The Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences is located at Sussman Family Building for Environmental Sciences
Omer Abraham
PhD student
Phone: +972-8-934-6241
Room 417
Mark Aperstein
PhD student
Phone: +972-8-934-3232
Room 217
Yael Arieli
PhD student
Phone: +972-8-934-3766
Room 201
Yasmin L Bohak
PhD student
Phone: +972-8-934-4226
Room 103
Matan Cohen
PhD student
Phone: +972-8-934-2542
Room 105
Elad David
PhD student
Or Hadas
PhD student
Phone: +972-8-934-4924
Room 314
Itamar Karbi
PhD student
Phone: +972-8-934-4240
Room 319
Noy Klaider
PhD student
Phone: +972-8-952-9012
Room 219
Noga Liberty-Levi
PhD student
Vova Nekhodtsev
PhD student
Room 117
Dori Nissenbaum
PhD student
Phone: +972-8-934-4239
Room 315
Dr. Nati Ofir
PhD student
Hess Or
PhD student
Phone: +972-8-934-4240
Room 319
Laura Rez
PhD student
Phone: +972-8-934-2072
Room 126
Maria Smirnova
PhD student
Phone: +972-8-934-4924
Room 314
Phillip Vershinin
PhD student
Phone: +972-8-934-2542
Room 105
Eli Windwer
PhD student
Phone: +972-8-934-6094
Room 315
Tsruya Yaari
PhD student
Phone: +972-8-952-9012
Room 219
Ms. Jie Zhao
PhD student
Phone: +972-8-934-6018
Room 117
Maayan Ziv
PhD student
Inon Aizik
Msc Student
Gabriel Bar-Sella
Msc Student
Yarden Cristal
Msc Student
Mancee Deo
Msc Student
Sapir Fadida
Msc Student
Phone: +972-8-934-4232
Room 115
Yuval Fayes
Msc Student
Room 115
Tali Sarit Gens
Msc Student
Phone: +972-8-952-9011
Room 210
Yuval Goobes
Msc Student
Maayan Kaneti
Msc Student
Asher Kellum
Msc Student
Alen Manashirov
Msc Student
Sagi Maor
Msc Student
Phone: +972-8-952-9011
Room 210
Noa Melman
Msc Student
Yotam Menachem
Msc Student
Bar Moisa
Msc Student
Rachel Navon
Msc Student
Noa Orgad
Msc Student
Yair Peri
Msc Student
Omer Ron
Msc Student
Omer Sapir
Msc Student
Lidiya Shendrik
Msc Student
Adam Zonshine
Msc Student