Enhancing Mathematization in Physics Education by Digital Tools
Ivanjek L., Perl-Nussbaum D., Solvang L., Yerushalmi E. & Pospiech G. (2024), Physics Education Today. p. 35-53
The value of using different types of physics problems to help students become proficient problem-solvers
Good M., Marshman E., Yerushalmi E. & Singh C. (2024), Physics Education. 59, 1, 015018
Interdisciplinary dialogic argumentation among out-of-field and in-field physics teachers
Perl-Nussbaum D., Schwarz B. B. & Yerushalmi E. (2023), Science Education
High school students\u2019 perceptions on the relevance of inquiry-oriented instructional labs as introduction to an extended research project
Perl-Nussbaum D. & Yerushalmi E. (2022), Physical review. Physics education research. 18, 1, 010137
Instructors’ Ideas about Problem Solving – Setting Goals
Henderson C., Heller K., Heller P., Kuo V. H. & Yerushalmi E. (2021)
מנגנוני שיתוף בין מורים בסביבת PeTeL: (מאמר קצר)
Eylon B. S. & Bar-Yosef A. (2021)
Long-term research and development in science education: what have we learned?
Hofstein A., Arcavi A., Eylon B. & Yarden A. (2021)
Integrating Experimental Research Practices: Teachers' Professional Development in Significantly Different Educational Settings
Levy S., Langley D. & Yerushalmi E. (2021), Long-term Research and Development in Science Education: What Have We Learned?.
Highlighting considerations in experimental design: the case of multimeters
Levy S., Noga A., Kapach Z. & Yerushalmi E. (2021), Physics Education. 57, 1, 15018
Shifting the learning gears: Redesigning a project-based course on soft matter through the perspective of constructionism
Langbeheim E., Abrashkin A., Steiner A., Edri H., Safran S. & Yerushalmi E. (2020), Physical Review Physics Education Research. 16, 2, 020147
Fostering Change in Science Education: The Israeli Experience
Ganiel U. (2020)
Teacher-sourcing semantic information in a Physics blended-learning environment
Yacobson E., Bar-Yosef A., Hen E. & Alexandron G. (2020)
Re-defining lab norms via professional learning communities of physics teachers
Levy S., Kapach Z., Magen E. & Yerushalmi E. (2020)
Strong preference among graduate student teaching assistants for problems that are broken into parts for their students overshadows development of self-reliance in problem-solving
Good M., Marshman E., Singh C. & Yerushalmi E. (2020)
Physics postgraduate teaching assistants' grading approaches: conflicting goals and practices
Marshman E., Maries A., Sayer R. T., Henderson C., Yerushalmi E. & Singh C. (2020), European Journal of Physics. 41, 5, 055701
Science Teachers' Attitudes towards Computational Modeling in the Context of an Inquiry-Based Learning Module
Langbeheim E., Perl D. & Yerushalmi E. (2020), Journal of Science Education and Technology, 6, p. 785-796
Motivators, contributors, and inhibitors to physics teacher-leaders\u2019 professional development in a program of professional learning communities
Levy S., Bagno E., Berger H. & Eylon B. S. (2020), STEM Teachers and Teaching in the Digital Era:Professional Expectations and Advancement in the 21st Century Schools. p. 159-184
Graduate teaching assistants' views of broken-into-parts physics problems: Preference for guidance overshadows development of self-reliance in problem solving
Good M., Marshman E., Yerushalmi E. & Singh C. (2020), Physical Review Physics Education Research. 16, 1, 010128
Using Self-video-based Discourse in Training Physics Teachers
