Additional Publications


  • Naaman S. and Grinvald A. (2020) Attributes of visual inputs determine the transition dynamics of their switching cortical of representations (Submitted)
  • Amiram Grinvald, Thomas Deneux, Ruslan Drangai, Rina Hildesheim, Tomer Fekete (2020) VSDI with a new dye detected both coherent input and also output within a given cortical locus, (Submitted)

Abstracts in clinical ophthalmology

  • Aloni, EH; Pollack, A; Grinvald, A; et al. (2002) Non-invasive imaging of retinal blood flow and oximetry by a new retinal function imager.INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE 43 : U599-U599
  • Vanzetta, I; Nelson, DA; Bonhoeffer, T; et al. (2002) Novel intrinsic optical signals in feline and human retina evoked by photic stimulation INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE : 43: U1259-U1259
  • Nelson, DA; Krupsky, S; Pollack, A; et al.(2005) Special report: Noninvasive multi-parameter functional optical imaging of the eye OPHTHALMIC SURGERY LASERS & IMAGING 3657-66
  • Izhaky, David; Nelson, Darin A.; Burgansky-Eliash, Zvia; et al (2008).Functional imaging using the retinal function imager: Direct imaging of blood velocity, achieving fluorescein angiography-like images without any contrast agent, qualitative oximetry, and functional metabolic signals
  • JAPANESE JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY Volume: 53 Issue: 4 Pages: 345-351 Published: JUL 2009
  • Burgansky-Eliash, Zvia; Nelson, Darin A.; Bar-Tal, Orly Pupko; et al (2010).REDUCED RETINAL BLOOD FLOW VELOCITY IN DIABETIC RETINOPATHY
  • R Wilf, J Wang, D DeBuc, A Mohan, A Grinvald (2016) Automatic quantitative oximetry analysis in smaller retinal micro-vessels acquired by the retinal function imager, RFI, non-invasively. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 57 (12), 3748-3748
  • A Grinvald, R Wilf, J Wang (2016) Fully automatic program for calculating velocity and flow in small retinal microvessel measured by the Retinal function Imager (RFI), noninvasively. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 57 (12), 5926-5926
  • D DeBuc, J Tian, TR Campagnoli, WH Lee, H Jiang, J Wang, A Grinvald (2016). Atypical vascularization of the foveal avascular zone in the human macula Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 57 (12), 3407-3407
  • J Wang, J Zhou, L Wang, H Jiang, Y Yang, W Chen, L Hu, A Grinvald (2016). Wide field retinal microvessel blood flow velocity and microvascular network imaged with RFI, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 57 (12), 4614-4614
  • C Jayadev, A Mohan, A Grinvald, N Bauer, T Berendschot, C Webers (2016). High speed fundus photography or optical coherence tomography angiography-which one is better for non-invasive capillary perfusion maps and velocity measurem. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 57 (12), 5455-5455

Patents related to clinical applications

  • Grinvald A. (1992). Image Acquisition and Enhancement Method and System.
  • Grinvald A. and Nelson D. (1998). Systems and Method for Imaging and Analysis of the movement of Individual Red Blood Corpuscles.
  • Grinvald A. and Hildesheim R. (1999) The use of blue voltage sensitive dyes; synthesis and applications.
  • Grinvald A. Vanzetta I and Nelson D. (2002). Spectral Characterization of Moving Objects Embedded in Stationary Spectral Background.
  • Nelson, D., Drori, A. & Grinvald, A. Imaging and analysis of movement of erythrocytes in blood vessels in relation to the cardiac cycle. (Yeda Research and Development Co Ltd, 2012).
  • Grinvald, Amiram; Nelson, Darin Arnold; Vanzetta, Ivo. Characterization of arteriosclerosis by optical imaging. Patent Number: US 08521260 Patent Assignee: Yeda Research and Development Co Ltd., Patents Published: AUG 27 2013
  • Grinvald, Amiram; Nelson, Darin; Primack, Harel. Time-based imaging Patent Number: US 08403862 Patent Assignee: Yeda Research and Development Co Ltd Published: MAR 26 2013

