadeh E., Ehre D., Cohen S., Rappe A. M., Lahav M., Lubomirsky I. & Kronik L. (2015) Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English). 54, 46, p. 13566-13570  Abstract
  2. Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (2015) PHYSICA SCRIPTA. 90, 11, 118003.  Abstract
  3. Belitzky A., Weissbuch I., Posner-Diskin Y., Lahav M. & Lubomirsky I. (2015) Crystal Growth & Design. 15, 5, p. 2445-2451  Abstract


  1. Mishuk E., Weissbuch I., Lahav M. & Lubomirsky I. (2014) Crystal Growth & Design. 14, 8, p. 3839-3848  Abstract


  1. Piperno S., Mirzadeh E., Mishuk E., Ehre D., Cohen S., Eisenstein M., Lahav M. & Lubomirsky I. (2013) Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 52, 25, p. 6513-6516  Abstract


  1. Piperno S., Cohen H., Bendikov T., Lahav M. & Lubomirsky I. (2012) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 14, 31, p. 11185-11186  Abstract
  2. Ishikawa K., Tanaka M., Suzuki T., Sekine A., Kawasaki T., Soai K., Shiro M., Lahav M. & Asahi T. (2012) Chemical Communications. 48, 48, p. 6031-6033  Abstract
  3. Piperno S., Cohen H., Bendikov T., Lahav M. & Lubomirsky I. (2012) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 14, 16, p. 5551-5557  Abstract


  1. Weissbuch I., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2011) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 51, 10, p. 1017-1033  Abstract
  2. Piperno S., Cohen H., Bendikov T., Lahav M. & Lubomirsky I. (2011) Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 50, 25, p. 5654-5657  Abstract
  3. Weissbuch I. & Lahav M. (2011) Chemical Reviews. 111, 5, p. 3236-3267  Abstract


  1. Ehre D., Lavert E., Lahav M. & Lubomirsky I. (2010) Science. 327, 5966, p. 672-675  Abstract
  2. Illos R. A., Clodic G., Bolbach G., Weissbuch I. & Lahav M. (2010) Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres. 40, 1, p. 51-63  Abstract
  3. Pizzarello S. & Lahav M. (2010) Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres. 40, 1, p. 1-2  Abstract


  1. Weissbuch I., Illos R. A., Bolbach G. & Lahav M. (2009) Accounts of Chemical Research. 42, 8, p. 1128-1140  Abstract
  2. Hamilton B. D., Weissbuch I., Lahav M., Hillmyer M. A. & Ward M. D. (2009) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 131, 7, p. 2588-2596  Abstract
  3. Weissbuch I., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2009) Chirality at the Nanoscale. B. Amabilino D. D.(eds.). p. 247-270  Abstract


  1. Rubinstein I., Clodic G., Bolbach G., Weissbuch I. & Lahav M. (2008) Chemistry-A European Journal. 14, 35, p. 10999-11009  Abstract
  2. Illos R. A., Bisogno F. R., Clodic G., Bolbach G., Weissbucht I. & Lahav M. (2008) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 130, 27, p. 8651-8659  Abstract
  3. Weissbuch I., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2008) Chirality. 20, 5, p. 736-748  Abstract
  4. Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (2008) Angewandte Chemie : international edition. 47, 20, p. 3680-3682  Abstract
  5. Weissbuch I., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2008) Current Opinion In Colloid & Interface Science. 13, 1-2, p. 12-22  Abstract
  6. Leiserowitz L., Weissbuch I. & Lahav M. (2008) Engineering Of Crystalline Materials Properties: State Of The Art In Modeling, Design And Applications. p. 271-290  Abstract


  1. Lahav M. (2007) Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres. 37, 4-5, p. 371-377  Abstract
  2. Weissbuch I., Popovitz-Biro R., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2007) The Lock-and-Key Principle, The State of the Art--100 Years On. Vol. 1. p. 173-246  Abstract
  3. Lahav M., Weissbuch I. & Leiserowitz L. (2007) AIP conference proceedings. 916, p. 401-415  Abstract
  4. Rubinstein I., Eliash R., Bolbach G., Weissbuch I. & Lahav M. (2007) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 46, 20, p. 3710-3713  Abstract
  5. Nery J. G., Eliash R., Bolbach G., Weissbuch I. & Lahav M. (2007) Chirality. 19, 8, p. 612-624  Abstract
  6. Eliash R., Nery J. G., Rubinstein I., Clodic G., Bolbach G., Weissbuch I. & Lahav M. (2007) Chemistry-A European Journal. 13, 36, p. 10140-10151  Abstract


  1. Lahav M., Weissbuch I., Shavit E., Reiner C., Nicholson G. & Schurig V. (2006) Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere. 36, 2, p. 151-170  Abstract
  2. Weissbuch I., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2006) Crystal Growth & Design. 6, 3, p. 625-628  Abstract


