Causal-mechanical explanations in biology: Applying automated assessment for personalized learning in the science classroom
Ariely M., Nazaretsky T. & Alexandron G. (2024), Journal of Research in Science Teaching
Recommender systems for teachers: The relation between social ties and the effectiveness of socially-based features
Yacobson E., Toda A. M., Cristea A. I. & Alexandron G. (2024), Computers and Education. 210, 104960
An evaluation of assessment stability in a massive open online course using item response theory
Gershon S. K., Anghel E. & Alexandron G. (2023), Education and Information Technologies. 29, 3, p. 2625-2643
A General Purpose Anomaly-Based Method for Detecting Cheaters in Online Courses
Alexandron G., Berg A. & Ruiperez-Valiente J. A. (2023), IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 17, p. 1-11
How Do Teachers Search for Learning Resources? A Mixed Method Field Study
Yacobson E. & Alexandron G. (2023), Responsive and Sustainable Educational Futures - 18th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2023, Proceedings. Jivet I., Perifanou M., Viberg O., Muñoz-Merino P. J. & Papathoma T. (eds.). p. 489-503
Transformer-based Hebrew NLP models for Short Answer Scoring in Biology
Schleifer A. G., Klebanov B. B., Ariely M. & Alexandron G. (2023), BEA 2023 - 18th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications, Proceedings of the Workshop. Tack A., Horbach A., Kochmar E., Burstein J., Madnani N., Laarmann-Quante R., Zesch T., Yaneva V. & Yuan Z. (eds.). p. 550-555
Simulated Learners in Educational Technology: A Systematic Literature Review and a Turing-like Test
Kaser T. & Alexandron G. (2023), International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. 34, 2, p. 545-585
Teachers' trust in AIpowered educational technology and a professional development program to improve it
Nazaretsky T., Ariely M., Cukurova M. & Alexandron G. (2022), British Journal of Educational Technology. 53, 4, p. 914-931
An Instrument for Measuring Teachers' Trust in AI-Based Educational Technology
Nazaretsky T., Cukurova M. & Alexandron G. (2022), LAK 2022 -12th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference. p. 56-66
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Assisting Teachers in Finding Online Learning Resources: The Value of Social Recommendations
Yacobson E., Toda A. M., Cristea A. I. & Alexandron G. (2022), Artificial Intelligence in Education. Posters and Late Breaking Results, Workshops and Tutorials, Industry and Innovation Tracks, Practitioners and Doctoral Consortium - 23rd International Conference, AIED 2022, Proceedings. Cristea A. I., Rodrigo M. M., Matsuda N. & Dimitrova V. (eds.). p. 391-395
The effects of assessment design on academic dishonesty, learner engagement, and certification rates in MOOCs
Alexandron G., Wiltrout M. E., Berg A., Gershon S. K. & Ruiperez-Valiente J. A. (2022), Journal of Computer Assisted Learning
Trustworthy remote assessments: A typology of pedagogical and technological strategies
Hilliger I., RuipérezValiente J. A., Alexandron G. & Gašević D. (2022), Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 38, 6, p. 1507-1520
Assessment that matters: Balancing reliability and learner-centered pedagogy in MOOC assessment
Alexandron G., Wiltrout M. E., Berg A. & Ruipérez-Valiente J. A. (2020)
Identifying relations between items in an online learning tutor using educational data mining
Nazaretsky T., Hershkovitz S. & Alexandron G. (2020)
Teacher-sourcing semantic information in a Physics blended-learning environment
Yacobson E., Bar-Yosef A., Hen E. & Alexandron G. (2020)
Are MOOC Learning Analytics Results Trustworthy? With Fake Learners, They Might Not Be!