Lehavi Y., Merzel A., Segal R., Baram A. & Eylon B. (2019), Concepts, Strategies and Models to Enhance Physics Teaching and Learning. p. 159-169
Starting with Physics: A Problem-Solving Activity for High-School Students Connecting Physics and Mathematics
Bagno E., Berger H., Magen E., Polingher C., Lehavi Y. & Eylon B. (2019), Mathematics in Physics Education. p. 317-331
Extending the Boundaries of High-School Physics: Introducing Computational Modeling of Complex Systems
Langbeheim E., Edri H., Schulmann N., Safran S. A. & Yerushalmi E. (2019), Physics Teaching and Learning: Challenging the Paradigm. p. 111-134
Views and Strategies of Teachers Concerning the Role of Mathematics and Physics in Physics Lessons
Pospiech G., Lehavi Y., Bagno E. & Eylon B. (2019), Concepts, Strategies and Models to Enhance Physics Teaching and Learning. p. 181-192
Physics Teacher-Leaders' Learning in a National Program of Regional Professional Learning Communities
Levy S., Bagno E., Berger H. & Eylon B. S. (2019), Proceedings of the Physics Education Research Conference (PERC). p. 235-238
Role of Teachers as Facilitators of the Interplay Physics and Mathematics
Pospiech G., Eylon B., Bagno E. & Lehavi Y. (2019), Mathematics in Physics Education. p. 269-291
Taking the Phys-Math Interplay from Research into Practice
Lehavi Y., Mualem R., Bagno E., Eylon B. & Pospiech G. (2019), Mathematics in Physics Education. p. 335-353
Mathematics in Physics Education
Pospiech G., Michelini M. & Eylon B. S. (2019)
Physics teaching assistants' views of different types of introductory problems: Challenge of perceiving the instructional benefits of context-rich and multiple-choice problems
Good M., Marshman E., Yerushalmi E. & Singh C. (2018), Physical Review Physics Education Research. 14, 2, 020120
Educating the Eye: The Agam Program for Visual Thinking
Hershkowitz R., Markovits Z., Rosenfeld S., Ilani L. & Eylon B. S. (2018), K-12 mathematics education in Israel: issues and innovations. p. 97-106
Design-Centric Research-Practice Partnerships: Three Key Lenses for Building Productive Bridges Between Theory and Practice
Kali Y., Eylon B., McKenney S. & Kidron A. (2018), Learning, Design, and Technology: An International Compendium of Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. p. 1-30
Graduate teaching assistants’ perceptions of a context-rich introductory physics problem
Good M., Marshman E., Yerushalmi E. & Singh C. (2018)
Using self-video-based conversation in training mathematics teacher instructors. Accepted to Research Report
Segal R., Lehavi Y., Merzel A., Baram A. & Eylon B. S. (2018), Proceedings of the 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Vol. 4. p. 139-146
Elevating physics teachers’ instruction using video-based didactics - A model of growth in professional awareness
Merzel A., Lehavi Y., Segal R., Baram A. & Eylon B. S. (2018)
The challenges of changing teaching assistants' grading practices: Requiring students to show evidence of understanding
Marshman E., Sayer R., Henderson C., Yerushalmi E. & Singh C. (2018), Canadian Journal of Physics. 96, 4, p. 420-437
Classroom Evidence of Teachers' PCK of the Interplay of Physics and Mathematics
Lehavi Y., Bagno E., Eylon B. S., Mualem R., Pospiech G., Boehm U., Krey O. & Karam R. (2017), Key Competences in Physics Teaching and Learning:Selected Contributions from the International Conference GIREP EPEC 2015, Wrocław Poland, 6\u201310 July 2015. p. 95-104
Using self-video-based conversations in training physics teachers
