Tzahor Lab
Bongiovanni C., Bueno-Levy H., Posadas Pena D., Del Bono I., Miano C., Boriati S., Da Pra S., Sacchi F., Redaelli S., Bergen M., Romaniello D., Pontis F., Tassinari R., Kellerer L., Petraroia I., Mazzeschi M., Lauriola M., Ventura C., Heermann S., Weidinger G., Tzahor E. & D'Uva G.
BMP7 promotes cardiomyocyte regeneration in zebrafish and adult mice.
Cell Reports.
2024 May
Zhang L., Elkahal J., Wang T., Rimmer R., Genzelinakh A., Bassat E., Wang J., Perez D., Kain D., Lendengolts D., Winkler R., Bueno-levy H., Umansky K. B., Mishaly D., Shakked A., Miyara S., Sarusi-Portuguez A., Goldfinger N., Prior A., Morgenstern D., Levin Y., Addadi Y., Li B., Rotter V., Katz U., Tanaka E. M., Krizhanovsky V., Sarig R. & Tzahor E.
Egr1 regulates regenerative senescence and cardiac repair.
Nature Cardiovascular Research.
2024 Aug
Aviel G., Elkahal J., Umansky K. B., Bueno-Levy H., Petrover Z., Kotlovski Y., Lendengolts D., Kain D., Shalit T., Zhang L., Miyara S., Kramer M. P., Merbl Y., Kozlovski S., Alon R., Aharoni R., Arnon R., Mishali D., Katz U., Nachman D., Asleh R., Amir O., Tzahor E. & Sarig R.
Repurposing of glatiramer acetate to treat cardiac ischemia in rodent models.
Nature Cardiovascular Research.
2024 Aug
Yan R., Cigliola V., Oonk K. A., Petrover Z., DeLuca S., Wolfson D. W., Vekstein A., Mendiola M. A., Devlin G., Bishawi M., Gemberling M. P., Sinha T., Sargent M. A., York A. J., Shakked A., DeBenedittis P., Wendell D. C., Ou J., Kang J., Goldman J. A., Baht G. S., Karra R., Williams A. R., Bowles D. E., Asokan A., Tzahor E., Gersbach C. A., Molkentin J. D., Bursac N., Black B. L. & Poss K. D.
An enhancer-based gene-therapy strategy for spatiotemporal control of cargoes during tissue repair.
Cell Stem Cell.
2023 Jan
Nguyen P. D., Gooijers I., Campostrini G., Verkerk A. O., Honkoop H., Bouwman M., de Bakker D. E. M., Koopmans T., Vink A., Lamers G. E. M., Shakked A., Mars J., Mulder A. A., Chocron S., Bartscherer K., Tzahor E., Mummery C. L., de Boer T. P., Bellin M. & Bakkers J.
Interplay between calcium and sarcomeres directs cardiomyocyte maturation during regeneration.
Science (New York, N.Y.).
2023 May
Shakked A., Petrover Z., Aharonov A., Ghiringhelli M., Umansky K., Kain D., Elkahal J., Divinsky Y., Nguyen P. D., Miyara S., Friedlander G., Savidor A., Zhang L., Perez D. E., Sarig R., Lendengolts D., Bueno-Levy H., Kastan N., Levin Y., Bakkers J., Gepstein L. & Tzahor E.
Redifferentiated cardiomyocytes retain residual dedifferentiation signatures and are protected against ischemic injury.
Nature Cardiovascular Research.
2023 Apr
Mayer S., Milo T., Isaacson A., Halperin C., Miyara S., Stein Y., Lior C., Pevsner-Fischer M., Tzahor E., Mayo A., Alon U. & Scherz-Shouval R.
The tumor microenvironment shows a hierarchy of cell-cell interactions dominated by fibroblasts.
Nature Communications.
2023 Sept
Pianca N., Sacchi F., Umansky K. B., Chirivì M., Iommarini L., Da Pra S., Papa V., Bongiovanni C., Pontis F., Miano C., Braga L., Tassinari R., Pantano E., Patnala R. S., Mazzeschi M., Cenacchi G., Porcelli A. M., Lauriola M., Ventura C., Giacca M., Rizzi R., Tzahor E. & D’Uva G.