Alexandron G., Yoo L. Y., Ruiperez-Valiente J. A., Lee S. & Pritchard D. E. (2019), International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. 29, 4, p. 484-506
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Towards a General Purpose Anomaly Detection Method to Identify Cheaters in Massive Open Online Courses
Alexandron G., Ruiperez-Valiente J. A. & Pritchard D. E. (2019)
Using Machine Learning to Detect 'Multiple-Account' Cheating and Analyze the Influence of Student and Problem Features
Ruiperez-Valiente J. A., Munoz-Merino P. J., Alexandron G. & Pritchard D. E. (2019), IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 12, 1, p. 112-122
Understanding the potential and challenges of Big Data in schools and education
Hershkovitz A. & Alexandron G. (2019), Tendencias Pedagógicas. 35, p. 7-17
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Animated Cartoons in an Intelligent Math Tutoring System Using Educational Data Mining
Alexandron G., Keinan G., Levy B. & Hershkovitz S. (2018), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2018. Fulford C., Weippl E., Sorensen E. K., Sointu E., Marks G., Davidson-Shivers G. V., Knezek G., Viteli J., Braak J. V., Voogt J., Kreijns K., DePryck K., Cantoni L., Castro M., Brown M., Ebner M., Fominykh M., Zawacki-Richter O., Weber P., Christensen R., Hatzipanagos S. & Bastiaens T. (eds.). Amsterdam, Netherlands p. 719-730
A New Method for Measuring Similarity Between Educational Items from Response Data
Nazaretsky T., Hershkovitz S. & Alexandron G. (2018)
Evaluating the Robustness of Learning Analytics Results Against Fake Learners
Alexandron G., Ruipérez-Valiente J. A., Lee S. & Pritchard D. E. (2018), Lifelong Technology-Enhanced Learning - 13th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2018, Proceedings. Drachsler H., Perez-Sanagustin M., Scheffel M., Elferink R. & Pammer-Schindler V. (eds.). p. 74-87
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Kappa Learning: A New Method for Measuring Similarity Between Educational Items Using Performance Data
Nazaretsky T., Hershkovitz S. & Alexandron G. (2018), arXiv
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ביג דאטה בחינוך - פוטנציאל ואתגרים
Alexandron G. & Hershkovitz A. (2018), Kriyat Beinayim. 31, p. 8-12
Predicting Reading Comprehension in Digital Platforms
Alexandron G., Fuhrman O. & Hershkovitz A. (2018)
Privacy and Security in Educational Technology
Alexandron G. (2018)
Copying@Scale: Using Harvesting Accounts for Collecting Correct Answers in a MOOC
Alexandron G., Ruipérez-Valiente J. A., Chen Z., Muñoz-Merino P. J. & Pritchard D. E. (2017), Computers & Education. 108, p. 96-114
Researching for better instructional methods using AB experiments in MOOCs: results and challenges
Chen Z., Chudzicki C., Palumbo D., Alexandron G., Choi Y. J., Zhou Q. & Pritchard D. E. (2016), Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning. 11, 1, 9
Detecting cheaters in MOOCs using item response theory and learning analytics
Alexandron G., Lee S., Chen Z. & Pritchard D. E. (2016), CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 1618, p. 53-56
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Using Multiple Accounts for Harvesting Solutions in MOOCs
Ruiperez-Valiente J. A., Alexandron G., Chen Z. & Pritchard D. E. (2016), Proceedings of the Third ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale (L@S 2016). p. 63-70
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Learning Experiments using AB Testing at Scale in a Physics MOOC
Chudzicki C., Chen Z., Choi Y., Zhou Q., Alexandron G. & Pritchard D. E. (2015)
Evidence of MOOC Students Using Multiple Accounts to Harvest Correct Answers
Alexandron G., Ruiperez-Valientea J. A. & Pritchard D. E. (2015)
Using Prediction Models to Analyze the Effectiveness of the Instructional Resources
Alexandron G., Chen Z., Chudzicki C. & Pritchard D. E. (2015)
Discovering the Pedagogical Resources that Assist Students to Answer Questions Correctly A Machine Learning Approach
Alexandron G., Zhou Q. & Pritchard D. E. (2015), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Educational Data Mining. p. 520-523
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Kinetic and dynamic data structures for convex hulls and upper envelopes
Alexandron G., Kaplan H. & Sharir M. (2007), Computational Geometry-Theory And Applications. 36, 2, p. 144-158
איך לחתוך את הסנדוויץ' - על גאומטריה חישובית ויישומיה
Alexandron G. (2006), Galileo
Kinetic and Dynamic Data Structures for Convex Hulls and Upper Envelopes
Alexandron G., Kaplan H. & Sharir M. (2005), Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures. p. 269-281