
AMOS is a center for quantum physics with atomic, molecular, and optical systems, at the Weizmann Institute of Science. The center includes 15 research groups and activities ranging across most contemporary topics in AMO physics - from atto-second pulses and intense lasers, through precision spectroscopy of ultracold atoms, molecules or ions, to quantum information and quantum optics. AMOS members hold faculty appointments in both the Physics and Chemistry Faculties at the Weizmann Institute of Science.

A wide range of interests and scientific excellence contribute to making AMOS one of Israel's leading research centers. AMOS scientists publish annually numerous scientific manuscripts in leading journals.

Ultracold Atoms, Ions & Molecules

Several groups at AMOS are investigating the properties and behavior of atoms and molecules in the ultracold temperature regime. AMOS groups study the behavior of quantum degenerate Bose and Fermi gasses, ultracold trapped ions, cold molecules, and more.

Atomic, Molecular & Precision Spectroscopy

Several groups at AMOS perform precision spectroscopy of atoms and molecules. Spectroscopy is pursued for studies ranging from precise atomic clocks, through atomic and molecular structure, to many-body behavior of ultracold mater and to searches for new physics.

Coherent Control & Quantum Information

The last decade had seen a revolution in the ability of people to coherently manipulate quantum systems of growing size. The applications of such coherent control range from quantum chemistry, to quantum computing and metrology. AMOS groups are involved in all these efforts using ultrafast laser pulses, ultracold atoms and ions. Rydberg excitations and more.

Laser Physics & Nanophotonics

Shortly after its invention, the laser was dubbed “a solution looking for a problem”. Nowadays, when lasers abound in numerous commercial products, one major challenge is to provide better, stronger and more versatile laser sources, and another is miniaturization of optical components. AMOS researchers are working on development of various methods to control laser parameters and to take advantage of the gain dynamics in lasers to solve new problems. In parallel, new nanostructured materials are being developed either as potential gain media or for use in new types of optical elements such as metalenses.

Nonlinear Optics, Imaging, & Microscopy

The field of optical microscopy has seen dramatic advances in the last two decades, culminating in the invention of new methodologies for deep tissue imaging and for surpassing the classical diffraction barrier. Some of these techniques, such as third-harmonic generation microscopy, temporal focusing microscopy and single-pulse nonlinear Raman scattering were pioneered by AMOS researchers. We are actively pursuing new methods for multiphoton microscopy, lensless and computational imaging, development of new microscopy probes and the exploitation of the quantum properties of light for enhancing the capabilities of imaging systems.

Quantum Optics & Cavity QED

AMOS groups have a strong tradition of investigating quantum optics and light-matter interactions in photonic systems, in bulk atomic media, with single emitters in the solid state, and in high-finesse cavities.

Ultrafast optics & Attosecond Science

Ultrafast science is a rapidly evolving field of research having a broad range of applications. An important breakthrough has been achieved over the past decade with the production of laser pulses with attosecond duration (10-18 seconds). The study of new areas of science, such as time resolved measurements of multi-electron dynamics and imaging molecular and nuclear dynamics on the attosecond time scales, has consequently become accessible. AMOS combines experts in nonlinear optics, ultrafast science and strong field light matter interactions. AMOS groups are revealing new phenomena in strong field light matter interaction and establishing new methods for their manipulation.