MSc Programs at FGS

Explore. Question. Challenge yourself.

Join the more than 300 students who are currently pursuing MSc degrees at the Feinberg Graduate School ─ a world-leading, scientific center where students take the initiative in exploring new research ideas and gaining key skills. At the Feinberg Graduate School, students receive the training that later leads them to senior posts in academia, industry, government and scientific and medical research. As an MSc student at the Feinberg Graduate School, you will be joining a highly diverse and international community of intelligent and committed scientists from around the globe.

Programs and tracks

For applicants with a BSc or MD from an accredited local or foreign institution of higher learning (or other certificate deemed equivalent by the Board of Studies in your field).

MSc degree in Physical Sciences
Tracks: Physics | Applied Physics | Biological Physics

MSc degree in Chemical Sciences
Tracks: Chemistry | Materials Science

MSc degree in Life Sciences
Tracks: ExCLS (Excellence Clusters of Life Sciences) | Systems, Computational & Cognitive, Molecular & Cellular Neuroscience  | Computational and Systems Biology.

MSc degree in Mathematics & Computer Science
Tracks: Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | Theoretical Computer Science | Mathematics & Computer Science | Systems Biology

MSc degree in Science Teaching
Tracks in Hebrew only: Regular track  with  a thesis in Science Teaching | Special track  without  a thesis - part-time studies in Science Teaching designed for Israeli high school teachers with BSc.

David Lopatie Fellows

The David Lopatie Fellowship is a two-year program designed for the top cadre of students in the Feinberg Graduate School’s MSc program. The best applicants to the MSc program are selected by the Chairs of the Boards of Studies and recommended to the school’s Dean, who selects the final list of the David Lopatie Fellows for the next academic year.

In addition to the prestige of being awarded a special status of excellence, the David Lopatie fellows receive the following benefits and privileges, as well as the regular benefits received by all of the MSc students:

  • Permission for an early transfer from the MSc program to the direct PhD track (if desired), at the beginning of the second year.
  • Increased scholarship (equals to the scholarship granted to PhD students), for those who opt to transfer to the direct PhD track during the second year of studies.
  • Personal travel allowance for scientific meetings, workshops and schools, including academic institutions and conventions overseas, in an amount equal to half of the travel allowance granted to the PhD students at the Feinberg Graduate School.

FGS Coordinators