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Prof. Gad Asher | 2 Years



<li><strong>Clocks resetting |</strong><em>&nbsp;</em>Recently, we have developed a new method to study resetting agents in vitro in an efficient and high-throughput manner, dubbed Circa-SCOPE (<a href="">Man... al</em>.,&nbsp;<em>Nature Communication</em>&nbsp;2021)</a>. This methodology opens the door to a wide range of applications, in both basic and translational research.

Prof. Gad Asher | 2 Years



<p>The relevant projects address the influence of circadian clocks on exercise performance, and training efficiency, as well as the effect of chronotype, feeding, and hypoxia on exercise capacity.</p>&#xD;
<p>Circadian clocks are key regulators of daily physiology and metabolism in mammals. Our understanding of the role of the circadian clock and specific clock proteins in controlling exercise capacity is rudimentary.

| 5 Years



<p>Size matters, especially in neurons. Differentiated cells in higher eukaryotes exhibit a wide variety of shapes and sizes, while maintaining defined size ranges within cell subtypes. How do they do that? Genome expression must be matched to different cell sizes, with rapidly growing cells likely requiring higher transcriptional and translational output than cells in slow growth or maintenance phase.

Dr. Nir Fluman | 2 Years



Membrane proteins make up a quarter of the proteome of every living organism and participate in nearly every biological process. We are interested in the fascinating process of how these proteins get produced, fold, and assemble in cells. The questions we address are: How do proteins fold in the membranes of living cells? How do the dynamic features of unfolded proteins assist in this process? How do cellular factors recognize membrane proteins that failed to fold and need to be cleared? The lab combines biochemical, cell biology, genetic and computational tools.

Prof. Neta Regev-Rudzki | 3 Years



<p>Applicants with a strong research background at the intersection of molecular biology, biochemistry, imaging and/or biophysics are encouraged to apply. Experience in microbiology, molecular genetics (including CRISPR/Cas9), advanced imaging platforms or advanced protein chemistry is advantageous. This is a full-time position available for a period of three years with a possibility of a further extension subject to funding availability. Candidate should send a cover letter and CV (includes a publication list) to Prof. Neta Regev-Rudzki.

Prof. Neta Regev-Rudzki | 3 Years



<p>Applicants with a strong research background at the intersection of molecular biology, biochemistry, imaging and/or biophysics are encouraged to apply. Experience in microbiology, molecular genetics (including CRISPR/Cas9), advanced imaging platforms (including image analysis) or advanced protein chemistry is advantageous. This is a full-time position available from October 2023 for a period of two years with a possibility of a further extension subject to funding availability. Candidate should send a cover letter and CV (includes a publication list) to Dr. Neta Regev-Rudzki.

Prof. Eitan Reuveny | 4 Years



<p>G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the largest gene family in the human genome. Their role is to translate chemical information into cellular responses, like olfactory processing, neuronal activity modulation, and hormone actions or regulating blood pressure among many. Their cellular effectors can range from various enzymes to ion channels. Interestingly, nature has designed the GPCR as a major target for many natural compounds and the pharmaceutical industry has focused its attention on designing various agonists and antagonists to treat various illnesses.

Prof. David Wallach | 4 Years



<p>Motivated and creative students with background in molecular biology are invited to join our studies of the mechanisms by which signaling by the TNF family contributes to immune defense, to chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases and to cancer, and our attempts to derive from this knowledge new ways of therapy. See our website and list of publications for the range of research subjects that we are exploring and for the range of experimental approaches that we are applying. (</p>&#xD;