  1. Rubinstein I., Kjaer K., Weissbuch I. & Lahav M. (2005) Chemical Communications. 43, p. 5432-5434  Abstract
  2. Torbeev V., Shavit E., Weissbuch I., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2005) Crystal Growth & Design. 5, 6, p. 2190-2196  Abstract
  3. Weissbuch I., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2005) Prebiotic Chemistry. p. 123-165  Abstract
  4. Nery J., Bolbach G., Weissbuch I. & Lahav M. (2005) Chemistry-A European Journal. 11, 10, p. 3039-3048  Abstract
  5. Weissbuch I., Torbeev V., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2005) Angewandte Chemie : international edition. 44, 21, p. 3226-3229  Abstract


  1. Eliash R., Weissbuch I., Weygand M., Kjaer K., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2004) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 108, 22, p. 7228-7240  Abstract
  2. Weissbuch I., Bolbach G., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2004) Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere. 34, 1-2, p. 79-92  Abstract


  1. Plaut D., Martin S., Kjaer K., Weygand M., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Weissbuch I. & Ward M. (2003) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 125, 51, p. 15922-15934  Abstract
  2. Alonso C., Gurney R., Eliash R., Hong S., Shen Y., Jensen T., Kjaer K., Konovalov O., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (2003) Crystal Growth & Design. 3, 5, p. 683-690  Abstract
  3. Nery J. G., Bolbach G., Weissbuch I. & Lahav M. (2003) Angewandte Chemie : international edition. 42, 19, p. 2157-2161  Abstract
  4. Samokhvalov A., Gurney R., Lahav M., Cohen S. R., Cohen H. & Naaman R. (2003) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 107, 18, p. 4245-4252  Abstract
  5. Weissbuch I., Zepik H., Bolbach G., Shavit E., Tang M., Jensen T., Kjaer K., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2003) Chemistry-A European Journal. 9, 8, p. 1782-1794  Abstract
  6. Weissbuch I., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (2003) Crystal Growth & Design. 3, 2, p. 125-150  Abstract
  7. Buller R., Weissbuch I., Cohen S. R., Kjaer K., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (2003) Helvetica Chimica Acta. 86, 8, p. 2711-2725  Abstract
  8. Rubinstein I., Bolbach G., Weygand M., Kjaer K., Weissbuch I. & Lahav M. (2003) Helvetica Chimica Acta. 86, 11, p. 3851-3866  Abstract
  9. Weissbuch I., Rubinstein I., Weygand M., Kjaer K., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2003) Helvetica Chimica Acta. 86, 11, p. 3867-3874  Abstract


  1. Buller R., Cohen H., Minkin E., Popovitz-Biro R., Lifshitz E. & Lahav M. (2002) Advanced Functional Materials. 12, 10, p. 713-718  Abstract
  2. Samokhvalov A., Gurney R., Lahav M. & Naaman R. (2002) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 106, 35, p. 9070-9078  Abstract
  3. Weissbuch I., Buller R., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2002) Colloids And Surfaces A-Physicochemical And Engineering Aspects. 208, 1-3, p. 3-27  Abstract
  4. Weissbuch I., Bolbach G., Zepik H., Shavit E., Tang M., Frey J., Jensen T. R., Kjaer K., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2002) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 124, 31, p. 9093-9104  Abstract
  5. Sirota M., Fradkin L., Buller R., Henzel V., Lahav M. & Lifshitz E. (2002) ChemPhysChem. 3, 4, p. 343-349  Abstract
  6. Hensel V., Godt A., Popovitz-Biro R., Cohen H., Jensen T., Kjaer K., Weissbuch I., Lifshitz E. & Lahav M. (2002) Chemistry-A European Journal. 8, 6, p. 1413-1423  Abstract
  7. Weissbuch I., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2002) ACS Symposium Series. 810, p. 242-253  Abstract
  8. Zepik H., Shavit E., Tang M., Jensen T., Kjaer K., Bolbach G., Leiserowitz L., Weissbuch I. & Lahav M. (2002) Science. 295, 5558, p. 1266-1269  Abstract


