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V.S. L'vov , A. Pomyalov . Statistics of quantum turbulence in superfluid He . To appear in JLTP, QFS2016 special issue. arXiv:1608.01456
C. F. Barenghi , V.S. L'vov , P.-E. Roche , Experimental, numerical, and analytical velocity spectra in turbulent quantum fluid , Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. , 111 4683–4690 (2014) arXiv:1306.6248
V.B. Eltsov , R. de Graaf , R. Hanninen , M. Krusius , R.E. Solntsev , V.S. L'vov , A.I. Golov , P.M. Walmsley ,Turbulent dynamics in rotating helium superfluids, Progress in Low Temperature Physics , XVI pp. 46-146 (2009), DOI: 0.1016/S0079-6417(08)00002-4 Also arXiv:0803.3225
I. Procaccia, V. S. L'vov and R. Benzi Colloquium: Theory of Drag Reduction by Polymers in Wall Bounded Turbulence , Reviews of Modern Physics , 80 , 225-247 (2008), DOI10.1103/RevModPhys.80.225 Also:nlin.CD/070203
V.S. L'vov and I. Procaccia.Turbulence: a universal problem, Physics World, 9 (8) 35-40 (1996). Also: # chao-dyn/9606015
V.S. L'vov and I. Procaccia. Exact Resummation in the Theory of Hydrodynamic Turbulence. 0. Line-Resummed Diagrammatic Perturbation Approach . Lecture Notes of the Les Houches 1994 Summer School ``Fluctuating Geometries in Statistical Mechanics and Field Theory", ed. by F. David and P. Ginsparg North-Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 1027 - 1075 (1995)
V.S. L'vov, and I. Procaccia.Towards a Theory of Anomalous Scaling in Turbulence , in "STATPHYS 19", ed. by Hao Bailin (World Scientific, Singapore, 1996), pp. 410-420
V. Cherepanov, I. Kolokolov and V.S. L'vov.The Saga of YIG, or Spectra, Thermodynamics and Relaxation of Magnons in Complex Magnets, Physics Reports, 229 (3) 81-144 (1993)
V.S. L'vov.Scale invariant theory of fully developed hydrodynamic turbulence. Hamiltonian approach, Physics Reports 207 No 1 pp 1 - 47 (1991)
V.S. L'vov.Nonlinear dynamics and kinetics of magnons . Chapter in "Research Reports in Physics' Nonlincar Waves 3, Ed. by A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov, M.l. Rabinovich, J. Engelbrecht; pp. 224-239 © Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg 1990
V.S. L'vov and L.A. Prozorova. Spin Waves under the Threshold of Parametric Excitation , Chap.4 in Modern Problems in Condensed Matter Sciences, 22, eds. A.S. Borovik-Romanov and Sinch, pp.401-405, North-Holland Physics Publishing, Amsterdam 1988.
V.S. L'vov.Solitons and Nonlinear Phenomena in Parametrically Excited Spin Waves , in Chap. 5, ``Solitons", eds. S.E. Trullinger, V.E. Zakharov and V.L. Pokrovsky, pp. 243-298, North-Holland Physics Publishing, Amsterdam 1986.
A.A. Predtechenskii, V.S. L'vov and A.I. Chernykh.
Bifurcations and chaos in a system of Taylor vortices, Chap. 12 in ``Non-linear dynamics and turbulence", ed. G.I. Barenblatt, G. Lossa and D.D. Joser, Pitmann Publ., Boston-London-Melbourne (1983).
V.S. L'vov.
Lectures on Wave and Hydrodynamic Turbulence, University of Novosibirsk, 1978.
V.S. L'vov.Lectures on Physics of Nonlinear Phenomena , (In Russian) University of Novosibirsk, 1977.
V.E. Zakharov, V.S. L'vov and S.S. Starobinets.Spin-wave turbulence beyond the parametric excitation threshold , Usp. Fiz. Nauk 114 , N4, pp.609-654 (Dec. 1974) [ Sov. Phys. - Usp. 17 (6) pp. 896 -919 (1975) ]