Physics card games to support knowledge organization: design considerations and teachers attitudes
Levy S., Perl-Nussbaum D. & Yerushalmi E. (2024), Physics Education. 59, 5, 055010
Enhancing Mathematization in Physics Education by Digital Tools
Ivanjek L., Perl-Nussbaum D., Solvang L., Yerushalmi E. & Pospiech G. (2024), Physics Education Today. Fazio C. & Logman P. (eds.). p. 35-53
The value of using different types of physics problems to help students become proficient problem-solvers
Good M., Marshman E., Yerushalmi E. & Singh C. (2024), Physics Education. 59, 1, 015018
Interdisciplinary dialogic argumentation among out-of-field and in-field physics teachers
Perl-Nussbaum D., Schwarz B. B. & Yerushalmi E. (2023), Science Education
One-Shot GW Transport Calculations: A Charge-Conserving Solution
Klein D. & Michaeli K. (2023), The journal of physical chemistry letters. 14, 4, p. 897-904
Giant chirality-induced spin selectivity of polarons
Klein D. & Michaeli K. (2023), Physical Review B. 107, 4, 045404
Chiral molecules and magnets as efficient thermoelectric converters
Klein D. & Michaeli K. (2023), Physical Review B. 108, 7, 075407
High school students perceptions on the relevance of inquiry-oriented instructional labs as introduction to an extended research project
Perl-Nussbaum D. & Yerushalmi E. (2022), Physical review. Physics education research. 18, 1, 010137
Integrating Experimental Research Practices: Teachers' Professional Development in Significantly Different Educational Settings
Levy S., Langley D. & Yerushalmi E. (2021), Long-term Research and Development in Science Education: What Have We Learned?.
Highlighting considerations in experimental design: the case of multimeters
Levy S., Noga A., Kapach Z. & Yerushalmi E. (2021), Physics Education. 57, 1, 015018
Shifting the learning gears: Redesigning a project-based course on soft matter through the perspective of constructionism
Langbeheim E., Abrashkin A., Steiner A., Edri H., Safran S. & Yerushalmi E. (2020), Physical Review Physics Education Research. 16, 2, 020147
Teacher-sourcing semantic information in a Physics blended-learning environment
Yacobson E., Bar-Yosef A., Hen E. & Alexandron G. (2020)
Physics postgraduate teaching assistants' grading approaches: conflicting goals and practices
Marshman E., Maries A., Sayer R. T., Henderson C., Yerushalmi E. & Singh C. (2020), European Journal of Physics. 41, 5, 055701
Science Teachers' Attitudes towards Computational Modeling in the Context of an Inquiry-Based Learning Module
Langbeheim E., Perl D. & Yerushalmi E. (2020), Journal of Science Education and Technology, 6, p. 785-796
Motivators, contributors, and inhibitors to physics teacher-leaders professional development in a program of professional learning communities
Levy S., Bagno E., Berger H. & Eylon B. S. (2020), STEM Teachers and Teaching in the Digital Era:Professional Expectations and Advancement in the 21st Century Schools. p. 159-184
Graduate teaching assistants' views of broken-into-parts physics problems: Preference for guidance overshadows development of self-reliance in problem solving
Good M., Marshman E., Yerushalmi E. & Singh C. (2020), Physical Review Physics Education Research. 16, 1, 010128
Extending the Boundaries of High-School Physics: Introducing Computational Modeling of Complex Systems
Langbeheim E., Edri H., Schulmann N., Safran S. A. & Yerushalmi E. (2019), Physics Teaching and Learning: Challenging the Paradigm. p. 111-134
Physics teaching assistants' views of different types of introductory problems: Challenge of perceiving the instructional benefits of context-rich and multiple-choice problems
Good M., Marshman E., Yerushalmi E. & Singh C. (2018), Physical Review Physics Education Research. 14, 2, 020120
The challenges of changing teaching assistants' grading practices: Requiring students to show evidence of understanding
Marshman E., Sayer R., Henderson C., Yerushalmi E. & Singh C. (2018), Canadian Journal of Physics. 96, 4, p. 420-437
Classroom Evidence of Teachers' PCK of the Interplay of Physics and Mathematics
Lehavi Y., Bagno E., Eylon B. S., Mualem R., Pospiech G., Boehm U., Krey O. & Karam R. (2017), Key Competences in Physics Teaching and Learning:Selected Contributions from the International Conference GIREP EPEC 2015, Wrocław Poland, 610 July 2015. p. 95-104