Invited Reviews

  • Cohen L.B. , B.M. Salzberg and A. Grinvald. Optical methods for monitoring neuron activity. Ann Rev. Neurosci. 1, 171-182 (1978).
  • Salzberg B.M., L.B. Cohen, A. Grinvald and W.N. Ross. Potentiometric probes for simultaneous optical recording from multiple sites in neuronal network. In: Frontiers of Biological Energetics. 2, 1313-1321 (1978).
  • Grinvald A., W.N. Ross, I. Farber, D. Saya, A. Zutra, R. Hildesheim, U. Kuhnt, M. Segal and Y. Kimhi. Optical methods to elucidate electrophysiological parameters. In: Neurotransmitters and their Receptors. (U.Z. Littauer et al., eds.) pp. 531-546, John Wiley, (1980).
  • Cohen L.B. and A. Grinvald. Optical monitoring of membrane potential; Simultaneous detection of activity in many neurons. In: Adv. Physiol. Sci., Vol. 4 (J. Salanski, ed.) pp. 171-182 ( 1981).
  • Grinvald A. Real time visualization of neuronal activity. La Recherche, 14, 1104-1111, (1983).
  • Grinvald A. and M. Segal. Optical monitoring of electrical activity; detection of spatiotemporal patterns of activity in hippocampal slices by voltage-sensitive probes. in "Brain Slices". R. Dingledine, Ed., Plenum Press, pp. 227-261, (1983).
  • Grinvald A. Real-time optical imaging of neuronal activity: from single growth cones to the intact mammalian brain. Trends in Neurosciences, 7, 143-150 (1984).
  • Grinvald A. Real-time optical mapping of neuronal activity: from single growth cones to the intact mammalian brain. Ann. Rev. Neurosci. 8 263-305 (1985).
  • Grinvald A. Optical mapping of population activity in the vertebrate brain in vitro and in vivo. In "Optical Methods in Cell Physiology " Society of General Physiologists series, Vol 40, 1986.
  • Grinvald A. R.D. Frostig, E. Lieke and R. Hildesheim. Optical imaging of neuronal activity. Physiol. Rev., 68, 1285-1366, 1988.
  • Grinvald A, E.E. Lieke, R.D. Frostig, A. Arieli, D.Y. Ts'o and R. Hildesheim. Optical imaging of cortical activity. Wenner Gren International Symp. Ser., Macmillan Press, 1988.
  • Lieke E.E., R.D. Frostig, A. Arieli, D.Y. Ts'o, R. Hildesheim and A. Grinvald. Optical imaging of cortical activity; Real-time imaging using extrinsic dye signals and high resolution imaging based on slow intrinsic signals. Annu. Rev. of Physiol., 51, 543-559, 1989.
  • Grinvald A., R.D. Frostig, D. Y. Ts'o, E. Lieke, A. Arieli and R. Hildesheim. Optical Imaging of Activity in the Visual Cortex. in "Neuronal Mechanisms of Visual Perception" D. Lam and C.D. Gilbert Eds. pp 117-136. 1989.
  • Frostig R.D., E. Lieke, D.Y. Ts'o a. Arieli, R. Hildesheim and A. Grinvald. "Optical imaging of neuronal activity in the vertebrate brain. in Neuronal Cooperativity. J. Krugger Ed. pp. 30-51, 1991.
  • Grinvald A., T. Bonhoeffer, D. Malonek, D. Shoham, E. Bartfeld, A. Arieli, R. Hildesheim and E. Ratzlaff. Optical imaging of architecture and function in the living brain. in Memory: Organization and locus of change, L. Squire. Editor. Oxford Univ. Press. pp 49-85, 1991.
  • Grinvald A. Optical imaging of architecture and Function in the living brain sheds new light on cortical mechanisms underlying visual perception. Brain Topography, 5 71-75. 1992.
  • Grinvald A. and R. Malach. Functional Architecture and connection rules in primary visual cortex of macaque monkey. in Structural and Functional Organization of the Neocortex. In honor of O.D. Creutzfeldt. Albowitz et al., Eds., .pp 291-304, 1994.
  • Bonhoeffer T. and A. Grinvald (1996). Optical Imaging based on intrinsic signals: the methodology. in Brain mapping; the methods. A.W. Toga and J.C. Mazziotta, Eds. Academic Press, pp 55-97.
  • Grinvald A T. Bonhoeffer1, D. Malonek, D. Shoham, R. Hildesheim, , R. Malach and A. Arieli . (1998). Optical imaging of architecture and function. Chapter in the FED Journal published by the international organization for “Bioelectronic and Molecular Electronic Devices”.
  • Grinvald A., D. Malonek , A. Shmuel, , D. Glaser, I. Vanzetta, E. Shtoyerman, D. Shoham and A. Arieli (1999). Intrinsic signal imaging in the neocortex Chapter in: “Imaging of Neuronal Activity”. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Chapter 45, pp 1-17. (Book Cover)
  • Grinvald A., R. Hildesheim, D. Shoham, D.E. Glaser, A. Sterkin and A. Arieli (1999). Voltage-sensitive dyes imaging in the neocortex: visualization of coherent neuronal assemblies. Chapter in: “Imaging of Neuronal Activity”. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory,. Chapter 50, pp 1-16