  1. Alonso C., Renault A., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (2001) Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 678, p. EE9.10.1-EE9.10.6  Abstract
  2. Buller R., Cohen H., Jensen T., Kjaer K., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (2001) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 105, 46, p. 11447-11455  Abstract
  3. Alonso C., Eliash R., Jensen T., Kjaer K., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (2001) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 123, 41, p. 10105-10106  Abstract
  4. Alonso C., Kuzmenko I., Jensen T., Kjaer K., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (2001) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 105, 36, p. 8563-8568  Abstract
  5. Sirota M., Minkin E., Lifshitz E., Hensel V. & Lahav M. (2001) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 105, 29, p. 6792-6797  Abstract
  6. Kuzmenko I., Rapaport H., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Weissbuch I., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (2001) Chemical Reviews. 101, 6, p. 1659-1696  Abstract
  7. Berfeld M., Samokhvalov A., Naaman R. & Lahav M. (2001) Advanced Materials. 13, 8, p. 584-587  Abstract
  8. Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (2001) Chemical Engineering Science. 56, 7, p. 2245-2253  Abstract
  9. Konopny L. W., Berfeld M., Popovitz-Biro R., Weissbuch I., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2001) Advanced Materials. 13, 8, p. 580-584  Abstract
  10. Kuzmenko I., Kindermann M., Kjaer K., Howes P., Als-Nielsen J., Granek R., von Kiedrowski K. G., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2001) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 123, 16, p. 3771-3783  Abstract
  11. Weissbuch I., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (2001) Advances In Crystal Growth Research. p. 381-400  Abstract
  12. Rapaport H., Kuzmenko I., Lafont S., Kjaer K., Howes P., Als-Nielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (2001) Biophysical Journal. 81, 5, p. 2729-2736  Abstract
  13. Weissbuch I., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2001) Crystallization Technology Handbook. p. 563-616  Abstract


  1. Samokhvalov A., Berfeld M., Lahav M., Naaman R. & Rabani E. (2000) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 104, 36, p. 8631-8634  Abstract
  2. Edgar R., Huang J., Popovitz-Biro R., Kjaer K., Bouwman W., Howes P., Als-Nielsen J., Shen Y., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (2000) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 104, 29, p. 6843-6850  Abstract
  3. Weissbuch I., Kuzmenko I., Berfeld M., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2000) Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry. 13, 7, p. 426-434  Abstract
  4. Lederer K., Godt A., Howes P., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Lahav M., Wegner G., Leiserowitz L. & Weissbuch I. (2000) Chemistry-A European Journal. 6, 12, p. 2173-2183  Abstract
  5. Rapaport H., Kuzmenko I., Berfeld M., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Popovitz-Biro R., Weissbuch I., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (2000) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 104, 7, p. 1399-1428  Abstract
  6. Weissbuch I., Baxter P., Kuzmenko I., Cohen H., Cohen S. R., Kjaer K., Howes P. B., Als-Nielsen J., Lehn J., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2000) Chemistry-A European Journal. 6, 4, p. 725-734  Abstract
  7. Guo S., Konopny L., Popovitz-Biro R., Cohen H., Sirota M., Lifshitz E. & Lahav M. (2000) Advanced Materials. 12, 4, p. 302-306  Abstract
  8. Zbaida D., Lahav M., Drauz K., Knaup G. & Kottenhahn M. (2000) Tetrahedron. 56, 36, p. 6645-6649  Abstract


  1. Guo S., Konopny L., Popovitz-Biro R., Cohen H., Porteanu H., Lifshitz E. & Lahav M. (1999) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 121, 41, p. 9589-9598  Abstract
  2. Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1999) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 38, 17, p. 2533-2536  Abstract
  3. Berfeld M., Kuzmenko I., Weissbuch I., Cohen H., Howes P., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1999) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 103, 33, p. 6891-6899  Abstract
  4. Berfeld M., Zbaida D., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1999) Advanced Materials. 11, 4, p. 328-331  Abstract
  5. Kuzmenko I., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1999) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 121, 12, p. 2657-2661  Abstract
  6. Rapaport H., Kim H., Kjaer K., Howes P., Cohen S. R., Als-Nielsen J., Ghadiri M., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1999) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 121, 6, p. 1186-1191  Abstract
  7. Weissbuch I., Popovitz-Biro R., Kuzmenko I., Rappaport H., Berfeld M., Guo S., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1999) Current Challenges On Large Supramolecular Assemblies. Vol. 519. p. 97-114  Abstract
  8. Popovitz-Biro R., Guo S., Hensel V., Shavit E. & Lahav M. (1999) MRS Proceedings. 576, p. 159-164  Abstract
  9. Rapaport H., Kuzmenko I., Kjaer K., Als-nielsen J., Weissbuch I., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1999) Synchrotron Radiation News. 12, 2, p. 25-33  Abstract


