Postdoctoral Fellow Status
Postdoctoral fellow status at the Weizmann Institute of Science must commence within FOUR years from PhD or MD graduation (the earlier of the two in case of candidates with both degrees), for regular postdoc applicants, or FIVE years from PhD or MD graduation for senior postdoc applicants, and is limited to within EIGHT years of the date of your PhD or MD degree (the earlier of the two in case of candidates with both degrees). Training in any postdoctoral fellowship category will be terminated if this EIGHT-year limit is reached, regardless of the training durations detailed elsewhere on this website.
Thesis submission
A candidate may NOT start his/her postdoctoral training at the WIS before he/she provides the FGS with an official letter from the relevant authorities at his/her university certifying that his/her thesis has been submitted. Please note that under no circumstances candidates are allowed to start their training at the WIS (in any status) before the above-mentioned confirmation is received at the FGS.
Degree eligibility
Postdoctoral fellows must provide the FGS a copy of their PhD diploma or an official certification of degree eligibility within 12 months of the starting date of their postdoctoral training at the WIS. Failing to do so will result in the termination of their training.
Total Period
The total period of postdoctoral training (regular and senior postdoctoral fellowship periods combined) at the Weizmann Institute of Science can be for up to FIVE years. The length of the fellowship period of non-Israeli citizens is subject to the visa extension regulations of the Israeli Ministry of the Interior.
Regular Postdoctoral Fellowship Period
Regular postdoctoral fellowship period at the Weizmann Institute of Science can be for up to FIVE years, subject to the limitations outlined above, and the agreement of the host scientist (see regulations for early termination below).
Senior Postdoctoral Fellowship Period
Senior postdoctoral fellowship period at the Weizmann Institute of Science can be for up to FIVE years at the most. Note that since the entire postdoctoral training period at Weizmann is limited to five years, fellows that transfer to senior postdoctoral fellow status after a period of regular Weizmann postdoctoral fellowship will be limited to FIVE years training in total, subject to the limitations outlined above, and the agreement of the host scientist (see regulations for early termination below).
FGS Graduates
Graduates of the Feinberg Graduate School may stay on as postdoctoral fellows in the same PhD group for up to one year only.
FGS graduates may apply for regular postdoctoral training in a group different than the one in which they did their PhD research provided that the subject of the postdoctoral research is different than the subject of the PhD research, and the PhD advisor is not involved in that research (a signed statement is required).
FGS graduates may apply for Senior postdoctoral training only if they have completed at least two years of postdoctoral training at another academic institution.
Former Visiting Students
Same rules as for FGS graduates apply to current/former visiting students whose cumulative stay in the same groups they wish to stay on (or rejoin) as postdoctoral fellows was more than two years.
Trial Period
The Chair of the postdoctoral program or the host scientist may require that the first three months of the postdoctoral training be considered as a trial period. If within the trial period the scientist decides to terminate the training of an international postdoctoral fellow then he/she is entitled to reimbursement of flight expenses back to his/her home country. This condition does not apply if the postdoctoral fellow moves to another research group at WIS.
A host scientist may decide to terminate the postdoctoral fellow's training during or at the end of the trial period, in which case he/she will be entitled to one month’s fellowship in lieu of notice.
If the postdoctoral fellow wishes to seek another host laboratory at the Weizmann Institute, the fellow must contact the Feinberg Graduate School and seek approval of the Chair of the Program. Contacting potential hosts prior to a formal approval to do so from the Head of the Program is not allowed.
Early Termination of Training Period
By a host scientist
A host scientist may terminate the training period of a postdoc provided the following conditions are met:
- If the termination is during the first year of training then notification must be sent, in writing, to the postdoctoral fellow at least three months in advance. If the termination is after the first year then the said notification must be sent at least two months in advance.
- A copy of the notification must be sent to FGS, and the termination should be approved by the Chair of the Postdoctoral Program.
- If the fellowship is supported by an external foundation (through an agreement signed between the foundation and the WIS), approval by the particular foundation or agency may also be required.
By a postdoc
A postdoc may end his/her training period provided the following conditions are met:
- If it happens during the first year of the training period then notification must be sent, in writing, to the host scientist fellow at least three months in advance. Otherwise, if it happens after the first year then the said notification must be sent at least two months in advance. These early notification periods can be shortened only upon approval by the Chair of the Postdoctoral Training Program.
- A copy of the notification must be sent to the FGS.
- If the fellowship is supported by an external foundation (through an agreement signed between the foundation and the WIS), approval by the particular foundation or agency may also be required.
Switching Research Groups
A postdoc may switch between research groups provided all the conditions below are met:
- The switch is subject to a formal approval, in writing, by the Chair of the Postdoctoral Program at the WIS.
- Contacting potential hosts at the WIS prior to the above-mentioned formal approval is strictly not allowed.
- If the fellowship is supported by an external foundation (through an agreement signed between the foundation and the WIS), a formal approval by the particular foundation or agency may also be required.
Upon Termination of Training or Transfer to another Research Group
In case of a transfer to another group or upon termination of training, a postdoc must obey the following instructions:
- Deposit all laboratory notebooks used during their stay in the group with the PI in an organized and orderly manner.
- Deposit all digital data and files accumulated during their stay in the group with the PI in an orderly and organized manner. Furthermore, departing students must ensure that the PI has direct access to all relevant drives, folders, and files.
- Return to the PI any item of equipment belonging to the group placed temporarily with them.
- Clear all their personal belongings.
- Leave their work area clean and tidy.
- Hand over duties responsibilities to the person appointed by the PI orderly and willingly.
FGS Coordinator
Postdoctoral Training Program
Livnat MosesSend mail to Livnat MosesPhone: +972-8-934-3842