Integrating Science Education Research and History and Philosophy of Science in Developing an Energy Curriculum
Lehavi Y. & Eylon B. (2017), History, Philosophy and Science Teaching: New Perspectives. p. 235-260
Engagement in theoretical modelling in research apprenticeships for capable high school students
Langbeheim E., Safran S. A. & Yerushalmi E. (2016), International Perspectives on Science Education for the Gifted:Key issues and challenges. p. 43-56
Computer modeling as a scientific means of training prospective physics teachers
The Effect Of Computer Science On Physics Learning In A Computational Science Environment
Taub R., Armoni M., Bagno E. & Ben-Ari M. M. (2015), Computers & Education. 87, p. 10-23
Visualizing the entropy change of a thermal reservoir
Langbeheim E., Safran S. A. & Yerushalmi E. (2014), Journal of Chemical Education. 91, 3, p. 380-385
Problem solving vs. troubleshooting tasks: the case of sixth-grade students studying simple electric circuits
Safadi R. & Yerushalmi E. (2014), International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 12, 6, p. 1341-1366
Teaching assistants' beliefs regarding example solutions in introductory physics
Lin S. Y., Henderson C., Mamudi W., Singh C. & Yerushalmi E. (2013), Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research. 9, 1, 010120
Supporting teachers who introduce curricular innovations into their classrooms: A problem-solving perspective
Yerushalmi E. & Eylon B. S. (2013), Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research. 9, 1, 010121
Evolution in students' understanding of thermal physics with increasing complexity
Langbeheim E., Safran S., Livne S. & Yerushalmi E. (2013), Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research. 9, 2, 020117
Knowledge Integration While Interacting with an Online Troubleshooting Activity
Yerushalmi E., Puterkovsky M. & Bagno E. (2013), Journal of Science Education and Technology. 22, 4, p. 463-474
Design guidelines for adapting scientific research articles: an example from an introductory level, interdisciplinary program on soft matter
Langbeheim E., Safran S. & Yerushalmi E. (2013), 2012 Physics Education Research Conference. 1513, 1, p. 23-26
The challenge of teaching soft matter at the introductory level
Yerushalmi E. (2013), Soft Matter. 9, 22, p. 5316-5318
What do students do when asked to diagnose their mistakes? Does it help them? I. An atypical quiz context
Yerushalmi E., Cohen E., Mason A. & Singh C. (2012), Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research. 8, 2, 020109
A Metacognitive Teaching Strategy for Preservice Teachers: Collaborative Diagnosis of Conceptual Understanding in Science
Eldar O., Eylon B. S. & Ronen M. (2012), Metacognition In Science Education: Trends In Current Research. p. 225-250
What do students do when asked to diagnose their mistakes? Does it help them? II. A more typical quiz context
Yerushalmi E., Cohen E., Mason A. & Singh C. (2012), Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research. 8, 2, 020110
The Group Administered Interactive Questionnaire: An Alternative to Individual Interviews
Yerushalmi E., Henderson C., Mamudi W., Singh C. & Lin S. (2012), 2011 Physics Education Research Conference. 1413, p. 97-100
Erratum: "Introductory physics going soft" [Am. J. Phys. 80, 51-60 (2012)]
Langbeheim E., Livne S., Safran S. A. & Yerushalmi E. (2012), American Journal of Physics. 80, 4, p. 348
Utilizing public scientific web lectures to teach contemporary physics at the high school level: A case study of learning
Kapon S., Ganiel U. & Eylon B. S. (2011), Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research. 7, 2, 020108
Introductory physics going soft
Langbeheim E., Livne S., Yerushalmi E. & Safran S. (2011), American Journal of Physics. 80, 1, p. 51-60
Instructors' reasons for choosing problem features in a calculus-based introductory physics course
Yerushalmi E., Cohen E., Heller K., Heller P. & Henderson C. (2010), Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research. 6, 2, 020108
Explaining the unexplainable: Translated scientific explanations (TSE) in public physics lectures