  1. Popovitz-Biro R., Edgar R., Weissbuch I., Lavie R., Cohen S., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Wassermann E., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1998) Acta Polymerica. 49, 10-11, p. 626-635  Abstract
  2. Weissbuch I., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Lederer K., Godt A., Wegner G., Howes P., Kjaer K. & Als-Nielsen J. (1998) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 102, 33, p. 6313-6317  Abstract
  3. Guo S., Popovitz-Biro R., Arad T., Hodes G., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1998) Advanced Materials. 10, 9, p. 657-661  Abstract
  4. Weissbuch I., Baxter P., Cohen S. R., Cohen H., Kjaer K., Howes P. B., Als-Nielsen J., Hanan G., Schubert U., Lehn J., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1998) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 120, 19, p. 4850-4860  Abstract
  5. Arbel-Haddad M., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1998) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 102, 9, p. 1543-1548  Abstract
  6. Grazing incidence X-ray diffraction studies of two-dimensional packing properties of amphiphilic alcohols at air-water interface
    Majewski J., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Kjaer K. & Als-Nielsen J. (1998) Applied Crystallography : Proceedings of the XVII International Conference. p. 43-48  Abstract
  7. Kuzmenko I., Weissbuch I., Gurovich E., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1998) Chirality. 10, 5, p. 415-424  Abstract
  8. Lafont S., Rapaport H., Somjen G., Renault A., Howes P., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1998) Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 102, 5, p. 761-765  Abstract
  9. Guo S., Popovitz-Biro R., Weissbuch I., Cohen H., Hodes G. & Lahav M. (1998) Advanced Materials. 10, 2, p. 121-125  Abstract
  10. Weissbuch I., Bouwman W., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1998) Chirality. 10, 1-2, p. 60-65  Abstract
  11. Weissbuch I., Guo S., Edgar R., Cohen S. R., Howes P., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1998) Advanced Materials. 10, 2, p. 117-121  Abstract


  1. Tollner K., Popovitz-Biro R., Lahav M. & Milstein D. (1997) Science. 278, 5346, p. 2100-2102  Abstract
  2. Rapaport H., Kuzmenko I., Kjaer K., Howes P., Bouwman W., AlsNielsen J., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1997) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 119, 46, p. 11211-11216  Abstract
  3. Majewski J., PopovitzBiro R., Edgar R., ArbelHaddad M., Kjaer K., Bouwman W., AlsNielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1997) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 101, 44, p. 8874-8877  Abstract
  4. Isz S., Weissbuch I., Kjaer K., Bouwman W., Als-Nielsen J., Palacin S., Ruaudel-Teixier A., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1997) Chemistry-A European Journal. 3, 6, p. 930-939  Abstract
  5. Weissbuch I., Berfeld M., Bouwman W., Kjaer K., AlsNielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1997) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 119, 5, p. 933-942  Abstract
  6. Weissbuch I., Popovitz-Biro R., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Kjaer K. & Als-Nielsen J. (1997) Advances In Chemical Physics . 102, p. 39-120  Abstract
  7. Lahav M. (1997) Pure and Applied Chemistry. 69, 2, p. 255-256  Abstract


  1. Kuzmenko I., Buller R., Bouwman W., Kjaer K., AlsNielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1996) Science. 274, 5295, p. 2046-2049  Abstract
  2. Lahav M. & Schweitzer D. (1996) Current Opinion In Solid State & Materials Science. 1, 4, p. 499-500  Abstract
  3. PopovitzBiro R., Edgar R., Majewski J., Cohen S. R., Margulis L., Kjaer K., AlsNielsen J., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1996) Croatica Chemica Acta. 69, 2, p. 689-708  Abstract
  4. Tailor-made auxiliaries for the control of nucleation, growth and dissolution of crystals.
    Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1996) Crystallography Of Supramolecular Compounds. 480, p. 331-345  Abstract
  5. Nanocrystals at the air/liquid interface as transients in crystallization
    Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1996) Nanoparticles In Solids And Solutions. Vol. 18. p. 49-64  Abstract
  6. Cohen S., Weissbuch I., PopovitzBiro R., Majewski J., Mauder H. P., Lavi R., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1996) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 36, 1, p. 97-110  Abstract


  1. Weinbach S. P., Weissbuch I., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Kjaer K., Bouwman W. G. & Nielsen J. A. (1995) Advanced Materials. 7, 10, p. 857-862  Abstract
  2. Majewski J., Popovitz-Biro R., Bouwman W. G., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1995) Chemistry-A European Journal. 1, 5, p. 304-311  Abstract
  3. Weissbuch I., Popovitz-Biro R., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1995) Acta Crystallographica Section B-Structural Science. 51, 2, p. 115-148  Abstract
  4. Majewski J., Edgar R., Popovitz-Biro R., Kjaer K., Bouwman W. G., Als-Nielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1995) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 34, 6, p. 649-652  Abstract
  5. Majewski J., Margulis L., Weissbuch I., Popovitz-Biro R., Arad T., Talmon Y., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1995) Advanced Materials. 7, 1, p. 26-35  Abstract
  6. Wasserman, catenane chemist [5]
    Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1995) Chemical & Engineering News. 73, 12, p. 5  Abstract
  7. Weissbuch I., Berkovic G., Yam R., Als-Nielsen J., Kjaer K., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1995) JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. 99, 16, p. 6036-6045  Abstract
  8. Popovitz-Biro R., Majewski J., Wang J. L., Leiserowitz L., Lahav M., Kjaer K. & Als-Nielsen J. (1995) Thin Films. C ed. Vol. 20. p. 145-181  Abstract