Glucocorticoid receptor antagonization propels endogenous cardiomyocyte proliferation and cardiac regeneration.
Nature Cardiovascular Research.
2022 Jul
Bassat E., Perez D. E. & Tzahor E.
Myocardial infarction techniques in adult mice.
Sun X., Malandraki-Miller S., Kennedy T., Bassat E., Klaourakis K., Zhao J., Gamen E., Vieira J. M., Tzahor E. & Riley P. R.
The extracellular matrix protein agrin is essential for epicardial epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition during heart development.
Development (Cambridge).
2021 May
Kastan N., Gnedeva K., Alisch T., Petelski A. A., Huggins D. J., Chiaravalli J., Aharanov A., Shakked A., Tzahor E., Nagiel A., Segil N. & Hudspeth A. J.
Small-molecule inhibition of Lats kinases may promote Yap-dependent proliferation in postmitotic mammalian tissues.
Nature Communications.
2021 Dec
Eigler T., Zarfati G., Amzallag E., Sinha S., Segev N., Zabary Y., Zaritsky A., Shakked A., Umansky K., Schejter E. D., Millay D. P., Tzahor E. & Avinoam O.
ERK1/2 inhibition promotes robust myotube growth via CaMKII activation resulting in myoblast-to-myotube fusion.
Developmental Cell.
2021 Dec
Aharonov A., Shakked A., Umansky K. B., Savidor A., Genzelinakh A., Kain D., Lendengolts D., Revach O. Y., Morikawa Y., Dong J., Levin Y., Geiger B., Martin J. F. & Tzahor E.
ERBB2 drives YAP activation and EMT-like processes during cardiac regeneration.
Nature Cell Biology.
2020 Nov
Baehr A., Umansky K. B., Bassat E., Jurisch V., Klett K., Bozoglu T., Hornaschewitz N., Solyanik O., Kain D., Ferraro B., Cohen-Rabi R., Krane M., Cyran C., Soehnlein O., Laugwitz K. L., Hinkel R., Kupatt C. & Tzahor E.
Agrin promotes coordinated therapeutic processes leading to improved cardiac repair in pigs.
2020 Sept
Honkoop H., de Bakker D. E. M., Aharonov A., Kruse F., Shakked A., Nguyen P. D., de Heus C., Garric L., Muraro M. J., Shoffner A., Tessadori F., Peterson J. C., Noort W., Bertozzi A., Weidinger G., Posthuma G., Grun D., van der Laarse W. J., Klumperman J., Jaspers R. T., Poss K. D., van Oudenaarden A., Tzahor E. & Bakkers J.
Single-cell analysis uncovers that metabolic reprogramming by ErbB2 signaling is essential for cardiomyocyte proliferation in the regenerating heart.
2019 Dec
Yifa O., Weisinger K., Bassat E., Li H., Kain D., Barr H., Kozer N., Genzelinakh A., Rajchman D., Eigler T., Umansky K. B., Lendengolts D., Brenner O., Bursac N. & Tzahor E.
The small molecule Chicago Sky Blue promotes heart repair following myocardial infarction in mice.
JCI insight.
2019 Nov
Fukuda R., Aharonov A., Ong Y. T., Stone O. A., El-Brolosy M., Maischein H., Potente M., Tzahor E. & Stainier D. Y. R.
Metabolic modulation regulates cardiac wall morphogenesis in zebrafish.
2019 Dec
Han Y., Chen A., Umansky K., Oonk K. A., Choi W., Dickson A. L., Ou J., Cigliola V., Yifa O., Cao J., Tornini V. A., Cox B. D., Tzahor E. & Poss K. D.
Vitamin D Stimulates Cardiomyocyte Proliferation and Controls Organ Size and Regeneration in Zebrafish.
Developmental Cell.
2019 Mar
Sarig R., Rimmer R., Bassat E., Zhang L., Umansky K. B., Lendengolts D., Perlmoter G., Yaniv K. & Tzahor E.