  • Grinvald, A. D. Shoham, A. Shmuel, D.E. Glaser I. Vanzetta, E. Shtoyerman, H. Slovin C. Wijnbergen, R. Hildesheim, A. Arieli, (1999). In-vivo Optical Imaging of Cortical Architecture and Dynamics. A. in Modern Techniques in Neuroscience Research. U. Windhorst and H. Johansson (Editors) Springer Verlag, pp 893-969.
  • Ivo Vanzetta, Hamutal Slovin and Amiram Grinvald (2002). Spatio-temporal characteristics of neurovascular coupling in the anesthetized cat and the awake monkey; implications for f-MRI and optical imaging. International Congress Seires, Elsevier Science B.V.
  • Katz L.C. and Grinvald A. (2002). New technologies: molecular probes, microarrays, microelectrodes, microscopes and MRI. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, (EDITORIAL) 12: 551-553.
  • Grinvald, A. Arieli, A. Tsodyks, M. and Kenet, T. (2003). Seeing neuronal assemblies, Biopolymers, 68:422-436.
  • Grinvald A., Sharon, D. Vanzetta I. Slovin H. (2005). Intrinsic signal imaging in the neocortex Chapter in: “Imaging in Neuroscience and Development”, pp 655-672Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
  • Grinvald A., Sharon D. Slovin H. and Hildesheim R. (2005). Voltage-sensitive dyes imaging in the neocortex: a new era in functional imaging. Chapter in: “Imaging in Neuroscience and Development”, pp. 673-688, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
  • Kenet T. Arieli A. Tsodyks M. and Grinvald A (2005): Are Single Cortical Neurons Soloists or are They Obedient Members of a Huge Orchestra? Chapter 23 in “Problems in Systems Neuroscience. J.L.van Hemmen and T.J. Sejnowski, Editors, Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Grinvald A, and Petersen CCH. (2010). Imaging the dynamics of neocortical population activity in behaving and freely moving mammals. Chapter 10 in “Membrane potential in the Nervous system ” Eds. Zecevic D, Marco, Canepari M. Springer 113-124.
  • Grinvald A, David Omer, and Dahlia Sharon (2010) Imaging the dynamics of mammalian neocortical population activity in-vivo Chapter 9 in “Membrane potential in the Nervous system ” Eds. Zecevic D, Marco, Canepari M. Springer 97-111.
  • Canepari M, Knut Holthoff, Arthur Konnerth, Brian Salzberg, Amiram Grinvald, Srdjan Antic and Dejan Zecevic (2010) imaging submillisecond Membrane potential changes from individual regions of single axons, dendrites and spines. Chapter 3 in “Membrane potential in the Nervous system ” Eds. Zecevic D, Marco, Canepari M. Springer 25-41.
  • Grinvald A., Sharon, D. Vanzetta I. (2011). Intrinsic signal imaging in the neocortex Chapter in: “Imaging in Neuroscience”, F. Helmchen, A. Konnerth, R. Yuste . Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
  • Grinvald A., Sharon D. Vanzetta I. D. Omer (2011). Voltage-sensitive dyes imaging in the neocortex: a new era in functional imaging. Chapter in: “Imaging in Neuroscience”, Eds. F. Helmchen, A. Konnerth, R. Yuste. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
  • Zvia Burgansky-Eliash, MD, Amiram Grinvald, PhD, Hila Barash, PhD, Darin Nelson, PhD, Adiel Barak, MD, Anat Lowenstein, MD.(2011) The effect of diabetes mellitus on retinal function, in press.
  • Vanzetta, Ivo Deneux Thomas and Grinvald Amiram. High-resolution wide-field optical imaging of micro-vascular characteristics: from the neocortex to the eye (2014). Mingrui Zhao et al. (eds.), Neurovascular Coupling Methods, Neuromethods, vol. 88, Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014.
  • Grinvald A, and Petersen CCH. (2015). Imaging the dynamics of neocortical population activity in behaving and freely moving mammals. Chapter 10 in “Membrane potential in the Nervous system ” Eds. Zecevic D, Marco, Canepari M. Springer 113-124.
  • Grinvald A, David Omer, and Dahlia Sharon (2015) Imaging the dynamics of mammalian neocortical population activity in-vivo Chapter 9 in “Membrane potential in the Nervous system ” Eds. Zecevic D, Marco, Canepari M. Springer 97-111.
  • Popovic, Marko; Vogt, Kaspar; Holthoff, Knut; et al. (2015) Imaging Submillisecond Membrane Potential Changes from Individual Regions of Single Axons, Dendrites and Spines. Edited by: Canepari, M; Zecevic, D; Bernus, O. “Membrane potential in the Nervous system ”Book Series: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology Volume: 859 Pages: 57-101.
  • M Popovic, K Vogt, K Holthoff, A Konnerth, BM Salzberg, A Grinvald, (2015) Imaging sub millisecond membrane potential changes from individual regions of single axons, dendrites and spines Membrane Potential Imaging in the Nervous System and Heart, 57-101