Lehavi Y., Merzel A., Segal R., Baram A. & Eylon B. S. (2017)
Integrating Science Education Research and History and Philosophy of Science in Developing an Energy Curriculum
Lehavi Y. & Eylon B. (2017), History, Philosophy and Science Teaching: New Perspectives. p. 235-260
Learning from mistakes: The effect of students' written self-diagnoses on subsequent problem solving
Mason A., Yerushalmi E., Cohen E. & Singh C. (2016), Physics Teacher. 54, 2, p. 87-90
Engagement in theoretical modelling in research apprenticeships for capable high school students
Langbeheim E., Safran S. A. & Yerushalmi E. (2016), International Perspectives on Science Education for the Gifted:Key issues and challenges. p. 43-56
Physics graduate teaching assistants' beliefs about a grading rubric: Lessons learned
Yerushalmi E., Sayer R., Marshman E., Henderson C. & Singh C. (2016)
Computer modeling as a scientific means of training prospective physics teachers
Graduate teaching assistants use different criteria when grading introductory physics vs. quantum mechanics problems
Henderson C., Marshman E., Sayer R., Singh C. & Yerushalmi E. (2016)
Problem Solving in Science Learning
Yerushalmi E. & Eylon B. (2015), Encyclopedia of Science Education. p. 786-790
Curriculum Development
Eylon B. & Hofstein A. (2015), Encyclopedia of Science Education. p. 259-264
An online community of physics teachers as a professional development framework
Hans M., Bagno E., Berger JOSEPHS H., Eylon B. S., Levy S., Magen E., Shvarzbord J. H., Veisman I. & Walter M. (2015), INTED2015 Proceedings. p. 5068-5077
The Effect Of Computer Science On Physics Learning In A Computational Science Environment
Taub R., Armoni M., Bagno E. & Ben-Ari M. M. (2015), Computers & Education. 87, p. 10-23
Towards a PCK of Physics and Mathematics interplay
Lehavi Y., Bagno E., Eylon B. S., Mualem R., Pospiech G., Bohm U., Krey O. & Karam R. (2015)
Grading Practices and Considerations of Graduate Students at the Beginning of their Teaching Assignment
Yerushalmi E., Marshman E., Maries A., Henderson C. R. & Singh C. (2015)
Instructional Goals and Grading Practices of Graduate Students after One Semester of Teaching Experience
Henderson C., Marshman E., Maries A., Yerushalmi E. & Singh C. (2015)
Problem solving vs. troubleshooting tasks: the case of sixth-grade students studying simple electric circuits
Safadi R. & Yerushalmi E. (2014), International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 12, 6, p. 1341-1366
Getting started in Physics Projects: Students' initial views
Langley D., Eylon B. S. & Arieli R. (2014), Teaching/Learning Physics: Integrating Research into Practice. p. 177-178
Focusing on Changes in Teaching about Energy
Lehavi Y., Eylon B. S., Hazan A., Bamberger Y. & Weizman A. (2014), Proceedings of The World Conference on Physics Education 2012. p. 491-498
Discussion of Strand on Energy in Lower Secondary School
Eylon B. S. & Lehavi Y. (2014), Proceedings of The World Conference on Physics Education 2012. p. 523-526
The Impact of Diagnosing Teacher-Made Erroneous Solutions, With the Aid of On-Line Prompts and Feedback, on Students' Diagnostic Skills
Ailabouni S., Safadi R. & Yerushalmi E. (2014)
Visualizing the entropy change of a thermal reservoir
Langbeheim E., Safran S. A. & Yerushalmi E. (2014), Journal of Chemical Education. 91, 3, p. 380-385
The Scaffolded Knowledge Integration Framework for Instruction
Linn M. C., Davis E. A. & Eylon B. S. (2014), Internet environments for science education.
