War scenario: Covid-19


The combination of the threat of missile attack, together with the coronavirus crisis, makes civilian protective guidelines complex, particularly in the public arena. The guidelines for conduct upon warning of rocket fire have been adjusted to the current reality, in which the State of Israel is acting to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Wear a mask, maintain social distance, and limit time spent in protected areas to ten minutes to provide maximum protection against both threats: both the physical threat and the threat of infection.

The following are several guidelines that have been adjusted to the current period:

  • Enter a protected area according to the following priorities: MAMAD, MAMAK, shelter, internal stairwell, or protected internal room, based on the time available to you. Close the door and windows and remain in the area for 10 minutes.
  • Wear a mask while in a shared protected area with other people: MAMAD/MAMAK, common/public shelter or internal stairwell.
  • Individuals who are in quarantine and/or have tested positive for COVID-19 and are hospitalized at home must wear a mask at all times while in a protected area, as well as on their way to the protected area and when exiting it, and should stay as far away from others as possible.
  • Physical contact or passing objects from one person to another should be avoided.
  • When exiting the protected area, wash hands thoroughly with soap and water.

It should be emphasized that the protected area provides good protection from rocket and missile fire, as has been proven in the past. Therefore, even at this time, it is important to enter a protected area when a siren sounds and to conduct oneself in accordance with the coronavirus guidelines.

In addition, the priorities in choosing a protected area have been determined after thorough examination and have proven critical in providing optimal defense for civilians against the threat of rockets and missiles. An addition to remaining in a protected area, it is important to observe the three rules: mask, social distance, handwashing. These rules greatly reduce the risk of infection.