מכון ויצמן למדע פונה דרך קבע למדעניות, סטודנטים, עובדות וספקים בפרסומים שונים להצטרף לשורותינו, בקולות קוראים ובמכרזים לצורך שיתופי פעולה והעסקה, כפי שנדרש מהמכון כמוסד אקדמי ישראלי.
חשיבותה של פנייה שוויונית ומשלבת בפרסומים אלה ברורה, יתרונותיה בגיוס מגוון רחב ועשיר של שותפות ושותפים לדרך מוכחת, וידנו מושטת לכל מי שמעוניינים לקחת חלק בעשייה שלנו ולעבוד איתנו.
על אף הוראת נציב שירות המדינה, אנו נמשיך לפנות לכל המגדרים ולכל קשת האוכלוסייה במכרזים רשמיים ובכל פרסום היוצא משערי המכון ולהקפיד על לשון מכלילה ומכילה.
Celebrating World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development
On May 21, people around the globe will be commemorating World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development – a date first declared by the UN in 2001. This day is an opportunity for us at the Weizmann Institute of Science to celebrate our human mosaic of scientists, students and staff.
It is, as well, an opportunity to remind ourselves of our commitment to create and preserve a research, study and work environment that is diverse, inclusive and advances equity. An environment that encourages fairness to all who are different from us in gender, ethnic group, religious belief, status or in any other way.
We will continue to work together to ensure that the Institute’s multicultural nature is upheld – without borders, either physical or symbolic.We are happy to share this video of pictures taken by WIS community members for an internal photography competition held at the Institute, to celebrate this day.
Photography competition to celebrate the international day of cultural diversity at Weizmann Institute of Science!
As an international science institution, the Weizmann community is very much diverse. We seek and welcome students, staff and faculty who are culturally, ethnically, racially, religiously and in other ways diverse.
In honor of this day, we invite you all to participate in a photography competition focused on the subject of
diversity and inclusion, in which we will celebrate the diversity that exists in our campus.
We invite students, scientists, administrative and technical staff, employees and the entire community to send
us pictures from the life of the campus, which reflect the diversity that exists within it.
The images can show different types of diversity.
updating 15/06:
The judging panel appointed to determine the winners of the competition reviewed all the photographs (anonymously) and here is their decision:
First place went to Ron Blonder for photographing students at the laboratory.
Second place went to Jesús S. Lacasa for photographing a diverse lunch.
Third place went to Guy Sapir for photographing the Holly Festival at WIS.
Congratulations to the winners!
Interview with Dr. Meytal Eran- Jona: on Career Advancement #ACTonGender