Transient p53-Mediated Regenerative Senescence in the Injured Heart.
2019 May
del Monte-Nieto G., Ramialison M., Adam A. A. S., Wu B., Aharonov A., D'Uva G., Bourke L. M., Pitulescu M. E., Chen H., Luis de la Pompa J., Shou W., Adams R. H., Harten S. K., Tzahor E., Zhou B. & Harvey R. P.
Control of cardiac jelly dynamics by NOTCH1 and NRG1 defines the building plan for trabeculation.
2018 May
Zamir L., Singh R., Nathan E., Patrick R., Yifa O., Yahalom-Ronen Y., Arraf A. A., Schultheiss T. M., Suo S., Han J., Peng G., Jing N., Wang Y., Palpant N., Tam P. P., Harvey R. P. & Tzahor E.
Nkx2.5 marks angioblasts that contribute to hemogenic endothelium of the endocardium and dorsal aorta.
2017 Mar
Bassat E., Mutlak Y. E., Genzelinakh A., Shadrin I. Y., Umansky K., Yifa O., Kain D., Rajchman D., Leach J., Bassat D. R., Udi Y., Sarig R., Sagi I., Martin J. F., Bursac N., Cohen S. & Tzahor E.
The extracellular matrix protein agrin promotes heart regeneration in mice.
2017 Jul
Aghajanian H., Cho Y. K., Manderfield L. J., Herling M. R., Gupta M., Ho V. C., Li L., Degenhardt K., Aharonov A., Tzahor E. & Epstein J. A.
Coronary vasculature patterning requires a novel endothelial ErbB2 holoreceptor.
Nature Communications.
2016 Jun
Leinonen J. V., Korkus-Emanuelov A., Wolf Y., Milgrom-Hoffman M., Lichtstein D., Hoss S., Lotan C., Tzahor E., Jung S. & Beeri R.
Macrophage precursor cells from the left atrial appendage of the heart spontaneously reprogram into a C-kit +/CD45 - Stem cell-like phenotype.
International Journal of Cardiology.
2016 Apr
Buzaglo-Azriel L., Kuperman Y., Tsoory M., Zaltsman Y., Shachnai L., Levin-Zaidman S., Bassat E., Michailovici I., Sarver A., Tzahor E., Haran M., Vernochet C. & Gross A.
Loss of Muscle MTCH2 Increases Whole-Body Energy Utilization and Protects from Diet-Induced Obesity.
Cell Reports.
2016 Feb
D'Uva G., Aharonov A., Lauriola M., Kain D., Yahalom-Ronen Y., Carvalho S., Weisinger K., Bassat E., Rajchman D., Yifa O., Lysenko M., Konfino T., Hegesh J., Brenner O., Neeman M., Yarden Y., Leor J., Sarig R., Harvey R. P. & Tzahor E.
ERBB2 triggers mammalian heart regeneration by promoting cardiomyocyte dedifferentiation and proliferation.
Nature Cell Biology.
2015 May
Yahalom-Ronen Y., Rajchman D., Sarig R., Geiger B. & Tzahor E.
Reduced matrix rigidity promotes neonatal cardiomyocyte dedifferentiation, proliferation and clonal expansion..
Michailovici I., Eigler T. & Tzahor E.
Craniofacial Muscle Development.
Diogo R., Kelly R. G., Christiaen L., Levine M., Ziermann J. M., Molnar J. L., Noden D. M. & Tzahor E.
A new heart for a new head in vertebrate cardiopharyngeal evolution.
2015 Apr
Milgrom-Hoffman M., Michailovici I., Ferrara N., Zelzer E. & Tzahor E.
Endothelial cells regulate neural crest and second heart field morphogenesis.
Biology Open.
2014 Aug
Michailovici I., Harrington H. A., Azogui H. H., Yahalom-Ronen Y., Plotnikov A., Ching S., Stumpf M. P., Klein O. D., Seger R. & Tzahor E.