  1. Popovitz-Biro R., Majewski J., Margulis L., Cohen S. R., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1994) Advanced Materials. 6, 12, p. 956-959  Abstract
  2. Weissbuch I., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1994) Advanced Materials. 6, 12, p. 952-956  Abstract
  3. Als-Nielsen J., Jacquemain D., Kjaer K., Leveiller F., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1994) Physics Reports-Review Section Of Physics Letters. 246, 5, p. 251-313  Abstract
  4. Weissbuch I., Kuzmenko I., Vaida M., Zait S., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1994) Chemistry of Materials. 6, 8, p. 1258-1268  Abstract
  5. Popovitz-Biro R., Majewski J., Margulis L., Cohen S. R., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1994) JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. 98, 19, p. 4970-4972  Abstract
  6. Popovitz-Biro R., Wang J., Majewski J., Shavit E., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1994) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 116, 4, p. 1179-1191  Abstract
  7. Wang J., Leveiller F., Jacquemain D., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1994) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 116, 4, p. 1192-1204  Abstract
  8. Majewski J., Popovitz-Biro R., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1994) JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. 98, 15, p. 4087-4093  Abstract
  9. POPOVITZBIRO R., MAJEWSKI J., WANG J., KJAER K., ALSNIELSEN J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1994) Hydrogen Bond Networks. Vol. 435. p. 395-402  Abstract
  10. POPOVITZBIRO R., MAJEWSKI J., WANG J., KJAER K., ALSNIELSEN J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1994) Computational Approaches In Supramolecular Chemistry. Vol. 426. p. 411-418  Abstract
  11. Weinbach S. P., Kjaer K., Bouwman W. G., Grübel G., Legrand J., Als-Nielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1994) Science. 264, 5165, p. 1566-1570  Abstract
  12. Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1994) Neutron and synchrotron radiation for condensed matter studies : applications to soft condensed matter and biology. p. 47-68  Abstract


  1. Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1993) Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics. 26, 8, p. B22-B22  Abstract
  2. Lahav M., Eisenstein M. & Leiserowitz L. (1993) Science. 259, 5100, p. 1469-1470  Abstract
  3. Weissbuch I., Majewski J., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1993) JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. 97, 49, p. 12848-12857  Abstract
  4. Weissbuch I., Majewski J., Margulis L., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1993) Journal of Physical Chemistry. 97, 34, p. 8692-8695  Abstract
  5. Majewski J., Margulis L., Jacquemain D., Leveiller F., Bohm C., Arad T., Talmon Y., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1993) Science. 261, 5123, p. 899-902  Abstract
  6. Weinbach S. P., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1993) Journal of Physical Chemistry. 97, 20, p. 5200-5203  Abstract
  7. Shimon L., Vaida M., Frolow F., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Weissinger-Lewin Y. & McMullan R. (1993) Faraday Discussions. 95, p. 307-327  Abstract


  1. Jacquemain D., Wolf S. G., Leveiller F., Frolow F., Eisenstein M., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1992) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 114, 25, p. 9983-9989  Abstract
  2. Jacquemain D., Wolf S. G., Leveiller F., Deutsch M., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1992) Angewandte Chemie-International Edition In English. 31, 2, p. 130-152  Abstract
  3. Weissbuch I., Popovitz-Biro R., Wang J., Berkovic G., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1992) Pure and Applied Chemistry. 64, 9, p. 1263-1270  Abstract
  4. Vaida M., Weissbuch I., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1992) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 32, 1, p. 15-21  Abstract
  5. Gavish M., Wang J., Eisenstein M., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1992) Science. 256, 5058, p. 815-818  Abstract
  6. Wang J., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1992) Journal of Physical Chemistry. 96, 1, p. 15-16  Abstract


