
  1. Haber A. & Schneidman E. (2022) Phys Rev X. 12, p. 021051  Abstract
  2. Cohen Y., Schneidman E., & Paz R. (2021) Neuron. 109, p. 1-13  Abstract
  3. Pakman A., Nejatbakhsh A., Gilboa D. , Makkeh A., Mazzucato L., Wibral M., & Schneidman E. (2021) Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021). 35,  Abstract
  4. Pechuk V, Goldman G., Salzberg Y., Chaubey AH, Bola RA, Hoffman JR et al. (2021) bioRxiv 2021.12.14.472335.  Abstract [All authors]
  5. Maoz O., Tkačik G., Esteki M.S., Kiani R., Schneidman E. (2020) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences . 117 , 40, p. 25066-25073  Abstract
  6. Harpaz R. & Schneidman E. (2020) eLife. 9, p. e56196  Abstract
  7. Brazowski B. & Schneidman E. (2020) arxiv. 2006.11671.
  8. Levy D. R., Tamir T., Kaufman M., Parabucki A., Weissbrod A., Schneidman E. & Yizhar O. (2019) Nature Neuroscience. 22, 12, p. 2013-2022  Abstract
  9. Karpas E.D., Maoz O., Kiani R., & Schneidman E. (2019) bioRxiv. 693192.  Abstract
  10. Bod'ova K., Mitchell G.J., Harpaz R., Schneidman E. & Tkacik G. (2018) PLoS One. 13, 3, 0193049.  Abstract
  11. Harpaz R., Tkacik G. & Schneidman E. (2017) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 114, 38, p. 10149-10154  Abstract
  12. Karpas E. D., Shklarsh A. & Schneidman E. (2017) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 114, 22, p. 5589-5594  Abstract
  13. Shemesh Y., Forkosh O., Mahn M., Manashirov S., Anpilov S., Sztainberg Y. et al. (2016) Nature Neuroscience. 19, 11, p. 1489-1496  Abstract [All authors]
  14. Schneidman E. (2016) Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 37, p. 133-140  Abstract
  15. Ganmor E., Segev R. & Schneidman E. (2015) eLife. 4, e06134.  Abstract
  16. Noise, correlations, and information in neural population codes
    Schneidman E. (2014) In: The cognitive neurosciences, Fifth Edition, Gazzaniga, M.S. and Mangun G.R. (editors) . p. 319-336
  17. Tkacik G., Ghosh A., Schneidman E. & Segev R. (2014) PLoS One. 9, 1,  Abstract
  18. Tkacik G., Marre O., Amodei D., Schneidman E., Bialek W. & Berry M. (2014) PLoS Computational Biology. 10, 1, e1003408.  Abstract
  19. Vasserman G., Schneidman E. & Segev R. (2013) PLoS One. 8, 10,  Abstract
  20. Shemesh Y., Sztainberg Y., Forkosh O., Shlapobersky T., Chen A. & Schneidman E. (2013) eLife. 2,  Abstract
  21. Granot-Atedgi E., Tkacik G., Segev R. & Schneidman E. (2013) PLoS Computational Biology. 9, 3,  Abstract
  22. Tkacik G., Granot-Atedgi E., Segev R. & Schneidman E. (2013) Physical Review Letters. 110, 5, 058104.  Abstract
  23. Cohen Y. & Schneidman E. (2013) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110, 2, p. 684-689  Abstract
  24. Weiss T., Snitz K., Yablonka A., Khan R. M., Gafsou D., Schneidman E. & Sobel N. (2012) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109, 49, p. 19959-19964  Abstract
  25. Deutsch D., Pietr M., Knutsen P. M., Ahissar E. & Schneidman E. (2012) PLoS One. 7, 9, 44272.  Abstract
  26. Kfir Y., Renan I., Schneidman E. & Segev R. (2012) PLoS One. 7, 3, 33149.  Abstract
  27. Lapid H., Shushan S., Plotkin A., Voet H., Roth Y., Hummel T., Schneidman E. & Sobel N. (2011) Nature Neuroscience. 14, 11, p. 1455-1461  Abstract
  28. Schneidman E., Puchalla J. L., Segev R., Harris R. A., Bialek W. & Berry M. J. I. (2011) Journal of Neuroscience. 31, 44, p. 15732-15741  Abstract
  29. Shklarsh A., Ariel G., Schneidman E. & Ben-Jacob E. (2011) PLoS Computational Biology. 7, 9, 1002177.  Abstract
  30. Ganmor E., Segev R. & Schneidman E. (2011) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108, 23, p. 9679-9684  Abstract
  31. Tkacik G., Prentice J. S., Balasubramanian V. & Schneidman E. (2010) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107, 32, p. 14419-14424  Abstract
  32. Haddad R., Weiss T., Khan R., Nadler B., Mandairon N., Bensafi M., Schneidman E. & Sobel N. (2010) Journal of Neuroscience. 30, 27, p. 9017-9026  Abstract
  33. Tkacik G., Schneidman E., II M. J. B. & Bialek W. (2009) arXiv. 0912.5409.  Abstract
  34. Lapid H., Seo H., Schuster B., Schneidman E., Roth Y., Harel D., Sobel N. & Hummel T. (2009) Journal of Neurophysiology. 102, 4, p. 2121-2130  Abstract
  35. Ganmor E., Segev R. & Schneidman E. (2009) Journal of Physics: International Workshop on Statistical-Mechanical Informatics. 197, 012020.  Abstract
  36. Segev R., Schneidman E., Goodhouse J. & Berry M. J. (2007) Journal of Neurophysiology. 98, 3, p. 1380-1391  Abstract
  37. Tkacik G., Schneidman E., Berry II M.J. & Bialek W. (2006) arXiv. 0611072.  Abstract
  38. Schneidman E., Berry M. J., Segev R. & Bialek W. (2006) Nature. 440, 7087, p. 1007-1012  Abstract
  39. Puchalla J. L., Schneidman E., Harris R. A. & Berry M. J. (2005) Neuron. 46, 3, p. 493-504  Abstract
  40. Schneidman E., Bialek W. & Berry II M. J. (2003) Journal of Neuroscience. 23, 37, p. 11539-11553  Abstract
  41. Schneidman E., Still S., Berry II M. J. & Bialek W. (2003) Physical Review Letters. 91, 23, 238701.  Abstract
  42. Schneidman E., Bialek W. & Berry II M. J. (2003) Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 15. Obermayer K., Becker S. & Thrun S.(eds.). p. 213-220  Abstract
  43. Dubnov S., El-Yaniv R., Gdalyahu Y., Schneidman E., Tishby N. & Yona G. (2002) Machine Learning. 47, 1, p. 35-61  Abstract
  44. Schneidman E., Brenner N., Tishby N., van Steveninck R. R. d. R. & Bialek W. (2001) Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 13. Tresp, Dietterich TG. & Leen TK.(eds.). p. 159-165  Abstract
  45. Schneidman E., Segev I. & Tishby N. (2000) Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 12. Muller KR., Solla SA. & Leen TK.(eds.). Vol. 12. p. 178-184  Abstract
  46. Segev I. & Schneidman E. (1999) Journal of Physiology Paris. 93, 4, p. 263-270  Abstract
  47. Schneidman E., Freedman B. & Segev I. (1998) Neural Computation. 10, 7, p. 1679-1703  Abstract
  48. Landau D., Schneidman E. M., Jacobovitz T. & Rozenman Y. (1997) Ophthalmology. 104, 4, p. 639-642  Abstract