Nuclear to cytoplasmic shuttling of ERK promotes differentiation of muscle stem/progenitor cells.
Development (Cambridge).
2014 Jul
Vandoorne K., Vandsburger M. H., Raz T., Shalev M., Weisinger K., Biton I., Brumfeld V., Raanan C., Nevo N., Eilam R., Hemmings B. A., Tzahor E., Harmelin A., Gepstein L. & Neeman M.
Chronic Akt1 deficiency attenuates adverse remodeling and enhances angiogenesis after myocardial infarction.
Circulation-Cardiovascular Imaging.
2013 Nov
Harel I., Maezawa Y., Avraham R., Rinon A., Ma H. Y., Cross J. W., Leviatan N., Hegesh J., Roy A., Jacob-Hirsch J., Rechavi G., Carvajal J., Tole S., Kioussi C., Quaggin S. & Tzahor E.
Pharyngeal mesoderm regulatory network controls cardiac and head muscle morphogenesis.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
2012 Nov
Rinon A., Molchadsky A., Nathan E., Yovel G., Rotter V., Sarig R. & Tzahor E.
P53 coordinates cranial neural crest cell growth and epithelial-mesenchymal transition/delamination processes.
2011 May
Theis S., Patel K., Valasek P., Otto A., Pu Q., Harel I., Tzahor E., Tajbakhsh S., Christ B. & Huang R.
The occipital lateral plate mesoderm is a novel source for vertebrate neck musculature.
2010 Sept
Tirosh-Finkel L., Zeisel A., Brodt-Ivenshitz M., Shamai A., Yao Z., Seger R., Domany E. & Tzahor E.
BMP-mediated inhibition of FGF signaling promotes cardiomyocyte differentiation of anterior heart field progenitors.
2010 Sept
Ben-Shoshan J., Maysel-Auslender S., Luboshits G., Barshack I., Polak-Charcon S., Tzahor E., Keren G. & George J.
Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 alpha and-2 alpha Additively Promote Endothelial Vasculogenic Properties.
Journal of Vascular Research.
Wasserstrom A., Adar R., Shefer G., Frumkin D., Itzkovitz S., Stern T., Shur I., Zangi L., Kaplan S., Harmelin A., Reisner Y., Benayahu D., Tzahor E., Segal E. & Shapiro E.
Reconstruction of Cell Lineage Trees in Mice.
2008 Apr
Molchadsky A., Shats I., Goldfinger N., Pevsner-Fischer M., Olson M., Rinon A., Tzahor E., Lozano G., Zipori D., Sarig R. & Rotter V.
P53 plays a role in mesenchymal differentiation programs, in a cell fate dependent manner.
2008 Nov
Ben-Shoshan J., Schwartz S., Luboshits G., Maysel-Auslender S., Barzelay A., Polak-Charcon S., Tzahor E., Barshack I., Barak A., Levkovitch-Verbin H., Keren G. & George J.
Constitutive expression of HIF-1α and HIF-2α in bone marrow stromal cells differentially promotes their proangiogenic properties.
Stem Cells.
2008 Oct
Wasserstrom A., Frumkin D., Adar R., Itzkovitz S., Stern T., Kaplan S., Shefer G., Shur I., Zangi L., Reizel Y., Harmelin A., Dor Y., Dekel N., Reisner Y., Benayahu D., Tzahor E., Segal E. & Shapiro E.
Estimating cell depth from somatic mutations.
PLoS Computational Biology.
2008 May
Nathan E., Monovich A., Tirosh-Finkel L., Harrelson Z., Rousso T., Rinon A., Harel I., Evans S. M. & Tzahor E.
The contribution of Islet1-expressing splanchnic mesoderm cells to distinct branchiomeric muscles reveals significant heterogeneity in head muscle development.
2008 Feb
Rinon A., Lazar S., Marshall H., Buechmann-Moller S., Neufeld A., Elhanany-Tamir H., Taketo M. M., Sommer L., Krumlauf R. & Tzahor E.
Cranial neural crest cells regulate head muscle patterning and differentiation during vertebrate embryogenesis.
2007 Sept