  1. Popovitz-Biro R., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1991) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 113, 23, p. 8943-8944  Abstract
  2. Jacquemain D., Leveiller F., Weinbach S. P., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Kjaer K. & Als-Nielsen J. (1991) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 113, 20, p. 7684-7691  Abstract
  3. Popovitz-Biro R., Gavish M., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1991) Makromolekulare Chemie. Macromolecular Symposia. 46, 1, p. 125-132  Abstract
  4. Wang J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1991) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 30, 6, p. 696-698  Abstract
  5. Popovitz-Biro R., Weissbuch I., Jacquemain D., Leveiller F., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1991) Advances in industrial crystallization. p. 3-19  Abstract
  6. Popovitz-Biro R., Addadi L., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1991) Materials for Nonlinear Optics. Vol. 455. p. 472-483 (trueACS Symposium Series).  Abstract
  7. Leveiller F., Jacquemain D., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Deutsch M., Kjaer K. & Als-Nielsen J. (1991) Science. 252, 5012, p. 1532-1536  Abstract
  8. Weissbuch I., Addadi L., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1991) Science. 253, 5020, p. 637-645  Abstract
  9. Weissbuch I., Bercovic G., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1991) Organic materials for non-linear optics II. p. 82-88  Abstract


  1. Shimon L. . J. W., Vaida M., Addadi L., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1990) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 112, 17, p. 6215-6220  Abstract
  2. Ice nucleation by alcohols arranged in monolayers at the surface of water drops
    Gavish M., Popovitz-Biro R., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1990) Science. 250, 4983, p. 973-975  Abstract
  3. Weissbuch I., Frolow F., Addadi L., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1990) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 112, 21, p. 7718-7724  Abstract
  4. Jacquemain D., Wolf S. G., Leveiller F., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Deutsch M., Kjaer K. & Als-Nielsen J. (1990) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 112, 21, p. 7724-7736  Abstract
  5. Wolf S. G., Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1990) Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals. 186, 1, p. 3-17  Abstract
  6. Weissbuch I., Berkovic G., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1990) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 112, 15, p. 5874-5875  Abstract
  7. Staab E., Addadi L., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1990) Advanced Materials. 2, 1, p. 40-43  Abstract
  8. Popovitz-Biro R., Hill K., Shavit E., Hung D. J., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Sagiv J., Hsiung H., Meredith G. R. & Vanherzeele H. (1990) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 112, 7, p. 2498-2506  Abstract


  1. Hsiung H., Meredith G. R., Vanherzeele H., Popovitz-Biro R., Shavit E. & Lahav M. (1989) Chemical Physics Letters. 164, 5, p. 539-544  Abstract
  2. Popovitz-Biro R., Hung D. J., Shavit E., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1989) Thin Solid Films. 178, 1-2, p. 203-209  Abstract
  3. Jacquemain D., Wolf S. G., Leveiller F., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Deutsch M., Kjaer K. & Als-Nielsen J. (1989) Journal De Physique. 50, C7, p. C729-C737  Abstract
  4. Harel M., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., van Mil J. & Wasserman E. (1989) Angewandte Chemie (International ed.). 28, 4, p. 466-468  Abstract
  5. Landau E. M., Wolf S. G., Sagiv J., Deutsch M., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1989) Pure and Applied Chemistry. 61, 4, p. 673-684  Abstract
  6. WeisingerLewin Y., Frolow F., McMullan R., Koetzle T. F., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1989) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 111, 3, p. 1035-1040  Abstract
  7. Vaida M., Shimon L. . J. W., van Mil J., Ernst-Cabera K., Addadi L., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1989) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 111, 3, p. 1029-1034  Abstract
  8. Landau E. M., Wolf S. G., Levanon M., Leiserowitz L., Lahav M. & Sagiv J. (1989) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 111, 4, p. 1436-1445  Abstract
  9. Weissbuch I., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Meredith G. R. & Vanherzeele H. (1989) Chemistry of Materials. 1, 1, p. 114-118  Abstract


  1. Vaida M., Shimon L. J. W., Weisinger-Lewin Y., Frolow F., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L. & McMullan R. (1988) Science. 241, 4872, p. 1475-1479  Abstract
  2. Wolf S. G., Landau E. M., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Deutsch M., Kjaer K. & Als-Nielsen) J. (1988) Thin Solid Films. 159, 1-2, p. 29-41  Abstract
  3. Popovitz-Biro R., Hill K., Landau E. M., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L. & Sagiv J. (1988) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 110, 8, p. 2672-2674  Abstract
  4. Wolf S. G., Landau E. M., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Deutsch M., Kjaer K. & Als-Nielsen J. (1988) Science. 242, 4883, p. 1286-1290  Abstract
  5. Weissbuch I., Addadi L., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1988) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 110, 2, p. 561-567  Abstract


