The research literature indicates that professional community of teachers supports their professional development. The Department of Science teaching at the Weizmann Institute of Science operates more than 50 teachers’ communities throughout the country in the fields of biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, and Science and Technology at the High School and middle school level. Each group developed an operating model based on the research literature and the characteristics of a learning professional communities. A professional community of teachers enables shared learning, optimal use of community members’ strengths, and collaborations on issues of disciplinary content and pedagogical approaches. According to the socio-cultural approach, a new common knowledge is been developed in the community, which undergoes formation and empowerment through reflective dialogue with colleagues who share similar experiences.

Community members develop a shared responsibility for the professional development of all community members and for the development of their PCK and TPCK. They define common norms and values, develop awareness of behaviors and communication, and an atmosphere of trust and respect.

Various studies accompany the work of communities in different groups. The studies focus on different aspects of learning communities and examine the contribution of a learning professional community to the professional development of the teachers and to the achievements, attitudes and motivation of their students.