Learning with RAY: A simulation environment for geometrical optics
Eylon B. S. & Ronen M. (2013)
Teaching assistants' beliefs regarding example solutions in introductory physics
Lin S. Y., Henderson C., Mamudi W., Singh C. & Yerushalmi E. (2013), Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research. 9, 1, 010120
Eylon B. S. (2013), Embracing the social and the creative: new scenarios for teacher education. p. V-VIII
Supporting teachers who introduce curricular innovations into their classrooms: A problem-solving perspective
Yerushalmi E. & Eylon B. S. (2013), Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research. 9, 1, 010121
Designing a collaborative platform in order to respond to different use profiles of educators
Bar-Yosef A. & Eylon B. S. (2013)
Evolution in students' understanding of thermal physics with increasing complexity
Langbeheim E., Safran S., Livne S. & Yerushalmi E. (2013), Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research. 9, 2, 020117
Knowledge Integration While Interacting with an Online Troubleshooting Activity
Yerushalmi E., Puterkovsky M. & Bagno E. (2013), Journal of Science Education and Technology. 22, 4, p. 463-474
Design guidelines for adapting scientific research articles: an example from an introductory level, interdisciplinary program on soft matter
Langbeheim E., Safran S. & Yerushalmi E. (2013), 2012 Physics Education Research Conference. 1513, 1, p. 23-26
Explicit instruction of learning skills for science embedded in physics learning materials
Shapiro T., Eylon B. S. & Scherz Z. (2013), EDULEARN13 Proceedings. p. 2253-2258
Teachers' concept image of energy
Lehavi Y. & Eylon B. S. (2013)
The challenge of teaching soft matter at the introductory level
Yerushalmi E. (2013), Soft Matter. 9, 22, p. 5316-5318
אינטגרציה של ידע: פרספקטיבה קונסטרוקטיביסטית ללמידה והוראה, דוגמאות מתחום הפיזיקה
Eylon B. S., Eldar O., Berger H., Bagno E. & Ronen M. (2013), ללמוד, להבין, לדעת : מסע בנתיבי ההוראה הקונסטרוקטיביסטית. p. 194-233
What do students do when asked to diagnose their mistakes? Does it help them? I. An atypical quiz context
Yerushalmi E., Cohen E., Mason A. & Singh C. (2012), Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research. 8, 2
What do students do when asked to diagnose their mistakes? Does it help them? II. A more typical quiz context
Yerushalmi E., Cohen E., Mason A. & Singh C. (2012), Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research. 8, 2, 020110
A Metacognitive Teaching Strategy for Preservice Teachers: Collaborative Diagnosis of Conceptual Understanding in Science
Eldar O., Eylon B. S. & Ronen M. (2012), Metacognition In Science Education: Trends In Current Research. p. 225-250
Self Assembly in Soft Materials
Langbeheim E., Livne S., Safran S. & Yerushalmi E. (2012), על כימיה. 20, p. 22-28
The Group Administered Interactive Questionnaire: An Alternative to Individual Interviews
Yerushalmi E., Henderson C., Mamudi W., Singh C. & Lin S. (2012), 2011 Physics Education Research Conference. 1413, p. 97-100
Erratum: "Introductory physics going soft" [Am. J. Phys. 80, 51-60 (2012)]
Langbeheim E., Livne S., Safran S. A. & Yerushalmi E. (2012), American Journal of Physics. 80, 4, p. 348
TA-designed vs. research-oriented problem solutions
Lin S., Singh C., Mamudi W., Henderson C. R. & Yerushalmi E. (2012), 2011 Physics Education Research Conference. p. 255-258
Utilizing public scientific web lectures to teach contemporary physics at the high school level: A case study of learning
Kapon S., Ganiel U. & Eylon B. S. (2011), Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research. 7, 2, 020108
Introductory physics going soft
Langbeheim E., Livne S., Yerushalmi E. & Safran S. (2011), American Journal of Physics. 80, 1, p. 51-60
Science learning and instruction: Taking advantage of technology to promote knowledge integration
Linn M. C. & Eylon B. (2011)
Instructors' reasons for choosing problem features in a calculus-based introductory physics course
Yerushalmi E., Cohen E., Heller K., Heller P. & Henderson C. (2010), Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research. 6, 2, 020108
Energy as the language of changes
Eylon B. S. & Lehavi Y. (2010)
The interplay of physics and mathematics in a graduate quantum mechanics course for physics teachers
Eylon B. S., Cohen E. & Bagno E. (2010)
Discussion of Strand on Energy in Lower Secondary School
Eylon B. S. & Lehavi Y. (2010)
Junior high school physics: Using a qualitative strategy for successful problem solving
Mualem R. & Eylon B. S. (2010), Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 47, 9, p. 1094-1115
Explaining the unexplainable: Translated scientific explanations (TSE) in public physics lectures
Kapon S., Ganiel U. & Eylon B. S. (2010), International Journal of Science Education. 32, 2, p. 245-264
Can observation-driven surprises in science museums induce a deep conceptual change? – The case of Bernoulli's Principle
Eylon B. S., Lehavi Y. & Yechieli T. K. (2010), Physics Curriculum Design, Development and Validation.
