War scenario (including a missile attack)

Protected spaces are built from concrete and refer to a residential protected space, multi-level protected space, or a public shelter. Inside the office and laboratory buildings, there is appropriate signage indicating the location of the protected space. The building manager is responsible for the protected space in accordance with the security guidelines. If you do not know the location of the protected space in your work environment, please contact the building manager so that they can direct you to its location and show you the shortest way to reach it in case of an emergency.

The public shelters are intended to provide a protected area for Institute faculty who are outside of the building during a missile attack or for those who do not have a protected space in their home. The shelters are opened when the alert level is elevated and in accordance with a situational assessment. Shelters are closed on a regular basis and undergo periodic cleaning and upgrade. Inside every public shelter there are various means of protection for a stay of several hours, including: toilets, cleaning materials, telephone, UV filter systems for protection against chemical substances, drinking water, a first aid kit and a radio.

Video - Guidelines that will protect you in the event of a missile attack »

You can leave the shelter after 10 minutes, unless otherwise instructed, and no all-clear siren will be sounded.

Below are the protection instructions when an alarm sounds:

From the moment an alarm sounds, the allotted time to find a shelter is about 90 seconds.


You must enter the protected area you selected within 90 seconds. The following is in the order of priority:

  1. Residential protected space or multi-level protected space are the preferred choice.

  2. Shelter in the building – If the stairwell is internal, you must go down to the shelter through the stairs regardless of the time required to reach the shelter (as the stairwell is also good protection). If the stairwell is not protected and internal, you should go down to the shelter only if you can reach it within the time period defined in your area from the moment the alarm sounds.

  3. Public shelter – Provided it can be reached within the time period defined in your area from the moment the alarm sounds.

  4. Internal stairwell – Without windows, openings and external walls.

    • In a building of 3 or more floors, stay in the staircase that has at least two floors above it.

    • In a building with less than 3 floors, stay on the middle floor.

  5. An inner room – If you do not have a shelter or a shelter that can be reached in time, you must choose the innermost room in your home, with a minimum of external walls, windows, doors and openings.


The prefabricated structure provides only partial protection. When an alarm sounds, you should lie on the floor and cover your head with your hands.


Immediately go inside a nearby building. If there is no building nearby, lie on the ground and cover your head with your hands.


Stop at the side of the road and enter a nearby building. If it is not possible to reach a shelter in the time period allotted, you must stop at the side of the road, get out of the car, move away from it, lie on the ground and cover your head with your hands.