  1. Zbaida D., Weissbuch I., Shavit-Gati E., Addadi L., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1987) Reactive Polymers, Ion Exchangers, Sorbents. 6, 2-3, p. 241-253  Abstract
  2. Wolf S. G., Leiserowitz L., Lahav M., Deutsch M., Kjaer K. & Als-Nielsen J. (1987) Nature. 328, 6125, p. 63-66  Abstract
  3. Lahav M., Addadi L. & Leiserowitz L. (1987) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 84, 14, p. 4737-4738  Abstract
  4. Chang H., Popovitz-Biro R., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1987) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 109, 13, p. 3883-3893  Abstract
  5. Weissbuch I., Zbaida D., Addadi L., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1987) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 109, 6, p. 1869-1871  Abstract
  6. Weisinger-Lewin Y., Vaida M., Popovitz-Biro R., Chang H. C., Mannig F., Frolow F., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1987) Tetrahedron. 43, 7, p. 1449-1475  Abstract
  7. van Mil J., Addadi L., Lahav M., Boyle W. & Sifniades S. (1987) Tetrahedron. 43, 7, p. 1281-1298  Abstract
  8. Wireko F., Shimon L. J. W., Frolow F., Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1987) JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. 91, 2, p. 472-481  Abstract


    SHIMON L., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1986) Nouveau Journal De Chimie-New Journal Of Chemistry. 10, 12, p. 723-737  Abstract
  2. Addadi L., Cohen M., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1986) ChemPhysChem. 83, p. 831-840  Abstract
  3. Landau E. M., Popovitz-Biro R., Levanon M., Leiserowitz L., Lahav M. & Sagiv J. (1986) Molecular Crystals And Liquid Crystals. 134, 1, p. 323-335  Abstract
  4. Addadi L., Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Weissbuch I., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1986) Topics in Stereochemistry. Vol. 16. p. 1-85  Abstract
  5. Shimon L. J. W., Wireko F., Wolf J., Weissbuch I., Addadi L., Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1986) Molecular Crystals And Liquid Crystals. 137, 1, p. 67-86  Abstract
  6. Weissbuch I., Shimon L. J. W., Landau E. M., Popovitz-Biro R., Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Addadi L., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1986) Pure and Applied Chemistry. 58, 6, p. 947-954  Abstract


  1. Tang C., Chang H., Popovitz-Biro R., Frolow F., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L. & McMullan R. (1985) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 107, 13, p. 4058-4070  Abstract
  2. Popovitz-Biro R., Tang C., Chang H., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1985) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 107, 13, p. 4043-4058  Abstract
  3. Addadi L., Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Weissbuch I., van Mil J., Shimon L. J. W., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1985) Angewandte Chemie-International Edition In English. 24, 6, p. 466-485  Abstract
  4. Berkovitch-Yellin Z., van Mil J., Addadi L., Idelson M., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1985) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 107, 11, p. 3111-3122  Abstract
  5. Landau E. M., Lavanon M., Leiserowitz L., Lahav M. & Sagiv J. (1985) Nature. 318, 6044, p. 353-356  Abstract
    Addadi L., van Mil J., Weissbuch I., Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1985) Chemica Scripta. 25, p. 91-99  Abstract
  7. Weissbuch I., Shimon L. J. W., Addadi L., Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Weinstein S., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1985) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 25, 3-4, p. 353-361  Abstract
  8. Weissbuch I., Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1985) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 25, 3-4, p. 362-372  Abstract


  1. Weissbuch I., Addadi L., Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Gati E., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1984) Nature. 310, 5973, p. 161-164  Abstract


  1. Weissbuch I., Addadi L., Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Gati E., Weinstein S., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1983) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 105, 22, p. 6615-6621  Abstract
  2. Addadi L., Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Weissbuch I., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1983) Molecular Crystals And Liquid Crystals. 96, 1-4, p. 1-17  Abstract


  1. Addadi L., Weinstein S., Gati E., Weissbuch I. & Lahav M. (1982) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 104, 17, p. 4610-4617  Abstract
  2. Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Addadi L., Idelson M., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1982) Angewandte Chemie-International Edition In English. 21, 8, p. 631-632  Abstract
  3. Addadi L., Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Weissbuch I., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L. & Weinstein S. (1982) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 104, 7, p. 2075-2077  Abstract
  4. Addadi L., van Mil J. & Lahav M. (1982) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 104, 12, p. 3422-3429  Abstract
  5. Ludmer Z., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L. & Roitman L. (1982) Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications. 6, p. 326-328  Abstract
  6. Reactions in molecular inclusion complexes. 4. Biomimetic photohydroxylation of crystalline Deoxycholic-acid as catalyzed by occluded oxygen carrier
    POPOVITZBIRO R., TANG C., CHANG H., SHOCHET N., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1982) Nouveau Journal De Chimie-New Journal Of Chemistry. 6, 2, p. 75-77  Abstract
  7. van Mil J., Addadi L., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1982) Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications. 11, p. 584-587  Abstract
  8. Addadi L., Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Domb N., Gati E., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1982) Nature. 296, 5852, p. 21-26  Abstract
  9. van Mil J., Addadi L., Gati E. & Lahav M. (1982) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 104, 12, p. 3429-3434  Abstract
  10. Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Addadi L., Idelson M., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1982) Nature. 296, 5852, p. 27-34  Abstract
  11. BerkovitchYellin Z., Addadi L., Idelson M., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1982) Angewandte Chemie (International ed.). 21, 8 S, p. 1336-1345  Abstract


