
Name Area of Expertise
 Alon Chen  miRNA in Stress-related Behavior
 Nava Dekel  miRNA in Germ Cell Biology
 Rivka Dikstein  Transcriptional Control of miRNA Genes
 Zvulun Elazar  miRNA in Apoptosis
 Yuval Eshed  miRNA Regulation of Flowering Time, Leaf Form and Viral  Infection
 Benny Geiger  miRNA in Osteoporosis
 Yoram Groner  miRNA and Transcriptoin Factor Regulation Network
 Eran Hornstein  miRNA in Development and Disease
 Steffen Jung  miRNA in Dendritic Cells
 Adi Kimchi  miRNAs in Apoptosis
 Tzvee Lapoidot  miRNA in Hematopoietic Stem Cells
 Moshe Oren  miRNA in Inflammation/Cancer
 Yitzchak Pilpel  miRNA Genomics
 Varda Rotter  miRNA in Carcinogenesis
 Eran Segal   RNA secondary structure
 Menachem Segal  Neuronal miRNA Regulation
 Yosef Shaul  miRNA in Viruses
  Yoav Soen  miRNA in Embryonic Stem Cells
Rotem Sorek  Bacrerial CRISPR
 Mike Walker  The Promotesrs of Pancreatic miRNAs
 Yosef Yarden  miRNA in the EGF Pathway
 Avraham Yaron  miRNA in Sensory Neurons
 Dov Zipori  miRNA in Mesenchymal Stem Cells