Public Physics Lectures as an Instructional Resource: Tracing Changes in Students’ Knowledge
Kapon S., Ganiel U. & Eylon B. S. (2010)
Four Enhanced Science Learning Dimensions: The Physics & Industry Programme
Langley D., Arieli R. & Eylon B. S. (2010), Teaching and Learning Physics today: Challenges? Benefits?. p. 657-668
Goals and design of public physics lectures: Perspectives of high-school students, physics teachers and lecturers
Kapon S., Ganiel U. & Eylon B. (2009), Physics Education. 44, 5, p. 528-535
Public Scientific Web-Lectures: Tracing and Supporting Learning and Transfer
Kapon S., Ganiel U. & Eylon B. S. (2009)
Teaching physics in junior high school: Crossing the borders of fear
Mualem R. & Eylon B. S. (2009), European Journal of Teacher Education. 32, 2, p. 135-150
Scientific argumentation in public physics lectures: Bringing contemporary physics into high-school teaching
Kapon S., Ganiel U. & Eylon B. (2009), Physics Education. 44, 1, p. 33-38
Self-Diagnosis, Scaffolding and Transfer in a More Conventional Introductory Physics Problem
Yerushalmi E., Mason A., Cohen E. & Singh C. (2009), 2009 Physics Education Research Conference. 1179, p. 23-26
Professional development of physics teachers in an evidence-based blended learning program
Berger H., Eylon B. S. & Bagno E. (2008), Journal of Science Education and Technology. 17, 4, p. 399-409
Effect of Self Diagnosis on Subsequent Problem Solving Performance
Yerushalmi E., Mason A., Cohen E. & Singh C. (2008), 2008 Physics Education Research Conference. 1064, p. 53-56
Meeting the challenge of students' understanding of formulae in high-school physics: A learning tool
Bagno E., Berger H. & Eylon B. (2008), Physics Education. 43, 1, p. 75-82
An evidence-based continuous professional development programme on knowledge integration in physics: A study of teachers' collective discourse
Eylon B. S., Berger H. & Bagno E. (2008), International Journal of Science Education. 30, 5, p. 619-641
Fostering Change in Science Education: Creation, Implementation, Evaluation and Research
Ganiel U. (2007), Jubilee Volume in Honor of Dr. Najib Nabuani: Studies in Philosophy, Culture & Education. p. 45-83
Physics faculty beliefs and values about the teaching and learning of problem solving. I. Mapping the common core
Yerushalmi E., Henderson C., Heller K., Heller P. & Kuo V. (2007), Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research. 3, 2
Photography as a means of narrowing the gap between physics and students
Bagno E., Eylon B. S. & Levy S. (2007), Physics Education. 42, 1, p. 45-49, 004
Physics faculty beliefs and values about the teaching and learning of problem solving. II. Procedures for measurement and analysis
Henderson C., Yerushalmi E., Kuo V. H., Heller K. & Heller P. (2007), Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research. 3, 2, 020110
Explanatory framework for popular physics lectures
Kapon S., Ganiel U. & Eylon B. S. (2007), 2007 Physics Education Research Conference, PERC. p. 124-127
"Physics with a smile"-Explaining phenomena with a qualitative problem-solving strategy
Mualem R. & Eylon B. (2007), The Physics teacher. 45, 3, p. 158-163
Physics learning in the context of scaffolded diagnostic tasks (I): The experimental setup
Yerushalmi E., Singh C. & Eylon B. S. (2007), 2007 Physics Education Research Conference, PERC. p. 27-30
Physics Learning in the Context of Scaffolded Diagnostic Tasks (II): Preliminary Results
Singh C. & Eylon B. S. (2007), 2007 Physics Education Research Conference. p. 31-34
Probing high school physics students' views and concerns about learning activities
Langley D. & Eylon B. (2006), International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 4, 2, p. 215-239
הבניה של שילוב פעילות חקר בהוראת מדעים בחטיבה העליונה: אתגרים וכלים לפתרון
Langley D. & Eylon B. S. (2006), למידה בדרך החקר: אתגר מתמשך. p. 187-231
Research-design model for professional development of teachers: Designing lessons with physics education research
Eylon B. S. & Bagno E. (2006), Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research. 2, 2, 020106
How can a website for physics teachers serve as a tool for professional development?
