Concepts of condensed matter physics Spring 2020

  1. Literature and general reading material
  1. Recorded lectures  & additional lecture notes:
    1. Introduction (April 22: talk)
    2. Electrons in a periodic lattice 1 (May 5: talk)
      • (Basic concepts, Bloch theorem, Tight bonding, 1D chain, Discrete symmetries)
    3. Electrons in a periodic lattice 2 (May 6: talk, notes)
    4. Quantum Hall Effect(May 12: talk)
      • (Drude model, Classical Hall Effect, Quantum Hall Effect, Quantum conductance in 1D, Fractional Charges, Kubo Formula for conductivity, Chern numbers )
    5. Quantum Hall Effect 2 (May 13: talk, notes)
    6. Symmetry and Topology 1(May 19: talk)
      • (Berry phase, Dirac Strings, Discrete Symmetries, Haldane Model, Topological insulator)
    7. Symmetry and Topology 2 (May 20: talk, notes)
    8. Spin Models 1 (May 26: talk)
      •  (First and Second quantization of ineteracting particles in bands, Three Channels: Direct, Exchange and Pairing, Hisenberg Model and its Mean Field Solution)
    9. Spin Models 2 (May 27: talk)
    10. Tutorial: Hubbard model (June 2: talk)
    11. Spin Models 3 (June 3: talk)
    12. Tutorial (Path integral and Hubbard-Stratonovich(June 9: notes-Ch.6 talk)
    13. Tutorial (Mermin-Wagner, Chern number) (June 10: notes-Chs.5&14 talk)
    14. Superfluid 1 (June 16: talk)
      • (Global Gauge Symmetry, The Bose-Einstein Condensation, Weakly Interacting Bose Gas, Superfluidity, Landau's Argument, Quntized Circulation, Irrotational flow, Vortices)
    15. Superfluid 2 (June 17: talk)
    16. Superconductivity 1 (Turorial BCS theory)(June 23: notes talk)
      • (Cooper pairs, BCS theory, Ginsburg -Landau Theory of Superconductors, Local gauge symmetry and the Anderson-Higgs Mechanism, Phenomenology: London Equation, Vortices, Coherence length and Penetration depth, Type I and II superconductors.)
    17. Superconductivity 2 (June 24: talk)
    18. Superconductivity 3 [Phenomenology](June 30: talk)
    19. Superconductivity 4 (Turotial: RG for the Cooper channel)(July 1: talk)
    20. Superconductivity 4.5 (Turotial Continue)(July 7: talk)
    21. The 2D XY Model: The Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition(July 7: notes talk)
      • (Vortices in the XY model, Kosterlitz-Thouless Argument, Describing vortices as a Coulomb gas, RG Approach, The order of the KTB phase transition, Coulomb gas and the Sine-Gordon mapping (Momentum RG))
    22. 2D XY Model 2 (July 8: talk)
    23. 2D XY Model 3 (July 14: talk)
    24. 2D XY Model 4 (July 15: talk)
    25. 2D XY Model 5 (July 21: talk)
    26. Remarks on Haldane model, Summary (July 22: talk) 
  2. Exercises