Kapon S., Ganiel U. & Eylon B. S. (2010), International Journal of Science Education. 32, 2, p. 245-264
Junior high school physics: Using a qualitative strategy for successful problem solving
Mualem R. & Eylon B. S. (2010), Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 47, 9, p. 1094-1115
Four Enhanced Science Learning Dimensions: The Physics & Industry Programme
Langley D., Arieli R. & Eylon B. S. (2010), Teaching and Learning Physics today: Challenges? Benefits?. p. 657-668
Self-Diagnosis, Scaffolding and Transfer in a More Conventional Introductory Physics Problem
Yerushalmi E., Mason A., Cohen E. & Singh C. (2009), 2009 Physics Education Research Conference. 1179, p. 23-26
Teaching physics in junior high school: Crossing the borders of fear
Mualem R. & Eylon B. S. (2009), European Journal of Teacher Education. 32, 2, p. 135-150
An evidence-based continuous professional development programme on knowledge integration in physics: A study of teachers' collective discourse
Eylon B. S., Berger H. & Bagno E. (2008), International Journal of Science Education. 30, 5, p. 619-641
Effect of Self Diagnosis on Subsequent Problem Solving Performance
Yerushalmi E., Mason A., Cohen E. & Singh C. (2008), 2008 Physics Education Research Conference. 1064, p. 53-56
Professional development of physics teachers in an evidence-based blended learning program
Berger H., Eylon B. S. & Bagno E. (2008), Journal of Science Education and Technology. 17, 4, p. 399-409
Physics faculty beliefs and values about the teaching and learning of problem solving. I. Mapping the common core
Yerushalmi E., Henderson C., Heller K., Heller P. & Kuo V. (2007), Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research. 3, 2, 020109
Physics faculty beliefs and values about the teaching and learning of problem solving. II. Procedures for measurement and analysis
Henderson C., Yerushalmi E., Kuo V. H., Heller K. & Heller P. (2007), Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research. 3, 2, 020110
Research-design model for professional development of teachers: Designing lessons with physics education research
Eylon B. S. & Bagno E. (2006), Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research. 2, 2, 020106
Teachers' investigation of students' self-perceptions regarding physics learning and problem-solving
Yerushalmi E., Eylon B. S. & Seggev R. (2005), AIP conference proceedings. 790, p. 181-184
Grading student problem solutions: The challenge of sending a consistent message
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Instructors Ideas about Problem Solving Setting Goals
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From fragmented knowledge to a knowledge structure: Linking the domains of mechanics and electromagnetism
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Light Propagation and Visual Patterns: Preinstruction Learners' Conceptions
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From problem solving to a knowledge structure: An example from the domain of electromagnetism
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Designing and using an open graphic interface for instruction in geometrical optics
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Macromicro relationships: The missing link between electrostatics and electrodynamics in students reasoning
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From assumption of knowledge to knowledgeable considerations: A class activity on ionizing radiation and its biological effects
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Learning and Instruction: An Examination of Four Research Perspectives in Science Education
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Forgetting versus savings: The many facets of longterm retention
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Learning difficulties in high school physics: Development of a remedial teaching method and assessment of its impact on achievement
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Can teachers speak for their students? a comparison between teachers and students evaluation of a school science course
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