Bagno E., Levy S. & Eylon B. (2006), Journal of Science Education and Technology. 15, 3-4, p. 215-219
Teachers' investigation of students' self-perceptions regarding physics learning and problem-solving
Yerushalmi E., Eylon B. S. & Seggev R. (2005), AIP conference proceedings. 790, p. 181-184
Worksheets guiding students in self-diagnosing their own mistakes
Yerushalmi E. & Polinger K. (2005), תהודה : עלון למורה הפיסיקה. 25, 1, p. 13-16
To formulate the problem anew: Developing a questionnaire on the subject of learning practices in a workshop for physics teachers
Yerushalmi E., Eylon B. S. & Seggev R. (2004)
The solar constant
Ganiel U. (2004), Physics Teacher. 42, 4, p. 196
Assessing reflection on practice: A problem solving perspective
Yerushalmi E. & Eylon B. S. (2004), 2003 Physics Education Research Conference. p. 153-156
Same lady, new dress?
Yerushalmi E. & Magen E. (2004), תהודה : עלון למורה הפיסיקה. 24, 1, p. 15-21
Grading student problem solutions: The challenge of sending a consistent message
Henderson C., Yerushalmi E., Kuo V., Heller P. & Heller K. (2004), American Journal of Physics. 72, 2, p. 164-169
How to guide students to learn from their mistakes? A collaborative study of teachers and researchers
Yerushalmi E., Eylon B. S. & Polingher C. (2004)
Teaching Students Problem Solving in Introductory Physics: Forming an Initial Hypothesis of Instructors' Beliefs
Kuo V. H., Heller K., Heller P., Henderson C. & Yerushalmi E. (2002)
Measurement and management of cooperative reflection on practice
Yerushalmi E. & Eylon B. S. (2002)
Teaching out of field
Carey G., Harrison A., Grayson D. & Ganiel U. (2001), Dilemmas of Science Teaching. p. 217-230
Instructors’ Beliefs and Values about Learning Problem Solving
Heller P., Heller K., Henderson C., Kuo V. H. & Yerushalmi E. (2001)
Instructors' Ideas about Problem Solving - Grading
Kuo V. H., Heller K., Heller P., Yerushalmi E. & Henderson C. (2001)
Towards professional development of physics teachers: From national to regional leadership
Bagno E. & Eylon B. S. (2001), Physics teacher education beyond 2000: International Conference. p. 113-118
Collaboration between teachers and researchers: Recognizing the opportunity for teacher development
Langley D. & Eylon B. S. (2001), Physics teacher education beyond 2000: International Conference. p. 119-123
Teachers’ approaches to promoting self-monitoring in physics problem solving by their students
Yerushalmi E. & Eylon B. S. (2001), Physics teacher education beyond 2000: International Conference. p. 129-132
Why solve problems? – Interviewing college faculty about the learning and teaching of problem solving
Yerushalmi E., Heller K., Heller P., Henderson C. & Kuo V. H. (2001)
Emergent learning in interactions between researcher and expert-teacher
Eylon B. S. & Langley D. (2001)
From fragmented knowledge to a knowledge structure: Linking the domains of mechanics and electromagnetism
Bagno E., Eylon B. S. & Ganiel U. (2000), American Journal of Physics. 68, 7 SUPPL. 1, p. S16-S26
Macroscopic phenomena and microscopic processes: Student understanding of transients in direct current electric circuits
Thacker B. A., Ganiel U. & Boys D. (1999), American Journal of Physics. 67, 7, p. S25-S31
Linking Electrostatics to Electrodynamics, Macro to Micro: Student Understanding of Electric Circuits
Ganiel U. (1999)
Science Education Reform: Some Lessons and Perspectives- The Israeli Experience
Ganiel U. (1998)
Light Propagation and Visual Patterns: Preinstruction Learners' Conceptions
Langley D., Ronen M. & Eylon B. S. (1997), Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 34, 4, p. 399-424
Professional development of physics teachers through long-term in-service programs: The Israeli experience
Eylon B. S. & Bagno E. (1997), Proceedings Of International Conference On Undergraduate Physics Education, 399, p. 299-326
