
QMT Lab facilities

Oxford Instruments Kelvinox 16 mK cryostat with 20 T magnet and sample rotator

16 mK fridge
Rotator with a sample




Bluefors LD400 10 mK cryostat with 3D 9/1/1 T vector magnet



Oxford Instruments KelvinoxTLM 10 mK cryostat with 14 T magnet

Insert with a sample


Wet chemistry room with 1000x optical microscopy stations

VdW materials exfoliation bench and microscopy stations
Chemical hood


Shared facilities

Van der Waals materials stacking lab

Transfer room
Station 1
Station 2


The Braun Center for Submicron Research clean room

Room 1: chemistry benches, profilometer, Raman spectrometer, UV mask aligner
Room 2: chemistry benches, laser lithographer


MBRAUN glovebox with van der Waals materials stacking station

The glovebox
The glovebox
The stacking station
The transfer station


Internal services access

Submicron Center booking
Submicron Center booking
Knowledge base
Knowledge base