Frequently Asked Questions by Staff Scientists

Staff Scientists should be knowledgeable about the following topics that affect them. Many of the answers to the questions below link to documents in the Academic Secretary web site. Access to these documents may be accessible only within the institute network (Your login account and password is required).
To ask more questions whose answers would be of interest here, or to notify errors, please send mail to:


What are my rights and obligations regarding intellectual property or patents resulting from my work or from collaboration with other Weizmann scientists?

Staff scientists, and other researchers in the Weizmann Institute, are bound by the same rules of intellectual property.

A Staff Scientist working as part of a research group shall not be considered to be the “Chief Investigator,” and thus he may only obtain the role of “inventor” or “contributor” to a patent invention and his share (%) in the patent royalties will be determined by the Chief Investigator(s).

If a Staff Scientist feels that his contribution has not been properly attributed on the patent application is advised to contact their sectorial representative from the staff scientists council on how best to proceed with the matter.

What are my rights to authorship of scientific journal articles?

Staff Scientists, both in research groups and in service units, who contribute scientifically to a research project should be included in the list of authors on any publication resulting from said research. This is both the policy of the Weizmann Institute and of most academic journals. If a Staff Scientist feels that his contribution has not been properly acknowledged is advised to contact their sectorial representative from the staff scientists council on how to best proceed with the matter.

Can a Staff Scientist submit a grant proposal?

A Staff Scientist may apply for external grants as a co-PI with his/her group leader or head of department (in the case of a Staff Scientist in a services unit). A list of grants that permit staff scientists to be included as a co-PI is available here (correct as of 23/12/2021, will be updated as needed).

A Staff Scientist may exceptionally apply for a grant by himself or with other Staff Scientists or with a faculty member from another institution. In this case, written approval must be given ahead of time by his/her group leader or head of department and the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Permission in such a case will be given only in the most exceptional circumstances; see letter from Vice President for Academic Affairs (login required).

There is an internal grant available for Staff Scientists in service units; for details see the grant page on the Research Grants and Projects Office site.

See also:

Is there an internal grant for staff scientists?

Yes, there is an internal grant only for Staff Scientists in service units. This grant is aimed at providing staff scientists an oppotunity to carry out small, independent research projects that will improve research tools available in their unit. Applications are due in mid-April each year and are judged by a committee headed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. For details, see: Weizmann - Staff Scientists Internal Grant Program.

Can a Staff Scientist teach a course in the Graduate School?

Staff Scientists may teach courses and labs in the Feinberg Graduate School. If you would like to teach, consult with the Chair of the Board of Studies of your faculty, who decides which courses are offered and who teaches them. Staff scientists receive additional salary for teaching; for details contact the FGS.

Can a Staff Scientist officially supervise a student?

Staff scientists on their own are not allowed to supervise masters (M.Sc.) or doctoral (Ph.D.) graduate students. However, Senior Staff Scientists and Senior Research Fellows are allowed to co-supervise students, together with a professor. Each case must be approved by the Dean of the Feinberg Graduate School. In any case, staff scientists are encouraged to include in their C.V. a section listing all students whom they have "unofficially supervised," as well as in their work plan when applying for a promotion and tenure.

For which prizes are Staff Scientists eligible?

There are two prizes for outstanding Staff Scientists

  • Maxine Singer Prize for Outstanding Staff Scientists (two recipients each year)
  • Scientific Council Prize for Outstanding Staff Scientists (two recipients each year)

Any professor or senior scientist may nominate a Staff Scientist for a prize. A list of recipients is available on the Academic Affairs site.

Can a Staff Scientist Get a Sabbatical

No. Sabbatical leave is not part of the staff scientist's terms of employment.

That being said, starting in 2022, the Research Grants & Projects Office started a new initiative whereby staff scientists can apply for a long-term (up to 3 months) travel grant to “to explore collaborations and acquire expertise in cutting edge technologies” (per the grant description). Application deadlines are Feb. 1, 2022, and Aug. 1, 2022 (two submissions). For details, see the RGP call here.

How do I have official Weizmann visiting cards (כרטיסי ביקור) prepared?

Your department secretary can order them for you from the Publishing Department.

How do I make an official web page for myself or my group?

The Division of Information Services supplies templates and support for building your own website.

Do Staff Scientists participate in any Institute committees?

Currently, Staff Scientists sit on the following committees:

  • the Executive Committee of the Staff Scientists Council sit as observers on the Scientific Council of Professors
  • we have two representatives on the Va'ad Mad'anim
  • one representative on the Services Committee
  • one representative on the Food and Restaurant Services Committee