Postdoctoral Prizes at WSoS

Koshland Prize


Twice a year the Weizmann School of Science awards the prestigious Koshland Prize to a limited number of regular postdoctoral fellows. The goal of the award is to encourage excellent candidates from other institutions to join the Weizmann for their postdoctoral training. Koshland Prize awardees receive an augmented monthly fellowship that is 25% higher than the regular WIS fellowship. The delta (i.e. the extra 25%) is covered by the Koshland Foundation and the regular fellowship must be covered by other sources. If an applicant receives an external fellowship that is over 125% of the regular WIS postdoctoral fellowship, he/she may be named a Koshland fellow without support. The prize is awarded for up to three years.


  • Candidates may be nominated only once.
  • Candidates for Koshland should be within two years of PhD graduation at the time of application.
  • Candidates must have an outstanding academic and scientific record.
  • Candidates are eligible if they been accepted as regular postdoctoral fellows and have not yet started their training, or are still within their first year as regular postdoctoral fellows at the Weizmann Institute.
  • Applicants that receive support from external agencies are also eligible for the prize, subject to the caveat above regarding the level of the external fellowship.
  • Postdoctoral fellows who did their PhD in the same lab are not eligible to apply.
  • Each P.I. may nominate only one candidate for Koshland in each deadline. If there are multiple nominations by the same P.I., all those candidates will be disqualified and will not be discussed by the committee.
  • Candidates should be PhD graduates of another institution. Weizmann Institute PhD graduates can be nominated only after pre-approval of their candidacy by the Chair of the Postdoctoral Program.



Every year there are two calls for nominations:

The next deadline is January 16th 2025.


Required Documents 

  • CV (including list of publications, prizes etc.)
  • A Research Proposal (up to 2 pages only)
  • Two letters of recommendation (one must be from the PhD supervisor)
  • A letter of support from the host/potential host at WIS.


The Selection Process

Heads of Research Groups may nominate candidates for the Koshland Prize, with a limit of one candidate for each deadline. Koshland Prize awardees are selected by a committee of representatives of the WSoS Boards of Studies (one representative from each Board of Studies), headed by the Chair of the Postdoctoral Training Program at the Weizmann Institute.

How to nominate

  • Select the relevant CALL
  • Upload the candidate's CV + list of publications
  • Upload your own letter of nomination
  • Input the name(s) of your colleague(s) whom you wish to submit a letter on behalf of your candidate. If you have at your disposal the recommendation letters sent to you by your colleagues, then you may upload them yourself. Otherwise, upon completing the session and clicking the SUBMIT CHANGES button the system will send you an email with unique links to each of the referees you have listed. You may send each one of them the link and they will be able to access the system and submit their letter (no username and password will be required).


Daniel E. Koshland Jr. (1920-2007)

Daniel E. Koshland Jr. was an eminent biochemist at the University of California at Berkeley, who was internationally known for his work on proteins and enzymes. From 1985 to 1995 he achieved the status of scientific statesman when he served as editor of the leading US science journal, Science. He was a Member of the United States National Academy of Sciences. Prof. Koshland served for many years on the International Board of the Weizmann Institute of Science and on its Scientific and Academic Advisory Committee, and also contributed generously to the Weizmann Institute, including the establishment of the fund that supports these Koshland Postdoctoral Awards.



WSoS prize for outstanding achievements in postdoctoral research


WIS PIs are invited to nominate their postdocs for the Weizmann School of Science prizes for outstanding achievements in postdoctoral research. These prizes are awarded in recognition of outstanding research achievements by postdoctoral fellows during their training period at WIS.


November 20th 2024


  • PI’s may nominate current postdoctoral fellows and former postdoctoral fellows who completed their training in the past two years.
  • There is a strict limitation of one nomination per PI per deadline. In the case of multiple nominations by the same PI, all those nominations will be disqualified and will not be discussed by the committee.
  • Please note that these awards are intended to recognize outstanding work conducted during postdoctoral training at WIS. Research achievements based on work carried out elsewhere are not eligible, even if published during the period of training at WIS.
  • Postdocs who carried out their PhD studies in the same group are not eligible.
  • Postdocs who already received this prize cannot be nominated again.


Required documents

  • Candidate’s short CV (maximum 2 pages)
  • Candidate’s list of publications (likewise maximum 2 pages, if longer please limit to selected publications), highlighting in bold publications most relevant for this prize nomination.
  • Letter of nomination, explaining clearly the specific research achievement(s) that justify the nomination, and the candidate’s contribution relative to other co-authors and collaborators.
  • Up to two additional recommendation letters from senior colleagues who are familiar with the specific achievement(s) relevant for this nomination. Please note that there is a strict limit of no more than two additional letters, any excess letters will be discarded and will not be transferred to the committee.


The selection process
Nominations will be reviewed by an ad hoc committee coordinated by the Postdoc Program Chair. Committee recommendations will be subject to approval by the Dean of the WSoS.


How to nominate

  • Select the relevant CALL
  • Upload the candidate's CV + list of publications
  • Upload your own letter of nomination
  • Input the name(s) of your colleague(s) whom you wish to submit a letter on behalf of your candidate. If you have at your disposal the recommendation letters sent to you by your colleagues, then you may upload them yourself. Otherwise, upon completing the session and clicking the SUBMIT CHANGES button the system will send you an email with unique links to each of the referees you have listed. You may send each one of them the link and they will be able to access the system and submit their letter (no username and password will be required).