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Rotating Cu anode Rigaku R-Axis IV++ systems.
We use this X-ray diraction setup to determine the strucures of macromolecules.

Bruker AVANCE III-800 NMR.
We use NMR to study the structures, dynamics and interactions of macromolecules in solution.

Multiple angle light scattering (MALS, DAWN HELEOS-II), coupled to size exclusion chromatography (ÄKTA Pure FPLC, GE healthcare).
This equipment allows determining the mass of proteins, of complexes and of nano-particles with high sensitivity and accuracy.

Electron Microscope Zeiss Ultra 55.
This is one of several scanning electron microscopes (SEM). It is employed to visualize surfaces of specimens at ultra-high resolution, such as the interior of cells after being cryo-fractured.

Electron Microscope Tecnai F20.
This is one of several transmission electron microscopes (TEM). This microscope can also work in STEM mode. It is employed for single particle reconstruction as well as for STEM-tomography.

Computer Station for Single-Particle Reconstruction from cryo-EM data.
Single particle reconstruction is a CPU-intensive process. Rather than using a computer farm, it is now possible to use GPU cards. The four NVIDIA GPU cards in this computer contain >10,000 cores that offers a computing power matching that of a large computer cluster.

Spinning-Disk Confocal Microscope.
This microscope enables acquiring images at both high-resolution, and high-throughput. We use it to image libraries of cells in which proteins of interest are fused to fluorescent reporter proteins.

Tecan EVO 200 Robotic System.
We use this robot to perform a number of tasks automatically. These include handling of yeast collection arrays on agar plates and in liquid, timecourse measurements of OD, fluorescence, and more generally liquid handling tasks with 96 and 384 multi-well plates.

A Mosquito and a Dragonfly robotic systems from TTP labtech.
Protein crystallization is streamed by the use of these systems that allow efficient setting of crystallization experiments in a 96-well format.

Time-resolved confocal microscope (PicoQuant).
This microscope is equipped with single-photon detectors and a fast counting card, thus allowing recording bio-molecular dynamics at the single-molecule level on timescales ranging from nanoseconds to hours.

Custom-built TIRF Microscope.
This type of microcopy allows visualizing individually fluorescently tagged molecules with high resolution in time and space, making it possible to track single molecules in living bacterial cells.

Applied Photophysics Circular Dichroism Spectrophotometer.
This instrument provides information on secondary and tertiary structures of proteins. It is used to monitor protein folding, stability, and conformational changes.

Zetasizer Nano Light Scattering.
We use this machine to determine the size distribution of macromolecules such as nucleic acids, proteins, or viruses in solution.

Super Resolution Microscope (STORM/PALM).
This microscope enables visualizing molecules in situ at resolutions beyond traditional optical microscopy.

Xradia Micro-CT X-ray Tomographic Microscope.
We use this instrument to examine ultrastructures in macroscopic biological samples.