In keeping with cloud computing technology trends, we support flexible and cost-effective delivery of hardware and software computing resources over Internet infrastructure.
Weizmann Institute users are provided self-service virtual machines, accessible over LAN or within the Institute’s DMZ (Demilitarized Zone, a logical network exposing externally-facing services to the Internet), and allowing access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources.
Among the key benefits of this offering are
- High scalability - the freedom to upgrade or scale back resources (processors, memory capacity and disk space) on demand
- High speed networking - private cloud virtual machines are hosted on the Weizmann Institute’s data center network, supporting very fast connectivity
- Fast deployment - resources are purchased and supplied within mere days
- Cost effectiveness – pay-per-use model helps you dramatically reduce up-front infrastructure investments, as well as avoid any hidden service or warranty costs
- High availability - no single point of failure
Additional benefits unique to the our private cloud implementation include the following:
- Transfer data to and from the cloud at no cost
- High speed access to Weizmann data center hosted resources at no extra cost
- Reduced communication bottlenecks and high connection reliability due to close physical proximity to Weizmann Institute private cloud resources
Feel free to contact us for private cloud-based IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) resources built on Weizmann Institute data center foundations. For information on Windows machines, contact Shalom Berger or Uri Shimon, and for assistance with Linux machines, contact Camelia Botez.
The following private cloud oriented services are provided
- OS installation and diagnostics
- Application installation consulting
- Disk space monitoring
- Live system monitoring
- Live application monitoring
- Server workload monitoring
- Security updates
- Backup services (at additional cost)
- Network and IP configuration
- Management support (during normal business hours)
- "Finger service" (simple remote server shutdown and reboot; this service is available Sundays through Thursdays, from 19:00 to 22:00, and on Fridays, from 07:00 to 14:00)
Monthly virtual machine costs depend on specific resource configuration (number of CPU cores, amount of RAM and hard disk capacity). Recommended resource configuration is jointly defined with the intended virtual machine owner during server provisioning. For detailed pricing, please refer to Virtual Server Ordering Charges.
Installation Instructions
Follow the instructions provided in Internal Services.
For details, see the Web page on servers.