The outdoor learning environment as a legitimate component of education. The outdoor setting is an important,...
Leading team: Prof. Nir Orion
The contribution of Earth Sciences in the development of cognitive skills. This research focuses on the unique contribution...
Distance learning of the Earth Science high school program by students from different schools all over Israel. The...
Understanding the fragile and temporary place of human society as an opportunity for behavioral-environmental change. The...
The ethical perspectives and dilemmas associated with geoscience research and practice in relation to humanity interaction with...
Leading team: Dr. Dotan Shaked Gelband Prof. Nir Orion
Guiding and mentoring teachers in the adaptation of the “Thinking Science – Understanding the Environment” curriculum. Since...
Stimulation of the learning instinct through the Earth system approach. Among the primary aims of the Earth Sciences...
The research and curriculum development of the Earth Science Education group has an international impact on learning and teaching...