  1. Addadi L., van Mil J. & Lahav M. (1981) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 103, 5, p. 1249-1251  Abstract
  2. van Mil J., Gati E., Addadi L. & Lahav M. (1981) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 103, 5, p. 1248-1249  Abstract
  3. Addadi L., van Mil J., Gati E. & Lahav M. (1981) Origins of Life. 11, 1-2, p. 107-118  Abstract
  4. Addadi L., VANMIL J., GATI E. & Lahav M. (1981) Macromolecular Chemistry And Physics-Makromolekulare Chemie. 4, S19811, p. 37-46  Abstract
    Chang H., Tang C., Popovitz-Biro R., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1981) Nouveau Journal De Chimie-New Journal Of Chemistry. 5, 10, p. 475-478  Abstract


  1. Popovitz-Biro R., Chang H. C., Tang C. P., Shochet N. R., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1980) Pure and Applied Chemistry. 52, 12, p. 2693-2704  Abstract


  1. Green B. S., Lahav M. & Rabinovich D. (1979) Accounts of Chemical Research. 12, 6, p. 191-197  Abstract
  2. Addadi L. & Lahav M. (1979) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 101, 8, p. 2152-2156  Abstract
  3. Addadi L. & Lahav M. (1979) Pure and Applied Chemistry. 51, 6, p. 1269-1284  Abstract
  4. Tang C. P., Popovitz-Biro R., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1979) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 18, 3-4, p. 385-389  Abstract


  1. Addadi L. & Lahav M. (1978) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 100, 9, p. 2838-2844  Abstract
  2. Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Popovitz-Biro R. & Tang C. P. (1978) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 100, 8, p. 2542-2544  Abstract


  1. Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Roitman L. & Tang C. P. (1977) Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications. 24, p. 928-929  Abstract


  1. Lahav M., Laub F., Gati E., Leiserowitz L. & Ludmer Z. (1976) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 98, 6, p. 1620-1622  Abstract
  2. Addadi L., Gati E., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1976) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 15, 1-2, p. 116-123  Abstract
  3. Friedman N., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Popovitz-Biro R., Tang C. & Zaretskii Z. (1976) Molecular Crystals And Liquid Crystals. 32, 1, p. 127-129  Abstract
  4. Addadi L., Cohen M. D. & Lahav M. (1976) Molecular Crystals And Liquid Crystals. 32, 1, p. 137-141  Abstract


  1. Green B. S. & Lahav M. (1975) Journal of Molecular Evolution. 6, 2, p. 99-115  Abstract
  2. Addadi L., Cohen M. D. & Lahav M. (1975) Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications. 12, p. 471-473  Abstract
  3. Friedman G., Gati E., Lahav M., Rabinovich D. & Shakked Z. (1975) Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications. 12, p. 491-492  Abstract
    Green B. S., Lahav M. & Schmidt G. M. J. (1975) Molecular Crystals And Liquid Crystals. 29, 2, p. 187-200  Abstract
  5. Friedman N., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Popoyitz-Biro R., TANG C. & Zaretzkii Z. (1975) Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications. 21, p. 864-865  Abstract


  1. Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1974) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 96, 3, p. 918-920  Abstract
  2. Friedman G., Lahav M. & Schmidt G. M. (1974) Natural Product Reports. 1, 1, p. 428-432  Abstract
  3. Friedman G., Lahav M. & Schmidt G. M. J. (1974) Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2. 4, p. 428-432  Abstract


  1. Cohen M. D., Cohen R., Lahav M. & Nie P. (1973) Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2. 8, p. 1095-1100  Abstract


  1. Hung J. D., Lahav M., Luwisch M. & Schmidt G. (1972) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 10, 2, p. 585-599  Abstract


  1. Green B. S., Lahav M. & Schmidt G. M. J. (1971) Journal of the Chemical Society B: Physical Organic. p. 1552-1564  Abstract


  1. Lahav M. & Schmidt G. M. J. (1967) Journal of the Chemical Society B: Physical Organic. p. 239-243  Abstract
  2. Lahav M. & Schmidt G. M. J. (1967) Journal of the Chemical Society B: Physical Organic. p. 312-317  Abstract


  1. Lahav M. & Schmidt G. M. (1966) Tetrahedron Letters. 7, 26, p. 2957-2962  Abstract