From problem solving to a knowledge structure: An example from the domain of electromagnetism
Bagno E. & Eylon B. S. (1997), American Journal of Physics. 65, 8, p. 726-736
Computer simulations as tools for teaching and learning: Using a simulation environment in optics
Eylon B., Ronen M. & Ganiel U. (1996), Journal of Science Education and Technology. 5, 2, p. 93-110
Lifelong Science Learning: A Longitudinal Case Study
Eylon B. S. & Linn M. C. (1996)
An integrative approach to the treatment of learning difficulties in electricity and magnetism
Bagno E. & Eylon B. S. (1995), Science education: From theory to practice. p. 165-172
"מעוף" בפיסיקה: יחידות לימוד לפיתוח מבט-על
Bagno E., Eylon B. S. & Ganiel U. (1995), תהודה : עלון למורה הפיסיקה. 17, 2, p. 47-57
Fostering Change in Science Education: Creation, Implementation, Evaluation and ResearchThe Israeli Experience
Ganiel U. (1995), Science Education: From Theory to Practice. p. 31-39
Science Education: From Theory to Practice
Eylon B. S., Giddings G. & Hofstein A. (1995)
Learning and instruction of science
Linn M. C. & Eylon B. S. (1994), The International Encyclopedia of Education. p. 5338-5342
Physical sciences: Secondary school programs
Eylon B. S. (1994), The international Encyclopedia of Education. p. 4474-4479
Integrating domains of physics: Learning strategies and the role of teachers
Bagno E., Eylon B. S. & Ganiel U. (1993)
Designing and using an open graphic interface for instruction in geometrical optics
Ronen M., Eylon B. S., RIVLIN O. & Ganiel U. (1993), Computers & Education. 20, 4, p. 299-309
To see or not to see: The eye in geometrical optics - When and how?
Ronen M. & Eylon B. (1993), Physics Education. 28, 1, p. 52-59, 010
Responding to students’ learning difficulties in geometrical optics by teaching and learning with a simulation environment
Eylon B. S. & Ronen M. (1993)
Elastic and inelastic collisions: A model
Ganiel U. (1992), The Physics teacher. 30, 1, p. 18-19
Integrating Computer Simulations into High School Physics Teaching
Ronen M., Langley D. & Ganiel U. (1992), The Journal of computers in mathematics and science teaching.. 11, 3-4, p. 319-329
Solar Energy Experiments
Kedem O. & Ganiel U. (1990)
Macro\u2010micro relationships: The missing link between electrostatics and electrodynamics in students\u2019 reasoning
Eylon B. S. & Ganiel U. (1990), International Journal of Science Education. 12, 1, p. 79-94
Physics in action - Visiting a hospital
Ronen M. & Ganiel U. (1989), Physics Education. 24, 1, p. 18-21, 307
Physics in Medical Diagnosis: Implementation and evaluation of an applied science unit for high school
Ronen M. & Ganiel U. (1989), Research in Science & Technological Education. 7, 1, p. 93-108
Medical Diagnosis, Ionizing Radiation and Physics Education
Ganiel U. (1989)
Misconceptions as barriers to learning science: A workshop report
Eylon B. S. & Kempa R. (1988)
Towards a typology of learning difficulties
Eylon B. S. (1988)
Electrostatics and electrodynamics ‐ A case of micro Versus Macro
Ganiel U. (1988), AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 173. p. 225-234
High School Optics with Microcomputers
Singer D. S. & Ganiel U. (1988), Computers in Education: 1st: European Conference Proceedings. p. 55-60
From assumption of knowledge to knowledgeable considerations: A class activity on \u2018ionizing radiation and its biological effects\u2019
Ronen M. & Ganiel U. (1988), International Journal of Science Education. 10, 5, p. 523-529
Learning and Instruction: An Examination of Four Research Perspectives in Science Education
Eylon B. S. & Linn M. (1988), Review of Educational Research. 58, 3, p. 251-301
Electrostatics and Electrodynamics: The Missing Link in Students' Conceptions
Ganiel U. & Eylon B. S. (1987)
Astrophysics in high school: What and how?
Geller Z. & Ganiel U. (1986), Cosmos - an Educational Challenge. p. 251-253
Forgetting versus savings: The many facets of long\u2010term retention
Arzi H. J., Ben-Zvi R. & Ganiel U. (1986), Science Education. 70, 2, p. 171-188
Revision of course materials on the basis of research on conceptual difficulties
Ben-Zvi R., Eylon B. & Silberstein J. (1986), Studies in Educational Evaluation. 12, 2, p. 213-223
Learning difficulties in high school physics: Development of a remedial teaching method and assessment of its impact on achievement
Idar J. & Ganiel U. (1985), Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 22, 2, p. 127-140
Fostering curriculum development in physical science and mathematics
Eylon B. S. & Ben-Zvi R. (1985), Proceedings of the Symposium on Curriculum Development in Physical Science and Mathematics. p. 111-113
Problem-solving in high school: A necessary addition to the physics curriculum
Eylon B. S., Singer I. & Ganiel U. (1985), proceedings of a conference on physics education. p. 312-318
Long Term Investments in Science Teaching: A Longitudinal Evaluation Study of Physical Science Learning from Junior to Senior High School
Arzi H., Ben-Zvi R. & Ganiel U. (1984), הוראת המדעים בישראל: מקורותיה, התפתחותה והישגיה. p. 272-290
Answer to letter by M. Iona
Cohen R., Eylon B. & Ganiel U. (1984), American Journal of Physics. 52, 5, p. 392
Can teachers speak for their students? a comparison between teachers\u2019 and students\u2019 evaluation of a school science course
ARZI H., BENZVI R. & Ganiel U. (1984), European Journal of Science Education. 6, 4, p. 379-386
Physics in medical diagnosis - An optional unit for high schools
Ronen M. & Ganiel U. (1984), Physics Education. 19, 6, p. 288-291, 309
Potential difference and current in simple electric circuits: A study of students’ concepts
Cohen R., Eylon B. & Ganiel U. (1983), American Journal of Physics. 51, 5, p. 407-412
Letter to the Editor: Regarding "Minimal apparatus for the speed-of-light measurement"
Ganiel U. (1983), American Journal of Physics. 51, 7, p. 585-585
Teacher Training Towards Implementation of New Courses: Inferences from Comparisons Between Teachers' and Students' Judgments
Arzi H., Ben-Zvi R. & Ganiel U. (1983), Preservice and In service Training of Science Teachers. p. 581-589
Solar energy‐ how much do we receive?
Ganiel U. & Kedem O. (1983), The Physics teacher. 21, 9, p. 573-575
Objective and continuous assessment of student performance in the physics laboratory
Ganiel U. & Hofstein A. (1982), Science Education. 66, 4, p. 581-591
סקר על הוראת הפיסיקה בישראל
Eylon B. S. & Singer D. (1982), תהודה : עלון למורה הפיסיקה. 9, 2, p. 25-28
Cohen R., Ganiel U. & Singer D. (1981), The School science review.. 63, 222, p. 184-
Science and Mathematics Education in South Africa
Ganiel U. (1981), South African journal of chemistry., p. 107-108
Teaching Nuclear Physics in School in Different Countries
Ganiel U. (1981), Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Power - Teaching Physics in School. p. 234-237
Physics Teaching - Oscillations and Waves, Current Problems
Ganiel U. (1980)
A report on an achievement test in the program Electricity and Energy: The Rehovot version
Eylon B. S. & Singer D. (1976), גליונות: עלון למורי הפיסיקה. 4, 3, p. 3-16
The pendulum experiment
Eylon B. S. & Singer D. (1975), גליונות: עלון מורי הפיסיקה. 4, 2, p. 24-25